Page Eight RESS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1921 BIG PRICE CUTTING SALE! 15 FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY 15 STARTING FRIDAY, JUNE 24th AND LASTING UNTIL JULY 11th --- -----STORE WILL BE CLOSED JULY 12th-- ^ -.-._- HERE WE ARE AGAIN, and, to meet the name we get as price-cutters, we are putting on this sale to show that we can cut prices even on our Reduced Priced Goods. Our record has been on top for Bargains, and I have been preparing for a Big Sale since I came back from my trip. Now is your time to save money--in this Mid-Summer Price Cutting Sale. I READ! REALIZE! SAVING! The First Three Days--Friday, Saturday and Monday--of this Price Cutting Sale we will sell: 5000 yds Prints, all colors, 30 inch, at 15c per yard. Cheese Cloth at 5c per yard. 3000 yds Factory Cotton, 34 inch, extra, 10c per yd. J. & P. Coates' Mercer Crochet at 10c. Wool for Knitting, Shetland Floss, 15c per ball. J. & P. Coates' Thread at 5c. Men's Suits I am closing out my Men's Suits and I will sacrifice all in stock at prices quoted below: Men's checked Brown suit, reg. $25.00, for $13.30 Men's Brown Heavy Suit, reg. $32.00, for .$18.00 Men's Gray, all wool tweed, reg. $35.00, for $23.00 Men's Navy Blue Serge Suit, reg. $35.00, for $23.00 Men's Navy Blue, English cloth ..........$23.00 Men's Spring or Fall Overcoat, black and gray, reg. $32.00, for ............____$18.00 Men's Waterproof Coats, ........$4.50 to $15.00 BOYS' SUITS Boys' Black and Blue serge suits, 2 pieces, reg. $15.00, for.......................$9.00 Boys' Black and Blue union serge, sizes from 27 to 35, reg. $12.00, for..............$.6.50 Boys' Tweed Suits, grey, reg. $14.00, for____$.7.75 Boys' Tweed pepper and salt suits, reg. $10.50, for ..........................$6.00 Youths' Suits of high grade quality Tweed, reg. $22.00 for.................".....$13.00 Child's Suits, sizes 22 to 26, in tweed, dark shades, at ..........................$.3.90 Child's Cordian Suits, at ................$.3.50 MEN'S PANTS AND OVERALLS Men's Tweed pants, in grey, brown, and black stripe, to clear at.............$2.90 Men's Tweed Cottonade Pants, very heavy. . $ 2 25 Men's Tweed, all wool, brown and gray, at $.4.75 One lot of Men's striped Overalls, on sale . .$.1.50 Men's Overall Pants, black striped........$.2.00 Men's Khaki Pants .....................$ 2.35 Men's all wool blue or black Serge Pants, reg. $14.00, for ......................$ 7.50 Men's all wool pants in blue only, reg. $10.00 for ..............................$ 5.75 Men's Union Serge Pants, reg. $6.75, for,----$ 4.25 Men's Overall Jacket,.........$ 1.50 and $ 2.25 Boys' Knicker Pants, sizes from 25 to 32. . . .$ 1.25 2 Lot of Grey, Blue and Tan Pants.........$ 1.75 Boys' Overalls, in striped, light weight, 6 to 10......................... ...... 50c Youths' sizes, 28 to 32,, extra quality. .". . . .$.1.35 This Sale will last until July 11th Will be Closed July 12th all day. All the Prices Quoted here are Subject to Change after this sale. v y MEN'S OVERALLS Carhart, Peabody or Peerless, the very best, Guaranteed, all sizes, black or striped . ... $2 45 MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS 1 Men's Work Shirts, a lot to clear at......$.1.00 Men's Work Shirts, heavy duck, $1.25, SI.60, and $2.00. Everyone worth double. Boys' Every Day Shirts.................. 75a Men's Fine Shirts, the newest, striped at............. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, and $2.25 Boys' free neck Shirts, 12 to 14, at ........$1.10 MEN'S AND BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Men's Panama Hats.......'...........$2.00 up Men's Straw, extra quality,........$1.00 to $2.00 Men's Felt Hats, Mayhew's and the best Hat on the market at..............$3.00 and $3.50 Lot of Men's Checked Caps, for........... .$1.00 Lot of Men's silk caps ..................$1.25 Lot of Men's Leather Brand Cap, reg. $2.50 for$1.5Q Boys' Caps, in cloth at .................. 75c Boys' Cloth and Fine Hats at............ 75c No Returned Goods Accepted unless it was understood at time of purchase. TERMS STRICTLY CASH WHITE WEAR Ladies' Night Gowns, special...... Ladies' Chimese .........,....... Ladies' Corset Covers and Drawers . Ladies' Bloomers................. Ladies' Underskirts, upwards from. Ladies' Voile Blouses ......... Ladies' Middy's................. Middy for Misses . ............... .$1.00 75c 50c 50c 85c . $1 00 .$1.50 .$1.00 SILK AND GEORGETTE BLOUSES Lots of assorted colored Silk Blouses, to clear $1.75 Gray heavy Habutai Silk, extra quality, reg. $5.50, for........'.....................$3,25 •Georgette Blouses, reg. $9.00, on sale ......$5.00 Crepe-de-chine, very heavy, reg. $7.50 for'. . .$3.75 Specials in Boots and Shoes 100 pairs Children's Boots, black and tan, sizes 4 to 7, reg. $1.75, for............ $1.00 100 pairs Children's Boots, black and tan, sizes 8 to IOV2, reg. $2.90, for.......; . .$1.75 Lot of Boys' and Girls' Boots, 11 to 2, reg $3.25 and $3.75, for....................$2.50 Lot of Boys' fine Boots, tan and black, sizes 1 to 5, reg. $5.00 .....................$3,25 Lot of Boys' heavy Boots, tan and black, sizes 1 to 5, reg. $4.50, for..................$2 50 We have also Running Shoes for all. Men's, Women's and Children's. Ladies White Poplin and Canvas Oxfords and Pumps......................$2.00 to $2.50 We cannot use stronger language than that we are the leader in Boots and Shoes, and carry the largest stock. WOMEN'S FOOT WEAR Very large stock and good assortment to pick Ladies'" Theo tie, the latest style, sizes ?Ak tc 7, in black----$5.00 and $6.00 on safe at A shoe of very choice leather, in good year welts, reg. $9.00 for..............____ Common sense shoe, ^ide, good wide sole, low heel, on sale ................... Black Oxfords, low or high heel, in Dongola. kid, reg. $5.00 and $6.00, for........... In chocolate, reg. $6.50, for.............. Black or Gray Oxfords, reg. $6.00, for! LADIES' HIGH TOP BOOTS I have a lot'of the R. Simpson's special catalogued at $7.79, in a chocolate, Lewis heel, very dressy boot, a bargain, on sale. . Black Dongola fine boot, full range, sizes 2V2 to 7 special clearing ............... Why wait till your boots are nearly gone? The reason was in the past, "High Prices". Now is your time, while things are tight when the business booms, prices boom. Take a tip and buy now, at this Price-Cutting sale. from. $3.50 $4.50 $3.00 $3.35 $3.90 $3.00 $4.00 $3,60 $1.00 HOSIERY SPECIAL Boys' and Girls' Stockings, white and black, plain or ribbed, reg. 35c, and 40c to clear 5 pairs for...........................$.1.00 5 pairs Ladies' black, white and brown Hose, sizes 814, 9, 9V-J, 10, for ..............$ 1.00 5 pairs Men's Gray Cotton Sox, for.........$1.00 4 pairs Men's Fine Black or Brewn Sox, for. .$ 1.00 1 pair Ladies' fine silk hose .............$ 1.00 MENS BOOTS Heavy Solid Leather Boot, extra special, for every day use........................$3.45 Black or tan Army leather, vici calf, reg. $6.75, for............................$4.75 Men's fine boots in tan or black, one lot of 150 pairs, reg. $7.50, $8.00 and $10.00, on sale for........ ..................$5.00x 100 Pairs Patent Leather Oxfords, very dressy and of the best stock, but broken sizes, oxfords that have been selling id $10 to $12 a pair. We have size 5, 5-Vt, 8, 3%, 9, 9i/2, and 10 only. At this Price-Cutting Sale, they will go at............$4.25 EXTRA SPECIAL DAYS Friday, June 24th, from 10.30 to 12 o'clock We will sell 50 Small Tea Pots, reg. 50c, at. . 15c Ribbons, 4 inches wide, all shades at.....>15c yd Saturday afternoon, June 25th from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. We will have a table of Hosiery for Boys and Girls. Sizes from 4 to 9i/2, per pair at .....%.............. .... 12Vacts Monday, June 27th. W,e will have special assorted lots of boots on table, 10 to 12 noon, to clear at......$1.00 Pair Above are not prices to be sold at at any other time then the hours we mention. Be here on time. Everything in our store is marked down and is on sale for next Fifteen Days Only J. J. SAYjER, Cqlborae Don't Forget the Dates or the Store--next to the Alexandra HoteL Phone 48