Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1966, p. 4

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One of toluenes big uses ls ln trin itrotoluene better known as TNT when the second war created big demand for TNT Allled plane dropped enough bombs to use up toluene at the rate of 10000 gallons mlnute the United States army asked the oil industry to muster lts ulpment across the country to provide first toluene made from oil on large scale outside the labora tory Until that time most toluene hall been derived from coal Within three months the oil industry proved it could provide toluene in almost unlimited quantities Perfume and lastlc foam Saccharln and solvents Tires and TNT They all contaln toluene sweetsmelltng sulr stance thats been heralded as chem lcal of the future saviour of democracy and wonder of the world says the Aug ust issue of the Imperial Oil Review Toluene together with ethylene r01 filene benzene and xylene are the aslc utlijding blocks of the petrochemical war Toluene is so baslc lt can be used to make almost anything out of ltl It can boost the octane ralan of gasoline com bine with other chemicals to put the color in cosmetic and make solvent for palnls In one am or another can turn up in pharmaceuticals weed killers printing lnks polyurethane plas gc foam and nylon for such thlngs as rest The Greeks and Romans noted that Sirius rose with the sun at midsummer the hottest time of the year Thus the Romans called this period dies canicul ares or ML Th Allan lhlnl ll Ihll Vnmoum Mm vllml Ilka rulmfll Tho Nun MM Those without air conditioning follow the advice given 2800 years ago by the Greek poet Hesiod When Sirius parches head and kness and the body is dried up by reason of the heat then sit in the shade and drink Sirius Is the name of the brightest vis lble star28 times brighter than the sun Its clear bluswhite light mark the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog so Sirius became known as the DOG Star Instead of worrying about mad dogs and other odd iegendary dangers of the seasqn presentday North Americans are concerned about power failures caused byqverloaqug frorn Air quditllonersL mce uly the traditional start of thedog dpys much of North America has sweltgred in bonlinuaus 90plus and loudegree temparatures the National Geggraphjc ocie1y gays Did you ever wonder about the expres sion dog days so often heard at this time of year Actually it has nothing to do with dogs in the ordinary sense as ttlxe following story from Washington ex ams This years dog days have sharper bitgl thanqsugl tlge writs figural Walls Publisher Sirius rose with the sun at midsummer ho hottest time of the yeari Thus the Romans called this period dies canicul lres or dog days The traditional season ran from July Though 5111 makes no contribution to the heat the dog days generally are more uncomfortable than the rest of the year because of an internal combination of heat and humidity Toluene Tums The Trick Why Are Summer Days Often Called 1309 Days Today 011 provides 06 per cent of tho 1113 mafrir Examim Publishad by Canadian Nawspaparrlelted 16 Bayfield Stun Barrie Ontario ANTIPOSTAL SWALLOWS McPherson quaglng Editor munsmv AUGUST ma rPAGEA Ih myth Mu munl null lellmy In Ilnw lnwn ml um mm The Mid do vlci on mm mm pow Other Editors Views PROBLEMS AHEAD Vlnnlpeg Free Press The problem immediately ahead would be daunting enough Canada on joyed strong nailonnl management but gocsnjtflhe ppspectpg aculo Inflallgn allowed by deflation hit us when the federal government is not only weak but divided on various economic issues when il nears financial confrontation with the 10 provincial governments and when it must grapple with new unknown gov ernment in Quebec All tho helm of practical politics no conspiring to gravate Canadan robicrru and make ih summer one oi he most difficult and dccisivo in history worlds toluene and Canadian Oil com anles have capadty of 40 million gal on of toluene year with most of it going into the solvents lndustry and into explgsivcs or mlnlng and constructlon wor Dr Wright chemistry protes 501 at the Unlversity of Toronto has aug gested CAnadJan industry could be cs tabllshed to make an oral diabetic dmg from lulucne and thal saccharin could be made from toluene in Canada instead of hclng tmported Toluene has many and varled use and likely to play lclontinually cxpandlng role In our datly ves Not too long ago many parean for bade children to go swimming in dog days when lake water was thought to be polluted It was practical ban for many lakes and ponds became covered with decidedly unpleasant scum of grgn algagin mldsymmer Mlstakenly the Greeks and Romans thought that Sirlus was adding its heat to the suns as they rose and set to gether They blamed the brilliant star for tieldwitherlng droughts midsummer sickness andthe death of farm animals To appease the lnlmlcal star the Enmahs sacriftced redhaired puppies in the wins Another superstition says that atree slashed durlng dog days will die no mat ter how slight the injury Many trees are dying this summer from drought notinjurie 20 days befogg the simultaneous ap pearance of the sun and Sirius tolAug ust 11 20 days after Sirius is on sllghllydlfferent schedule now but dog daygl fill come1n ulyfind Auggsth ne of the oldest and most persistent superstitions holds that dog days cause dogs to go mad Actually medical re orts show that rabies occur moreoflen 1191 and fallnlpan in suquner Wilson General Manager mm ml Im nl mm was Infuny lnl mm mum llinhlmln lulu 0n Mm lot plum 6111 11ml Exumlurr rlzmenllng our pcoplo Ilnnl groxmphlrnl culluml mm In lollrdunl llnu Thm II an or vlnul chnlm bclwtcn am mnln tulmml group but hm 490 nmua ma mi upheaval Mll Mrnlunlly mark llarll nut and dbllnd Canadian conunlun III rmrrno hut unlll Ml 1lny Canada him many other cyulnlrles gqurlgncln pmvlndnl tllqur nml Ihrro My an In be urnan bmrh tween lhn thinkan of rural And urban dwellm mumwmw 21W WW Thu In my oplnlun L1 naive overralmplifimllan lho problem facing lhls why and what mm be dam to lulva them WORLD IN mAVMl And 11 Inch ltadcr xhnuld 1an ride out lho Wulor lha Eastwhat lime and what geerugn wl hl nflecll nosdny how political wrilen have undormicd our 21th Pnr llnmeni AnDthr nnd rclnlcd IovlF on which would take is me with Ihe pundits has in do with paliiicni leadership in his country and more particularly pith ieadcnhip ha federal VD In the ltcund lnnlnlmenl MI Guest Column today llnn All In MIcEnhcn minister ol unuoml hum nnrl wellnrt dlncmm no llunl ledmhlp omwAI described Wed Dally Sunrlnyl and sululnry Holldny annual Sulmnvuvm mu ulnin hy mm kay mm ymm Shula In Inc II mull Harm I11 ML mum 10 yr lnnlnr Illrnwvoll 1m mum Ont rln ytnr nulMe quln Mum munlmu mm Ml YEA llml lunlm mm rrar mum Uniwnily Ave anmfln MD nlh Ml MUHIHAH WI l7 Wu llmltr El Vnmmvrr nt Mmlhrr Hun Canadian 1me WWW mm MIMIMIMI lhl nn Idlun Plan In Audi humm nl lmulalmm The Anmlinn lnu ll urlunlnly mlluM Um Inn of muwluum new dhpnlrhu Um apor rmlllul In nr Aurrlntul Im at mum and III 11 Inul um rumM Mum Auuwrlml nu umnd elm null Im out Dfpall mrnl Otlnwl Ind lnr plymenl at 1mm in run OTTAWA REPORT Canada Not Only Nation Going Through Unrest wanmull Unlng lhelr awn criteria no pollHul pundit In Canad would all Prime Mlnlalnr Wil ton wank lander Inc command mum majority In his Pnrllnmrm and In hu become the very acme lMly Ind dcchlon Ilnrn his lmnshlnz victory Yet Ihl mm lmdcnhlp And decision hu Canada come Is not the only nation going through pa rlud unrest and nodal and intelleclual upheavala Sum of lhcsa ether nnllnnl hava Ilaon majurlly uavemmenu even are undan the mire strong laulitarlan regimes Yet lhcy have not fared any better or an we Canada President Johnson for exam ple is mun excmpinry in ner lirenglh man elected in ma presidency with on in must massive mindla in the Unich SiMu hhiary Yet he being bulieled by public opln ion and his country lam per hlpl the pram Ind mui cam plicnlai prnbicrm nine lhc Civil War lvvnwilu than II on Ill Ni Wu hm hm Ml lli In nvmlh ll nur wnlinl ml mu day Ml lht mmlwnhip lhml 07ml comes we need leader who can Ice and was the filler ent and ollen conflict prep sure and who can hruugh these troubled Ind un settled mes ll All lny ymuull wllhrml mulmy nr nnHIn numm you mm hm ml IInlh In In Ilvn In wk um in In an um ml but mm mu mll THE LIGHT TOUCH Mum do you mm you copy ram Ionwonn the or jun mnh nllaka Umn up 1th IN 0m ll hp rulumm you um lnl Mrk nun Ml IN MI m1 Ilyo lyml In darnnl If cm nmtmbu mm mm ulml ll wu Ml About vnke IK Ilnnl ll ymlr Imu MI Hm Hume lln newl Alllvlhlllll mhlmn quirk JAN had In hi on In whim yml mth polnnnmn IN unhmlh um Id hemr can Iul WM fly In you er Ill wind up In comm You uyl mull hm lot mum hln you duxlyJut In tho gum NI me lho mm wml mfly om on over than Vlel kntrw ym MM llva MN wrwk vdul In mNIl do ya do wnh your we mm By Al MY NEW YORK MP Re mam um Immune tol mnnm nu Um of hmlnu or averhmrlnu mm In Mlr nl ht Newspaperman Tires Of These Remarks ON THE BEACH ml mun haw In In The mural of Is mum that the quellch of mo kudcxshp are not alwwl those whlth Illrncl headllnn or which can be equated with lung Ilnzulze and kalcldu EPIC Icflvlllyi The last In results and by his Ilnndnrd history will Ihuw that Canada has mm leader leader who despile minor Hy Illunllon and unprcccdcnlrd problems leaving hlx coun lry lent Iccomplhhmcnl unuccllu Iny pruvioul Id minimIdea think thera is leudenry in Canada to ignore or push arid thu mrrllrlexlllca oi the pm lerm ch Ice in mlny way they are problems which Inca olhcr countrieshe US UK France USSR even Chlnnl Yet we have one addiUonal And overriding problem which lhzse commie do not hive This in our uniun icderalinn federa lion which much cultural it is geographical Wa am alter aiL nation born out nl compromise and innate lhls wcnual Canadian charm 1qu wa rlxkoururyivnl seen his puny wracked with in tunll dkununn and his coun try rocked by serious trim CANADA As momma hue In mm duk WIUI lha religion mar We Mod your deal In lhn wnt Id dopin men All In In About in how hed Him In rclln Ind ml lrom umkr lha menu lruunl mm hm rll v1 B11 13 an 21 11213 =35 ll ouvu will wind mu lav In mm mm plum In nan mat cw man mum no 9mm mm It mmm ma Eml Enmlncr DARRII By BOB BOWMAN Mier Cumin cokover ha territory ol lire Hudsons Bay Cour puny In the trend war to wimltrrre rather nun fur trapping The Wild disappeared rapidly more mic well iivu ml thepralriu and muting had to be done to look after Ibo 1w dim The drier motor the Hudson Bay Germany Part Carlin on rho Norlh Saskatchewan River wlrned the indiln Com minioner Ihal il stops were not taken to provide lh Indium with loud they would 101113 trading posts and help lhemselm Settiem in outin mi would be pilinged and mlmmd they tried to resist win decided to how conference with he Upber River tribal Fan Carlton an Autust 18 um Among the lending chill lnl vilzd were Sweet Ginsu ohm over all the chlela from Edmonton mllry Elg guild Big 13¢ Pmndmakelj and Red Phamul stage for the commence was carefully set the Indllnl Inloyed mmnlll manna Thu olficlnl ten wu placed an lhI top of hill whlle the conference table was placed on ml car pet sulfide The Indium llved ln about zoo lecpeu clustered In spa 95m Alexander Moms lleantiwemor of Maliloba And Northwest Territorleu presided with the Iedmated Mmmtle wny sundlna bahlnd him lbe Indian flred their gum beat mum dnnqed nag and then approndxed or the plpo at peace ceramny 1h pipe dun upon whlda no man must ever look wal pointed solemnly north scum east west and then the governor luvked XL 11m Indians then sat on the arm to listen to the 1m wrlgntuopeglnaypeed always long Ami rh$lorlc mu mm Flnally the Upper err Cree made better deal than hid lho lawn River tribes some fimo belore Each dds got horn homes and wagon 11m wan cooking stove and quan no medicine or each tribe Governor Morris In Addde gfimranol goodwill gave cadl nhlel ml at clnxhu medl me were Iddilional benefits to be regular treaty paymznu or ladl hid $15 for Madmen and $5 for every man woman And dalld They ware lo mew the aama amount of money every guy Ipd would be given 0915 913d Mher 995mm if ghgy wen in wristmm Afium nile oi 1de wouidbe reserved 61 each Imily cl Ive UIHEB EVENTS 0N AUGUST Ll lax9m fiMymrency appointed Vioemy cl lauds wlth Bntlsh sediment at Bonavku nnd burned our shlpu lamSelkirk sent Non West Company partner ram Fm Willlun to Montreal prisonara IsisGeorge Brown published the Banner or the Pudrymm Fm Church ImRuchqu ion appointed to Investigate me CPR It 10 almlaln lmuenantzovenm milrowan ailacked Three Riven rand killed local governor micmm Talon Arrived at Quebec with mum oiFrench and Indians from PacenthNeMoupdlaud datmycd lawMama bum appoian GovmorGenerll mlParllament opened lpechl wu anion um Aw 21 lmBrlflflg Prlmngnlner Stanley Baldwin and for home the That the convanlcnce and ae curfly plymcnl of billing dl reclly would nvcr weigh any ct1mg dodnn mlght hnvo lhnl ollnwlnz lth procedure could lend to lhem becomlnl mvnnu lavernmml MOVE 10 GROW Mm Iils upecud um and wlll grow And mm doc lug yillcvcnluully hlll lhe plan Thu docsnl mam or own Inlet lhnl lho 1th by the mtdi cnl proleulon Iznlnu xnvtrn mm medlcnl lmurnnu our urlhtr prams mark award In nnlnnnl henllh plan has wul probMy be morn argument mm mm mum the modlul plumInn tour at VCanada lMA Slander Graham Bell Mum dedicated Baddadt Nov lmTercenlenary launqu ol Placenlh Newlomdlmd This Isnt offlclll bu OMSIP xpokcsmen ara cnrdully rem Inz In my nnykhlng which might cans doctor in disagreement tabccolmafiupscth But the In few vmh of full opcnuon ol um plan have Ihown that man doctor Hum pnlcnu hnva been lending In dfln nrpaymenl TORONTO Apparently the malarfly of doctor In prov lnca hman direct or my men by OMSIP ha lovem mentl medlul insuranca pro uim Tth vermcswhal mnny peo pllhgvqlbcllaved yvnuld hnnpcn CANADAS STORY QUEENS PARK WEDDING STATIONERY 112 warrir Emnuurr COMMERCIAL PRINTING l6 BAYFIELD ST POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CIEQUES CHAND BILLS Ceremonial Meetings Enjoyed By Indians PROGRAMS ODILLHEADS OLETTERHEADS INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS By DONALD OHEARN Doctors Billing The Medical Plan gm 0°49ng 17 BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR imfin Ara wl my pmvldlnl palltnu wIlh he clllm cardl uhlch hm bun luppllcd by um plm Bu hm an damn In the rmlasim Maxmnuy no md to any mmm pur nclxmum nmmn ud db menl In qulla Imall lhoulh quite ml Ono 1M lugMcAme There can he llnla doubt his has lullrrcd lhrouxh he conlm vmlu Iurrnundlnl ha hunch Inx um vmloux savrrnmenl In nuance plum wa now Im In Ian th1 li Ilil lemlorhllou mm mm or the In lhu counlry Thu prolualnn ls obliged ln take evcry precaution to us that it doesnt come under govx crnment dnmInaUvn Ind realM nncu on Blue preclullgb BEMOVES FEARS The cxpnrknca with direct billan tends to remove my em that the resistant wonid become so inluuo could nuso xerlou disruption in nallnnul plan It Indium too that dodm manually ngrunbla tn the lmurnncu program Also most doclorl even these Whflmflfflll bulb dirgdly OGUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS ODRAW TICKETS OBROCHURES 7266537

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