it Photo by hand It Jamil MR AND MRS ROBERT LEAVE THE CHURCH Reception At Armour Heights Follows Afternoon Rites Armed Forms Start College lowing the wedding oi Miss Katherine McLeod and Robert Tcdiord The bride is the daughter oi Wing Commander and Mrs McLeod oi Scarborough torm erly at Camp Borden The bride Kmm Lt the son at Mr and Airs Tediord oi Nnruood pntario jlnihe couple exchanged vows It atternoon wedding It the arm at the Master United starborough on Aug Givrn In marria by her lather the bride won tradi lha continents most popular untaicians Herb Alpert and his Tijuana llrass will appear at OKrde Centre irorn today un til Saturday 0n the same bill Sergio Mcndu and lirasilM will make their iirst Toronto appearam Alpert the creator and par veyor al the Joyiul musical Iound which has capturrd worldwide audience oi young and old alike brings concert IlIW In OKeeio Centre which flaytd to close to million attic onadrrr over tho past two yeIrI TN THE LlIAIl Currnnll the loading record ing artists In the world Alpert and his TJll are the possessor oi the unprrcnlenlrd distinction at having alx mllllnndrrliar gold albums on musical rharia at the mo time The six album What Now My lmr Going llIrr Whimwd Crum and MM labia Smith tbs llordrr lonely null Ind iirrir Alpert and Tho Tlluana llrltssVolumr ll havr hold over ton million unit In the part tour yurI Alperta success It conrrrt artist and lrlrvltlon portornt or has rivallod his appeal It recording llurlng the part yea Alptrl llu novcr guru con mi prrtnrmnnre with In rrnpty Ieal in lhe home III has aln rd on every leading mu Iy tel fset to Wellington reception was held at the Armour Heights Toronto lol liAlR STYLIST tianal gown oi peau de soie iashiontd an Empire lines and ioatursng sweorhcmt neckline hand anlroidered with seed pearls Applique oi send pearls con tinucd down the skirt iront oi the design which tell to Ca thcdrol train The bride carried cascade oi Sweetheart roses and stepb anotis centred by gardenias Carrying through the theme at her bridal bouquet the brides headdress oi white roses and ateshonour hold her long veil oi silk tulle illusion Bridal ntlcndanmts were Miss Suzanna Gauthier oi Barrie Herb Alpert And Tijuana Brass Make First Toronto Appearance induding The Andy William The DaIn ltiarttn ltla Danny Kaya The Red Skelton The Ed Sullivan Show and Hollywood Palace Alpert and The Tiiunna Bran will maka lhrir drhut ll Ear opean concert pcriormcra this Fall when thty launch Irrlu oi prrtormnnerr In the capitals oi the Continent where they are also the leading instrumen tal recording artists Aipme huntteased single rowrd on his and hi label the Worit Song Mods his Incrodlbta popularity On the market lesI than one week rho Work Bong ha Iold in errors oi 501000 coplal indica tlng that it ll well an In way to bowminrt AlpertI bifltil Irlling single recording Sergio and tha ilrnsil 66 up rived tn the United States under the sponsorhip oi the llrIriliIn govrrnmrnt As the mittka mlmll nmhmaalmu rl their love rnlmcnt Illa Win lrmul to be nrnrtrrn oi Inlrrnntional lips loamy as they atvrul instant Itlorrra when they made Ihrlr ronrrrl ddnil with liorb Alpert and tho Tijuana anII in April at low Soon nitrr their Initial owlar Inca with Alpert Smile Mrn du and his group were signed to rrovrrllng rootrart by Air perla and morttt pleao4 in ammuun army qulllilM heir mun ulstan may in flwnum am mm mu no to mom out an utter it It an iron at mid rm rotau tr mu In slur nthr mm ol mlr nary wana mu rul AM Ill rr Mr TillJl Tllllii AND Fill TI lhl 726l Ilk cousin oi the bride maid oi honor Mrs Walker Ber muda Mrs Trevor Gibbs Mon treat and Miss Mary Jane led iord Ottawa bridesmaids ltliss Carol McQuade oi Montreal cousin oi the bride was the flower girl The attendants were gouned alike in floorlength dresses oi light turquoise corded silk Thcil headdressu ocre designed to match their bouquets iha maid oi honor and the flower gin carried bouquets at pink Sweetheart roses blcndiag with blue and mauve tones The bridesmaids carried yellow Sweetheart roses blending with blue and mauve tones The bridegroom was attended by ll Walker The ushers wore lmi Morgan lohn Ilas tings John Cole William Me Lcod in and ion Tuilord The couple ion on whim trip to Jamaica For travelling the bride chose Dior blus ear atmbio oi silk shanlung with navy blue accessories pink orchid Corsage complimented hrr costume Mr and hill Tuliord will make their home on Ilgiintrll Avenue East in Toronto By ROBERTA ROEBCII There must be more opporw lunlty ior woman in her so than slowly being romebodya grandmother reader unites For many years shesnya this was my major aim As raised my own tamlly and felt tied down as mother used to look iorwarvl to the grandmother stage when wouldhl tree to pick up and go and do nothing but enioy my grandchildren Eutnnw that have reached that status am tinding that liia as grandmother doesnt have much to oiier daughter is so independ ent aha said that she doesnt need my help Io dont ieel very usetul on the Sundays have her ismliy ior dimer or the one night week go to her home And as tar as being tree aha concluded am tired oi looking at calendar that could very well say In eiiect Call iar halrdressera appointment on MoadayGo to hairdrass erI an ltlesday Meet Jana ior lunch on Wednesday 60 to the stores on Thursday De dd whether to keep purchases on Friday lteturn purchases on Saturday CAN BE YOUNG All oi us know individuals whose later years seem to total up to the emptiness lhh reader describes Eat In thesa times grandma you can be so young and vital and even look like Whistlera mothers daughter ii you make your own opportuni ties by building the iollowing into your liie First be independent and stand on your own two ieet instead oi looking to some body else in order to ï¬nd your reason ior living Writing As Hobby Isnt The Answer To Quick Cash nonznra noascn Dear Roberta Roach lnoodtoaam some extra moneysimlam Wing duosdtildmraodmywkme arnailirmneJhavenolmin logtpraiobButlhavetried to write verse so now have Ihundrodpoomstnmll Do you think mild earn ex tra dollars Imn than MB hear would like to be encourag ing and give you the answer you want But unload must say aalhuve said many times Writing on imelance basis poetry or anything else not the answer to gaining quick cash it you are an aspire lng writer who has new made rate Occasionally miracles hap pen and the last place at uril Ian person scrim out briruzs backadraqua Butthislsmdl my It is knerch lor the mango moon lo lhink oi writ hrg as way to earn extra money instead imp writing as hobby at least lommruily and try to boost your Incoma by motoring troiolntt or atolll you can use to earn aura cos study oi classiï¬ed ntls MI nnmloym are hiring poopio who have deï¬nite training tr skill mum man to lilm John an 24 Dunlop St Johnny says Im His Girl In my new than by SAVAGE Artr m1 nu ma Mimi Innr tmm NltltMAN almur hit awrul min In nu In to In Inle am Lnth in Int rtiot It Inn to my um llll mt Inm wrur rim mm mm NnuwIN aunm an In Irrtn arrum rlnltt ymt NORMAN SHOES time my turn run run may 72MB Grandrrrother Stage Of Life Can Mean Time Of Pleasure Second reach out beyond yourseli and your totally and reiqu tn liva on the triage oi other peoples lives Third commit ourseli to daily goals In whlc you have something to do that must be done that day iourth keep youriali wound up by extending your seli to new interests activi ties and intends each year Filth get into volunteer work and be the spark plug oi program that needs you WM TIIE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST ll 19 slrllt ind iulltlma or parttime ioh It you want one Use the grandmother stage oi your ilia to involve yourseli says at busy grandmother itarb Fowler of Wrights lowers suggesta ywaondinyourdrydoanlngoarlyioral leralima and any repairs that have to bar done Just call us today 7285531 in metal projects Create your own opportunities Ons lamily happen to know day because the Is always so We have to catch grandma In tho Inhetwcon times of her busy leading liie oi her own SHor YOUR crosrr nasr FOR BACKTOSCHOOL crornrs lTS so EASY ro DRIVElN l03 BAYFIELD STREET COMPARE AT so COMPARE AT 00 nrrurr milATll AT ti SIMCOE PlAZA JOl BLAKE ST low prices on cosmetics and drugs PENciLS PACKAGE 0F 36 illRITE FEVER THERMOMETERS Guaranteed Oral tor Reell BOBBI STYLING HAIR SPRAY ll Fl OZ CAN OMIAIIH iiHllAiilI AT no lilltlm 3RING BINDER ALL SHADE lillt llllil MOTHERS CASH YOUR aanv aouus curaurst RECEIVE rare GIFTI BiRite RUGS illRite Saves You More Shop BiRite for the lowest prices in BackToSchool needs such as pencils pens notepaper etc Also take advantage of our BACKTOSCHOOLI EA COMPARE AI illIll REFILL LINED OR PLAIN Package Oi 36 Sheets SILK STOCKINGS All Sim Shades Gumntoad courann lit AT 25¢ TilRITE 19 TIIlllLt Fill hAt BUN 03er CORICIDIN COUGH SYRUP 49 Illill WOODEN FOOT STEEL EDGE tlAlIAllP AT lie illrlllT RULERS 3c 71A lIlItl KARI AM DELUXE 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