Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1966, p. 11

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wm 1WJK TO GOOD HEALTH Drinking Indir eci Cause OiCirrhosis By JOSEPH it MDLNZR run Dlsr Dr Melon need in formation on cirrhosis oi the fiver My husband haa been eavy drinker tor ye All at once he started to swell ills lips almost doubled His face swelled and get red The doctor said it was cirrho Iie gave him moon and told him to eat lean meat some sweets very little lat and Vie drink no liquor at all My husband stayed on the diet lor two months and looked so years younger Now he has started to drink again and wont remain on his diet What is usually the length oi timea person can live under such err aimstancesllilrl Cirrhosis means that the liver has been damaged The dam aged parts of it have hecn re placed by other tissue which cannot do the complicated tasks the liver must perform it used to be thought that al cohol was the cause of cirrho bis This does not appear to be entirely true Faulty nutrition in some other tactors meta iic disorders certain toxic factors and perhaps others Ire involved heavy steady drinker how ever ery alien is not careiul eat property Thus drinking inlays an indirect part in caus ng cirrhosis Once the cirrhosis has begun then drinking exerts heavy burden on the liver and the disease progresses rapidly There is but little in the line of medicine that will provide much help Cirrhosis cannot be curedt What is necessary is to Ike things as easy as possi gls tor the damaged liver This means proper diet and just as mastoid asoidanca oi alco hol FNIGHTHNED START Your husband was frightened enough in the beginning to lol iow instructions and you saw the result lie looked years younger What it amounted to was that ho relieved his liver oi the strain of iaulty diet and alcohol and there was cnmigh capability in the organ to carry out its many dulles The liver stores and releases blood sugar as it is necded produces digcsa the juices tiltrrs out and dc strays ctrtuin kinds ol poisons in llic system and docs many other things But as soon as your husband TELEVISION liUHAlo saannn ruunauav auou its Lilli Dough cam Jansen 710 14mm loon em Munster iicsndta Denim auauy Aailursns tlAIona ant loo aMiira parties In Ailu AM lTlwilll huh smm Luau wnm eMy ran IAN Iltl Your Jinan tl sum Nan arm IllNm Ilflndlrlilhl Dream Lsi mi Mamilv khsntled Iiia Oclock suns Hmaaluf began to eat better he either decided wrongly that he was cured or didnt realize that his diet and no alcohol were the reasons tor his improvement Such patients and there are too many of them the dr spIir ot doctors and are their own worst enemies it is im possible to say how long pa tient can liva under such cu cumstances it depends on how much damage already has been done to the liver and how rap ldly he makes it worse Wih drinking and poor diet But this you can lay oath considerable assurance lie is throwing away number oi years of healthy lite Ind is killing himself just as certainly as it he were taking slow poison Unless he goes back to his diet and cuts out alcohol com pletely he will be sick again just about as quickly as he gainedand he will get stead ily worse Dear Dr hiolaeri is there some sure way at whitening teeth or are some just nat urally dulllM This is dental question so youll have to take my answer as subject to modification by dentists However most cer tainly there is variation in natural whiteness oi teeth The best means for keeping them as white as Nature intended is to have periodic cleaning by your dentist and to use your own toothbrush between clean tags thought tor Mrs Gr Remember that alcohol is de pressant the amount your hue hand drinks could have lot to do with his tendency to tail asleep Iraqi Pilot Detects io Israel In Red MIG let TEL AVIV iCPlAn iraql pilot who detected to lsraei Tuesday with Russianbuilt IliGZi jet said that as Chris tian ha autiered discrimination in iran and was passed up tor promotion The pilot whose name was not given appeared helore press brieling Tuesday night in the blue flying suit ot the iraqi Pnoanans enbrrauo sroriosro liItAItIlLtDN ST ll EtleNtl aiAdvsature Theatre LMIaIH Hnnl telaee Hats he cut 1000 snan MartiI snuusr Man tThurs Mm tiIMa I4ewan Martin iiatarv Grimes 1100 sNas er ii an waums loom so sranim lien Hiovie rns sunmin lhvili tfiporsam In la is ilTna hint Daughltl Hand Mrs HW ol Junta FRIDAY AUGUST l9 MORNING AND AFTERNOON It lambs Moust 100 lTnday IBum snm ism at in on from 0min pm 11mm Ikhnltul Mil 14mm ems sum1 MN mum nanny am an tljo Lents noa sn eItneuts hitttiti tNes IAIIIWWINMI Na IAlinlsarllty an moim im an am Alum $03m Lumps uniu with lineie mm it 00 no flow ei hm Ims il rwm mmmu Anna pm in am it siiannel It mu Vwrlm ma am New Me in kilo am 1a Tn IN thaws in Imam wt it men has riln it Iivmv rm um mu lani mm It 7mm Theatre Ilatlyllv raom sum Him may in mush Irvsis III lu It um mm More rll Llamnmtha New MtCh Lehman e4 sat at Mm aeslrh Twel now rim in FIR11h aimMIMI Illlut Aitilni it xv lItuntiav Istnlhv 4th usth an llsm Innamilh mi mm Dwellera mm ll Mild min nut umta emu aw Alml mia sm arm bum his two IThs tie frmsn Ahmv Iluainrhtnn pm lien Ms Llhain thn flrut WWW it he World Turns a4 ems am ilrniita iqu It my lJvaa nan rem meta Mistil sinus Durante ll Cnnfltet lie twin and In Awaitas WMM mian mu he list nil its truth it Tell the truth sand man It Tlrttl TMII mun 4M Fml In Xrlnnrll Pltiridln OTha hill at MIN It You In linemanC Ml ram Wt limit his In in um il Nu 11 saw Ianm pawn Imam rmrmi mum me Its aim IiNill lsaiimental aim my mi mm It uses mum in it or is In mm It lanlnllan um et livtrnen nu 1n rm tmts luseri Isim times as im tmie it Shiitetel CONTRACT anions ey in accuse South dealer Neither side vulnerable Nam use 101 A06 élfll Opening ieadthreeol hearts good dsienslve pair is Ibis to exchange highly valuable in lormation by the judicious use ot lowcard signals Such signals properly interpreted oiten mean the dittereocs between making and breaking contract For example take this hand where South bid spade and North jumped to tour spades East ionnd it dillicult to enter the bidding at this point and South bccame deelarer alter he and West had passed Strangely enough EastWest who had been silent throughout the bid ding could have made six clubs or six hearts West ied heart which East took with the ace East now cashed the ace oi diamonds West playing the three and was then laced with the crucial prob lem at trying to put his partner on lead in order to obtain diamond ruii Beet molved the problem rd ly by leading back club West took the club with the queen messed diamond and South went down one It East had returned heart In the hope of tinding his part her with the king South would have made the contract it might seem an the surtaca that East was lucky to find club return instead of heart but actually the club play was well reasoned Where rolling situation ex ists it is otten ossibla for good deiansive pa to make use ot the Iultprelerence conven tlon According to this conven tion the play oi high card indicath an entry in high ranking suit and the play at loiv card lndchieIIn entry in lowranking suit Applying the convention to the present hand when West played the three diamonds on the Ice he showed that his entry was in clubs rather than in hearts it West had had the king oi hearts instead ol the ace at clubs he would have played the eight or diamonds on the ace in show that his entry was in hearts not in clubs Heavy Laden Bomber Crashes In Viet Nam Viilage28 Die SAIGON tAiiA US marina iet tighter bomber heavily laden with bombs and lust crashed into Vietnamese vil lage shortly after takeotl from Da Nang Airport today At least 15 villagers were killed The pilot idcntliled as Lieut Walter Dohcrty 22 of Gold Hill Ore miraculously escaped serious iniury tits parachute tailed to open alter he ejected but the tall oi his ejection seat was broken by tree spokesman said the plane was carrying two Lumpound bombs One exploded II did 20 rriiiiimet munition air iorce with the rank oi up In in halting English he readily answered questions and said he detected to lsraei because it was the only country within range which he was certain would not head him back to iraq lie said he was tatigued by his bombing missions against rehel Kurdish lrlbesrnen in northerniraq For live years be operated irom base ironi which he flew bombing sortles against the Kurds the Mylar old pilot said Western military altacha at the press contcrance said he he lievcd the MIG1i the tint brought over was the ilrst the type to be tuned intact In the Western world OFFiCE HOURS The crashing plane levelled number nl small Vi etnamese homes Others were set Iiire 0n the battiegrounds US marine amphibious it force of more than 1000 men which landed Tuesday on the shore ol the South China Sea mo miles east of Saigon moved in land into dense iuagle and swamplanrla believed to be hid ing Viet Cong division The landing was unopposed Ry noon today advance ele ments of the marine torce had reached the coastal highway without meeting the enemy The landing was preceded by saturation bombardment of the shore hy cruisers destroyers and rocket ships The marines were landed as blocking torcetor Operation Toledo combined USVietnl mess searchInddcatroy sweep that began Aug to Elsewhere ground action was in Iull due in part to heavy monsoon reins In the air war over North Viet Nam US bombers main tained the prusursnn Viet Cong supply iaciiities Tuesday Kounding oil storage depots and ighwny trailic tram the Hanoi liai hong area south to the de mllitarlmt who between North and South Vlct Nam lianol radio broadcast said tour US pianeI were shot down in the north masday but there was no confirmation in Saigon im v41 mud At tint doubted that woman ottiae manager wmsid be able to control the uployeaa However DlilLY CROSSWORD AUROM Employ pivot 11 Irml All tamunm Ihhr LTth spin lJitmirlind ewsiting Ittrk ilt glhl ts libHO it Nmtiu Misanthth 90Aiaalreilall innti mammal 1iMsnI name anyan alto0 illnilian lliawaitan might tree Vesiic atq go titan newt palm Jeannine ILWHQ main Mty animus Ivan4n animal as am 411mm Vspawl Mom 01le rather Ilstvrav NI AM putin Asrhllutl mew rumI with Ml mud Mums Urn do micgne 31 Night taste Vol carted to tautu llll II ram animal Nnhltmfll Young IalmM Ii rearing M4 II anrante ti ihunn r1 Iiaatma minnow GRANDMA BLONDIE SECRET AGENT X9 THE GIANTS JULIET JONES BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK MLKER BAY Mesew Till Man oieaisesncovmmm Lumen euros in me WORLD an was new THEY HAVE Witt IAINVID lll EVE HI WANT it Witt yo swans Tm MODEL SELLS Owucv Slumf Ionam Arm no we 714 SEROCN EFLPAT run was FNALLV BREAKle up SKIPPII wIIn usr ammo DRE TI sou armies mm weu MAKE soon was FRENCHiEVOILL Eu we won an even THANK VGU FORALL bARDIN6IANDM ttll MILL weerapist flitIN U9 summari wt await insurer mamas GEEWASNT THE PAWA near nau AND WHOSE iDEA WAS II To HAVE TOASIED MADSHMALLOWSI IMIIWM pramswt MAKES tiKEA PUBLISHER seasons WOO ttls MVNG FAWN FOKNNI AND ME LM NUT DOING TOO EADLY PLEASE EARLs All DURING PW was Does it Dory mean WM WAS LEFT UV FROM LAST VEAR VOUIG FOR 5A cosmos Ar STUCK on ice DRIFT FOG HlDlNG ALL THE EHOALB Aeowous wsnis use mounts SKIP CANT we TELL thiCH WERE DRIFTNG BEQUSE we compass NEEDLE apwhws wranw wens was man To we moweer POLE twinamuse war waw MATH THIN owl tanI Ina mam Maire us was VolWIonPoK WELL Nth TIM CEE THAT THEV TOAST wait in THE FIUE PLACE Oi thJFiSEl NOT IN MV ELECIRIC TOAfiTEQ

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