Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1966, p. 8

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NI IDO NI 00 Carroll Irv lull 1mm llnymnml Lalmnn 71 Runan and nlnm mm MI flulnnlfl one 300 in bias II hull IZDWMl Fill 00° IWIIZI Wluhhurn Ilnrnur an um 11 ml nml MCCAIN MMI AI MrDAnIrl AM my nryl Illllrr Illil fill rod um EFMny on Itllhnlfll IIMM Yul 100M Mllll VMP Mrnenn am MR lm ml lulhurml Mm lltflrr ill Frleml and Grnh NHI llh5llr tll 17M Mnmmhl III 11 mo ID NVJnnu Ml Tay or HIV lulu MIMWNI Illl MIA mllom In llnllmm SunniN mul llundlry hunnlnz mml Ml lluhl 157 Imrl kin mu Ilwilny gm mm to PM Allen EOrioles Recover In Final Frame hilling pikhinfl home ngx like lhni nniiirrma Ori du haw come across mclhnd that ruin limo llm luck in iha Amehe umnk attack It Vnincsdny lnr he Cde iighi running nnliimore KDNd va run In the nlnih innina nnlchinx lha sumo wny lrom asion Rod Sax iiy Ihr lime the him had hurled Baltimore had In vlc my Tmsdny iho Orinlu cnme it II THE CANADIAN PRESS Enouflh inan Wednesday when hit ham tun that uiggered San Francisco Giants to iclury over only Card nx 10 Angela Dodgers loss 10 Clnclnunll Reds when he nun his aflhrillc 1m Lilbow lly HUN MPOIOILT gumw Im 3pm Wrflnr Having had enough ol winnan EM mu moronfLendanq wrap Sr Hockey Club sz Named Flyers is Willie Mays cl great Sandy rkoufax win my cam 1n Lhe ONLY RUTH AHEAD Flynn are pmwnt windm Ing summer fundraising pm he in the Iorm of $1000 draw whleh will be made Thursday Sept 15 Tickets are still avail my $5 each from any hockey Eclub olficiall Barrie is part of an amblliom anslan move 0y herVOntarlo ll mm mrlnnnll Ilnnla aw York vmlnn Mrnno lllnhmuh an Fm rn ArmIr lmlrlphln Hoakey Association No less than 10 team are new classed was Senior and they will com itesi game sdicdule Mast Barries no home games will he played on Friday nights and Sunday aiicrnoons WiLh many mow phyers expected on till the Emmic msmr an inlknslve two lweck training camp will be held when ice is available at Barrie when near ihe end of Scplem Club diredor Henry Grok gruidcn and general manager Kolmar of Canada Mt is in arge bf industrial relations local businessmen metast in panflcipating with the sen ior hockey dub are Asked 50mm Mr Groh Barrien enlry In the expand ed Onlarlo senlor hodrey drum $13 new name Team presl am Harry Partridge announced as night that the local club Quill be known as file Myers new system of sponsorship i135 also been inauguralcd em mhasizing mmunlly partlclpa Qlon Emir player will have In lvidual sponsors with names and on shoulder flashes The arrle club will relain the some mlor cmhinalion or unllonru in the past several seasons They will wear white wilh red unq green orhomegarner find nee wflh red and winla riry Irkxenrnad SeYenUE Op aria lezled who have back od flue club for the past several leasons the first lo join the user method with two By MURRAY CHASE undated Prm Sport ertu Koulaxcame in hg spcbnd Willie Mays Passes Jim Foxx In Homers Idllrldlyl Ilrlnlll Nlllnnll BASEBALL RECORD 300335 II MOWl In Wldnll Amrllrln IAuln lllllhnnn 005 ll llmlnn M300 NILl lnlmcr HUI MIIILr nml llunmwky mu In Hwhxnn MCMIFHIH Wynn 1mm UN OIIMH Irvl llynn ll nuDem flrr 1M Wuhlulu Mltl lMI fll MIMI mm klln III and Cannon Ilium llflm Hm llall llul Amll lllh Wal lehrll JanlAvllu In annvr um NI ul 000M III ll Drlwfl lloulnn 1G7 Fmvl AM Gllllvl Willnn NIH nml Fm hMI Illll NVTwh MIN 22 Ill INMDID umml mmm Mggmm mmux Mum iii ml Raul Duzhudl Lode MI Normn um lanu ml Rulgm lutunl MOM ml 11 Waflhlnmm IF MRI Bull Zlmmmnnn II Cul Inhnllnm IL Klnm mmul Wl ll HI 10114 MtCnnl Ind Itrmmckl and qumm Ilnlllmnu Dtlmll UrnInuit Mlnnunln hknun nlllumll Nrw York Kllnllll lly Wmhlnulnu Hullun Wednwzayp mka named wlth mnmullve single by nuu Snyder and rook and Frank Ilnblnmn fillinx he ham walk to non Imm the sum way pin1 lo hm those days lnrcrd In an run and mm by Paul Illalr nc cnunlul or nnnlher nah Johnson murucd Hrmu home and Sm Milkr relic pilrhrr knocked In lhn but two with IinKlt mm behind wilh in In tho nInm lo win and on Mnn day My ch it In lhc nlnlh Ind went on In Win in TM Glam ml older who fled Foxx the night More new rails only Babe null and MI The home run was lhn 535th of Mays career and made him the second xreamn homer hit or and lb greatest right handoq homer hitter all time him on pllch from Ray Washburn sailed over be right field once Candlestick list RUTH WAS TOPS an tonight at Queens Park in the second game of their butobseven semi final mund against Barrie Plaza The 1mm Iead the set on the stung of decisive 12$ win last week Gama ime ls 830 Dan McHugh was the biz asset for the winners both at the plate and ml the pitching slab He held he host to just twn hlt and collected In sLikest He also clubbed of the Elm vale hits including sevenLh lu nin5 threeum homer DEEMED Elmvale Palace Hale last night moved up one notch an the pmvincinl playoff ladder They easily defealed Allenford 91 to advance ano the second round of OASA Intermed lace competitlnn Couplcd with 125 mnques last Sun day anemoon at Elmvale the Hotclmzn swept the besboL flue series in two straight gamesi The postseason playnfl cham pion will represent the DEA in Allan Cup eliminanns the An nual mmpgtillon 01 ch national senmr lhe naw league misc three chm mm the old Central Ontario senlor ellmil Ilonl with the live Senior mumees and two new entries Hodxey an in Barne will have m1 varily as film mum is Pro mm by Drillin Collingwwd Guelph GalL Woodslbdx Oak vilIe Tomtn Belleville and Kingst her The schedule L1 due In We here Oct 15 Elmvale Takes 0581 1st Round 7D id Huh 511 Ml 12 CZI Mfl 11 16 17 WE 1M 15 Selma Mil nlumn Mm mm Upuhnw Io Hum ll nml AnuIlXIln sn Illlnlkl Il ll Jul4h TIM HumIn Tumult MW 001 Vlmylvd MV Amleunn lmnhml 1M Knkhliu 1n and nmom Ilohr 111v mini mhml 10 II III DIPI II llnlml mnwllvr Ill and Mm lenlph HI nml mum mu Hut mwlmw Imy mmm lmltllfll Kim III Mill at Mount nlumhn Mommax 70 Tukdn MIWUIlI nlkrr 4mm Hmnll In Ian Ill Hugh IN Frvn Anvln llrilvllll MD 000 lllrhmmfl MOMM ll nlumlml llmlmlrr Tnmnln Hullnln Illrhmnnrl Tnlnln Jill hum III fiymmn Klu MOIIMl l0 Chin 002 Ml Wl 10 Ilnndrnhm loll Sunder Slack ml and 00 lmmnha mm mm and llnmnno Illll Chlllnmnnn MM IN In and llnmnno lln Chl fikournnvln Klu MOIIMl no my an no lmvd ihlfiMTlmuiénAnm In nlhnr Nnuonnl mane xamu New York Mm mm Iimburgh cannn lhe Pirntu had In nuhull xnmo am Sun Flam13cc Glam Chlcngm Cub lrimmtd Ihilarlelphll Will 53 lqlmnxpx nnd Allnnln GETS AN INJECHON Kwulnx ose next pdltdulcd lum would be Sunday recclvcd corthnc anrcllan 1n the clA bow Ihm plum in bucket vi Irah usunl nume ha 50L alloy Ila pawbh that Sandy W1 be able In warm up on the sideline two days from now and lhtn lake his umal mum turn ll he dbow LI not MD kn Its nothing dlllcmll from what has happened in him be fore said DL Robert Kedan Dodger team physician The elbow hurt him all scam but usunlw he pain between pilehlnl mignmcnt Incl mal grea about it May said dlerward nu Is the first time anyone hu admieved this in to shed firm The ml those mm had years and Ive had oniy 15 Koalax was seeklnzhln mm vlctary Wednesday nigh but in dead wound up with me el bow Ha hurl it in Iho 59mm In ning when he struck out lhe 51d but didnt leave until Ihe 11h 7N homers Ruth ballad left handod slim léad iuzer clubmalen ski was run if on Kmlpenreic Bay under period wealhu conditions in one hour and 22 minutes Here We yachts bub do or the lead sturdy am the stat Gamings Doug Keary 1131M in backgtumd with YESTERDAY afternoons dxzrd pace of the Canadian lnlrmlllon WMnrdlyl lluulll Lulu fluran norm SAmdnyfInxwldnrman nl Co mm Lu Nlmn New finrhnn Ilnnlm Flrll 1m mum nordrn Fnlmo hum Mrmdny Hnnlm Al rlnrhnn INT Flul film Coop Irvpmmlmnn luiun mm ToulFJM Com InnEut man 100 mm 27 Stcwnrla It Now market mm nmmry INTEKMEDIATE SERIES mumnu unlmml Barrie Aug 24 Newmurktl at Shaw lfln IHJDL Thlld Gnme Slawarll Noummkct Iulun Glfllfl Sunday Sluwnnl Newman RM 030 Slewnnl Newmarket Aug 22 Pin at Elmvnk Quunu 5301 Img Ithnvale at Plaza 70m 1H necessary Elmvala Plan Flu Guns Elmvale 11 Plaza Future Gums Tonia Plaza at Emile ngcnAAmlJO Salufiiay Ehfivale at Plaza mY Barrie Yadn Club onLries in the Canadian snipe sailing cham pianships yesterday look back seat lo crews from Oakville and Cape Breton Nova Scotia as the second and third leg of the live race series were mmpleled me rice were fur 76 on Kempenielz Bay under ideal wea lher mndilions In direct con mama Emma mm in the Cape mum N06 fifth fllboaz Md was Jim Mm Amine Fholo Nova Scotia Pair Challenge Title Lu lehll Scare Stewart Newmanch Flllt Glme Siowarll Nomrkcl Second Gama Newmnrku 9mm innlmu Jim Bdrord and Susan Bollumd 10319 Fva win in the fllboaz Md was Jim Muc SENIOR Bestchem lardHum KEMP In4Mle nmlflnnl SERIES mulolunn umlllnll Euunhn SOFTBALL Ill Pls Tomorrow In lnlomul hm Lha charm hnudimp rm LI III or 1030 mm 11w crown in hem or Unkvlllo for wackrnd Ulrmrnm mlu mzalml tome the 1m Amarknn Inipu In In mnunl Onlana oven The 1966 dlnmplon Will be do aland today Illrr Um mnnlM bl bo fourth and mm nm The mndudu Ihmd In no this nllcmoon Prim will he hamlml out at he nwanh ham qua um awninx 1m omn pelilnru nu at the loamr mull Inn nlnrflnx it 030 11m mlrd Barrio entry lkipv per Dava Scaly and Joan Seal nlso had laugh luck thlml with his snipe forced him out 01 both rncu yrucrdny wilh disaster yulerday mer noun before tho race oven nan ad Rom who placed hlxh dur lnz ma warmup raw wu mum jamming at lhe surfing line and rammed he comma boat forcing him to wieraw He llstrd Nth overall brhlnd Parlor or he proram Morita 1mm Oakville MacDonald moved up Into challenging position yu lcrday WM momplans lin lsh in Lho morning run Bil Porter with dauuhler All son as crew managed third In 0m openinfi race and runkl th overall the Maine Bar rieAanlry Clubmale Kurt Dom Defending champion Howie Richards whn has won me John Leckie Trophy or the past three successive years wan yer lerday mornings second ml and finished and in the after noon Ho was back In Hue pack at we end of mesdayl int race for km overall standing ninth Idwal Crook In anym Skipper Jim MacDonald and crewman David Kennedy ans our Nova Scolia enlrins in Lhe field of 22 snipes wan yep lerdays thhd race in the last time 01 one hour and minuleL They moved wifllin 366 points of overall leader Tod Halns ol Oakvillc who has Larry News as crewman Hahn was second yesterday and his mm lead slim as 1600 poinlx are Award ad or tirskp1ce finish TRY EXAMINER VAM ADO IIIONH 7H1 trash to the difficulties of mes day afternoon when heavy winds and dimpvpy waters erred can cellation LUMBIIRR 12mg Mew Graning 23 will make his prolesslona debut for the Lions when My F117 hustle Wimn Coach Dave Skrlen decided In dres Graning innit becaus he snld EC couldnt wait any longer lorIBud Spicer another mm live up to his pom 1mm NataWu Mm of Hue nine Mountain rural circuit wan fileend of be ragtflar module along with bauerynfle peg Blue VBdmbers In Western Football Conference game Splcer 25 cut haul the team Msdny was part nl dalm uve backfield that proved vul VANCOUVER CPI Rookie Chick Gganlng who won aver an quarterback will Lri lo impress British Columbi Llon as defensive halfback might Stewarts Gauge soared early had often last night More In other ovexflaw than play crowd at Queens Park The Mind up Ieven mm In the first four mm In Irim Newmarke Plan Tire and take Ille lend in their MSWseven senior umifinll round Fourth lame odwduled or this Sunday night 830 at the Nawmnrke Fah Grounds THE HARPJE EXMHNEE THURSDAY AUGUM ll IDS Graning Debuts As Lion Defender Stewarts OneSided Win Koop it lo yourselfits such good ole IPA has more loyal friends than any other Onlcrio olo Men who know who good ole should cant be foolod they always come back to Labuns IPA Its such good ole Labatts IPA with anybody N10 available on drmmM your favourite oflablihmoni Nexrer split Granlngl bl moment name In the Hon intra muld game More 18410 fans July 1a mbhtb Maple Lia mu hi Fame centre will be Kyla ment 7101 flanker Sonny Homer nlng route and mowed down 16 batters un strikes well as re llringv the aide in order our limeL toy hall the ludh mu one out when sum Samson Ken Carost and plndmiuer Dale Peg delivered conseculive ah gles The other nu was mw cring solohomer by catcher Norm Roberts leading all ha seventh The hall was baked deep Into lea field wall past lhe Hm tower Page and Rabat nanable to the long pass Liam lost two at their lint three games this season He called gambling game and made it pay the rookie 5on 1713 mm over he veterans led by regular quar lerback Joe Kapp Grazing passed or one loudldown Ind scored another himseih Hubby Apps rookie flanker will also m0 Into the lulu lineup Am at 5M Amt 11mm over up nine In WRNEENWE 591 He I95 his mum hid In Ihe added single tn round on hie Newmarket hit total Shwan wasiedlllue time In giving Dunn mm of hulking room They scored three me in the dllrd with pairs Jn 1h second Ind omLl Afler the visitor sliced the up down in five the Garagemen struck again for two allies in the MV cnUI Laser Dan Scelnher was rap ped hardlnr base hits seven of them over the firstour in ning He had um lupme lrom bl leammales as may cam milled xix errors alluwing Sm mm to extend their rallies MacNicnl was gun In Lhe dwbive victory Hean sad two doubles Ind two single in five plat vkiLl and um across the winning run with twmbase shot in the bird Ptle Mcqo$ey sngled twicg and Martin counted lwa Himmler Don Morrison drovl across run with dome and 1mm baucr Ron Raycrnlt al to mnnecltd or two bases Jim Thompson completed the out glam with mwromdnz lin Score by inning Newmnket wooul loo1 as Warn 09 200 mo 14 ggixiaxed Nick Owen and Ar Scanner andrlioberlsz Dunr and ManNicnl VIM BHMBLEB AND SAVE Bradford NOW $235900 11 Gown anbler Cllnlc 80 dnor flnhhnd In mcenI teen ndio while ulll Llc 7159915 7161711

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