Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 10 Feb 1921, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 1921 P»ge 5 Farms For Sale! 148 ACRES--In Brighton Twp , 5 miies from Brighton, 20 miles from Belleville. 100 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 1 acre orchard. 40 acres fall ploughed, 30 acres in meadow, 24 res fresh seeding. Clay loam soil; Good water, 3 wells and a spring. Frame house of 9 rooms. Extra good bank barn 05x32, tie-".p 6 horses and 20 cattle. Driving house, h, g pen, hen house. School and church 80 rods. Rural ma'.! and telephone. Possession arranged. Price $9,000.. .Terms arranged. 200 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 1 mile from Colborne. 240 acres workable, balance bush and pasture. 17 acres orchard. 40 acres fall wheat and rye, 25 acres fresh seeding. Good water, 3 wells and a spring. Stone house of 9 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 110x30, barn No. 2, 24x20, tie up 13 horses and 47 cattle. Water in stable. Driving house, hen house, hog pen. Windmill. School on farm. Church 1 mile. Rural mail and telephone. Railway depot 1% miles. Possession arranged. Price $22,000. Terms arranged. 75 ACRES--In Haldimand Twp., 1 mile from Centreton. All workable, 3 acres orchard. 7 acres rye, 35 acres fall ploughed, 5 acres fresh seeding. Sandy and clay loam soil Good water, 2 wells. New roughcast house of 10 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Bank barn 88x36, tie-up 5 horses and 12 cattle, open yard, water in stables Hog pen. hen house. Silo. School and church 1 mile. Telephone. Possession arranged. Price $5,000 Terms arranged. 72 ACRES--In Cramahe Twp., 4 miles from Colborne. 65 acres workable, balance pasture. 8 acres orchard. 10 acre fall ploughed, 20 acres in meadow. Good sandy loam soil, level. Good water, 1 well and a creek. New frame house of 8 rooms, water inside, cellar, cistern. Barn 50x30, barn No. 2, 50x24, tie-up 4 horses and 8 cattle. Hog pen. ben hoirse. School and church 1% miles. Rural mail and telephone. Possession ai.anged. Price $6500. Terms arranged. Willoughby Farm Agency Head Office, 43 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont REPRESENTATIVE--S. J. PHILLIPS, Colborne. grand trunk railway. Mail-Express. Daily............ 10.03 A.M. I'aw^r, Esvept Sunday ...' 4.33 P.M. l't'«oi'.w Ex- >pt Sunday ... 8.35 P.M. Mail, Daily..........................11.22 P.M. Mail, Daily.....!.".'.. 3.03A.M. Passenger. Except Sunday... 8.47 A.M. Passenger; Except Sunday 12.27 P.M. Mail-Express, Daily.............. t>.54 P.M. BUSI NESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Reyes. Subscription $2.00 per annual in advance. Transient advertisements 10 cents per line first insertion and 5 cents per line for each additional insertion. Buainees cards not exceeding one inch $6 per annum. Yearly contrite at uniform rates. DENTAL W. G. ROBBRTSON, D. D. 8., L. D. 8., Dentist. Office over Scougale Bros' dry gooda wtore, Colborne._ MEDICAL MOTOR LICENSES Sam D Dudley, Colborne, been appointed issuer of the Ontario motor license for East Northumberland. Auto owners can procure their licenses now. CORN & OATS FOR SALE . E. ALYEA will have another carload of Oats at the G.T.R station, Colborne, in a few days Also-a carload of Corn at $2.00 pe lin:'died Book your' orders a once. 4-2x POLES WANTED WANTED--Electric Poles, 25ft long, 5 inches at top. Kindly state price expected. Write G. M. Peebl< Colborne. I. FOR SALE LADIES' FUR COAT (Beaver) Bu 38 inch, length %. Apply at E press Printing Office. BABY CARRIAGE, good as nefor sale at reasonable price. A ply at Express Printing Office. A. C. Me6L«NNON, B.A., M.D.. C.M., for SALE--a White.. WycadotU " Office op]x>*:«> Um- Fii* Hail. Colborne ! Cockerel. A special prize winner Telephone No. )««. liwidWM*, King j only $2.50. Applv to Wm. A Street Bwt- Pkoa* No. 123-rS. 1 Seed, Colborne. J. .a RCHKR BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., ~~ L.r.C.B., Edinburgh, Scotland. Office and residence, Diviaion Street, Colborne, Ont. Coroner for the United Oonnties oi Northumberland and Dor- COCKERELS -- Barred Rocks and S. C. White Leghorns, bred to lay strains with records. Major Macdonald, Lakeport, Ont. LEGAL FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., Banter, Solicitor. Notary, etc. Offief King St., Colborne. OnU, and 4 Temple Building, Toronto. At C< borne Office on Fridays and Saturda and Court days. ,|FOR SALE-- In Lakeport-- General | Store Business. Established in j 1882. C. Southon & Son, General Merchants, Lakeport* Ont. 5-2 TRICK Manit & McARTHUR, Barristers, Sol-Ac. Special attention given to o'is. Western titles and ag.mcy 410 Mclntyre Block,Winnipeg W. L. P -VYNE. K.C., Barrister, Soli:in r, Notai door east of Registry Office, Colboi ne. __ FRANK M. FIELD, K. 0.,' Barrister, Solicit or. Notary Public. Telephone No. 86 I lobourg, Ont. AUCTIONEER EGGS FOR HATCHING and Day Old Chicks, in Rocks and Leghorns from imported bred to lay stock. Only limited supply. Major Macdonald, Lakeport. PROPERTY FOR SALE CJT 4 acres in East Colborne, >d frame house, good barn, near-new with cement wall, about 60 tring app'e and other fruit trees, jphbne and on rural mail route. )d water. For particulars ap-to J. B. Harnden, Colborne. t. 6-ltf J. D. EDNIE, Auctioneer, is prepai ed to conduct auction sales. Fan Stock and Implement sales a specia ty. Address: Vernonville, R. R. 1, o Phone Grafton Central, 31rl2. Grafton Central, ,0»lrl2. S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer. FWt Stock and Implement Sale* a specialty Sales conducted anywhere. Satiunc tion guaranteed. Address: R.M.D. Colborne. Phone 78r23 Colborne. BRICK HOUSE and Two Lots on Percy Street for sale. The property of the late J. W. Philp. On the'~ premises are a good brick barn, apples, pears, and plum trees. Also Frame barn and lot on William • G.T.R. station. W. A. PHILP, C. A. Corbyn, Executors. Applj ■At HOUSE AND GROUNDS situated on North side King Stre< Colborne. The said property co sists of 1 acre of land, good fran cellar, living sprin MORGANSTON Mrs. Wallace Turney ha,s purchased a fine new horse. Mrs. J. George of Cobourg is visiting at the parental home. Mrs. F. P. Massey spent the week end visiting friends in Toronto. Reports a good time. Mrs. Arthur Hardinge and family are visiting friends in Dartford. William Lever, who was visiting here, has returned to his home in New York. Mr. Roy Darling's youngest son is very ill with pneumonia. We 'nope to see him around again soon. Say, girls, there must be some attraction here as those two young men from the east are frequently seen in our midst. The boys of the -Organized C of our Sabbath School who attended the . Convention and banquet Trenton report a very pleasant time and one of great profit to each one who were privileged to go. WARKWORTH 'atric1 NORHAM isjs ftosey Lawler is visiting friends in Burnley. Mrs. Dove is visiting her son, Mr. Harry Campbell, Frankford. e are sorry to report that -jMr. Herman Carr is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. John Snider from Belleville visited friends in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Sabins of Grafton spent Sunday visiting irie- y. George Goheen of Brighton spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. McClelland. Mrs. Chas. Cryderman has returned home, after spending some time with friends in Campbellford. Miss Branigan of Colborne is topping with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lean, and going to High School, Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson have returned after spending some time ith friends in England. Glad- to :-i3 them looking so well. UNION CORNERS Thos. Inglis is new on the : list. glad to report Mrs. Johnston better after a serious illness. Ex-Reeve Edmund Quinn was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. Alex Mcintosh. Nathan Gameld is around ifter being confined to ;:the house with "la grippe". Miss Carrie Lathrope of Bowman-lie was visiting friends in this neighborhood and at Castleton during the last two weeks. The death of the late Richard Coffee was heard here with many •pressions of sorrow; also the Very rious illness of his brother Thos. Richard spent all his early life here and his genial, kind hearted man-had made him hosts of friends, extend sympathy to the datfgh-Belia and Anna, in their m]\<}-bereavement of a kind t'r\7>-r. EDDYSTONE Mrs. A. Harnden is quite poorly time Of writing. Miss Warren of Cobourg spent Sunday with Miss O. Joice. •Miss G. Haynes is spending' a few days at Mrs, C. Turk's. There will be special meetings in the Christian Church all this week. '. J. Drinkwalter spent a lew last week with his sister. Mrs. Asa Harnden. Wilson will have services in the school house every Sunday eve- _veral are suffering from sore throat and head ache. The grippe, guess they call it. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turk and Mrs. Score attended the funeral at Cobourg of Miss Clara May, daughter Mr. Reuben May. \Ve were sorry to hear of Mr. Joe adley's misfortune on Thursday. He fell from a high waggon on his head, bruising him badly. Mr. D. Johnson had the misfortune to have a stick of kindling wood fly up and strike him in the ■e, causing him much pain. On Saturday evening a few of ouv mng people spent a pleasant even-g at the home of Miss Oliva Joice. CASTLETON Mrs. Albert Hawkins is visiting iends in Cobourg. Our school is still closed, through e illness of the teacher. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. 3V. Richards is ill with prieum- Mr. R. S. Newman is suffering Born-- In Cramahe township, on January 25th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchanan, a son. Born-- In Brighton township, on January 25th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McNutt, a daughter. We understand that Mr. Bradshaw of Stirling, has purchased the farm south of Burnley, formerly owned by Mr. Thos. Boyle, and intends moving to his new home shortly. The Warkworth Presbyterian church held their annual meeting on Friday, January 21st The church has had a very successful year in all its branches. A motion was made to raise the ministers salary to $1800 which motion ' was carried unanimously. | BRIGHTON Mrs E. W. Best is at Bloomfield with her aunt, Miss Margaret Huhbs, Who is Hi. Congratulations to Miss Colle McCann who has finished her com O.B.C., Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Gunyo were Toronto last week attending t marriage of their son. Mr. Percy E. Webb of Toronto was in town last week guest of his aunts, Mrs. Sandford and Miss Ferris. Mrs. Addie Lapp has been spend g a few days in Toronto at the home of her niece, Mrs. H. R. Pol lock. Mrs. Lapp and Mrs. Blakely t up with Rev. C. DeMille who since left for his home in Reg- WICKLOW Mr. W. Lock was home over Sunday. ""rs. S. Etcher and little son visited friends in Port Hope last week. r. and Mrs. J. G. Findlay spent last week with friends in Peterboro. Several from Grafton attended quarterly service here Sunday, morning. Mr. J. G. Wait attended the Milk Producers' Convention in Toronto Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. '. R. Mac Williams (Bessie Winter) Japan, on the birth of a son. A number fom here attended the Institute meetings in Grafton on Friday afternoon and evening. >v. J. Lovelace. M. G. Wait, Matthew Wait, Gordon Findlay", jr., and Theodore Judd attended the Old-1 Boys' Conference in Trenton. On Friday evening. February 18th, 1921, the Mission Band and Epworth League will serve tea in the Methodist church, Wicklow. from 5 to 8 p. This will be followed by a good programme of readings and music and addresses by Miss Muriel Winter and Rev. R. A. Whattam. Admission 50c and 30c. LOST MONEY ON HOGS A review of the hog business in Canada during 1920 was given by S. ~ Todd .of Toronto, at the annual sting of the Canadian Swine Breeders' Association yesterday. He gave figures showing that the pack-had lost money through selling to the British ministry. Closer cooperation was needed between the packers and the producers. ""icers were elected as follows: President, W. II. English. Harding; Manitoba; vice-president, M. Ste. Marie, Compton, Quebec'; secretary-iurer, ,r. E. Kettle. Toronto. When in Cobourg Call at the ALBION HOTEL Good Meals and Service EDWARD LISTER, Prop. Wm i.chol s wife and Brunswick House Colborne UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-class Meals and Accomolatio i Give us a call when in Colborne J. F. WOLFRAIM, Proprietor ipple tre . peai quince trees, grapes For particulars apply R. Wilson, Insurance tate Agent, Colborne. Herbert j. Pomeroy is still suffering with ar ■ ack of inflamatory rheumatism The Rev. W. H. Spargo of Bow .nville occupied the pulpit of th( ithodist Church, morning and eve lg, on Sunday. His mail: ends on the circuit have alwajri t will bs in the through U.F.O.; i Vernon- An event of great i the Box Social and L Town Hall, Friday r Notice to Creditors IN the matter of the Estate of John W. Philp, late of the Village or Colborne, in the County of North umberland, Gentleman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to section 56 of the Trustees Act, R.S.O. 3 914, Chap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of the d John W. Philp, who died on or >ut the 30th day of December, A.D. 1920, at the said village of Col borne, are required on or before the 25th day of February. A.I). 1921. to send by post prcnaid or to deliver to W. A. Philp, R.R. No. 2, Colborne. one of the Executors of the last Will and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian names and surnames, addresses and description*, the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security if any held by And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Execut- Stock - Taking Sale! Jan. 28th to Feb. 5th Will be offered the following rare values at CornwelFs East Store LADIES' DRESSES One Ladies' Black Tricotine Suit, lined with Pussywillow Silk, trimmed with self-covered buttons, a magnificent suit, $85.00,............Reduced to $50.00 One Black Wool Poplin, splendid quality, lined with black silk, trimmed with pin tucks, and buttons, rare value, $70.00...........Reduced to $39.00 Navy Blue Serge, trimmed with black braid and buttons, exceptional value at $47.00, ..............Reduced to $33.00 One Black Cheviot Serge, cable cord stitching, extra value at $40.00 Reduced to $20.00 One Black Serge, trimmed with buttons, fancy silk lining, $60.00. A.Reduced to $35 00 One Black Serge Tweed, with braid, fancy lining, very neat, $45.00 Reduced to $26 00 LADIES' COATS One Navy, silver tone, pleated back, large comfortable collar, $50.00 Reduced to $37.00 One Blue, silver tone, Misses', a charming coat, $45.00 .........Reduced to $30.00 Seven splendid, comfortable, stylish Coats, some with plush collars, $35.00 and $38.00 ..............Choice for $22.00 Three Snappy Coats, comfortable, plush collar, $30.00 ...........Reduced to $17.00 ALL GOODS AT NEARLY HALF PRICE DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE DURING THE NEXT WEEK Men s Department Overcoats and Suits. Some at Half Price. Come in and prove it. All goods reduced to prices below the prices that will rule next Spring. Remember, we are in the ring and close up to the hub of cheap prices, and in the outer rim of quality.* CORNWELLL'S EAST AND WEST STORES FARMERS, ATTENTION! WANTED! STANDING TIMBER or Elm, Basswood, Birch and Poplar Logs and Bolts/ delivered on ears. For particulars write or phone, TRENTON COOPERAGE MILLS, Limited, Trenton, or IRA EDWARDS, Colborne, Ont- Scranton - F. P. Strong - Coal Quality and Service are two good reasons for contracting for Scranton Coal "Nature Made It Best." Now is the time to secure your Winter supply. PEA COAL. NUT COAL. STOVE COAL. SOFT COAL. CONNEX COAL. EGG COAL Sewer Pipe. **• P. STRONG The Coal Man KSHIRF. FCR 1(1. ANGE FOR SALE or EXCH GRADE HOLSTEIN BULL, rising 2 years old, from a family of first-elass milkers, for.sale, or exchange for beef oritur. Address BOX 8*7, eOLSORKE. Priming . Box Social < Dated at Colborne tV.i < 2.Tf: day of ; holding a January, A.D. 1921. 192.1. A*j W. L. PAYNE. Ooiborne Solicitor (or the Executors. SPECIAL PRICES ON VANDERLIN TIRES Guaranteed 5000 to 6000 miles Call and inspect the GRAYDORT SPECIAL and Standard Repairs of All Kinds m By an Experienced Workman SABINS & SABINS Grafton West End Garage

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