Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 8 Sep 1921, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1921 Page Fire GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY East Bound Mail-Express, Daily .. ..10.03 A.M. Passengei. Except Sunday 4.33 P.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 8.35 P.M. Mail, Daily...........11.22 P.M. West Bound Mail, Daily............3.03 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 8.47 A.M. Passenger, Except Sunday 12.27 P.M. Mail-Express, Daily .. .. 6.54 P.M. BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per 1: for each additional insertion Business cards not exceeding inch $7 per annum. Yearly tracts at uniform rates. DENTAL W. G. ROBERTSON, D.D.S., L.D.S. Dentist. Office: opposite the Fire Hall. Colborne. MEDICAL C. McGLENNON, B.A., M.D., CM-. Office opposite the Fire Hall. Colborne. Telephone No. 123r2. Residence, King Street East--Phone No. 123-r3. J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. LEGAL TN D. HALO, Barrister, Solici-Notary Public, King St . posite the Fire HpM.i, Colbo FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone No. 86, Cobourg, Ont, TOP EUGGY, CUTTER, SINGLE " liness, Grain Bags, lor sale. En-ire at Express Printing Office. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Office first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. TRICK, McARTHUR & Co.--Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Special Examiners in K.B. Spesial attention to professional agency work. 416 Mclntyre Block Winnipeg, Man. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. Offices, King St., Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days "auctioneer \. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepared to conduct auction sales. Farm Stock and Implement sales a specialty. Address: Colborne, Ont. Phone 64 J. 3. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. Farm stock '-and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: R.M.D. 5, Colborne. Phone 78r23 Colborne. L NORMAN MONTGOMERY, Auctioneer. Pure bred stock a specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale. Box 180, Brighton. Phone No. 101. INSURANCE A. E. JON'KS, Castleton, Ont. G. E. R. WILSON,^ general Insurance and Real Estate Agent. Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ont. STOCK FOR SERVICE RKcTiSTKRKD YORKSHIRE BOAR .ind HEREFORD BULL. Fee $1.50. Lot 9, Con. B., Haldimand. T. McKim. 33. REGISTERED YORKSHIRE BOAR, Caughnawaga Jamie, 69391, for service on the premises. Fee §2 THE PERCH ERON STALLION 'BIRCANAN' Will be at GEO. PURDY'S every Wednesday for noon, during the season of 1921. 23-3 DAVID ARKLES, Owner NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant the Trustees and Executors Act. S.O., 1914, chap. 121, section 56, d Amending Acts, that all persons Vil g claims against the Estate of lry McKey, late of the Villas" of ilborne, in the County of North-lbcNand, married woman, docoas-, who died on or about the ninth y of July, A.D. 1921, are required send or deliver to Robert Snetsin-r. Esquire, .Colborne, executor of 3 Last Will and Testament of the id Mary McKey or to his undersig-d solicitor, on or before the jhth day of September, A.D. 1921, DATES OF FALL FAIRS Belleville..........Sept. 5, 6, Stirling...............Sept. 2L'-: Brighton.............Sept. 10-: Warkworth..............Oct G Frankford .'. ...........Sept. 15-J Campbellford..........Sept. 20-! Napanee............Sept. 13-1 Marmora............Sept. 26-1 Addington............Sept. 1G-] Castleton..............Sept.22-S Eancroft............Sept. 29-{ Madoc................Oct. i Wooler"................Sept. Norwood............Oct. 11-1 Picton..............Sept. 20-2 Tweed..............Sept. 28-5 Odcsa..................Oct. Bobbin's Mills......Sept. 30, Oct. Colborne............Sept, 27-2 Coe Hill............Sept. '27-5 Shannonville............Sept. 3 Don't be foolish. Make your dc lars go far by reading the advertis meiits. Wiser ps.iqle than you ai doing it. CORN CUTTING--Orders for cutting of corn left at my residence o: given by phone--call No. 64,1--wil be promptly attended to. Alex Ednie, Colborne. FOR sale FORD TON TRUCK FOR SALE-- Good as new. C. SOUTHON & SONS, Lakeport. WOODEN CISTERN FOR SALE-- 4H-ft x 6ft. W. W. Goheen, Colborne. Phone 67. 34-2x FOR SALE--Piano, Walnut Die with large mirror, and a Wa Washstand. Enquire ai. E-.p Printing Office. 36x~ SILO NOR SALE. 12x24--new been uncrated. Reason for too large for the place. Garrison, East Colborne :: i-2\- PRESERVING PEARS FOR SALE SWEET PRESERVING PEARS for sale. Also Preserving Citron in season. Apply to A. F. TODD, ^Colborne. - 34-Sx WOOD FOR SALE--Quantity of dry l.ine stove wood at $2.25 per cord delivered. Percy Inglis, Colborne, R.R. 2. Phone Castleton Central 21 r 22. 29-tf. FOR SALE--1 Clyde Horse 5 years old. 2 Clyde horses 4 years old. 1 Gasoline" Engine, 2% H.P. with pump in good condition. Apply Mrs. R. Z. Rogers, Grafton. IC-UHE FOR SALE -- On the Wc.-I tide of Victoria SVr e:. Colbime lai'vv occupied by th»>' Misses Haig. AM ly to G. E. R. W'.soi:. Insr.r «••':< <■■ and Real Esta-.e A.vnl. i ol FOR SALE--7 Room Dwelling House Percy Street, Colborne. equipped l!i furnace, electric fixtures, cis-ni, etc., owned and occupied by ps. G. M. Peebles. Apn y at tpress Printing Office. :«tf OR SALE--One Mare, general pur pose; One Grade Yorkshire Sov for farrow in two weeks; One Col ony Poultry House; Four White Leghorn Cocks and 40 Yearlin;. Hens. Gordon MacGregor. FOR SALE--The home property of "ts. E. J. Sabins of Morganston, nsisting of 35 acres; also 10 res on gravel road near Crealock i'm. For all particulars apply John Wolfraim, Castleton. 33-2 All HOUSE FOR SALE--On the Easl ide of Elgin Street, formerlv i p:ed by Mr. James Stanton i odern conveniences, iiiciudins .atb room. Large garden. Som< :ood fruit. Apply to G. E. R A'dson, Insurance and Real Estat. \.gent, Colborne. EALED Tenders addressed to the tidor.-ipned, and endorsed "Tender >r reconstruction of South Break-ater at Cobourg, Ont.", will be revived bt this office until 12 o'clock con, Tuesday. September 13, 1921, >r the reconstruction of the South Breakwater at Cobourg, Northumber-d County, Ont. 'lans and forms of contract can be n and specification and forms of der obtained at this Department, the office of the District Engineer, Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Cohourg, Ont. nders will not be considered unmade on printed forms supplied by the Department and In accordance Ith conditions contained therein. Each tender must be accompanied ' an accepted cheque on a chartered i::. payable to the order of the inisler of Public Works, equal to P'.c. of the amount of the tender ar Loan Bonds of the Dominion i.rity, ired NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Havs Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Carefully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -- A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. WEDNESDAY. Irish snipers keep up war in Belfast city. The Niagara peach season already almost over. Tyrone and Fermanagh appeal to Dail against Ulster. British steel industry ask for lower United States duty. Russian migration to Poland reaches 10,000 a day. City of Toronto assumed control of street railway at midnight. Miss America I. scored a hollow victory in the Gold Cup final. The attendance at the Toronto Exhibition on Tuesday was 230,000. Ontario Municipal Association opens annual convention In Toronto. Air patrols are doing much to prevent drug smuggling on the Pacific >- President Harding issues proclamation ordering Mingo miners to dis- The Attorney-General challenges Shevlin-Clarke to submit grants to courts. Australia's cricket team met their first defeat of the English tour on Tuesday. Emanuel B. Devlin, M.P. for Wright, Que., since 1905, dies at Montreal. British bowlers were beaten in test match in Toronto on Tuesday by i38 to 109. Middlesex retained the English county cricket championship by beating Surrey, Rural credits scheme of Provincial Government to provide finances for jnicipalities. Giants and Pirates both won in the National Baseball League. Kilties m in American. John J. Knight, teamster, suffocated by shavings in a chute at a Hamilton factory. Irish Presbyterian delegates left Belfast Tuesday for a visit to a number of eastern Canadian cities. Canadian catvtle raisers will be carried over the period of abnormally low prices by advances from the banks, secured by their stocks. THURSDAY. German Cabinet attends Erzberg- 's funeral. Gait adopts two platoon system for fire brigade. Republican demonstration in Ber-l is bloodless. Miners' bands in Virginia threaten to blow up trains. Rioting in Belfast continues, with nine deaths since Monday. Russian villages in Samara pro-ice in grip of starvation. Building trades official reportsbig drop in cost of construction. N»*£ The annual Canada v. U. S. golf itch has been declared off. Unemployed men will take part in Labor Day parade at Toronto. Roy Grattan won the 2.04 pace at Readville, Mass., in straight heats. Forest fires are doing great dam-;e west of Crow's Nest Pass, B.C. The Armour Heights airdrome with one 'plane was destroyed by fire. Farmer nominee in West York to thdraw from contest in by-election. Wm. Feeney,' Sarnia, dies suddenly while waiting in a doctor's office. New large oil limit being staked t by prospectors near Great Slave Lake. Guelph baseball team beat Toronto Osiers in an exhibition game, 10 to 7. 3 years. New York gain on the Cleveland laseball team. Only two points sep-,rate the teams. The Michigan-Ontario League race remains tied. London and Hamilton both lose. British bowlers lost their farewell game in Canada on Wednesday in Toronto, 121 to 111. Labor and Farmer pact to be Dom-ion wide, reports Secretary Simp-n, of Ontario Labor party. ERIDAY. The reply of de Valera reaches Lloyd George. Reds discover plot to upset Soviet rule. Fein consent to negotiate the Irish question. The Provincial Police Force will be reorganized. Heavy rains check forest fires in ow's Nest: Pass. John Fry, aged 10, was drowned creek at Dundas. Amputations associations will hold convention next week. Miners in West Virgina fight local troops on a 20-mile front. New York beat Washington twice and leads the American League. gh Councillors are arrested for refusal to raise tax rate. Board of "Education protests against 51-inch rule on street Japar up. By-election in West Yorrwill be called off, in view of general elec- Toronto baseball team won the first game of the Baltimore series by 3 to 2. Town planning experts and en-Toronto vill play likely two million barrels, the greatest in its history. Harry Aldoit, Kitchener, was killed by a train moving, under which he attempted to crawl. Jennings, Toronto, and Woodward, Houston, Tex., lead trapshooters at the Toronto Exhibition. Band contest honors of the National Exhibition go to the 13th Regiment of Hamilton. Joseph Legris, Lotbiniere, accidentally killed by his mother on a hunting trip in Abitibi, Que. Aid. Bridge, at London, says he will open a plant to bake bread to sell at 10c per 24-oz. loaf. Controller O'Heir's huckster on Hamilton market* sells several hundred baskets potatoes at 60c as against 75c and 90c. SATURDAY. Big movie merger in United States. Baltimore beat Toronto 8 to 5 in the twelfth inning. British victims of ZR-2 are given military funeral. British Cabinet will meet in Scotland on Wednesday. Shipments of food to starving Russia has begun in earnest. Ontario field crops make a fine exhibit at the Toronto Fair. No. 1 northern wheat dropped 9%c per bushel in price. . Fighting is still in progress in West Virgina mining area. Japan lost both singles matches to U. S. in the Davis Cup final. Veterans interview Premier Meighen as to unemployment. Remarkable progress shown by soldier farmer near Regina. The Laurentide Company, Ltd., showed earnings of $4,500,000 last year. The United Farmers issue manifesto on the bilingual school contro- Kilties and Indians won in the American. Giants idled, while Pittsburg lost. The Canadian trap-shooting team beat the U. S. team at the Toronto Exhibition. Student working during vacation is crushed to death under elevator Toronto. Charles Sargent, prominent farmer in Haldimand township, fatally kicked by horse. Hon. T. A. Crerar, Farmer chieftain, will stump ,Ontario during a Dominion tour. Laurent Roy, St. Anseime, Belle-chasse, Que., fatally burned trying to ve cattle from barn. Special business course for engineering graduates to be established ',t Queen's University. Territorial dispute between Albania and Jugo-Slavia is to be settled by Nations' League. Reeve, London, Ont., ten years of age, is to enter Western University fully qualified. MONDAY. Rhodesia may enter South African The miners' war in West Virginia at a Michael Collins delivers Armagh, Ireland. United States packing houses planning cut in wages. Poplar Council, London, Eng., sits in prison to fix tax rate. The British Cabinet meet in Scotland to consider de Valera's reply. Tories have nominated A. J. iderson as their candidate for West York. A lone robber takes bag with $500 from a young woman clerk in Hamilton. Million booklets urging present high protection is to be issued on the eve of election. Capt. T. L. Vandusen, Jacob Corby and a woman cook of schooner Oliver Mowat, w:*« drowned. Clarence Harvey, aged 21, was drowned off Burlington Beach In a heavy sea and undertow. Delbert Thomas, aged 11, drowned in St. Clair river, opposite Sarnia-- twelfth victim this year. An attempt to rob the Royal Bank at the corner of King and Yonge streets, Toronto, was fruitless. working on the Toronto Street Railway tracks was danger-isly injured by a motor cycle. Two drownings and several narrow escapes were the result of angry m the Toronto Bay Saturday. Margaret Peterson, Montreal, fatally hurt when struck by a motor and pushed through store win- TUESDAY. Labor did not hold a parade in New York. Poplar's women councillors arrest-in London. St. Mary's will name streets and imber houses. Beaches O.A.L.A. seniors beat Weston, 3 to 2. Buffalo baseball team handed the Leafs a double defeat. ^ Tom Gibbons scored his thirteenth nsecutive knockout. Spanish artillery are shelling Moorish forts at Melilla. Turkish Nationalist troops are holding Greeks in check. ey was credited with outpointing Johhny Wilson. ind took part in the Labor Day parade in Toronto. Canadian and American exchanges 5re closed Monday (Labor Day). Former Premier Clemenceau of iFrance may re-enter active politics. Holland's Foreign Minister elected Presidi nt of the League Assembly. The Toronto Street Railway makes ove to unload surplus property on the city. Best. Cheapest and Safest! ALUMINUM PRESERVING KETTLES Different Sizes to choose from. Have a look at our stock before buying Imperial Pint, Quart, and Half-gallon Fruit Jars Alpo, Zinc Bands and Rubbers now in stock Try a gallon of our VINEGAR-- either cider, or white wine. You will find it the very best. Come to us for Quality and Service. F. E. MELLOW Colborne WhiteTeeth, Healthy Gums, a Clean Mouth THAT is what you should seek in a dentifrice. And it is easily found; if you will care for your teeth regularly with Klenzo Dental Creme. And the delightful after-taste of Klenzo--that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling--is satis- . fying evidence of the good it does. Step in and get a tube today. 35° Druggist. Sold by W. F. GRIFFIS The Rexall Store Colborne r Farms For Sale! 300 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 4 Miles from Colborne. 150 acres workable, 20 acres bush, balance pasture. 6 acres orchard. 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres in meadow, 20 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Watered by a creek and a spring. Frame house of 12 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 76x34, barn No. 2, 58x30, barn No. 3, 36x18, tie-up 13 horses and 19 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School 1% miles. Church 3 miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $14,000 Terms arranged 1C0 ACRES--In Murray Twp., 2 t from Trenton. 70 acres workable, 5 acres maph swamp. iles from Wooler and beech bush, balance orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 20 acres in meadow, 15 acres fresh seeding. Clay loani soil. Brick house of 10 rooms, water inside, cellar, furnace. Bank barn 90x35, tie-up 4 horses and 10 cattle. Water in stables. Hog pen, ice house, milk house. Rural mail and telephone. School V2 mile. Church 2 miles. Possession arranged. Price $7,000. Terms arranged £2 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 5 miles from Colborne. 70 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 8 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 16 acres in meadow, 12 acres seeding. Clay loam soil. 1 well. Frame house of 9 rooms, cellar. Barn 40x30, No. 2, 70x30, tie-up 5 horses and 16 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School % mile. Church iy2 miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $6,000. Terms arranged Willoughby Farm Agency * Head Office, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne Colborne Creamery WANTS YOUR CREAM For which we will pay at least Toronto prices Our Aim--To Satisfy Customers and Prompt Attention Cur Truck will call for Cream and deliver cans Telephone will give you day or night service FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER selling wholesale or retail Patronize Home Industry POULTRY WANTED Write or Telephone COLBORNE CREAMERY Co. Phone 107 P.O. Box 301 Colborne

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