Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1921 Opera House - - COLBORNE Saturday, July 2nd FEATURE WILL BE EDWIN CAREWE PRODUCTIONS -IN- "Rio Grande" ROLAND COMEDY "DRINK HEARTY" Change of Date On account of the Grand Carnival,to be held at "The Cedars" by the Ladies' Aid of Trinity Church, there will be No Picture Show Tuesday, July 5th THE FEATURE Dead Men Tell No Tales Intended for Tuesday Evening, Will be Presented SATURDAY, JULY 9th STEAM VULCANIZING PATRONIZE THE RETURNED SOLDIER At the old Foundry, Victoria Street, Colborne Bring your old tires down to us and we will tell you if they are worth fixing or not. We guarantee all our work. Prices Reasonable MASON & ANDRUS Profit on Hogs AS a Bank closely associated with Canada's productive industries, we encourage progressive enterprise in farmers. If you seek to increase your profits through greater hog production, consult the financing of your project with our local Manager. THE 2 standard bank Colborne Branch: Grafton Branch: Castleton Branch: OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS^)VER NINETY MILLIONS C. A. Bryans; Manager. N. J. Armour, Manager. M. H. Mulhall, Manager. TROOP & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS -AT-■ COLBORNE Wm. J. TROOP FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND MANAGER FRED McARTHUR DIRECTOR OF FUNERAL SERVICE AND EMBALMER MOTOR EQUIPMENT For Local and Long Distance Funerals MORGANSTON Miss E. Vanblaricomb has i ed to Toronto. Strawberries are very : around Morganston. Mrs. Thomas O'Grady is poorly at time of writing. Mr. Edward Denike is v und Morganston. Mr. 1 Mrs •Mpb! Hardwood Flooring "BEAVER" BRAND (Hardwood Flooring Laid and : Finished I For Sale By E. J. TURPIN PIKE--STEWART One of the prettiest of June weddings was celebrated at "'The Pines," the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart, Baltimore, on Saturday, June 18, 1921, at 4 p.m., when their only daughter, Laura May, was united in marriage to Mr. Reginald A. Pike, B.A., cf Wooster, Ohio. Rev. J. E. Glover, B.A., of Campuellford, officiated, assisted by the resident pastor, Rev. J. N. Lovelace. The ceremony took place in the drawing room, whioii was banked with evergreens, intertwined with white daisies, and was witnessed by only the immediate relatives of the bride and a few-intimate friends. Out-of-town guests were: Mrs. A. Barber, of Athens; Miss Helen Best, of Toronto, and Mr. A. D. Hall, barrister, of Toronto. Mr. Pike though a resident of the U.S.A., proved his loyalty in the early months of the war by suspending his studies, coming over to Toronto and enlisting in the C.E.F. Since his return from overseas he has the assistant of a leading phy t Woe Wii s the word that best describes the who, unattended, was given a her father, and was attired in pie girlish frock of white nine overdress of whit-; coinspot n skirt arranged in tlnee tiers < lrped flounce* boui|d with whita satin and the bodice adorned with butterflies of seety pearls and seqrr.s. The bride's mother was becomingly costumed in a draped gown of black silk charmeuse and georgette, relieved Ly touces of Harding blue. The wedding march was played by Mrs. .7. E. Glover, who, during the signing of the register, sang "Our Castle of dreams". After luncheon was served in the dining room, which was prettily Perorated in pink and white. In the evening the happy couple motored their honeymoon, the bride travelling in a suit of navy tricotine. heavily embroidered in black georgette blouse to match, with string of jade beads, black tagel hat with facing of jade green velvet a .id plume of same shade. The bride was the recipient of many costly and beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Pi>:e will return to "The Pines' for a week before leaving for their honw at Wcoster, Ohio, where they will reside till October when they will remove to the city, where Mr. Pike will complete his medicine course. Mrs. Fike goes to her new home accompanied by the best wishes of a large circle of friends, as she puminent and popular both and social circles. mann--carruth ers At Springbrook Farm, Hamilton township, on Wednesday, June S, 1921, the marriage t8ok place of May Carruthers, cg»ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robe# Carruthers, to Mr. D. Alexander Mann, Clover Glen Farm, Baltimore. Rev. W. A. Bremner, of Cobourg, conducted the ceremony. The bride, who was unattended, given away by her father. She ' a becoming gown of delft blue ditch-esse satin, with gold honiton lace, and carried white roses and orange Mr. and Mrs. Mann i o Cobourg, where they took tra;i t Clo po!:; I Fa Official inspection of colborne chapter, o.e.s. On Thursday evening, June 10th' 1921, the first official inspection of Colborne Chapter, No. 82, Order of the Eastern Star, took place, in their new lodge room, Coyle' block, King Street (latterly occupied by the Citizens' Club). The Grand Worthy Patron, Bro. Thos Rowe of London, Ont., being unable to attend, delegated Sister Mrs. Robina Mains, of Toronto, Past Worthy Grand Matron, to perform the duty. The evenings programme consisted of: The opening ceremony; Inspection of books and forms; Bal-oting for candidates; Conferring degrees. After which Sister Mains addressed the Chapter in very complimentary terms, expressing her surprise on seeing the work so splendidly exemplified by the officers of the Chapter in so short a time since their installation. Congratulations were extended to the Worthy Matron, sr Norma Fowler, and the offi-, and were informed that the Chapter was worthy of receiving its harter. Sister Mains, who had been elected Th honourary member at the time of officii!'ins at the institution of the Chapter, was made the recipient of a gift of appreciation. The Worthy Matron and Assistant Matron, Sister Essie Logan, made the presentation with appropriate words. The Chapter was delighted to have present again on this occasion about iiity members of Belleville Chapter and a pleasant hour was spent at the close in a social way. Short addresses were made by rs. Modeland. Grand Electa; Mrs. Barlow, P.W.M.,; Mr. Mcintosh, P.W.P.; Mr. Cherry, P.W.P.; Mr. McKay, W.P.; and also Mr. Frank Griffis, Worthy Patron of Colborne Chapter. Appreciated songs were given by Messrs. Mcintosh and McKay of Belleville, and Mrs. J. F. Wolfraim of Colborne, as well as a •itation by Mrs. S. D. Dudley. barn ham--milligan Quietly at the residenceof Mr. and rs. Parker Smith, Division Street, Cobourg, on Wednesday afternoon, June 15th, 1921, the marriage took lace of Mrs. Smith's niece Miss Eresa Elizabeth Mulligan, and Mr "yorne Barnum, son of Mr. and Mrs liram Barnum of Campbellford. The iride is a, graduate nurse of the' Cob-iurg Hospital and has many friends n town who follow her with the " of good wishes. They will reside Campbellford. --World. Delegation of Members Lay Their Case Before Postmaster-General Several members ot the House of ommons appeared before the Postmaster-General, Hon. Senator Blon-iii, asking him to give better work^ ig conditions to the rural mail carers. Members of the delegation aimed- that the rural mail carers should have at least Christmas nd New Years for holidays, and that the mail boxes should be placed cn the right hand side of the mail carrier's route, so thai, they would not be open to danger of accident ■ehicles when travelling !«.!<!> rates of : ivnil carriers have side of the htghwa; mail to the boxes i when deliver i that side of icdiate : The high prices of fodder during the last three years, it was claimed, has put many rural mail carriers at so great an expenditure that they had carried malls at a loss, which they could not stand. Blondin promised an im-lvestigation, and upon a report being made, he would then give favorable consideration to the matters drawn to his attention. Attorney-General Raney made a slashing attack on race track gambling horses in a statement prepared by him and which was read at the annua! meeting of the London Methodist Conference. Shoe Repairing CZ6 ACS BKi>\'j The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of repairing of boots and shoes at his new shop in the Ireland Block, King Street, Colborne. CHAS. BUGG On Wednesday evening, June 8th, 121, about seventy of the people of the vicinity of Castleton visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knight at their home in Norham. After a couple of hours were spent in games and other amusements, Mr. Cryder-wan called the gathering to order and made a few explanatory remarks, .nd then read the following address, ihile ladies presented a beautiful library table, silver fern pot, and china fruit bowl-. To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Knight and Sons: We, the members of the choir, Mizpah Bible Class, and community, do hereby tender our kindest regret your removal from our midst, and ningled feelings that we desire to express our love and broth-kindness as you have taken departure from us. •emember your interest in itirch and community, we _tliis_tthe loss we Jvave "by your removal. We have your work of faith and ive in the various departments of church work with which you have been so closery identified, arid you will be greatly missed in the choir, class and congregation. We trust you will long be spared to continue the good work in your new home and surroundings, and that prosperity and happiness may crown the measure of your days. You no doubt feel, as we do, it is hard to part with the home friends with whom you have spent your li These experiences teach us strong ties ot family affection, and the friendship and love of neighbors. We desire thus to express our deepest regret at your removal from and to show our appreciation of r many social qualities we are sent with you on this occasion, as residents of the locality for many years our attachment has grown stronger and stronger. That you have the kindest regard of all we desire to demonstrate at ry the presentation of these tokens of our love and friendship. Please accept these as a tangible proof of our desire for your prosperity and happiness in your home, and that in the years to come we shall think of these things mongst the brightest spots in history that makes life enjoy-and delightfully happy. iits in behalf of the choir, lb Bible Class and community-Walter Purdy, organist; Mrs. l. Thomson, Helen Newman, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. T. Grills. To Be Erected at Cost of $2,000-- Eight Out of Thirty-two Fell in Actron Mr. J. D. Hayden has had plans >pared for a very striking war ;morial for the Indian Reserve at Aiderville. It is modelled along the lines of the Cenotaph in London, England. It is to be built of master builders cement, eight feet square at base gradually sloping from the ;e up, and about 25 feet in height. the top is to be a clock, with four dials, which can be illuminated. The jment. it is expected, will cost $2,000, including free labor, which the "'idians have promised to give. The Dominion government will give $1,000 of the Reserve's funds, and it is ex-cfed Alnwick and the counties tincils will make donations. Of a sixty odd men on the Reserve -32 enlisted, and of these 32 men 8 paid the supreme sacrifice. In the centre t" the monument is a brass tablet, cn hich the- names of those who served nd those who fell will be engraved, 'hen completed it will be a credit! i the Reserve. Men's and Boys' Furnishings Sport Shirts--Men's White with Fancy White Collar, reg. $3.00, for..............$2.00 Men's Bathing Suits, reg. $1.75, for.....$1.25 Men's Pure Silk Shirts, white or tan, separate collar to match, at..................$5.00 Men's Underwear, silk and nainsook, athletic style, mesh or balbriggan, in short lengths, per suit............-.............. $2.00 Fine Shoes. Brogue Oxfords. Canvas Shoes. Running Shoes for Men and Boys. Special Values in Work Shirts, reg. $1.00, line, for.......................... 60c Men's Work Shoes, at............$3.25 33V-i off in our Men's Clothing Department. FENTON & SMITH MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS Phone 47 Colborne, Ont. Wednesday Afternoon Half Holiday. Store Open Tuesday Evening. The Merry Widow Headquarters not only for the best in Ice Cream and soft beverages, but also for the daintiest in Cakes, the choicest in Chocolates and Confectionery. New crisp reliable goods at clean honest, desirable prices. We put these facts before you and leave the rest to you. J. S. H0DGENS THE COLBORNE BAKERY Will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during May, June, July, August and September Grafton West End Garage We have Secured a First-Class Mechanic from the City for Repairing Cars Agents for Gray-Dort and Ford TIRES OILS We also handle Elictric Light Plant for Farmers SABINS & MIKEL Phone 49 Grafton, Ont Car Load New Fence Wire JUST IN TO BE SOLD AT OR BELOW SARNIA OR EATON PRICES --Place Orders at once- JOHN REIVE King St. . Colborne Yoa Can Save Money on Coal good hard Ofti at the same n LEHIGH VALLEY---ANTHRACITE 8K The Coal That Satisfies u "T Lindsay's i of t C. P. R. Telegraph Dominion Express Money Orders Agents for C.P.R. Railway and Steamship Tickets J A S. R E D F E A R N & S. O K Phones--Office-1 r2. Re a idoace-€S