Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1966, p. 5

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Iop Archers Get Wyevale Awards Twcnlanur m1 phyniul Ill mu nwnrds were made They mm 1011150 lumrnm Jnck smell and Jnhn Walll wifll Imr nrul Also In Dnvld MLan lnn Knox IMer IMnck Mnrk Murrcllm Jim Holland Haw nnl Iflflt mm Mnufict Iimn 1mm Cnlhy Frrnth luwnrd MIrcellun Lnnll French Darlene Thrrm Lnlnrulr nrrmll Lnlondo Jan SHANTY BAY mm and 5117 min Schwausa proved the heal when at Tiny Twmhip and Wyevnle day camp hold 11 5mm Park re ccnlly and received award vdnnen ln lhh dun First DriveIn Showing Held Over till Fri Results just released lhmuxh he Slmcoe County Communin woman Servlcu shamed canocinx awards went in Mike Pdam In Him and John With and lent lumcflon la Jacqueline Luncrmxl Alma Harvey Jnml HnmeUn nonll Ltnwrnnce Donn lIoIlnnd Su lnn Hmrk nnd Cnlhy anch Swimman me wlnnen um Ddxhlu Gunicr and Dianne Pel noso In dau one Along with Dom nu Holland and Peter mark David MrCaw and In Knox um IIISI wlnnm Leader Palm examinations are scheduled or Auglul 27 which enables successful candl dnes In assle 11 Instructing or ad on walcr patrols pular Rotary aw mlng pool ere Iodny August In and Ir marrow In examination con ducted by he Alllston Red fins under 1L swimming pro gram Swimming Tesis At Mliston Pool 51mm Thu jumor dnectnra Dung Lnngman David McCualg Nor man McKay Robert Currie may Campbell nos Gough and Ted Levisnn have been ncllve with plan or the Junior lion Mr Sloddart believes the my ovations lo the hall should en caurnge more Indoor arm db play and improved fadlilles shnuld help attendance Modern lighting new stage and wash4 mums were amnng 13 lm proveinnu authorized by 1h Ora muncfl which has been Mike lclrm and Susan Brock nuivrd gum awards and Dan ny Idmo Frankla noun Donn llnlland and Nancy Llhmk bIIIa nwnnlx TesLs Inr junior group will be completed today and tamnmw and he Intermndlala and lenlor grnup will have their examkn aflons tomorrow all takes great deal advance planning said Mr Studdart as he gava dun credit to the large number of On pcnple who assist in the ar rangcmenls It Is group eHort by the people all our Ora cammun tics and sum of our good neighbms he said swing Ihe good support was real en min my cunllque alr DI Thu 0m 4H Dairy Calf Club holds In Achievement Day In conjunction with he fair and the 0m school fair also held it the same time all lfllnl mun rhul much conimmdea im 15 help One of the largest rural Ialrl In his part of Ontarlv the ore air has been maturing sulh horse racing and good live tnck nhow or years and Indi mliaru an that 1966 will be no excepllnn The president Lloyd Fletcher and member or his cxnculive have been no live tor months In making plans or lbs MITCHELL SQUARE Staff Wilh the lee drawing nenru the big event members at the 0m Agricultural Society have been busy with plans or their mlh annual txhiblllon which will be held on Tuesday ind Wednesday 5ch laand 14 WYEVALE sum David 015a ffiirecmrs Planning 1Attractions ALLISTON Stall Smm Vfinnetula llllhny ll ll Enthrll Box OMIu Opens pm Show Sum Dunk Mud mndurn DriveIn Norlh of Tnmnln Winder Awards Includinz BaslPiclum MDREYMPBURNREX HARRISON Campbell Mary 71mm Boni 61mm Iakefidd 1mm hory School in Ontario Royal Na val College in Dzrlmmlh Enz and and the Canadian Army Stan College at Kingston He holds foreigngoing dam ea Masters Certificate of Service Navy an on an MN lrlgu nlmalt carrier destroyer es cm and destroyers Ashore he served or time deputy director cl pcrsmmcl Men at naval headquarters Ottawa and as dewty manning comander on the East OcasL Lt Cdr La Nauzls hobby has been naval history in par limlnr the days al sail His special Mom In shlps mndcls and marina drawing and pain Ingl hu km him to marine ta impelanti Janet llémelin Debbie Grtnier Dianne Pdoso any Emilia Lcsoengnce lmdé David Ianknvx game 919mm John wmu LL 0dr La Name in his over 10 years of sca service served in batfleships cmiscrs and deslwyeu joyal Beginner went to Brood Lnbrash Janice Rem 91¢ Lgflgf In 1Ier¢5n Ll Larry Pdnso m1 Lo 3MB Jaclde nyrnc Da Md and ponign Lech In me swimman chm lad pole winners wera Dbbhie Gren ler Mlckoy Levark Pierre La nive Gmrxe DAousl Frankie mm and Jimmy lMInnd whlla my nwnrd we to Judy In vnck Lenore llnrvcy Nnmy Ln hrnsh Kelly McWilllnms Llrry Libra Dpnnn mum Ind The Wasaga Beach thlmlcal park project is part the Hur on devdopmem which also in dudes SainteMaricaxrumg4 Huruns near Midland and the early nineteenLh century Naval and Military Blahbshmenu Fenelanguishene Son of tanner Assislani Commissioner of me RCMP and native ol Haiilax NS Lt 0dr LaNanze 45 recently retired after same as years of xervica in the Royal Canadian Navy mm unmnnm mum amen sum llieul 0dr Winn La Nauze CD RON retired has been appointed to the research stall of he Museum of the Upper balms to be eslablished Nan cy Inland here fiemal McKay and Joe Lev aon are vlcepmldcnu and the active cl include ary presldean call attention to leaders who not only have done cnnslder $1112 or the Ora Agricultural Society ln the past but are also continuing their efforts Thuepast presidents include Garden Clark the immediate past prealdent Jnhn Wood rnw Earle Reid Ernest Coates Kenneth Gllchrlst Vlctur Ross Bartholanew field Ernest Crawfnm Guest Emma Fletcher and Cur er Drhlru 11ml Ind OIHIII tournament lo those in charge ofthe resppnslbilllies Retired Navy Oflicer Gets Wasaga Beach Museum Post INI Ynur Fllrndl whlu he Milan II QUEENS HOTEL NIHHTLV Fllml IM lunch on out Slnfl In Tmne 11mm 1mm Now nwuuux can In nloul Iwndl GOGO Tho Dawn Tvio llMlIllH DRIVEIN THEAYRE museums in many parts of the world Lt 41 La Nauze his wile who in lormer naval nursing sister and their daughler have taken up rcsldcm on Fruicrick SL Midland He will share of ices or he Lime being with cam Ron Smith in tha itdml post office building Pwelang uishme direclurs In clude George Caldwell Doug mm Kenneth Glllcsple hldhope and EyMcNiven whll seven lady directors are Mrs Bernal McKay Mm Roy Gray Mrs Mel Jamleson Mrs Vlclor Hart Mrs James Pear sall Mrs Earl Scull and Mn GI Lloyd Former warden Smith Cgmy ball of Barrie Mlke Mahnney and Irwin McMahon are honur ary dlreclnri aha gutrip Ggrdon Wyodizow Russ Cume George McKay Willlam Crnwhml Nell lllcNivw en Jack Smltll Tam Russ Len Cummlnx William Clark an Keith Sanderson IMPERIAL HURON THEATRE DRIVEIN Fifilmm vvulnuthlnbIVVIIIULNIUJUIIIIII mm ummm cur Annmnnou nmgv xovAcK AUNIVMHMIK nDnUtmnMt Mullomllzuv LT unmmum TNAmnnu munI MIKUHIUM anvMMItCKflNMNWA Illlllllll mw ucumcown wmuunmmnsrs Mimosumm ELY RANNENJDJQUNNX iks FUN ils when its me we mm am wmrifiu mmumr NEWMCWNGW figficcfllmnm ITSJ mama Ferry crossThe NAUZE NOW SHOWING AT BOTH THEATRES 2nd FEMURE At DRIVEJN ONLY DANCING EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY NIGHT this Salurday Featuring roooouoooooonomooooum nvooonnooooooom PEGGYS Mffi BRITISH MOD BEATS mum 35 fiTi mmm Slroud Beach InSunnldale the coumu rec ommended um use of rlflu an ly contending that nhotguns al in leave wounded deer which get away but mead no dogs shodd be allowed um day my 141qu open am and that hunter Ihould be United Io shaman with dogs pmhibited expected Vespra tamed deer nem Inn with shown and no dog by to 2mm Adjala Ilsa lnr Bradford 1h new Compton GA food market was opened on Jnlm Street hen yesterday Tpenew B000sgunre pol The new H000 square foot and store In the third expansion for William Compton since he left chain store operation where he was manager and hen superintendent and opened hi own grocery store His son Gan don Mned him In 1551 and to day other and son operate the lood market as npnrtnershlp The new expansion has nu emu new incililie which pruv ad of particular interest to shop pm including War paved parking Area The municipal parking lot is incaicd right be Braalird hai been developln and nghgr new undertakings are Side tie stare Nogkawuagal resvluflnn mavcd by Councillor Jack Inngheed and Don Henneuy twomendcd Qua 61 lama mjmnmnumsu mummy AUGUST ma MWORE Stall Noll wanga Townshlp Owncfl hu added luvolce Junior lbreeday open denJensen In Lake 51mm tom um Sunnldale Vespra and Adm sumrted the measgre ellHer BradfordGets Big Food Store ANOttawasaga Would Ban Dogs Fran Running Down Deer BRADFORD Slafl Mark DISTRICT NEWS UNIV WSW noooooo 7A maltyde deer Inmung season was lumed down by Shim County Qaqncil garflu recommended ban on use of dog in High deer Oro mud has placed M1 on Mord as bean apposed to having the Or am Included in any deer hunting ieawn 0m L1 mated between Battle and Or Thereéanwncndauon all go lheDepartment Land and Forest for consideration ALUMINUM commnon scam STORM 70 IInuuuhu um 10 loo IJIIIMIMIII On VIII Idm mum qu ma lulu mi mm luhn Custom Comb 5mm and Screen PREFIHISNED Ill VEEERWVE ALUMINUM WINDOWS rum mfuu In ii UNGROOVED MAHOGANY PANELS Iunflu II In mm mm am IIILIOVWM ND lull In mm hulls MI 10 mm onnm HOW BEFORE THE RUSH ll IAN CIA ADD 101 Ill Main Yard 860 970 130 1325 1440 1625 BASE BORDER Parents to have moved into PM PMQ area durlng the summer monllu hava been nested lo registrar children cl 3c no agevnl Bark er Public School on Monday August 22 and on Tuesdny Anx Ilst 13 between amwand noon and 130 and pm John Schmidt prlndpaJ said In his annunncemen that parents who wish lo enroll childun or kin dergartm are required 00 bring birth cerlfllcnke ahowhg their child was born in the year 196 Mnuntniq Camp whldi wnl op éned here June4 is rewind for It summer closing an Aug us 23 The Ontariolswhty tor DISTRICT BRIEFS Will Register School Children CAMP FLOSING COLLINGWOOD ASHmBlna IMI 713m Mum mumv AJAX STEELES ME My QznIm iv ailmo 96 Ink In um OPEN FRIDAY TILL PM DOORS 10 88 20 68 22 24 86 18 68 SERVING THE BARRIE AREA mm IIOUMI Mn NM Will DAY mu OUII YARD AT 1anle OF RUNWAY ll NORTI N0 ll AND HIGHWAY ll mun In lelm Iln Bmh lCONOLINE KNOCKDOWN REDIVUE SASHLESS WINDOWS 15 18 51153 34 30 391 $1781 $2088 30 52353 any Cmul Glut Cl hle anu I35 THAN $550 MOT YgUl COLOUR CHOICE MAHOGANY 500 FI lollll Mn Polyethylene Film ARBORITE POSTFORMED comm TOPS $2795 10 $3495 MAHOGANY EITMHBE DOORS $1019 BASEMENT WINDOWS Inmlor rim Quality $279o BlFOlD nouns 5m 32 24 Crippled Children camp had busy season with Maxgarel 054 home rector In charge with stall 44 STAYNER sum Arrange mean In lulu mad by the Z7 MARY POPPINS ls comm DORIS DAY ROD IAYIDR THE SPY WHO CAME OUT THEAWMER ImmMmmmAwmmlmmmmm BROOKUNifiEfiEflEJZJI WWAY VAIM Al AT NIAMIA LU IA WNW WINDS IUTI IAIIII WITH MY ifiummvi EACH FLOWER SHOW 14 Locmqniriistfifiow 8419 $411 $534 8554 $618 $591 lion PHONE 7200100 SATURDAY CONTINUOUS FROM L00 PM SUNDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 130 PM $8253 $9953 lm lo II III wt M1 lull ImNil mIm uflmeWi£h31 mm NAILS NEW law mam my 10 Man inu mm DILUXE MODEL $36400 DELUXE DOUBLE $51500 uséjéfiéilsifls 3588 3582 It Pill 50 CARTON PVC Camlmll Chllu Oahlnl 7171i GEIJAR 281 96 BIRCH WHEN MBIHETS WM MATIIIALS IOI KONOMY SINGLI CAI Construction Enh mu ur ma 1ch mm DRY SPRUCE rams 5542 Al Emu no1 an nsrnnu SHINGLES lcynoldu Hovlunlal ovlllln xan VINYLGLASS PANELS GHAIH LINK FEHGE ALUMINUM SlDINfl 2x48s Dry UIIIIIy cmlmlm arm 14 ON 4901 IOLLI IN LIFT 015 Ill palm Stayncr Horllculluml Society far annual flower show which will he held in ha Stayner Memorial Community Can an August 26 and 21 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7M2 Fealure II 705 1115 pm MATINEES DAILY NOW PLAYING $22792 $235 31 mn mm Mei

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