THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1921 Page Five -non E. Brocklesby has sold I r J. Snell lots 11, 12 and 13,1 n B, Haldimand. LOST LOST- - ^adies' Wrist Watch, wit lOllt bracel st, lost TuosdaV evening King Street, Colbora*. Finder will kindly ing Office. LOST--Tuesday morni t, June 21st, Logging Chain, 12 t 3 ft. long, with initals "W. M." on the grab hook. Finder wil please leave same at Express 1 rlnting Office. 23-2x RAME HOUSE, 18x24, with kitchen attached, about 12x12. Apply to N. Gaffield,' Castleton P.O. 22-4tx NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in pursuance of the Revised Stature of Ontario, 1014, Chapter 121. Section 56, that all persons bavins claims against the estate of SUSAN WARNER late of the Township of Cramahe, in the County of Northumberland, Married Woman, deceased, who died on oi about the 9th day of December, 1919 are required to send or deliver to KERR & KERR, Barristers, Cobourg, Ontario, Solicitors for the .Executors of the last Will and Testament of the deceased on or before the 23rd day of July 1921, their names and addresses and particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any held by them, and that after the said last mentioned. date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and they will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 20th day of June, 1921. KERR & KERR Solicitojcs for the Executors, John Wesley Sprung and The--- Printing Office. 22-3x PECIAL PRICES ON HAY FORKS, Slings and Track. If you a4-e wanting an outfit, come at once. Only limited number left. D.W.Church, Agent, Ireland Block, Colborne. 10 S.( Vhite He ■ old, Oldham sti Fertile hatching eggs $6.00 per hundred. One pair shoats $25.00. Goidon MacGregor, Colborne. ROUSE FOR SALE--to close an estate--The house on North side of Simmons Street, Village of Colborne, recently occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Peters. For terms and particulars apply to G. E. R. Wilson, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne, 24-4 FOR SALE--Desirable village property,, containing a good-sized frame house, good drive barn, good garden lot, apple trees, pears and plums, situated opposite the school house, King St., Colborne, at present occupied by Mr. J, H. Gould-ing. Apply to G. E. R. Wilson Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne. 24 4. DUNDONALD 4lr. Jas. McGregor of Linlithgow >ent the week end with his friend Frank Chesterfield, Mr. and Mrs. R. Goodrich visited Mr.' and Mrs. A. Morrow of Cramahe Hill on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Jones three children, Castleton;, .spent Sunday with Mr. diud Mrs. Cecil McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. R. Broomfield Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samons spent Sunday at the home of Mr. W. Baw-deu, Brighton. Ross Wright and Goodrich were and Mrs. W, and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. C. cut guests of Mr Wright. Colborne. Glad that Rev Clare did iot accept any other charge but will continue to be Pastor of Salem " cult another year. Messrs. Walter Chesterfield Harry Mutton recently visited at the' home of Mr. R. Honey, Warkworth, and also friends in Campbellford. Mrs. Charles Newson (Flsusie Eddy) and two little daughters Weyburn, Sask., are spending t : i .» ii i with Airs. Newson's pareii Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Eddy. Everybody pleased to ,see little Ada Dingman able to be around again alter her long illness. She- is a present enjoying a visit with th< Misses Lila and Beatrice McDonald Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke receivet the sad news on Friday last that Mrs. Randolph of Detroit had passed Mr. and I 1?! ■ung. 5-3. ARTICLES WANTED STOCK FOR SERVICE REGISTERED YORKSHIRE BOAR, Caughnawaga Jamie, 69391, for service on the premises. Fee $2 THE PERCH ERON STALLION BIRCANAN' Will be at geo. PURDY'S every Wednesday for noon, during the season of 1921. 23-3 DAVID ARKLES, Owner WANTED--DEALERS AND far- niers to know that A. Weiss, 147 Grange Ave., Toronto, are direct buyers and pay top prices for dressed chickens, eggs and butter, also cattle hides and wool. Wants steady shippers, for reliable service, same day returns and square deals, don't forget to ship to A. Weiss, 147 Grange Ave. .Toronto. 21-7. WARNING NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be responsible for goods purchased or debts incurred in my name without my written order. j. e. Mcdonald, Colborne, June 4th, 1921. 22-4x. BATHING CAPS Dainty Designs and Colors. .Prices to suit all purses, ranging from 35c to $1.00'. - , Welch's Grape Juice Tart, sweet and tempting for all occasions a,nd for family use. 50c and 85c Rose's Pure Lime Juice Delicious- wholesome and refreshing beverage diluted with plain water-v/ith or without the addition of sugar Gould's Drug Store Phone 129 Colborne House 128w Saturday for Detroit dolph was a sister of Mr. Clarke. Rev. J. C. Wilson of Toronto spoke in the interest of the Lord's Day Alliance on Sunday in Eden church. The service was excellent. . Mr. Wilson was welcomed by old friends to whom he was Pastor many years ago, while he was stationed on the Castleton circuit. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Samons and Mr. and Mrs. W. Samons, in company with friends from Dundonald, Warkworth and Carmel, motored to Peterborough on Sunday, June 12th, returning by way of Port Hope, where they spent an hour Damons and daughters, arriving home the same night. Sincere sympathy is felt for Dr.. W. J. Rolston (a former Dundonald Boy) whose estimable wife passed y on June 8th, 1921, at Natrona, Mrs. Rolston. who spent sev-summers at Victoria Beach and frequently visited friends in this neighborhood was highly esteemed and her death is deeply re; gi etted. On Friday evening, June 24th, ere will be a stawberry festival in hall at Dundonald, followed lime-light views by Mr. Runnells, showing "Scenes on the St. Lawrence and up the Wildsu. This is the annual meeting of the Dundouaia Branch of the Bible Society and is> sure to be interesting and should be largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutton aind Mr, and. Gordon Dunnett spent Wednes- Sunday, day, June 15th, at Twelve Octtodv- <,}J ■ Point, where a reunion of the descendants cf the Spafford family took place, about forty of them enjoying a picnic together. This is the third' annual re-union spent by these relatives, and the day is looked forward to with much pleas SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Reed and their chil dren, of Belleville, were recent guest ,*t the home of Mr. Mrs. R Armstrong jr. Farmers are pleased to receive i little more for their eggs and pork The prices went down until they reached zero. Supply and demand always (livid.-, independent of politics. Farmers are busy cutting and Ing their crops of sweet clover, which Is fast supplanting the old red clover, as it yields better, is nourishing, and. will prosper on land which is not suitable for the latter. , We decided in the S. S. to hold our annual picnic before long at the Little Lake, where an enjoyable time was spent last year on a holiday. iThe Day School will likely have an outing, games and prizes, at or be-, fore the close of the school time. e trying to keep ouv choir together since M»s. McConnell resigned, (not through anything unpleasant). Mrs. W. Peacock. Mrs. ©uinn, and Mrs. H. Bellamy have Kindly come to our aid. We hope to fte able to secure the services of a regular organi.-l soon. "The Strawberry Social on Wednes ly evening was as usual up to the Bark, There was a good supply of ;berries, cakes and ice cream. There fV'ere several solos rendered. The proceeds amounted to over $70.00, Including cost of berries and ice cream. Mr. F. W. McConnell was im3ere all delighted to hear an Excellent sermon on Sunday evening, delivered by the Rev. J. C. Wilson of Toronto'. It was preached In the old style, in earnestness and vigor. Mr. Wilson was once pastor In Brighton Village. lie represent ed the Lords Day Alliance. Text-"The Sabbath was made- for man ti for the Sabbath". remarks are made about the .1 weather and scenery. The rains are keeping the vegetable king-l in fine order. Te.inorrow,-21st. shall be reminded that the day reached its greater length. It seems but a short time since it began-months ago. We don't generally like the thought of going back the cold season. This, however, has a!ways been the order of nature. Be Warned KEEPING your insurance papers, deeds, bonds and other valuables at home until they are stolen or destroyed by fire, instead of renting a Safety Deposit Box, is on a par with " locking the stable door after the horse is stolen." Don't procrastinate! Rent a box to-day at this Bank. STANDARD BANK " OF CANADA TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Colborne Branch: - - - C. A. Bryans, Manager. Graiton Branch: • - N. J. Armour, Manager. Castleton Branch: - - - M. H. Mulhall, Manager. The Merry Widow Headquarters not only for the best in Ice Cream and sof&beverages, but also for the daintiest in Cakes, the choicest in Chocolates and Confectionery. New crisp reliable goods at clean honest, desirable prices. We put these facts before you and leave the rest to you. CASTLETON Mr. Glen Males of Rochester is slaying with his grand parents. Miss Gertrude Newman has returned from Peterboro Normal School. A large number attended the U.F.O. Convention here on Tuesday attf rnoon. Mrs. (Rev.) Richards, who been visiting friends at Westw has returned. Mr. Nick Richards has purchased a new Ford truck and is ready to do business in that line. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderi ami Miss Hazel Taylor are spending their holidays at their parental home here. Mrs. R. M. Males oi Rochestt spending several weeks with mother, Mrs. J. L. Gerow, and other Our Sunday School rooms are beng treated to a new coat of paint, and when finished will have a much' Our Epworth League has im Contreton E. L. here for Friday .iiing, when they are having a social evening. Ice cream will be served on the church lawn. Come and joy the entertainment. Mrs. EDDYSTONE Collings spent Saturday ■ j Asa Harnden's. Mr. Joe Bradley spent Sunday r. Andrew Harnden's.. Miss Oliva Joice expects to 1 through her exams this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Sargent is spending few days at Mr. C. Sargent's Mr. and Mrs. O. Hartford spent e day last week with. Mrs. Litster Mr. and Mrs. e. Bradley spent couple of days at Mr. O. Hartford's Th baby StiiMllO dr. and Mrs. Saimis and Mr •eed Samis spent Sunday at Mr C. Turk's. Andrew Harnden has gone to Gogama for a month, to visit her husband and son, Vernan, and daughter, Mrs. Mcintosh. Strawberries a very good crop ound here. Albert Harnden picked about 400 boxes on Monday and them all picked HILTON G. Thorne has bought Mr. B 1 Pillips farm. ~" D. McColl., and C. Gartshore home for the week end > funeral of Mr. Jas. Latimer was held at Bethany church on Thurs Mrs. Greene and daughter of Kit-hsner are visiting at Mrs. F, trongs'. The proceeds of the entertainment hy Miss Newton oi- Toronto learlv *,!!;>.(10. Mrs. H. Hodges, Mrs. S. McColl and Airs. Roscoe Warden's excursion to Rochester Wednesday 8th. . Mrs. E. Hodge; attended W.M.S. Branch -meeting at I and gave an interesting re; at the monthly meeting at the In of Mrs. G. Thorne on Wednesdf J. S. HODGENS THE COLBORNE BAKERY Will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during May, June, July, August and September MORGANSTON Mr. Harry Windover was are ■(ently taking the census. Mrs. David Glover is visiting her >n William, at Warkworth. Mr. James Phillips is improving so | ■to be able to be around again. The People of the Christian CburCfl 1 e having their church repa'red and j tinted. Mr. and.Mrs. Huycke from thel IWest is visiting their son Mr. IF.veret Huycke and other friends. There will be a bee held at the Christian Church on June 30th for improving the cemetery. All parties interested please attend. NORHAM Mr. Ratz and family spent the week end with friends in Oshawa. Mr. Carl Palmateer spent the I week end in Toronto and Waverly. Mr. and Mrs. Will Rankins of! Smithfield visited friends here-on P |Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge of I'.oenes- ; ter is visiting her father, Mr David ! Cryderman. ! Mr. and Mrs. Dixon or Earwood I spen£ the week end with their, dau-j g].Mrs. (Rev.) Horwood. Y\*e are glad to report that Mrs. | John McCoy is gaining after heinr, | tliiSvwn from the wagon and badly i E. QUINN "Funeral director SUCCESSOR TO BUSINESS OF LATE G. M. PEEBLES Day oi- Nieht Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 65r2 - - - - Colborne C.L. CRYDERMAN Funeral Director Successor late W. A. Gerow CASTLETON .Prompt Moderate Service Prices Call Castleton Central Line 10 Ring 2-3 Troop & McArthur FUNERAL DIRECTORS COLBORNE Telephone Motor Equipment WARNING NOTICE is hereby given that anyone dumping refuse of any kind or. thfe base line or any other highway in the Township of Cramahe will be prosecuted according to law. Farms For Sale! 300 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 4 Miles from Colborne. 150 acres workable, 20 acres bush, balance pasture. 6 acres orchard. 50 acres fall ploughed, 50 acres in meadow, 20 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Watered by a creek and a spring. Frame house of 12 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 76x34, barn No. 2, 58x30, barn No. 3, 36x18, tie-up 13 horses and 19 cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School 1% miles. Church 3 miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $14,000 Terms arranged 100 ACRES--In Murray Twp., 2 miles from Wooler, 6 miles from Trenton. 70 acres workable, 5 acres maple and "beech butdi, balance swamp. 2 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 20 acres in meadow, 15 acres fresh seeding. Clay loam soil. Brick house of 10 rooms, water inside, cellar, furnace. Bank barn 90x35, tie-up 4 horses and 10 cattle. Water in stables. Hog pen, ice house, milk house. Rural mail and telephone. School % mile. Church 2 miles. Possession arranged. Price $7,000. Terms arranged 82 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 5 miles from Colborne. 70 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 8 acres orchard. 30 acres fall ploughed, 16 acres in meadow, 12 acres seeding. Clay loam soil. 1 well. Frame house of 9 rooms, cellar. Barn 40x30, No. 2, 70x30, tie-up 5 horses and 16 -cattle. Driving house, hog pen, hen house. School % mile. Church iy2 miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession arranged. i Price $6,000. Terms arranged Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office, 43 Victoria S^., Toronto, Ont. REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne Take a KODAK with you YOUR speedometer tells you how far you went-- a Kodack tells you where you went and what you saw. The pleasure of the trip can never fade with clean-cut Kodack pictures to refresh a laggard memory. Better take along a generous supply of. . . . .j. film We have a complete assortment, - ^. ;. autographic and non-autographic, and \ it is all kept under proper conditions. KODACKS from $11.21 up W. F. GRIFFIS Druggist -- Phone 85 -- Colborne Colborne Creamery WANTS YOUR CREAM For which wewill pay at least Toronto prices Our Aim--To Satisfy Customers and Prompt Attention Our Truck will call for Cream and deliver cans Telephone will give you day or night service FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER selling wholesale or retail Patronize Home Industry POULTRY WANTED Write or Telephone COLBORNE CREAMERY Co. Phone 107 P.O. Box 301 Colborne STEAM VULCANIZING PATRONIZE THE RETURNED SOLDIER At the old Foundry, Victoria Street, Colborne Bring your old tires down to us and we v?ill tell you if they are worth fixing or not. We guarantee all our work. Prices Reasonable MASON & ANDRUS