Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 10 Feb 1921, p. 1

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$2.00 a Year in Advance C. H. S. L. S. At 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon the C.H.S.L.S. met in the Senior Room of the school. The main feature of the meeting consisted of short talks by those who attended the Boys' Convention at Trenton. Douglas Mayhew, Joe Reed, Mathew Wait, and Hubert Mayhew described fully what took place from Friday night till Sunday night. Each of the other boys gave a short description of some event that especially interested him. The musical part of the program was provided by the girls and consisted of a vocal solo by Marion Purdy, piano solos by Elsie Carter and Maude Harnden, and a duet by Mabel Cunningham and Marjorie Purdy. The president also gave a short address. It was a very interesting meeting. The boys all spoke well, and appreciated very much the opportunity they had of hearing such prominent men as Taylor Statten and Rev. Frank Langford. The meeting adjourned after the school call had been given and the National Anthem sung. Ruby Grant, Sec'y. Quebec, Feb. 8--That there is nothing in the new Quebec Liquor Bill to prevent the export of beer or wines to outside points, although the Government itself will not export, but that all such shipments must be made by express or by railways and must be done publicly, was the statement made to-day by a Provincial Government official. "Quebec", he said, "will not be a source of supply for other Provinces. It will import for the needs of consumers in this Provinrce, but positively not for export". The bill, the provisions Of which have been forecasted in despatches from Quebec for weeks, provides for the entire abolition of the present system of handling liquor in Quebec. Winnipeg, Feb. 8.-- Mrs. Edith Rogers, the first woman to be elected a member of the Manitoba Legislature, will second the reply to the Speech from the Throne in the Provincial House. E.A. August (Dufferin) will move the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne. Mr. Q&k, N. Gordon, the Liberal candidate, was elected last Monday in West Peterboro by-election for the House of Commons, after a bitter campaign Wifh five candidates in the field, i He is an old Brighton boy, and a feon of Mr. J. Wilmont Gordon, now Provincial Auditor at. Toronto. Mr. Burnham who resigned the seat as a protest dnst the Union Government holding office after the war period, was in fourth place. The U.F.O. candidate came second, although receiving only 420 votes in the city. The Government candidate was third, and the Labor representative, was a low fifth and lost his deposit. THE LATE MRS JAMES BAYES Eliza Ann Drinkwalter, beloved wife of Mr. James Bayes, was born |*n Haldimand Township in the year of 1850; late years resided in Brighton. Mrs. Bayes died January 29th, 1921, at Cobourg Hospital, and her remains were brought home from Cobourg to her late residence, Brighton, where service was held at 2 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 1st. Interment was at Mount Hope Cemetery. She leaves a husband, five daughters, and one son to mourn her loss, viz., Mrs. Etta Inglis, Colborne; Mrs. Jake Garlock, Sodus Point, N.Y.; Mrs. James Simple, Brighton; Mrs. Alonzo Wlson, Brighton; Miss Ethel Bayes, at home; Mr. Fred Bayes, Brighton. Discovery of the long-sought fertilizer that will grow grass and kill weeds is announced by the experiment station of Rhode Island State College, as the result of twenty years of research. The realization of the dream of gardeners the world over, a weedless lawn, Yes, she is gone, a friend a mother; Gone with her Saviour, evermore to dwell: But we have that precious promise, That we our mother's face again may see, And clasp glad hands in that home on high. Father, we miss her; Thou only EDVILLE Mr. Lome McDonald is on the sick list this week. Miss Edith Reddick is visiting friends at Frankford. Miss Brown, ot Peterboro, is visiting her friend, Miss Clara Graham. Miss Montgomery, of Frankftrd, is visiting her cousin, Miss Addle Mr. and tin. Oscar Morgan, of Carman, spent Sunday with Mrs. George MeDonai i. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marten, of Brighton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Murphy. Mr. R. S. Waite is home for a few days before he leaves for Toronto, where he will receive treatment in the hospital. Our anniversary held in Sharon church on Sunday, was a success. The church was filled both afternoon and evening, anl all were more than delighted to have Rev. Simpson with .us, and to listen to his message Salem Choir furnished the music in the afternoon and Sharon in the even- knowest How dee more; ;ep is the longing to hear 1 Our mother's voice that no more shall greet us, 'Till we meet her again on that beautiful shore. Weep not for me, my husband and children dear; I am not dead but sleeping here: My debt is paid; my grave you see; Wait but awhile and follow me. --Daughters. Judicious advertising means financial success. Never in the history of the commercial world has advertising occupied so dominent a place as it does to-day. COMING EVENTS The regular meeting of the borne Board of Education will held in the Council Room on Fridi evening next, Feb. 11th, 1921, The Macabees will hold a specij meeting at the lodge room Tuesdq| evening Feb. 15th, 1921, at 8 sharp. Important business. A Box Social will be held Methodist S.S. hall, Colbor Monday evening, Feb. 14th. 1921, der the auspices of the Efficient League. Admission 15c. . The U.F.O. & U.F.W.O. of ( borne are *aving a social evening J their club room, Wednesday, ~~ 16th, 1921. All members invit and bring a friend. Program and j freshments. A meeting of the members of Colborne Curling Club has been led for Saturday evening, Feb. l2t| at 7.30 o'clock, to arrange for tf Local Bonspiel and to transact othi important business. SATURDAY AFTERNOON TEA § The Soldiers' Memorial mittee will hold an afternoon tea t the Councl Chamber, Colborne Saturday afternoon, Feb. 12th, 192] from 3.30 to 6 o'clock. 25c. Everybody invited. BOX SOCIAL AND DEBATE A Box Social and Debate heid at the Town Hall, Castleton, I Friday, Feb. 11th, 1921. under auspices of the O.F.O. Clubs of Caj leton and Vernonville. There also be music. C. Quinn, Pres. F. W. Jones, Sejj 5-lx Next Sunday, will be a day of l-.-res-ting services in the Methodil church. In the monitor, th- Quart* ly Sacamental Serve- e will be helf In the afternoon a father and : vice and open session of the Sundf School. In the evening Work meeting, assisted by choir. It is hoped that many of i congregation will attend all of the! services. Everybody welcome. Re-opening Services will be held at Shiloh Methodist Church on Sundaf, Feb. 20th, 1921. Services, at 11 a.nf. and 7.30 p.m., will be in charge ff Rev. H. H. Mutton. * On the following Monday (Feb^t an entertainment will be neld.^TlIP great features of the evening will be elocution and humorous entertainment, by Miss Pearl Newton, a graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio, Toronto. Come and enjoy a real treat. Admission 35c and 60c. ELECT SOLDIER'S WIDOW Uxbridge has done honor to itself and the memory of the late Col. Sam Sharpe, D.S.O., M.P., by electing his widow to a seat on the Town Council. We are glad to see the prominent women of the various vns coming forward and taking part in municipal government.-- Oshawa Reformer. HULL'S CORNERS Mr. Robert Baptist was calling on friends in Roseneath last week. Mr. H. S. Cool was on the sick, list last week, but is getting around again.. Miss Myrtle Benedict of Peterboro spent the week end with her par-Mr. Frank Benedict sold a valuable horse a few days ago to Jimmy Mack. Mr. Bert Lucis of Dungannon farm was calling on friends in our burg last week. Mr. Robert Herron has rented a farm near Grafton and expects to move about the middle of Marc : . Mr. George Murray, who bought the Wm. Manicome place, has , st received a car load' of farming implements from Toronto. Mr. George Tinny had the mis-fctune of slipping on the ice and injuring one of his knees. He is not able to leave the house at present. Dressmaking Plain dressmaking' done at my rooms, over'C. M. Aden & Co's store, Colborne. MRS. MINNIE COVELL Six Detroit factories engaged the manufacture of automobile a cess ories or bodies have resumt operations on a 50 per cent, basis. A Wondrous Beauty Cream YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the velvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess, of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin--without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A perfect base for powder. Take home a jar today. sold by w. F. GRIFFIS THE REXALL 510, E PERSONAL . The condition of Mr. Thomas Coffee is thought to be slightly improved. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nelson-have removed to Belleville, where they intend to reside. Mr. Joseph Carter, of Toronto, is Bending a few days at the home of his brother, Mr. Ed. Carter. Mrs. Jake Garlock, Sodus Point, N.Y., has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Etta Inglis, Col-Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim, Castleton, have returned home after spending two weeks with their son Jn Toronto. Miss Carrie Lathrope *~>i Bowmanville has been spending the past two weeks with friends in Colborne and Castleton. rs. J. H. Menzies and two young sons are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Larke, before leaving for their new home in Calgary, Alberta . Mr. Menzies has jgone West. Mrs. A. G. Willoughby, Miss Helen Louise Willoughby and Mr. William A. Willoughby are spending a few weeks in Toronto. Where Miss Helen Willoughby underwent an operation at St. John's Hospital. The operation was performed by Drs. Snetsinger and Alexander. Belleville Ontario: Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDonald., Shannonville, in company with Mrs. F. H. Smith of Picton, have gone to spend a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Elmer O. Coyle, Colborne, Ont., and later will visit Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Smith ' remaining in Toronto for so weeks. BIRTHS Tackaberry--In Brighton, Tp., on Monday, Jan. 31, 1921, to Mr. and . C. J. Tackaberry, a son. COFFEY .. At Lakeport on Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Coffey, a son (Russell Kay). The regular meeting of Colborne Council will be held on Monday-evening next. Southon & Son, offer their Lakeport business for sale. See ad this paper. Hardwood flooring1,, "Beaver Brand", for sale and laid and finished by Mr. E. J. Turpin. See advt. The fuss made over the U.S. bairn men must make the men who iw real service in France and Flar.- Miss Lodema Lacey has purchased the house and lot of Mr. A. W. Teal, on Elgin Street, and will move to Colborne. Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules and RAZ-MAH for Asthma are sold here by W. F. Griffis local agent. Call in for a sample. A pleasant time as spent by all who attended the social at Trinity Church Parish House on Tuesday ning last. The proceeds totalled $23.00. Mr. A. W. Teal has purchased the orchard lot of Mr. A. L. Philp, just North of the dugway on Percy Street, Colborne, and will erect a house there. Wm. G. Morrow has read to the Presbyterian Manse, having bargained for the purchase of the property, we understand, subject to the approval of the Church authorities. The Presbyterians intend to secure a site nearer the church for a new Manse; it the sale is approved. If the people of Canada are so indignant over the depreciation of their dollar in the U. S., why do they send so many of them over there? A Canadian dollar is worth hundred cents in Canada, and home we can find and purchase almost everything necessary to a happy existence. Canadian-made "s should be good enough for Canadians. There is something to explain on the part of those who in-that they must cross the line to get anything to fit. CRAMAHE COUNCIL Castleton, Feb. 1st, 1921. Meeting called to order at 11.30 Mr. McCrackin, Reeve, in chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Communications were read as fol From the Toronto Stamp and Stencil Co., enclosing (heir bill for dog tags. From the Hospital, enclosing .bill for care of Ines Chatterson. And several others, enclosing bills against the Township. It being rumored that a deputation would later wait on the Council, asking for the privilege of holding social "At Homes", including dancing, in the Town Hall, the Rev. Mr. Richards and R. S. Newman asked the privilege 'of addressing the Council, saying they were opposed to it, and giving as their reasons the different evils that might result from the use of a public hall for such purposes. Later came the deputation, comprised of Mr. H. Mulhall, H. Pomeroy, C. A. Campbell, H. Church, V. McGregor, G. B. Tait, and others, asking to hire the hall for holding social evenings, "At Homes",, including dancing. After some discussion the council disposed of the question in the following manner: Moved by Murphy, Seconded by McCrackin, That this council grant to the young people of Cramahe the privilege of holding social evenings ' l the Town Hall. The motion was then called, yea-- McCracken, Murphy. Jtfay, Drinkwalter not voting, Clarkk, Cryder- Moved by Clarke and Cryderman, That the Standard Bank at Castleton be and is hereby appointed Banker for the Township of Cramahe, and that the Reeve, Clerk and Treasurer, gn all cheques drawn on same.-- Carried. Moved by Cryderman and Drinkwalter, That the Council meet in committee on the road just west of J. B. McKague's on Tuesday, the 15th , at 2 o'clock, to view and sell timber along the road.--Carried. Moved by Murphy and Clarke, That this Council invite tenders for the Township printing. All tenders to be sent to the clerk not later than Feb. 25th, inst.-- Carried. Moved by Clarke, Seconded by Murphy, That the Collector's time be extended to the next regular meeting of this Council.--Carried. Moved by Clarke, Seconded by Cryderman, That the Reeve sign orders on the Treasurer as follows: W. A. Knapp, grant, R.B.71 $143.25 D. Kowin, 141 yds. eravel---- 14.10 Wm. Winter, refund S.L____ 6.00 Toronto Stamp and Stencil Co., dog tags .............. 10.72 John Thompson, care of hall. 6.00 Sick Children's Hospital, care Ines Chatterson .......... 79.50 m. Benson, refund S.L... 4.50 P. L. Turney, 110 yds gravel 11.00 R. Chatterson, grant R.B. 38 128.75 Annie Baker, teacher's salary, S.S. 16 ................ 90.00 C. Pogue, grant R.B. 30.... 149.00 R. B. Scripture, blasting powder ................. 51.00 N. Puffer, refund S.L. R.B. 39 ...................... 4.50 . Palmateer, refund S.L. R.B. 39 ................ 10.50 A. Cracknell, teacher's salary S.S. 9 .................. 100.00 Mrs. G. A. McDonald, gravel 1.50 W. Hall, work on road ..... 25.00 L. Harnden, work, R.B. 8.. 98.25 P. L. Turney, 28yds gravel.. 2.80 John Collins, work on road.. 32.00 Cramahe Municipal Teleph- tie System .............. 500.00 Somers, refund S.L...... 6.00 A. Moore, charity ..... 7.49 W. E. Chesterfield, repairing bridge, cutting brush...... 25.00 Albert Cox, work R.B. 91... 210.50 W. Zufelt, sheep damages.. 2,7.40 Ryan, work, R.B. 53... 128.25 Ferguson, gravel ........ 20.50 W. L. Dunnett, as Truant Officer .................. 15.00 Council then adjourned to meet on the 25th day of Feb., 1921, or at the call of the Reeve. A. E. JONES, Clerk. The social evening, held at Trinity Church Parish House, Wednesday evening of last week, by the ladies of St. Peter's Church, Lake- 3i-t, was a successful and enjoyable 'fair. The proceeds amounted to ,-er $24. Diamonds... Hearts! How naturally we couple one with another. My boy, if yours is a "solitary" affection, cement the union by A SOLITAIRE DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING from our always abundant stock cf superb jewelry. v If you're the "right stuff'__and she lives to be a hundred, youl! never regret it. H. J. MAYHEW JEWELLER and OPTICIAN, CQL30RF E HALDIMAND COUNCIL Town Hall, Grafton, Jan. 25th, 1921. Council met this day. Members all present. Mr. F. J. Slade, Reeve, in the Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communication received from the Sec of the Wicklow Women's Institute, stating that the proceeds of the entertainment held in the Town Hall recently would be donated to the Cobourg Hospital, and requested the Council to consider granting them the use of the Town Hall free. As a liberal grant had been made by the Council to the Cobourg Hospital for 1921, the Council decided that the request could not be granted. The Auditors' Report for 1921 was presented to the Council, showing a balance of cash in the Treasurer's hands, Dec. 31st, $1706.73. Moved by Mr. Walsh, Seconded by Mr. McKenzie, That the Audit-Report as now presented be ived and the Clerk instructed to have the usual number of copies printed.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Walsh, Seconded by Mr. Haig, That the Clerk be in-structedto notify the Railway Commission of the very bad condition of the road on the Grand Trunk property leading into their station and freight sheds, as the same is almost impassable, and request that action taken at once to have said road repaired. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Haig, Seconded by Mr. McKenzie, That Mr. Samuel Coffey be and he is hereby appointed School Attendance Officer for the Township of Haldimand for the year 1921. Secretary to be paid $20.00. Moved by Mr. Haig .seconded by Mr. Carruthers, that Messrs. H. S. Clark and Jas. McKenzie receive the appointment of assessors for the year 1921. Carried. Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Haig, that Mr. Samuel Coffee be and he is hereby appointed member Board of Health for the year 1921. Carried. Moved by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Haig, that the time for the return of the Collector's Roll be extended until the next regular meeting. Carried. By-law No. 161, appointing H. S. Clark and James McKenzie, assesors for the year 1921, was duly read, signed and sealed. Bylaw No. 163, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow certain sums of money for the Haldimand Municipal Telephone System, was duly read, signed and sealed. By-Law No. 164, authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow certain sums of mene'y for municipal purposes, was duly read, signed Moved by Mr. Carruthers, Seconded by Mr. McKenzie, That the Clerk be instructed to order 400 aluminum dog tags to be supplied to all parties owning dogs in the Township of Haldimand. Same to be numbered.--Carried. Moved by Mr. Walsh, Seconded by Mr. McKenzie, That the Reeve sign orders on the Treasurer in favor of the following persons: H. Bilcox, work on road.....$37.00 ,H. Bilcox, brushing road ---- 12.00 Wm. Turpin, work on road.. 34.00 Wm. Turpin, brushing road.. H. Flsk, work on road ... H. Fenton, work on road Wm. Finlay, work on road . M. Aldridge, work on road.. H. A. Newton, work, bridge H. Bilcox, gravel........... J. P. Kellogg, gravel....... World Printing Co., sales las Pratt & Heenan, att. Div. Ct. J. G. Wait, lamp for Tp County Treas., costs re land 12.00 25.00 12-1,00 20.00 30.00. 91.95 6.70 7.00 27.00 16.00 Lawless & Hare, auditors. --Carried. On motion, the Council adjourned to meet at Town Hall, Grafton, Feb. 24th, 1921. at 11 o'clock. A very pleasant time was spent by the members of Colborne Masonic Lodge and their wives and families and friends at the annual "At Home", held at the Masonic Hall, Thursday evening, Feb. 3rd, 1921. The guests were received by the W.M., Wor. Bro. C. A. Yule, and other officers of the Lodge. Excellent music was furnished by Pellet-tieri's orchestra of Toronto, and the lancing including the quadrilles and other popuh dances, old and young had time. A number enjoyed ves at cards. During the refreshments were, served. old-time r square a happy themsel-evening GOOD SLEIGHING IN BRITISH COLUMBIA In sending her subscription for The Express for 1921, Mrs. Geo. Robson, Cranbrook, B.C., writes on Feb. 2nd: If Mr. Groundhog comes ' to-day in East Kootenay, he will see his shadow, as we are having 11 of- snow. Have had good hing all winter. Very little less out here in the country, but hosptal in Cranbrook is fulh notice how much lower the :s of goods are in Colborne. It s the merchants of this place of lowc ? thi it the r The ,'3 held ^Iarch S"9 vice March 18th.

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