Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1921 OPERA HOUSE COLBORNE Saturday, Aug. 27th OUR MOVING PICTURE SHOW will begin again on the 27th of August, SATURDAY NIGHT With New Setts of Pictures--Comedy and Interesting Serial Lo« k out for handbills giving names of the STAR ACTORS Don't Forget !. SATURDAY NIGHT, 8 p.m. AUGUST nth, 1921 J. J. SAYER, Proprietor .he. Belleville Cheese B lay 1,663 cheese were offered 1 sold at 22% cents. re will-' be over 150 exhibitors ian National Exhibition. National Exhibition, Toronto AUG. 27 -- Inclusive -- SEPT. 10 To be opened by Lord Byng of Vimy, Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complete exposition of Canada's resources, skill of men, wealth of material. "OVER HERE'*--Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth and Achievements. Color--Symbol--Allegory--Hundreds of Performers--Music--Fine Arts--World's Largest Collection of War Photographs-- Thrillers of Many Kinds--Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before--Scores of Features.only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Greatest Lite Slock, and Farm Display--Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel JOHN fc. KENT, ROBT, FLEMING. Managing Director PnaLuo* immer daysv Holiday time. so i spoiled by Hay-Fever or Sum-Asthma. BAZ-MAH stops both. And for Bheumatism Templeton's: Theurhatlc Capsules are safe and ure. Sold by W. F. Griffis. Lt. H. ,T. Maybee, B.S.A., of Mur-ay township, son or ex-Warden M. i. Maybee, was operated on for ap-leudicitis at Cobourg hospital on Saturday. Though the operation a very critical one, owing to Lt, bee's condition, h<? Is making good progress. ie fruit crop report for this shows spies as heavier than , and good quality; Ben Davis 40 per cent, crop, quality fair; Stari to good; Baldwin, good, qualit; good; Russets, light, quality good Greenings, medium, quality good all varieties, light, with considerable cal> in orchards that nave not been xtra well cared for. A heavy drop 3 reported on all varieties. Gobourg Sentinel Star Says:--ieileville, it is announced, will pur-hase three motor trucks and put their fire department on an up-to-date footing. Cobourg has had a unbination chemical and hose wag-i for three years now, and the mot-driven fire fighting apparatus has ven good satisfaction. True, when was first purchased, it was spoken as an expensive toy, out it is now believed to be a good thing. The vn fortunately has ~:ad no big fires the last three years, and, it is hoped, will not be v»slted by any ' ius conflagration. The town a good fire brigade, ,» good water, ice and upto-date equipment, pays very little, the bri-being practically a volunteer uie. .Promptness in getting to THE TEACHERS' FEDERATION From The Simcoe Reformer The controversy regarding school teaiahers] salaries is not confined to Norfolk County. Perusal of newspapers from all over the Province shows that School Boards are faced with refusal of their teachers to wei-S; at present salaries. This suggests centralized action and the recent experience of the Simcoe Board of Education would point to a body known as the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. Thcr* is no questioning tke fact ithat an upheaval in the educational jife of this Province is impending hut whetther the Provincial Department of Education is wise in allowing the Federation to settle the (question in its own blunt, undiplomatic, way is one that is debatable. The Beformer believes the people themselves should say just how much they would pay for education. Fleeted Boards of Education nearly always represent the views of the ppoii'e. Evidently the School Teachers' Federation does not take this view, and if they do, have decldsd to disregard public opinion and follow htimUy the path that leads to destruction. The experiences of other selfish organizations who disregarded the law of supply and demand, and took no account of the wishes of the people, prove this. The Renfrew Mercury, one of the be-,i week Jy newspapers in Ontario, character-ices (he recent action of the school word in these days of the "fourteen points" and "saving .the world for democracy", and yet it aptly expresses a movement that can have but one ending. Col. Mitchell, President of the Federation, outlined the teachers' stand and tnen defended their action by pointing out that all other professions had councils to decide what their services were worth and what f~cs should be charged and he claimed teachers had the' same rights. Undoubtedly school teachers have the right to organize for mutual benefit, but invasion of the people's pocket-book should not be permitted |>v the Department of Education. Yeats ago, Sir James Whitney, speaking in Simcoe, said many of the- Normal Schools should be closed as they were turning out more teachers than the Province could assimilate. How many teachers educated at the Province's expense enter the teaching profession in proportion to the number who attended Normal? Undoubtedly school teachers' salaries generally have been too low; but is the average teacher's education sufficiently high to demand higher salaries? Four teachers of the Simcoe High School demanded increases that averaged $375.00 a year. They were backed by the Federation;,- but their demands were turned dovfn and they were "fired". The Federation placed a boycott on the local High School The Board of Education advertised for specialists to take the places of the four Normal-trained teachers who were dismissed. They got four University-trained graduates- who have considerable teaching experience, at salaries, the aggregate of which is not in excess of those demanded by the four previous teachers. The Beformer agrees with The Renfrew Mercury when it says: "The whole question appears tc u*. to be one that'might be well discussed at a conference of representatives of the Department of Education, the Teachers' Federation and the Trustees' Association. If the Government is going to set a certain standard, and then allow those who come up to that standard to establish a close corporation, it may be that the people will demand a change in the regulations. For it must not be forgotten that in the final analysis the people are supreme in educational matters, as in every other department of the Government". BARN BURNED AT SEYMOUR A very heavy electric storm passed over this section of country on Saturday night about 11 o'clock; considerable damage was done. A barn belonging to Mr. Reginald McCul-loch was struck and with its contents was destroyed. An electric light pole was struck near the G. T. R. station in front of Mr. Salem Hoard's residence. The bolt came so close that Miss MabUe Hoard, a young girl who was sleeping in bed, received a very tevere shock. Her limbs were numb for some hours. Under medical treatment she has quite recovered from the effects of the shock.-- Cini-ibcllford Herald.. LITTLE LAKE PAVILION Under New Management DANCING MONDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS From 8 to 12 o'clock Ice Cream -- Refreshments PROF. HURT'S ORCHESTRA When bargains are offered, som people are always ready to sneer Wiser people buy, andsave money. Next Division Court Colborne will be held < Sept. 13th. Friday, being last day for servici sittings ir n Tuesday Sept. 2nd This year Thanksgiving i al! on November 7th. Th< s fixed for Monday of the vhich November 11th comes The Dominion census returns shows that the population of Belleville 11,844 which is an increase of some 2,000 over the census taken in 1910. After an illness of three years, Mr. Bert Joblin, died at Weston on Saturday. Rev. F. Joblin, now of Bay side, is a brother. Deceased is survived by a widow and a and a daughter. Orillia Packet: It is nearly two years since Premier Drury, it speech at Orillia, promised changes in Ontario's educational- system t revolutionary. Where have been side-tracked? L lot, i and i The convention of chief . ceutly held in Montreal, had no sympathy with the sentimental twad-that is so often heard in behalf-convicted and sentenced crim-s. Inspector McKmey declared amidst great applause: "We are be-oming a nation or sympathetic i-hiners, sending flowers and loving nessages to condemned murderers. Vbat we need is a saner attitude towards the criminal class, and the ooner people cease getting up petitions for the commut itton of senten-the better it will be for the smooth and effective working of the aw". "This is common sense", apt-y comments the Brantrord Expositor, and good citizens everywhere ought _o trown upon all attempts of such people to interfere with the due processes of the law. After has spent thousands of dollars in es-" "telling the guilt ,of a criminal, e are always some sentimental pathizers ready to undo the work.' The Orillia Packet, speaking of the Rotary Club, of which a club is •ganized in Cobourg on Friday, has the following: Although the Rotar-ians are well known, yet a great y people are in blissful ignorance lieir manners, customs, and other ntials. Recently delegates from different countries held ttieir twelfth annual convention burgh. The other day one of the " arians in conversation with King >rge V. spoke of the work of the arians generally, with which the ig was so impressed that he ;-ked that he himself "would not id being a Rotarian". The United States inquisitor caused much am-lent with the characteristic reply that "he saw notnlng to keep King George back" rrom such an in-mtion. Briefly, rotary is a system C club" all over the world, each of hich is organized ou the basis of the inclusion of a limited number for each trade or profession and each of which holds periodical meetings. movement interests itself in all sorts of good and charitable work, and at the spreading in a practical vay of fellowship in the business ,\orld. A rotary club, in short, is irstanixed to accomplish the better nent of the individual member, the ,e;Jerment of his business, both in he practical way--and in an ideal vay-- the betterment of the members' ;taft or profession, as well as the ,is tow-n, state, and country, and of society. Albany painters, win have been ou rl! since Mu ' ut, t-1 1 rn l> ark for a do ! : a day k--s pay. to* rther fello <s won. There were 1,112,000 people at the Canadian National Exhibition last, year. Drury has been trying tl m the bustle and strain o e to get a few days' rest a at Crown Hill, where, in ying golf, he pitches hay ' of di But away from the importu: who want something. The phone is the enemy of every busy man's rest and recreation. Drivi to desperation, the Premier finally gave instructions that he was "n at home" to telephone calls. B then the deputations Degan to cor Unannounced. The elimax w reached when a deputation from neighbouring county turned up Sunday to discuss the location of Provincial Highway. That was t much for the patience of a go Methodist like Mr. Drury, and that deputation got a short but pithy sermon which they had not expected, on doing "all that thou hast to do" in £ix days of the week, and allowing tired statesmen to rest on t])e seventh.--Orillia Packet. UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED AND REPAIRED BROWN'S UMERELLA "3 i'ORE 10 Campbell Street, Belleville When in Cobourg Call at the ALBION HOTEL Good Meals and Service EDWARD- LISTER, Prop. Brunswick House Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-class Meals and Accomodation Give hs a call when in Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor E. QUINN Funeral Director SUCCESSOR TO BUSINESS OF LATE G. M. PEEBLES Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 65r2 ... - Colborne C.L. CRYDERMAN Funeral Director Successor late W. A. Gerow CASTLETON Prompt Moderate | Troop & McArthur FUNERAL DIRECTORS COLBORNE Telephone Motor • Connection Equipment ROOMS IN PHILP BLOCK AUTO SERVICE E. E. PHILP Licensed Chaffeur Charges Reasonable Phone 63 Church St. W. Colborne Is Ironing Hard Work? If you have to stand over a hot stove, heating old-fashioned sad-irons, and walk backwards and forwards between the stove and your ironing board, it undoubtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron you can do your ironing on the back porch if necessary. The " Sovereign " Electric Iron is truly the housewife's friend. It has a cool handle^ tapering nose, and i- beautifully balanced. Telephone t:s, and we will deliver a "Sovereign." immediately. It sells for the remarkably iow price of " MADE IN CANADA" Sold in Colborne by G M PEEBLES ESTATE Colborne, Ontario SLEEP Oh! what a wonderful word that is! Can you do it? That is, drop off into a good sound refreshing sleep? I If you are unable to, there is something wrong with your nervous system. It is a danger signal. Nervous prostration, melancholia, nervous dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies that are liable to develop. DR. MILES' NERVINE--$1.20 will soothe the irritated and overstrained nerves. Just one or two doses helps Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaranteed Safe and Sure. SOLD IN COLBORNE BY W. F . GRIFFIS, Druggist "THE REXALL STORE" Ice Cream and Soft Beverages Headquarters not only for the best in Ice Cream and soft beverages, but also for the daintiest in Cakes, the choicest in Chocolates and Confectionery. New crisp reliable goods at clean honest, desirable prices. We put these facts before you and leave the rest to you. J. S. H0DGENS THE COLBORNE BAKERY Will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during May, June, July, August and September STEAM VULCANIZING PATRONIZE THE RETURNED SOLDIER At the old Foundry, Victoria Street, Colborne Bring your old tires down to us and we will tell you if they are worth fixing or not. We guarantee all our work. Prices Reasonable MASON & ANDRUS Your Financial "Paper" r)0 you get prompt acceptances and auick re-turns on your notes, drafts and other 1 paper"? A network of branches and agencies covering the whole Dominion enables this Bank to offer you a highly efficient and specialized collection service Let STANDARD SERVICE speid up your Trade "Paper" THE STANDARD BANK , Or CANADA. Colborne Branch: Grafton Branch: Castleton Branch: TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS C. A. Bryans, Manager. N. J. Ariour, Manager. M. H. Mulhall, Manager. iiliillllillllllilllililli You Can Save -Money on Coal LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE f« The Coal That Satisfies ,s ■e is as much difference in coal as d. You would certainly prefer aid oak wood, to hemlock slabs jili Valley Anthracite costs you e than you are asked to pay for Kriary kind, but Lehigh Valley harder and lasts longer. There why we ad r lid i: d be satisfied. Dominion Express C. P. R. Telegraph Money Orders Agents for C.P.R. Railway and Steamship Tickets JAS. REDFEARN & SON Phones--Office-1 r2. Resi dence-66 Scranton - F. P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service for contracting for are two good Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best" Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL, SOFT COAL, STOVE COAL, NUT COAL, CONNEL COAL, EGG COAL. SHINGLES, B.C., Red Cedar, Quebec. Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Man Singing competitions at the Can-idiaa National Exhibition will start Sept. 1 and continue for at least six Tho famous Huntsville Bajad will appear for the week, August 29 to Sept. 3 at the Canadian National .Exhibition .