Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1966, p. 10

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tll In all drmlll ll lhvl NM larmlnz nl Hu Wlmlcn arm lmlMul hay nomwl lo Intrml Ilmll nml lhry pm my mman mu nth mm um MUnMIn he Imlhlmzt finnlml MIN my II but man nmmt hllh Mr awn lllu llrltll TM mun anrhal vlhm lnhl muyln mm run Ill ml mu lad rar ml ell Hm mu wnmlayy In hnl pmlwnl wnmwr ll MP MN Hmmda num The Imlr lhc Wnrnlu hnn an Um vlnHm dmnu In In bum hrnl pdlnl llrwlvrdx II urIl may Ymhhlrl hm In 1mm bNnulhll mi mp 44 about 20 L11er lmm Crnflnl Ohln menier the Iunrlnllrvn Inr lhal Will lho um nynl ken lnlrr Allrr III Inlrmlmllun by with Mrlluer Izrlmlluml mmwm nun1110 xrmrp mu nmrmpnn Ital lry varlou umdnll he Mmmenl of Auvkulluw and flu wrlcmnml hy nonlnn IL Tmlrl armMy Um 511mm Comly Cnulc Hrmlm AxumI lion By Murray Ind II II Wnrnlm were ham buslnad ol Vlll mm um 01on Came Ferd em AuocInUnn deny nllcr noon The laur cnlmd Ontario 21 5min mflklnu slop on Mon day Wyamlnl Alvlnllon Ftrflu and Srhringvme and on Nulny vlslllng ch lull nl Hnrrlnon hnurul and Inn Cmu he Calvin Irrlml hm Al livmu Men on ha Wu nlcn Ann nllcr Ahmvplm our in Mlldnn In 01me he ursl lho lnnn Murmy Wnrnlcn 0M lhom um Hmflmh Iml PM on lholr lnmu ulna 1mm lllher roplslmd nnc nl Um flrnl nnlmnll In Hus llrrrfunl llrnl wk Algoma nuthlrn While Rim rcglon Varlnble cloudl ncss windy and mom Ioday and Friday Winds northwest eer 20 30 and gusty dermis ing In light overnight INNISFIL NOTES Northern Georgian Bay Ti rnagami regions Cloudy with altered showers or thunder show ending this ailernoon mrning cooler Friday sunny with cloudy In ervniu and cooler Winds southwest 15 la 20 becoming northwest 10 In no this nitornoon decreasing to west eri Frirlny rooming London Windsor Humiflon Taronto Lake St Clalr Lake Erie Niagara Lake Ontario Lake Huron Soulhcm Georgian Bay Halibunun regions Sunny with cw cloudy pcrlods chance of Isolated thundershaw as Tumlng mulch Sunny and coal Friday Winds southwest 15 20 northwul 20 lo 25 by late nflcmoon decreasing In light ouqrnlnhl Synopsis dlslurbancn over Northern Ontario ls eweeplng cooler alr across lha upper Great Lakes This wlll reach southern Ontario this alleran and evening Showers and thun derstorm have occurred over most of Nenhorn Ontario but qrecipilemm along the leading edge of his cool outbreak has been extremely light Tempera lurcs in the south will be In the no ngaln lodny Frlday will be sunny cool lucd by tha warher amp 30 Cooler weather with isolated limdemhowera in expmed to move Into our am late todas my should be may wilh mmo clmdy periods Low re corded at the Examiner Office lat night was 60 degrees The Ohio Cattle Breeders Visit Township Farm The choice meted lgy Una wulhemwn today was begwben chllflnus Ind wetness Western TOlIONEO CP7Forccast Lv DISTRICT WEATHER Coder And Sunny Is Friday Forecast mm In fimrae nunly will In lmvnlwl mm ll lhn Maul ml nut wlvlilivhll yIIhl or ham nr nlllrr Rnvam In In prnvlmr W0 armada 1mm Iwarmw rm In Tuhmobmml Axum In he arty um must of Ioulhrm Onlana Vrdnwlny Hwy vLHcd the On lnrlu Slmk and 31 Tumult mm on mu Ontario College In urlph And ww hrnl n1 Ilmlnu wllh rm avrrnlum mm In Kllrhrmr Thnmlny will Ink mu in Ayr lanJ Woodqu nnll Mlddlrm Mer Ihry will he wclcmnnl Ivy Gmn Mm mnlmr ul ngrlruhurr Iml be zuuu lmbe mo lrnxleml by he Mlvhllmx hnpmvmurnl Awwlmlnn Frldny may vllt Hm hum John mourn n1 Funlhroy nnzl llw vrdrrn Azrkuhurnl rvlruo uhrm My III In Alwwn In nwmh lnriHllr and hrnr dlmxulnn run lrr IM ralm err lelHnl Imlhmn ml Mrrlln Hwy Ill rpm lhrlr lMl nlphl In nvr or hrle ll Wlmlwr Man Hm vlnllnr hat nmr In any var of Im nln ymlmndy and INHIM wr Ilwl lull Mlnrln lnrllmvh mm mu humr Alhmlun lnr dlflrlrnrv In MUN ruMlHum NW er Ihal oumln mu ml In man In mewurm nm lvur Mumml Ivy Hun Tunl ml IrIIk nurh qulmml Airrulluw TimTO lllll 11011 the gnnmml or Mum by bus lo the Conlimmnx Inn when they won boom or he nluhl Mu Vnrnlcn and her Inmlly realm lhrm orange Mn and doughnut EKIN ONTARIO led considrrnble comment and when luhl Hm bull could be admitd or nmmximmely 3000 Hwy scrum In lccl lhnl ml mlun In announccmcne Wednes day We depanmcnl said flops must be nkcn lo modernize lhn loch bmmsc traffic getting lav heavy and canal mm wark Thu Iranspor department previously had announced It would rehabilllnle wme of the lock on the 12mm long can and conwrl olhm lo mnke than clmfimumxmlvd an nale ro Kingston to Montreal in the event that the St Lawrence River all Into American hands at time when 118 was at war with Gm Bgitain OTTAWA CWThe depafl man lranspart Mod statement cdn5day ouLIInIn in plans developing the deg Canalsystem Thnrcanalqwas bum between Kingston and Ottawa In the arly 19th eqntury 95 an alter Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earllan Faxbust Temperatures Low overnight high Friday Windsor 55 72 London 55 72 Kitchener 55 72 iiamiiton 58 72 St Catherine 5a 72 Toronto 53 72 Kingston so 72 Trenton 58 72 Department Transport Outlines New Canal System Northern White River CochA rune regions Mull cloudy with shuwen windy and cooler today Frlday variable cloud ness and cool Canada will be dry but on the cool lid for August whlla In an em will warm but but mr man rm vl llw Twmhlp 1ch my mrr WIT damn Irma 10 MI MN ulven lu wau Hlmlly hm um Mn plt dwr lwr uhlrh mml NM V11 Wu nllvm we Ilnul and un MII In he HUM My rnvoIM drlvlng uwl wllm Amylnnl Many um 14 MW Mlllnl nmnlm lnrr mm In MIN whyur Furlhrr tnmlllwrnlinn mly VII Klrrn to In lmhllnl In mm mm Inf Inr In unill Um hank mil Firer rqlrnm Mira tar ma In In Ib nxu with hurl Um MvisnML fly lmldinl Innwhy daer hunt DCAH N1 lhnl 1h nvmmulmnn Hv dcrr may lvwnmn wnnl nnm luml ll yrld cwh Ill mem Mm Amw IIYII vrquu mwh haw III humI ll In rim Iml mm 11m or 1mm in Qudvcc wu mm by Inn IIvliu INA MK 1110 lkvnu hm lwrn rhnnufil In mark rl the For nrr ml pm won vlnihle mm un ma Anguh mall road and carnal Hm picklnx lnrml lhh wuk bumper tron Inlinn wha Inrms on the Anm Mm 1m The department plan restora tion and prammien at num ber at the old stone stmctum along the system leasing ar rangement with dense guer Inlmtng that historical appear ance are maintained new building housing modem equip ment designed to harmonize with the historical appearance ot the system end maintenance at id loch even utter new lociu are built to replace them The department plum in con suit rcpresentellve of munch paiich nionz the system this all to dctcrmlne whether they no in agreement with its plan The Innouncemenl snId mod ernization will not be allowed to Interim whh the tanala hls Iorlcal slmdure Nthcentury physical condl lions Marina Forecut Lake iiuran Georgian Bay Wind south to mwcst 20 knots shitting to northwest 15 to 30 knnt by midday and decreas ing to northwest 15 knots to night Chance scattered thun dershuwer vicinity windsth otherwise fair Saul Ste Marie Kapusknslng Whilu River Moosunna with rain or thundershaweu Figure Indicate predmed high temperatum or today CF Wirephoto will rah or MARINE FORECAST any way mu uulomallr mm In llwir hum whm Mm HM 5mm um mllm mull vml mam wum Flu III Faun ALI mm Myan llw firm In nrvlwl nynunnn Human wlw va un Xhlwl vmh mlnm lnlm No mm In him mr flanihhal Nev mu Mark Irnnnl lmvrh minlslrr MM Ml Hm mm mm Jan In rnll II Mmu Mr Iwml M1 mMm Mm Illwr at he hull In rm flu In mum SMITHS FAIJR Ont CW lwn tmmlllnr mun Vfilnmlni llml Iiltywlnr um In low mom Inllhl hrln llmnru In Inl lulm IM Imnkm Wm will In ha Int Fully Inlrflrnlnd lchvlnInn lnflh plum In Canada rmhxlnl ram nw mmdnh lrprlml Kim full um lur Cnrnlnz Hun CM ml 11d will build inn llmwrhlxc Ont ma glnu nIoleInn bulb ur the Cl annn mnrkcl now plunl mu 41 Hot Rodders Answer Siren expor Call omla and Manunn Thu cam my InId ll ha Inked the mll on Ind comrrvlllm banal or permmlm la Inmm upon by 40000000 cubic feet ul munopoo M11110 cxwrmon pm rum to make more nnlunl My February Is was gain of 51 per cent from Mmh Inn year lllfimr employmcnl In Iondry and manulnclurIng pafllclflnrly In mnnulncluring nnndurnNe goods was mnInIy msponflble or he Increnre There was drop In employ ment In Irnnsvomtlon cnmmu nlcnIIom Ind oIncr ulLIIIlcs BUYS RUBBER PLANTS Slnndnrd Product Canada Md will acanra Ihe sponge rubber and mrchnnlcal rubber IMIlillLs nnd buslncu 01 Fed crnlMognl Canaan Ltd In dudcd urn our manulnclurln damn mm In Slrnllord nn one In Mflohcll 0nl Ihm rodnct llnu Include door NI Hid scab mar mounLI and other automotive and Indu Irlnl mbbcr pmducu PLAN EXPANSION Alberta and Southern Ga Co Ud MM Wetlnc lJInnnlum By THE CANADIAN PRESS EMPLOYMENT UP The bureau of statistics Index Industrial employment based on 1961 equalling 100 rose to 115 MAIrd ram 1145 in East Lmlnx MichDr Ray Edgar Marshall 76 whusn rc march In makmg upplo Juice marketable gained him Interna llunal lame VuhlnflanJ Clark Salyer $4 in conservationist circle widely credited with devdoping Ihe national wildlila refuge aw tern Ilivenirlr Cnili Raw car driver Ken Miles 47 winner this year with Lloyd Ruby ui Ihe 24hour tnduranco rats at Day aun Beach Finwho was in tho urine mnre uhan 30 years in raceway mishap mum Hollywood Actress Sena Owen 72 who made more than 50 films between the Film World wax lhu early 1930 BUSINESS BRIEFS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Alpca CalmDr Mosul Ha das 66 worldlnmous classical scholar SMITHS FALLS out CF Besidents this town so mllea mhwest Ottawa will Me Doc on Whether to introduce fluoridation the municipal water swpky Council Wednes day appruved holdmg ha vote In colfluncunn with the regular mtmicipgl election WILL OPEN SCHOOL WATERLOO UP Water Iau Lutheran University an nnumed Wednesday it will open an undergraduate school of business and economics In Sep lernben Dr Herman Over FINE GUN CARRIER KINGSKON Jamaica AP mm in who pocket pollca gun EWVCXJLIi Mimi mum amen recepIOn Isl Saturday was flutd In court Wedn Edward Decal ieret 20 an alrflntclerk at tracted he alkalionlol nlccu rlty brand officer Hull Com venllon H111 reception when he appeared mm Ehree Mme In ha directlanl ol Princes Anne 16 revulver mi aunt in bl Mp pocket mm FIVE mm Qumran errcum Cube Quabec brlcflmr Wed nasdny wl nuanced live year imlsommnt for thou lng at policeman Ho wn Ilao sentenced bwo year on dam of hnvlnz an unmas lered maker in his mansion Thl sentencea will run concur ren mug 1v rum mm nnxzs CAPE TOWN Reuben Smith mm linnnca minister Eben Donge has announced Moment increase In incomu lax an Individual and higher ml an liquor cigarettes ca and luxury goods Iv4mm What DEATHS wonLDfNEws IN BRIEF Wm qu rnl 88 DUNLOP fiery bend of the former de artmenh of ecunomkm nnd ultnau agtmhdslrauon at WLU has been named director the new nth WILL BE AT FAIR LONDON on Inch Little Canadian impersonal and ed will appear UH Ib¢apaclly Ztro Ion Ir nr wirh door luck or load ackag Mm GlldIau umavab Ihllv Dairy Bar for hvlm and Twin Purclluln hp Manna doov cash for polliln cling Halon 094 Ib¢apaclly Ztro Ion lynxr Hilfigfl McBlARYEASY mmmmmn Autumn ddvoxllng In nhlanalor All Fireflona Freezers Include New thinwall dosing Io provide more storage xpace in loss floor space Signal and lnlarior llghls Magnefiq Gasket your Food andComprusor Warranly FREEZERS PRICED FROM McCluryEnsy CASH BONUS COUPONS mciiinfiEnsvs TREASURE ISLAND oramnru BARGAINS REPORT Eplnamc bALLAS Tex IANPublic health oufdgxr Inldchnuday that an oulbreak encephafllli In Dallasha reached epidemic prom Thvey mveuled the WulernFnlr grandstand flow Sept and 10 It was an nnunced Wednesday Ha will bq Joined by Jcrrvaan Dyke liar affine Amech Ielovlslon se rles My Mather The Ca 21900 MgClARYEASY30 DELUXE RANGE 535900 plans 01 perm spraylhg of lhe dtyFIlday to help check the gpreadol the dlsoaxe DEFICIT DROPS WASHINGTON AP The deficit in the US balanca of paymenu dropped to It lowest level Ina year 1qu 1m 3er vmm mm mums mu npru I11an In large 1n 1m 1mm nxmnntn rmmsmv AUGUST StuUp alumni wilh lour lnlinlll hon Iwikhu Aummavic oven mar alum dank mhulmludor and mad appliance nulll Okamovabh om door will punomma window Smoolhnlldinn Ilamgo dmwar In STORES 7266585 ESTABLISH VIET TV NBC International 15 estab lshlng raurstallon TV nel wurk in We Nam pm to high US interest rate which attracted foreign inves tors the commute department reported Wednesday

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