Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1966, p. 3

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111 Halon Trophy at most film In the plum was captured by llalph inkling with pvlnll polnled om hm Mn chnzo Caldwell with 53 points 1nd Mu Jim Caldwell with 53 had won the lwphy ln prcvlmn ML An olfllcll ul llarrlo lanlmlluml Socchy xald In nhillilor can only rocclvo the gophy onca Jud man mm mm VNJAHHII hip In llmnrpnynw to Nnnlmn Muln Mr Cum an mm mnmilu mu nwl rumnl munillcrnl mnk Hm llw nuvlh lrnllllzlum nllnw Hmlnn HI IHrnHun lhn min fair mm IN MN ha nyhumlm gummy ml Ihn Inlnri Inrlmnn rumm lulmv MMI ll Ill Ihnwlnl be Ihe nun1 Inn 111 mr ml ulxlun hiuh 1an mm 2Flower Show éImpressed By Judzu Mnlmllma cum aanspcctnlou were dcllgfled the in showing ex hill at the annual llowrr Shaw M15 at Trinin Parish Hall 11 tohal at 400 amic was on dLwlny Exhihllors included at Adulu and nine juniors Judie Fondlcy rumrkrd We need blam hnll or next ycnr Hmky hnrlu rmlna In ImNM luluro ll Unnlol annual all Mr SIM 10 30 ml 0d VII lumnlml MUM fur Iha lul M1 dayx Tums will he no Im on prfimrnllon thy 5m 14 Juninv lnIr 14 1le 0n 11mm and marina ll Nannul or Judi lrom llunlllon Mn Hnwklm nld she wu amazed nl Ihu quality or ex limb ll WM ll wrxkrlul d1 pln Aha nddod firmbemhlp Imrlx IhIdI had worn prmnud la Mu Jenn IrMr mum on bdan 01 Mlhld 10 Hie Onhrlo onl nllluml Almlnlion muvtnllon In OHM1 Jun Plan Sulky Races At Barrie Fair II II Hula envly In In vu hnrm Ilmo mm hm yM In mada lull ma Alwyn hal ml rmnprultnn lml mm him um um mum Coin mm nl lho llnnlu Mrltullurnl 50 Hr On display was Um Onlnrlu onlmlturnl Auorlnllon district higm jfi wt was yesterday an xfgxmced as winnu be in mml beaufllicndan armies spansde by the Barrie Hort cuklrnl Society The Lufkin play classed in camgory of wIN my 711 Thu Holden Cup prescnkd lo nrsHIme exhibitor with he most polnu Wu mm by Mn Tromblty The Law Ansoclntlm Cup went to Mm Charlla Brown or lha best nrrnnucmcn In Um minin lum glndloll Acdlon The Hnny Mm lmflvy to tho txhibimr with he most poinu In the Junlnr class wnl won by David Kowwan Wim nor ol the Inlrd ruler cornpcll llun 0pm lo all cubs In Darrle and dillrlcl wnl Allen Graham He wlll wmpdc at Um dish lcvnl the 1mm canvcnflon 0d Shawna Sm prim or lho but uhlhil in HM nrrnnzcmcnl ch wzu won by Mr Home Calvin or her Inlrlrkl Day cnlry Mn Jlm Caldwcll Mr 4an nahl ml min All wlll In In nul mm ml wlll hm mm erlmllnn mnlmq Mhihtu mu NMH Inth lemlly mu hum1 ha 11 plumv ml Un la MInl mm mm lamv and nnl Bum mm film Mn 1mm Inn la lh play lm llmlon mum nlnl lnlr ml yrnr but mn rmwrnllllllun will ann llvh mint Mm Um Wm air mniuvlul Tom Kirk received the Hnncy Ableld or Ihe mos bonu lllul flower in Ihe th Wilh hIl lily Impcrlal Silvcr Srfimmmm mm Ho ml Mine day llrnvy Innu rvmpemkrm ho urn Manna um hwy cnllla will be Ihmm nn Hm Enlunxny rhnhvr day 0d Iwr final Ihuw nu aimp plnnnrd lnr Hm day TM mIIy mm tour waI Hm nuln nurmlnn lm hum um hm Im Anhlnn an Wtlhm hum nhrrw and umlrr nml JUDY hum drmmunllon am yer cllllllll My mum uhldl loans nmlmn lb lrmlnn Inrunh jig muficrflflp 01 KNTIWNNIM VA The swam la waived by the society with he hlghest Increase In membership Harms mem bership currently stand at 1070 The society under membershlp chllmun Mrs my Morten aiming for 1100 ml year any Ontario socicly 1111an Ihe lcrthrryn Ahrrw plvyeea ualcd on inn SL UPPER Mrs Patricia Rummy member of Lho pmyl landscaping mince poses in rapt of flower beds firms with fewer than 150 mn Horticultural swag mid its annual lower shvw at 1110 Byrjrie Melt hp he The mnml urlu lnumc Wm which Alana Juty 71 had been pmcmlinu MIL Glam lmvo bun Md In Him Inc Slnynrr nl Vuun um Mul hun nnd Mlnuinx he an puol In Ilnrno inlllugwond Sunni lolm Wyovlln DAuusln llny llnyvicw Wlsker Hum Inklnsllrld Balm Randi Dumb at Orr Lake Mounl 8L mm On nko nnd Hrndrunl ll Innlnfil Examlnnllon dam or Red Cross nwnnlx have been wt or next wcck with the date at Junlm Tuesday Aug The lnlcrmcdlato chm will hold Ill mu on Vcdnmlly Auu ml xrnlnr rlnu on Thursday Aug Lake Lake Park lemrd errn wrra hrld nl Klondike run near Stnynor Mllnnl Bench Orr bah Ind Tournlmm Mlll Pond THY EXAMINER WANT ADS IIIONH 71 An uqunuc mm lnr swlm men who rccclvrd lmmcllanl undcr ha umcrvhlnn ha Simcoe Counly unreallon Sur vicc wlll be held he lem pool 1n nnnlo Saturday The at Ll lhe remcanon xcrvlccs LI lookan ward me lumen or larger than month ed mo lucccsdul met had In July udges Entries wru rumHIM $5 cheque or Hue most ou¢standing exhibit In class Mm Gcorge Caldwon recelvcd dlcque ram Barrie Kiwanls Club or her petunia disylay judged best in clus Ttlnily Parish Hall 135 night LOWER Junior winners were from 1e Allen Graham win ner of the bird feeder com petition Cathy Simpson scrap book winner and David Koso wan junior wid highest point lolal Dmmmr Phun Aquatic Meet At Lions Pool This Saturday Flavoured Wlno Ill ll II III III III VWI mouml III mu Amigo wrtghml rlrc wlwlmlo In all In mm mun rmlm Aoxrn LIrin 70 Alarn 7M HMdium 611 lman This has mnda wonderlul xlnrl In our visit and we are lookan award to our other VLSHI 14w nld In rnlcrmce In the cash Camule tour WINNIIEG CF 01 erl rye me the Mum In oxcn Inu Inn on me Vlnnlpcz Grnln Exchange today drawing uh nhmlnl pummel 1mm Ihlp plnl And mm lnlmm Launched last all ram the Non llonrmnmcnl nonlercuco or modernlxlnu Amcrlcn nl Mackinac Island Michigan hp muan has been porhnncd on nmpum aver 30 mlillnry has nnd In tillu nnd lrrwm mm mm to coal in ma Unli cd Shim The plaan an lchcdulod to have Bhsp Men Friday mur We hive been housed and enlcflalnad organized mom mvldvd nnd everylhlng has mm alter shcsud lclllng ol the um appreciation Ike wonderful howlulllv MOMIIIIMA CI Agriculn dqwlmml mumanrn Spenklng or the Miss Barbara Williams publlc rel Iom nuke from Alabama anld lhuy WBM very much Impressed with this are and ana Borden and were delighted wllh lhe llne Incawon and plenum hw pllallly Alter the twohour perform ance lealurlng 21 orlglnnl asl paced songs like Up with People What Color Gods Skin and Freedom new Lt Col Paulln mnmmA ted Lha gaze and thanked the cast or what he termed an inspired pedalmam and he urged the audience service men Including trainees from Tanzauil and Malaysia lo tend again today The use of 150 here rm mm unless and high school Itudenu mm countries nnu sacrificed time college scholar shlpu cm and living In launch Lhi show in an eflm project the Image rcspan slhle rising generation and head for oum when may will presth lhu shw next at Rockdifle basc From hero lhey go to Quebec and he MarIHmcs HOSPITALITY PRAISE hyperin PASTRY SHOP TWODAY SPECIAL Frl August 19 Salugu5120 How It It nglln COOKIES 24c doz Fuluvlng KleI Smllerld Produdl FARM PRICES call IIIII Anyona who has seen this will appreciat we dnnt want this kind of devonrpmcnl or Barrie said the ninevyear mail timbers who was cum time deputy reova and one of Barriea rcpresenlatlves on he fllE HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 1966 mustanuy growing my mate adeqan for new construction Wu Ehsky Ipartmenh Hersey chalnpan of citydgVel Sm Wu warned By My thinklng that we should nutmammal mstrict vibe height long it In mu but mm mm be regulations regarding zynlng and we should aiso rqqmv ample parking mace for each tenant sald Aid Hersey one of council more experide membenwhn alsu member of tbs city planning board Ight unlalde the Wellington linch Aug 13 pruvcd costly to William Cox ot Cnnadlnn Forces Base Eordcn He was convicted of assault occasionlng bodle hnrm when he appeared In Barrie Magblmte Cour yeitcrday We walcnme development and want to encourage but we must think about whn but for flu comnnmny whaleth sald mentioning Lha scenic View the lakefront DONT WANT KASBAIIv Illustrating what he had in mind Ald Hersey referred to Algiers built by French money where lowering apartment bulldv Inga and hotels obscured the View of the sea or most real dents and developed lhe slum tug to the world as tha Ku Cox 28 was fined $100 plm cost by Magistrate F0 tcr Ila pleaded guilty In maul lna nomad Wield an Followlm slrid wandnx Hodge was nssmml am 0015 The magistrate agreed AsAlsLuIt Grown Auomvy 1mm who ninltd out that llmlgcu actlon mch close charge publlc mischld Magistrate II My in Barrie com admin nllcr he rcqumwd wiUxfinwal that charge be had Laid against Donald llcNatb Hmry Glnlon Hodge had charged McNabb with flea lxu nmmrle July 29 Yoslmday he told mutt he had loaned ho vuhldc kNalb but became nnths when bou miiv unfilled mm Maximum leon You me andqu to mow bot DROPS CHARGE REPBIMANDED Fight Is Costly To Borden Man XlIflfl Homelite New dnlgn nlllwlmhl Iuluvwllingdnuhluluel and on tlpnclly My lm II In lml chum um um lllwuah 15 Iuvdwnod In comm And ma ml lowl 52 ll Iry ll buy Ill lMeqrdd CITY NEWS rmmumm rnAcmn MJlVIlP Pmtect View Of Lake Alderman Hersey Asks II mlp Dull film Chain Saw nnrllcll 72 mm 5L Imnshcd two mt windnw of the flare la unln entry In addflion In tho cloudnx mm cash was lHlul carold unemployed In Kcrw Onl man was nllcd 0m dny alter plantan xul ly la obgnllnlngfioml by lrn RR lnzcrwood was charged mull of an Inchan Aug 12 Th do was owned by Barbara mm 11 Ann St The youth rnpmcnlcd by Jnhn Cockbum had bun re manded In custody one week whlle ninglshala Foster acquir ed prwscnlencu repor An 19yard mm who plundcd zuilly to break en or and then mon than valued at $73130 lrom Mcnrldo Menn Wear 29 Dunlop St July Wm rnmundcd on week present he disclosed study being made new subdivisionv agreement He said he would llketo sen tth dis cussedwflh bullder and Miler citizens Interested Regulations mm high We neqda zuyeorvnld nani9 youth was lined $75 plus 10 005133 lcr he pleaded guilly lo charge of Joy rldlng Aug Steven 09mm High St List week pleaded not guilty lo charge car the but reversed Ma daemon alter the chnrgo was umcndtd The auto was ownrd by Jerry Greensldes 26 Cundle Rd Burrla No Toronto youths recelved one yearl suspended sentence and were placed on probation one year alm being convlclcd o1 car than Kenneth Dunk Eatcrbrook 17 and Dnnly Reed Sedan 16 warn cornmllled to tho House Concord Illcr they Flooded guilty to the charm au Am gountympouncfl Peta Isuparn on We wantthe development at cause harm such way that all our resident and visi tilora can vlew our beautiful Consldmble sums havu been spent to develop and open the lakefront area and the pronm heady made ms received much favorable comment mm both local residents and visitors Ald Hersey wants to see these use prohded 0er 10 mscbssroN also could 59 1km up at the samelggme he Isyggeswd Aid Hersey said he was pleas ed to see the start made on Barriea centennial mark and the new Iakeshare road from Bay lleld to Allandmle stallrn ouncfllnr Ald Hersey had close knawlA edge of Banles part In county adminlskallon He was asked his opinlvn If ha ten the ally was better inanchdly than nupzrtol Ill ponnfiy hlgher price slnc Barrie madu the break In 1953 it was dil flcult to get an acmqlo pic Inyg by merely comparing tig Omemce Ont who was treated Royal Victoria Hospital or an eyg lluury The World Famous Coming Direct From The CALGARY STAMPEDE BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS SEE clurlo um SEE II nhnl drtk wnpom mod In Summit SEE HM pony flu worn SAT AUG 20th 630 PM Free Parking ADMISSION ADULTS 50 CHILDREN 50¢ CHUCKWAGON RACES Ls are dawn aka But we have saved considerable In county payments he sald pointing out he city nvw only pay or such mnly services as received The ciky budget at the time rgn about 52200900 overall ba fore rMuctlon by government 1mg For instance Banlea tax rate In 1959 was 71 mm la midenflnl 9nd for enmmemla and Industrial propeuel It was This year residential rate of 92315 fills up 86 horn last ygar and commercial oi mm up from 9345 were not appree iably higher than seven years ago when inflation higheir pric and wages are iaken into consideration The budget total of same $4034216 inciuded 51 267306 for schools DEVELOPMENT 41mm Aid Hersey nid More Ear He decided to become city an expert tudy was made and was pund the munlcipamy wnuld be better of financially He dIsagroed mm figure of $100000 saving In the first year but sald it was wmethlnz Warth whfle and city status aided d9 velopmcnt We were told that bclng city was an advantage an place of 18000 to $0000 people he said pointlng out that Bar xle had saved consldenbly II county payments to vflset re dncdon in school grant and We nowfiet only 3313 per cent road subsidy MI towns pkg 0141113 Sporting events for everyone lncludlng swimming races and baseball In case of rain1he picnic will be cancelled Warden and Mrs George McCagua cordially invite you and your family 1b attend thé Wardens Pianic at Riverdale Park Ailision Sunday AUgUSi 1966 at 200 PM Please bring picnic basket Ice cream tea coffee and milk will be provided 11 Jun urrler hu nnl Inlsz by mm pleua phnnn THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And Cup Wfll Ba Dcflvuzd To Your Hand by mu CARRIER MISS YOU Everyone Welcoma 7282433 Barrie or instance looks affier its own assessment and welfara but retains county heallh unit my childrens aid services Turning hack to planning Aldl Hersey commented an small circular boulevards known as cu do sacs in make more div ision possible in subdivisions He suggested subdividcrs simuid be required to make provision or upkeep of such places since ii increascd their saleable proper ly and said he anticipated this also would be taken up short iy iiis right Ina ihe up kceprshiuldnl become an Muse lo the city whlcn mean taxpayers generally be said There is queselon but that his has vmrkzd out better for mf he said ALD HERSEY

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