THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1921 $2.00 a Year in Advance DEATH OF MRS. GEO. BRANIGAN I FAILED TO MAKE CONNECTIONS The death of Mrs. George Braiii-gan, on Sunday, June 19th, 1921, is the cause of much sorrow among a large cir»le of friends and acquaintances, by whom she was universally esteemed for her many excellent characteristics, and her husband and family of four young children share the deepest sympathy of the community. , Deceased has been ill for several weeks and her death was not unexpected. Everything possible was done to relieve her sufferings at Cobourg Hospital, where noted expert surgeons were called in the endeavor to save her life. She was 37 years of age and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Lean, and was a member of the Church of England. The funeral took place from the Last week a deputation from Warkworth fair were to have waited on the counties council as to securing financial assistance from the counties as to building a building 150 x 75 feet on the grounds, which would be used for exhibits at the fair and for sports in the winter. The deputation arrived after the council had adjourned for the warden's excursion to Rochester, and were so put out they refused to return on Thursday and present their case.--Sentinel-Star. residence of her fater-in-law, Mr. Thos. Branigan, on Tuesday afternoon, to St. Peter's Church, Lake-port.where the beautiful service was read by the Rector, the Rev. Harold Snartt. The burial was in the Lake port Cemetery. BERRY BOXES Get your supply early as demand is heavy this year Don't Forget the prices on DINNER SETTS Until June 30th---$39.95 "Special" SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 6 lbs. Rolled Oats, for......................25c 3^ lh. Tins Salmon, for....................25c 14 Bars Polar White Soap................$1.00 Terms Cash F. E. MELLOW - Colborne EAST COLBORNE STORE Soaps Sunlight P&G (Surprise Palmolive ( Comfort * Gold Soaps -3 for 25c- GET AFTER THE BUGS ! Dry Arsenate of Lead. . Pure Paris Green ..... Hand Sprayers........ ..40c per lh ..70c per lb $1.50 each W.'A. MOORE -Cash or Produce WORKING UNDER artificial light is certainly trying to the eyes. If you are bothered with dizziness or severe headaches, it is time you consulted us. YOUR EYES need attention. We are expert opticians and will examine your eyes very carefully and should you need eyeglasses, we will fit your eyes and relieve you of all troubles*. H. J MAYHEW Jeweller. Colborne Optician TROOP &McARTHUR "FUNERAL DIRECTORS COLBORNE Wm. J. TROOP FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND MANAGER MOTOR EQUIPMENT For Local and Long Distance Funerals Fort Hope has celebrated Dorifl n Day since Confederation, but f ogram this year surpasses all er ones. More than three tho and dollars has been spent tractions and the* big show merrily along from 10 a. m. m . In the morning there will | free open air concert at the , quare for the children. The oon program consists of horse nree classes with purses of one and dollars. League baseball Lindsay vs Port Hope; Climbing j Greasy Pole; Stewart & Mercei •obatic and trapeze work; Lipton's Famous Niclilo Shows consisting of the world's marching, waltzing dogs. Wonderful performii birds. Tile richest drei imal act in existence. The ; Feeler's, the world's greatest sts. The most sensatioftj" epid trapeze performance"; performing on a steel f~ thirty-five feet in the air, for which the Anglo •, of Toronto, is presen beautiful silver trophy, fifty dollars. The competi open to the lqfcal factories firemen. In the evening there will 1 mdeville acts and just previ e fireworks the male essrs. Pipher, Kimmel, Don« sorge will sing several of f familiar songs. They will u phones and the band will mpaniments for some „....„s. The program closes beautiful display of firework aerial noshes, mammoth i loons, wheat fields of the W6| rie flowers, Niagara Moonlight and a Firework % the Prince of Wales. Regiment Band, of Peterbor the Durham Regimental Be Port Hope.will provide music.J the entire program and will V sed concert in the evening,^ t help liking bur prograi to spend the day in Port Hope.,-, MAYOR F. L. CURTIS;I SANDY LOCKirGTOX, Se|. Miss Frances Paiyne is spending the eek with friends in Toronto. Miss Lenora Gibson of Orillia is isiting her aunt Mrs. Geo. Barfett. Mr. Ed. J. Turpin is confined to ed, with symptoms of typhoid fever. Mrs. Ridout of Snn Diego, Cal., is isiting her niece, Mrs. J. Archer Mr. leaving to-day for a two weeks' holiday trip. Mrs. A. A. Stone of Rochester, N.Y., visited her brother Mr. Jas. H: Bellamy. dr. Chas. S. Strong of Toronto mt the week with his brother, Frank P. Strong, tfr. Harrison Phillips has been te ill during the week with in-enza and pneumonia. Rev. A. I. Snyder M.A., of Brant-•as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lemon on Monday. Mrs. G. F. Teal has returned home titer spending a week visiting relates in Trenton and Wooler. Mr. Harold Batty of the Port Hope iiido staff spent the weekend with mother, Mrs. F. L. Batty, essrs. Claude Turney and M. srt of Toronto spent the week at the home of Mrs. M. Turney. r. Albert Johnston has been ill e Saturday, and on Tuesday went [to the Cobourg Hospital for treat- and Mrs. James Pickworth eturned home, after visiting her brother, Mr. Henry Farrow and other friends at Bowmanville. . H. Andrus motored to Peter-igh last Sunday, and brought •Ihome his daughter, Miss Nina, who ■ with her sister, Mrs. Archie ■ Chapman. Miss Nina has been affli-' ted with heart trouble. Chief -W. J. Jamieson of Colborne „as been appointed a special constable On the Grand Trunk R ailway Svstem of Canada under the provisions of the Railway Act. The appointment has been confirmed by W. H. Floyd, Police Magistrate of Cobourg, and the Chief has taken his th of office before W. F. Kerr, mnty Crown Attorney. CARD OF THANKS ie Windsor House been purchased from J. E. Alyea, who is the building as^a n r EORGE BRANIGAN and fam-sh to thank their many friends leighbours for the kindness ivmpathy shown in their rec- \TH' ilGAN--In Haldimand Twp.. lay, June 19th, 1921, Lena 3 Lean, beloved wife of Geo-nigan, aged 37 years. Inter-. Lakeport Cemetery. THE LATE MRS. E. PETERS On Sunday evening, June 5th, 1921, at her home in Colborne, after an illness of six months, Mrs. Elizabeth Peters, wife of the late James E. Peters, passed from the cares of time to realms immortal. The station she occupied among mankind was one of moral integrity and Christian service. Her most prominent characteristics were a love of righteousness and a deep, intelligent interest in spiritual truths and a self-sacrificing zeal , to help others. She was always a keen observer and admirer of the wonders and beauties of nature, and wflen her strength permitted took much delight in cultivating many beautiful varieties of plants and flowers. Her enthusiasm for all moral reforms ever burned as a steady flame, and when the peace and liberty of Christian world was threatened by German oppression and corruption, she yielded up her son, who lived with her, upon the altar of the heart-breaking sacrifice with many prayers and tears from the profound depths of her sacred grief, until at last her strength began to fail and the wearied body gradually sank to a peaceful and everlasting rest. She was born in Ireland in 1844, and was married in 1859, in South Dakota, to James Peters, and in 1873 they removed with their two sons, Walter and Clarence, to Northumberland Co., Ont., Mr. Peters' native land, and here the twins, Arthur and Herbert, were born. Sne was left a widow in 1900, and in 1915 she was again bereaved by the loss of her son Arthur, who was killed in action in She heroically fought the battle of life thru many trials and difficulties, energetically doing Tier part and trusting in the God of the faithful. She was a devoted member of the Baptist Church for over 40 years. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Coles, pastor of the Colborne and Wicklow Baptist Churches, and was well attended by many sorrowing relatives and friends. The interment took _place in Fairview Cemetery. The relatives of the deceased wish to take this opportunity of thanking the people of Colborne for their help and sympathy during her illness and since the loss of her son. The toil-worn hands at last are folded, Done are their tasks of duty and love. But the immortal works by her virtues molded Still live to inspire us to things Rev. Mr. Duetta of Trenton will . take the services on Saiem Circuit Sunday, June 26th. The Rose of-Sharon Mission Circle purpose holding a strawberry festival on Sharon church lawn, on Thursday evening, June 23rd. Good program is being prepared. Admission 30c and 20c. , A meeting of the Young Ladies' Patriotic Society will be held in the Council Chamber, on Monday evening, June 27th, at 8.30, for the pur-nose of deciding as to the C" of the funds. All members requested to attend. British M.P,'s whose indemnity is less than $2,000 a year, have declined to vote themselves exemption from income tax on their indemnities, or an allowance for travelling expenses. COMING EVENTS FREE JITNEY SERVICE To the Summer Carnival to be held at "The Cedars", Lakeport, on July 5th, afternoon and evening. Jitney at the Standard Bank corner from 3.30 p.m. on. The U.F.O. will hold a picnic at Victoria Park, Cobourg, on Tuesday, June 28th, 1921. Addresses by HON. E C DRURY M.P.P., Premier of Ontario R. H. HALBERT, M.P. Ex-President of the U.F.O. The Cobourg Citizens Band will furnish music. Baseball tournament. Sports of all kinds. Tug-of-War. Races, etc. Baby show. Dancing in the pavilion. Come one, come all. Ladies are cordially invited to make use of the rest room over the Farmers' store. Dr. Crawford C. McCullough, of Fort William, Ont., was unanimously elected president of the International Association of Rotary Clubs, for the ensuing year, at the annual session at Edinburgh, Scotland, last week. Mrs. McCullough (nee Grace Mc-Tavlsh) accompanied Dr. McCullough on the trip.___ LITTLE LAKE PAVILION EVERY TUESDAY EVENING After July 1st, for the Season , Drmcing from 8 to 12 Ice Cream -- Refreshments PROF. HURT'S ORCHESTRA FRED McARTHUR DIRECTOR OF FUNERAL SERVICE S AND EMBALMER Opera House, Colborne, Tuesday, June 28 An Extraordinary Book Made Into a Master Picture The famous classic of three generations has bejn made into an unique photoplay. The people of all nations in all classes have read and reread "Black Beauty" THE PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR It is a story full of human interest, spectacular situations and love element. It deals with animals and human beings and shows life as it exists in all simplicity and naturalness. COMEDY I:..\RRY SEMONS -IN-- "THE STAR BOADER" SECURE SEATS EARLY AT GRIFFIS' DRUG STORE BLACK BEAUTY AVITAGRAPH SUPEft- FEATURE Don't Forget Our Saturday Show JUNE 25th FEATURE WILL BE H. B. WARNER IN "FELIX O'DAY" LAST EPISODE The Third Eye MATINEE-- Full Show of "Black Beauty" WILL 8E AFTERNOOM Admission 50c. iWN IN. THE IQM 4 TO 6 School Children 25c bbr Store on er before the ; umbered ALSO COMEDY SPECIAL