Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, MAY 19th, 1921 Opera House COLBORNE ===== \ Saturday, May 21 THE FEATURE WILL BE FRANK KEENAN The FALSE CODE j A Photodrama of Love, Millions, and Revenge The Tenth Episode of the Serial The Third Eye "THE HOUSE OF TERRORS" ROLAND COMEDY Cracked Wedding Bells Tuesday, May 24 we are giving Complete Change of Pictures THE FEATURE WILL BE MAX LINDER--HIMSELF " 'Nough Said! " The Little Cafe THE SERIAL OFTtiEUOCKIES The Second Episode--"THE INNER CIRCLE" Comedy CHARLIE CHAPLIN The Jitney Elopement A Two-Part Chaplin Riot, Presenting the Funniest Stunts with a "Flivver" ever Filmed, With the Famous AJJ Star Chaplin Cast. ADMISSION--Main Floor 35c Gallery 25c Children 15c DOORS OPEN AT 7 30 BEGINS AT 7 45 SHARP LIVELY MUSIC DURING THE SHOW J. J. SAYER, Proprietor WESELLftHSQNJ FARM EQUIPMENT, THE GILSON ENGINE Made in Canada and Guaranteed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - - GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Nearest Dealer ( WILBERT EDDY, COLBORNE, ONT. rhe town of Maxviilo was fire Sunday night. The tot Estimated at half a million. rhe Windsor House propert: ■ne, has been sold by Mr. A. Mr. Wm. McNeill. develop power at Kettle Faills with the object of elec-■ifyiug the T. & N.O. Railway. Poultry and gardens don't mix ery well, ready though the birds al-a;ys are to make the experiment. No financial aid will be extended to Russia until that country renoun-is the Soviet form of Government. Last Monday the price of hogs was iwn to $10.00 live weight at Colborne. About half what it was one year ago. The Royal Canadian Mounted Pol-;e of Ottawa will give a musical ride t the G.W.V.A. Celebration, Belle-llle, on June 3rd. There is every indication that we re going to have a spell of nice ■arm weather. Now is the time to et in your garden seeds and spuds. The PUBLISHERS MEET annual meeting of the Mi, Friday, May 13th, 1921, in til rejoins of the.. Board tf Trade at Pe enboro, A t'iuo -programme was pr. vftk-d aid the meeting" was ably pre ided over by,the President, Mr. 1 It C, Dawe, of the Peterboro Exar Extension Wo Belleville Ontario;, Today millions of fry have been passing up the Moira River. The species of the fish r, not known to anglers, so small are he fry. Hastings village residents and .ad-." joining school sections expect to' vote'. bylaws soon calling for the^e^r, tablishment of a Continuation School The salary of Chief. Constable, oi Oshawa, has been increased thousand dollars but no in-have been made to any of the ubordina! Lindsay Post: Now, if tt only start to throw in two two pairs of pants, might be able to m somehow with one vest. . The < hief speake Dunlop, Director o of,' Toronto Univers the work of his department for rnen and. women not taking regular University courses. Mr. lmulop spcd-ic particularly of the new short eourst for newspapermen that has been arranged for September 12th to 17th this year. In the preparation of this course the University has acted at the request of and in co-operation with Canadian Weekly Newspapei Association, which now has 460 week ly newspapers all over Canada in eluded in its membership. Such subjects as "Editorial Writing .._ Newsgathering", '"English- Literature aoid composition", "Canadian Constitutional History", and Newspaper Jurisprudence" will be discussed and lectures given by specialists in each subject. It is likely that a large number will take advantage of the course. At the meeting Friday there was considerable discussion on job printing prices and a committee was appointed to draft a revised schedule of minimum prices for staple lines of work. Mr. E. Roy Sayles, of Tor-' manager of Canadian Weekly Newspapers' Association, was present and assisted greatly in this dis-ion. Mr. Sayles also told those present of the trip to Vancouver of the Press Association next month the details of which have practically been arranged. The eastern party will leave Toronto by special ain June 2nd, and wiii be back June 20th. The Association's Annual meeting will be held at Vancouver. The officers electee were J. W. Deyell, Lindsay Warder, President; Geo. W. James, Bowmanville Statesman, Vice-President; I. H. Reefer. Norwood Register, Secretary; W. H. Keflar, Uxbridge Journal, Treasurer. md 50 in the State Washington must pay a poll tax of: each year to be used to retire bona issued for a soldiers' bonus. If you want, to order a daily pap or renew a present subscription, i Hie Express do i. for you, and sa yourself the paper and envelope, po: age and postal note charges. Under our present laws marriages amount to nothti than trial marriages, sai Brough, of Toledo, in advocating steps to curb the divorce evil. EXPRESS ADM BR1N6 RE&Ufc.T8. SXP "Dry" majority in Ontario apace, showing that large nun people would address Shake; words to J. Barleycorn: "I do desire we may be better strangers' . -Toronto Telegram. Even the village of Hastings, with its few hundred citizens, is out to bring in more industries. The Board of Trade are bringing a business down from Toronto to address a pub- i meeting, with a view to locating s plant there. A Frankford man was somewhat under the spell of 'John Barleycorn' nd had to relinquish his grasp on $105 of excellent cold cash and anoth-2r Frankford gentleman had to Iiq-lidate for drinking in a public place he forbidden beverage. Motor car speeding near the schools ft criminal. The kiddies can not be expected to be alert every moment, and yet some drivers rush along in the vicinity of a school regardless of the fact that many little lives may lepend upon sanity and thoughtful-of one motor car driver. For promptitude and courage in the rescue of Ethel D. Jackson from drowning at Islatnd Park, Belleville August 31 1920, Mr. George Belcher, caretaker of Belleville Parks has just been awarded the honorary testimonial of the Royal Canadian Humane Association. "Seli preservation is the first law of nature, and the greatest promoters health and long life are cleanli-is and sanitation", says a health proclamation. Time for a general clean up. If your neighbor's backyard offends your nostrils make him pluck out the offence. Before Magistrate Langley at Pet-boro, a Campbelfford man last eek, was fined $200.00 and costs, r displaying a bottle of liquor in a public place. The fine was the after ath of a dance, held near Norwood, l Feb. 10th, last, on which occasion le man was an uninvited guest and produced a bottle of "red-eye". and Mrs. A. A. Powers are leaving the homestead at Orono this to take up their residence in Toronto, where Mr. Powers will be closer touch with his work as President of the U.F.O. Co-operative Co., Mr. Powers was born on the farm, now known as "Rural Hill Stock Farm-' and his aged father, r. Simon Powers, who has passed s 94th year, and lived on the farm thout scarcely a break of over 80 years is still enjoying the best of health and will go to Toronto with his son. Incorporation for another bank to feu known as the Commonwealth Bank nada is being soupht. The Norwood Register says: "Th< Ontario Government is contemplating the establishment of a cement plant in-jthis province and is setting aside, one -million dollars to provide for i In its main estimates for 1921-22 The Register believes the Covernmou scheme. The feeling for public own ership is not so strong as it one time was. Troubles in Government operated '-ailways in the United States and the millions of deficits in similar Canadian enterprises have raised the question a,s to whether they can be riin by a Government with the same efficiency and be made to pay as a private enterprise. Coming nearer home to the Ontario Hydro Commission itself The Register has heard many citizens express themselves '.. , Ho: t that the construction of the '," 'I i-.tlv built trunk line of the Hydro-iw l&Tcctric through this district was not "'"'tarried out with the expeditiousness that a private enterprise would ciftnpelled to demand. Government expenditures in both tho Dominion and Province have been mounting up rapidly in the past few years, partly due to the war of course, but unless some eare is exercised tne people will be faced in future with a tremendous debt to provide for in their taxe thirty mile run--Colborne to Cobourg and return, made on Wednesday, April 27th, a fair test was made of the G. M. Gas Vaporizer on McLaughlin-six automobile. The a without the vaporizer consumed one and one-half gallons, and with the vaporizer attached exactly the same ground was covered by the use of one gallon and one pint--a saving of three pints on the thirty-mile trip. " es as to this performance persons may apply to Messrs. James Cowey, Ira Edwards, and Clarke Craig. Also Mr. David Kernaghan of Lake-port made a test in running to Grafton and return, with the result of saving 33 per cent of gasoline on the round trip in a Ford car. The Vaporizer may be purchased from Mr. Frank Matthews, agent for county. IS IT A COINCIDENCE ? The nearest approach to Russian Sovietism on this continent is North Dakota, where there have been In recent years some bold socialistic experiments--co-operative stores and marketing, a, state banking sys-for the benefit of farmers; state insurance of various kinds, state flour mills, etc. And now, financial and business conditions in North Dakota ____3 closely resemble those in Soviet Russia than do those anywhere else this continent. Is it only a c eldence?--Hamilton Herald. CHEER UP I Victoria Times: 1'hose doleful teachers of Empire decay and financial disaster should find something cheer them in yesterday's announcement from London that the new seven per cent. Indian loan of seven a half million pounds brought applications for no less a sum than -enty millions during the five hours which the bank was open for busi was telling my wife of how doctors That steady hard work makes for longevity, jThen just take the rugs to the yard", said my wife, And by beating them add several years to your life". Forest fires have out in Opera House,Colborne THURSDAY - MAY 26th MAURICE TOURNEUR Presents The Massive Drury Lane Success "SPORTING LIFE" Under the Auspices of THE COLBORNE BASE BALL CLUB The World's Most Famous Race--The English Derby A Thrilling Prize Fight at an Exclusive London Club Excitement, Intrigue, Everything in a Young English Earl's "Sporting Life . " SEE THIS TREMENDOUS PICTURE Also Big Special Lloyd Comedy and Pathe Review ADMISSION--Adults 48c. Children 23c War Tax 2c. Plan of Hall at Griffis' Drug Store Red Cross Aims In Ontario 1. To act as a voluntary auxiliary to the Ontario Govcr-inent in its health work. 2. Tti co-operate witn local Boards of Health, Schoo' BnarJ\ and voluntary organizations working for good health. 3. To enlist the support of Ontario citizens in helping to establish Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Service in remote parts of the Province. 4. To create and maintain a reserve of money, garments and medical supplies, and to enlist voluntary aid, for emergencies, such as epidemics and disasters. 5. To create public opinion in favor of sound health measures. 6. To promote better health among children by the organization of Junior Red Cross auxiliaries in the schools. ONTARIO ENROLLMENT, MAY 22-28 "In the field of Public Health, the harvest is ready and the laborers are few."--Prof. Winslow. Enroll with your local Red Cross Branch or Enrollm or, if there is none in your community, with -the Ontario Provincial Division, 410 SHERBOURNE STREET, TORONTO. y Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division LAKEPORT GENERAL STORE FULL LINE OF FEED Three Different Kinds of Corn Half Ton of Baby Chick Feed --Alsike Seed --Clover Seed --Timothy Seed --Dutch Sett Onions Paints and Oils, Turpentine, etc. Screen Doors and Windows Kindly Place Your Order with Us-- --or Phones-All Orders Promptly Filled' C. A. MILLS & CO., Lakeport Grafton West End Garage We have Secured a First-CIass Mechanic from the City for Repairing Cars Agents for Gray-Dort and Ford * TIRES OILS We also handle Elictric Light Plant for Farmer* SABINS & MIKEL „ Phone 49 Grafton, Ont