Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 30 Jun 1921, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1921 BIG PRICE CUTTING SALE! 15 - FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY - 15 HERE WE ARE AGAIN, and, to meet the name we get as price-cutters, we are putting on this sale to show that we can cut prices even on our Reduced Priced Goods. Our record has been on top for Bargains, and I have been preparing for a Big Sale since I came back from my trip. Now is your time to save money--in this Mid-Summer Price Cutting Sale. READ! REALIZE! SAVINGl For Friday, Saturday and Monday of this Price Cutting Sale we will sell Prints, all colors, 30 inch, at 15c per yard. 3000 yds Factory Cotton, 34 inch, extra, 8 yards fof $1.00 Wool for Knitting, Shetland Floss, 15c per ball. J. & P. Coates' Mercer Crochet at 2 for 25c. J. & P. Coates' Thread at 4 for 25c. Men's Suits ' I am closing out my Men's Suits and I will sacrifice all in stock at prices quoted below: Men's checked Brown suit, reg. $25.00, for $13.50 Men's Brown Heavy Suit, reg. $32.00, for .$18.00 Men's Navy Blue Serge Suit, reg. $35.00, for $23.00 Men's Spring or Fall Overcoat, black and gray, reg. $32.00, for .............,..$18,00 Men's Waterproof Coats,........$4.50 to $15.00 BOYS' SUITS Boys' Tweed pepper and salt suits, reg. $10.50, for ..........................$6.00 Child's Suits, sizes 22 to 26, in tweed, dark shades, at..........................$. 3.90 Child's Cordian Suits, at............... . $. 3.50 Boys' Knicker Pants, sizes from 25 to 32. . . .$ 1.25 MEN'S PANTS AND OVERALLS Men's Tweed pants, in grey, brown, and black stripe, to clear at . . . ., .v........$2.90 Men's Tweed Cottonade Pants, very heavy. .$ 2.25 Men's Tweed, all wool, brown and gray, at $.4.75 Men's Union Serge Pants, reg. $6.75, for____$ 4.25 MEN'S OVERALLS One lot of Men's striped Overalls, on sale . .$.1.50 Men's Overall Pants, black striped........$.2.00 Men's Khaki Pants ......................$ 2.35 Men's Overall Jacket..........$ 1.50 and $ 2.25 Boys' Overalls, in striped, light weight, 6 to 10 ........................ .____ 50c Youths' sizes, 28 to 32, extra quality. .... .$.1.35 MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts, a lot to clear at......$.1.00 Men's Work Shirts, heavy duck, $1.25, $1.60, and $2.00. Everyone worth double. Boys' Every Day Shirts.................. 75c Men's Fine Shirts, the newest, striped at..............$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and $2.25 Boys' free neck Shirts, 12 to 14, ........ $1. MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Men's Panama Hats..................$2.00 up Men's" Straw, extra quality, "........$1.00 to $2.00 Men's Felt Hats, Mayhew's and the best Hat on the market at..............$3.00 and $3.50 Lot of Men's Checked Caps, for . . 75c and $1.00 Lot of Men's silk caps . . ............... .$1.25 Lot of Men's Leather Brand Cap, reg. $2.50 for$1.50 Boys' Caps, in cloth at.................. 75c Boys' Cloth and Fine Hats at............ 75c WHITE WEAR Ladies' Night Gowns, special..............$1.00 Ladies' Chimese ........................ 75c Ladies' Corset Covers and Drawers........ 50c Ladies' Bloomers........................ 50c Ladies' Underskirts, upwards from........ 85c Ladies' Voile Blouses ....................$1.00 Ladies' Middy's.........................$1.50 Middy for Misses........................$1.00 SILK AND GEORGETTE BLOUSES Lots of assorted colored Silk JBlouses, to clear $1.75 Gray heavy Habutai Silk, extra quality, reg. $5.50, for.........,^jLr<£........$2 90 Georgette Blouses, reg. $9.00, on sale......$5.00 Crepe-de-chine, very heavy, reg. $7.50 for. . .$3.75 $1.00 HOSIERY SPECIAL Boys' and Girls' Stockings, white and black, plain or ribbed, reg. 35c, and 40c to clear 5 pairs for . .........................$.1.00 5 pairs Ladies' black, white and brown Hose, sizes 8i/2, 9, 9V2, 10, for ..............$ 1.00 4 pairs Men's Grey Cotton Sox, for...... $ 1 .00 4 pairs Men's Fine Black or Brown Sox, for. .$ 1.00 1 pair Ladies' fine silk hose.............$ 1.00 This Sale will Last until July 11th Will be Closed July 12th, all day AH the prices quoted here are subject to Change after this Sale No Returned Goods Accepted unless it was Understood at Time of Purchase. TERMS STRICTLY CASH Specials in Boots and Shoes "100 pairs Children's Boots, black and tan, sizes 4 to 7, reg. $1.75, for............ $1.00 100 pairs Children's Boots, black and tan, sizes 8 to IOV2, reg. $2.90, for......... .$1.75 Lot of Boys' and Girls' Boots, 11 to 2, reg; $3.25 and $3.75, for................____$2.50 Lot of Boys' fine Boots, tan and black, sizes 1 to 5, reg. $5.00 .....................$3.25 Lot of Boys' heavy Boots, tan and black, sizes 1 to 5, reg. $4.50, for..................$2 50 We have also Running Shoes for all. Men's, Women's and Children's. Ladies White Poplin and Canvas Oxfords and Pumps......................$2.00 to $2.50 We cannot use stronger language than that we are the leader in Boots and Shoes, and carry the largest stock. WOMEN'S FOOT WEAR Very large stock and good assortment to pick from. Ladies' Theo tie, the latest style, sizes ZVv to 7, in black____$5.00 and $6.00 on safe at $3.50 A shoe of very choice leather, in good year welts, reg. $9.00 for.................. $4.50 Common sense shoe, wide, good wide sole, low heel, on sale ......................$3.00 Black Oxfords, low or high heel, in Dongola kid, reg. $5.00 and $6.00, for...........$3.35 In chocolate, reg. $6.50, for ..............$3.90 Black or Gray Oxfords, reg. $6.00, for......$3.00 LADIES' HIGH TOP BOOTS I have a lot of the R. Simpson's special catalogued at $7.79, in a chocolate, Lewis heel, very dressy boot, a bargain, on sale. . $4.00 Black Dongola fine boot, full range, sizes 2V2 to 7 special clearing ...............$3.,60 Why wait till your boots are nearly gone? The reason was in the past, "High Prices". Now is your time, while things are tight when the business booms, prices boom. Take a tip and buy now, at this Price-Cutting sale.. MEN'S BOOTS Heavy Solid Leather Boot, extra special, for every day use...................... $3.00 Black or tan Army leather, vici calf, reg. $6.75, for ............................$4.75 Men's fire boots in tan or black, one lot of 150 pairs,, reg. $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00, on sale for..........................$5.00 100 /Pairs Patent Leather Oxfords, very dressy and of the best stock, but broken sizes, oxfords that have been selling n# $10 to $12 a pair. We have size 5, 5V„, 8, 8V2, 9, 91/2, and 10 only. At this Pdce-Cutting Sale, they will go at............$4.25 Everything in our store is marked down and is on sale Until July 11th Only J. J. SAYER, Colborne Don't Forget the Dates or the Store--next to the Alexandra HoteL Phone 48 Bowmanville council has given th<; contract for paving their front street to the Warren Bitulithic Faving Co. at |3.87 per cubic yam, and $1.35 a lineal foot for curb and gutter. Billie Patch, the Belleville race torse which won the 2.18 class at the G.W.V.A. races a few days ago has been shipped to Montreal, the animal having been sold to Mr. St. Vincent, the official starter of the races, by Mr. George Powell, the veteran horse- At the annual meeting of the Con-gtegational Union of Canada held in Montreal last week Rev. H. A. Carson, pastor of Cobourg and Cold Springs Congregational churches, was elected president. Mr. J. T. Feld, of Cobourg, was elected a member of the Church Union Com- MARRIAGE LICENSES Reorganization in issuing of marriage licenses will go into effecc bv September 1, according to Provincial Secretary H. C. Nixon. After that date air marriage licenses are to be issued by municipal clerks, and jewelers will no longer have the priv- A serious automobile accident occurred just West of Colborne, last week when a large touring car, containing a party from Chicago, came to grief. The car turned out into the gravel to avoid a work wagon, and getting into the gravel became unmanagable. It crashed into the side of a bridge, and one of the ladies was thrown through .the windshield and badly cut up. The car was also damaged, and one of the men occupants of the car was also hurt. SWEET CLOVER Many of the farmers of this district are seeding sweet clover this year, having become, convinced that it will give more pasture than any other crop that might be sown. This and its value as green manure, with possibilities for silage, are its chief places of usefulness on the farm.--Havelock Standard. Campbellford District meeting pas-led a resolution expressing its kindliest and best wishes that the chair-an, Rev. H. B. Kenny, may have safe voyage and enjoyable time in the Old Land, while attending the Ecumenical Conference. MASONS ATTEND CHURCH There was a) large turnout of the members of Colborne Masonic Lodge, with several visitors, on Sunday ring, June 19th, 1921, for the annual church attendance. The Lodge marched to Trinity Church, where interesting services were held. The Rector, the Rev. Harold Snartt delivered an inspiring and instructive discourse, taking as his text, from the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians, ! the f glory of -lory of t teieth fron He compared the members of the Order with the Stars, the members being united for mutual benefit and the good of mankind in general, yet d'ifereth one from another in performing their respective duties in world according to their talents. The musical services were well rendered by a full surpliced choir and included an anthem, in which the Rector sang the solo part Mrs. S. E. Turpin was organist. Oovernment regulations in regard to berry boxes are to be strictly enforced this year. No more short weight boxes will be tolerated. FISH AND GAME CLUB ORGANIZE At a meeting held at Cobourg the Northumberland Fish and Game Club con pleted its organization, when the following officers-were elected: President--Col. N. F. Mac-Niichtan, C.V.O. First Vice-President--E. W. Har-graft. Second Vice-President--John Me. liter, Gore's Landing. Secretary-Treasurer--Major E. L. MacNachtan. Executive Committee--Dr. Wilf-oughby, chairman; Dan McAllister, Enoch Merriam, Fred Harris. C. i, J. D. Hayden, Fred Eield, Chas. McCallum, O. G. Johns, J. W. gpragge. The constitution of the Essex. County Fish and Game Association adopted, with revision to suit local needs, and the association will work along lines of preserving the fish and game in the county, especially the is it is believed illegal fishing i clean up the game fishing at Rice Lake and contributory wat--Sentinel-Star. Scranton - F. P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best" Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL, SOFT COAL, STOVE COAL, NUT COAL, CONNEL COAL, EGG COAL, SHINGLES, B.C., Red Cedar, Quebec. Sewer Pipe. F. P. STRONG The Coal Man 'his notice is posted for the benefit of trtie careless in a a small town garage: "Don't smoke around this place; if your life isn't w,orth anything, gasoline is". When the public schools of Ontario open up next .fall the scholars will be bnught faice to face with three new t'M books, the geography, history of Ci nada, and history of England. The prices, however, will be as at present. The Canadian Stationer and Book Trade Journal, a publication which has just made its bow to the public, quotes officials of the Ontario department of education as saying that the shortage of school text books last autumn will not be repeated in the coming fall. Tue counties council at its June session deferred paying the 1920 account of 168,594.15 received from the provincial government as the counties' share of construction and maintenance of the provincial highway through these counties. The 19T9 account of $61,000 was paid, and this added 2 mills to the county rate Had the counties council paid the 1920 account it would have made - the county rate 10% mills. EXPRESS ADDS BRING RESULTS.

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