The Hometown Daily Newspaper For Barrie and District 102ml Year Na l92 On display at the Barrie Ilor ticuitural Societys annual tiower show at Trinity Parish Hall last night was the trophy presented to the sodety tor havinl the highest increase in membership at nil Ontario horticultural smieties The pre sentation was made to Mrs Jean Gable secretary on he DISPLAY TROPHY llT BARBIE FLOWER SHOW hail of district 16 at the On tario convention held in Ottawa last month Displaying the award are Mrs Gable lett and the president Mrs it McLaren Examiner Photot go KILLED Terrorist SAIGON tfleulcrsiA plastic hornh ripped through crowded restnurnnt in the northern city at line Wednesday night killing 23 South Vietnamese in the blast nnd during the panic stricken rush for single exit Reports min 121 lemma were wottndtd It was the second most seri ous terrorist attack so tar this year in February series of three Viet Cong land mines on coun try rand tn the central coastal lowlands killed it rice farmers The latest explosion occurred soon alter i0 pm Wednesday night in restaurant beside tuir ground on the hunk of the LATE NEWS snite Hits Pembroke Plant lihtililotili ul ltll ito luuuirnl turn and uontrn trnt on hlrlkl at the Fairly Malth On earty today losing one oi the Bus Crash Kills 29 In Calcutta Ulllim liltttlttsi Tucnlyflme Iltsmngerit ere killed when this shuttled oil the road and pltmgnl into canal nt Nar nyunpttr tn the tiidnamte drum untmtay when nun lodn prttsomutttrs iii THE nrws rs countrys ingotst maltil pianLy iiltihliitNT tourian lt tut Munster leetmt mul vmmmt Johnson at our ed to rlismu the Virl Nam we not other tule In turn tiny talks at do run ti lhA late pieMutt tinnmrun sunt rurr Iunrw lire irarirll In mi in nlutnulyplin mm New Itruatwirk llMlllh ItIIIttitttn Ilrlt pttllttr oi tinny ltnh rlln lit third IIIIIII illi nought In the htlliug til thtrn Rolland Void tlrlerllyrl last week In lowiun unl released In Inman liraiiarvl nttl Inlay lolite Iuntrii tuin illit umi liming Imzt at tiiltrl inlay In an riiutt to trap illiilill uhu lttichi he title luised holiday hiker lBomb Riprs Viet Nam Restaurant Perlumed River which runs through the former imperial capital of llue 00 miles north of Saigon fair was being held there to raise funds tor an orphanage and many ot the Iairgoers were still eating at the restaurant US mission spokesman said people ran for the only way out after the blast and several persons pp out were crushed to death In the stom pede CHALLENGE US PLANES in the air war over North Viet Nam US ttghters were twice challenged try Communist tell during 10 missions lied nestiay Two llltssitlndtalgllï¬i MIG179 swooped no air inrre Fiftr Thtmtlerrhiefn rattling an oil tie pot to mites trmn littnoi hut turnai hark without tiring Only minute later Mtlisl7 horn in on the leader of another Thunderrhiti them over the some target and opened up with its cannons ll retreated Wiih out earning no damage niter illltdhtt Thun rrrhlef opened tire on ll lNltlllA lMNltlll lrlltw hiinislrr lrvlirn tint tittl has asked lrrrlilrut John son to stop any UH ottnl old in nrtgltltning Inhlslan It on patient today 1n gmrintunvi littlill raid lrt Irqu ills viIIIiill ttr do ihrmt yesterday In Washing ton torontowomantniuredln PM Ntehetson Meet LRail Union Leaders UIIAWA CPtPive raitway unions leaders presented the labor viewpoint to Prime Minis ter Pearson Wednesday night as he and his cabinet began plan ning to meet athreaiening na tional railway strike Mn Pearson spent two hours with the group at his Sussex Drive home following full day of cabinet conferences on the impending crisis expected to break within the next three weeks joint strike date will he an nounced next Monday or Tue day by It unions representing almost 170000 railway workers Demanding wage increases averaging about 00 cents an hour they have rejected eon etliation board reports recom mending to cent increase spread over two years About 100000 at the workers involved are in nmoperotthg on damp rem Barrie Ontario non mandamusrd to toss ONIREAt Is HII WAtKOUT categories with present day average at $222 an hour The rest are conductors and train men paid between $6500 and $8000 year Mr Pearson Labor Minister Nicholson and the five union leaders emerged tram the prime ministers residence inst bdare ll pm can We had very intorrnative and hdpful discussion the prime minister told reporters No we werent talking about setiJemeaL it was just an in iormai mange The union leaders who re quuted the meeting declined to enlarge on Mr Pearsons re marks Attendance Down For Beatle Show TORONTO CF Britains mophaired Beatles fly to Bos ton today aiter two perform ances here Wednesday to enthu siastic but less titan capacity crowds UK PoliceISearch Forest For Third Man In Slaying LONDON tltli More than 200 policemen many carrying rltles moved into Londons Ep ping Forest at down today on the trail at llarry Roberts the third man still sought in the killing of three Scotland Yard detectives Police said the sear fared Roberts to probably was only halt lump ahead at his pur sucrs and might be lurking in the forest disguised as holi TODAY Ann Iandmt my Newsz CIAlltlldnll CommII llutholz nutrtrts Editorial4 Hporlol TV lJailngIll Theatreti ammo41 llenthrrlo MN MIIJN tinting rnr ilvitrr Km Miles was kiltnl rulneulny tllrtl tt spurt rar ha war testing went nut at ruuttul nt ltlmrlda tiareway tn tnllturnih lie tut mm at the twin torn IhII ym At hm hm an hull horn rating or nutty to pull day hiker Spotter planes were called in massive dragnet that stretched into Scotland Wednes day led to the arrest at another suspect John Duddy 37 Duddy was grabbed without tight in Glasgow slutn tenc ment just 27 hours after John Edward Witney the iirst man arrested in the manhunt was ordered held without bail on charges at murdering the three detectives with others WERE GUNNED DOWN The detectives were gunned down while trying to question three men in rt parked car Police converged on ripping Forest otter an underworld ttp all The siotcowned iorest cov erI 6000 acres on the eastern edge oi the capital mi of deer roam it lonely glndu anti pathways Roberts horn at nenrhy Won tteod knows the forest well trom his boyhood tinyl TRIO Objects To Single Force Uniiorm TORONTO tCl linilicas llnn will lower the Itontlnrd of Canadas lighting torce ltohrrt ll lillhnrn president at Tri Sorvlres Idrniltiea Organiza lion said at it pretty conterenee Wnlnesilny Mr llilhorn former iltllirn Intculmth and rnmntnntllng ot fhrr of the Toronto Scottish lleelment until his nrgnnltnilon ntrirrled to the idea oi It one unilorttt nniltnry iurre llte mine at the limit in rtttrnilunnhle he sold tltrrn In no reason in tritium mille ihlng that has been waiting Ine cmtnuy tor something that may not mutt Unemployment Shows Increase IIAWA tflt iillllllliHY llltlli Iltnwnl an Itnttltral III tnnut In July tllmtrlng in 1t on front zoom In June as ternd tutmiwr ot teen um flooded the Jolt market lhe July Infill Irtntrlml the lnhlm level of July IBM Ii taint report try the Demin Ivm llurtau at Natltin nrrl Ihn immigration departments mhn turner Ilisirlon until the unem eleyuwnt rate In July nlml on rent linthangrtl hum hm uni slightly irlnw an ill munt to to July at Isrt year The quartet drew 15000 to matinee performance and an other I7000 to an evening show Total attendance all about 1000 short at capacity at Maple Lent Gardens More than 200 police bolstered 80 otfieers ringing the stage for bath pertormanees andnether 50 patrolled streets Nlllldhvw St John Ambulance had 122 persons on duty and treated 167 teenage girls Eiltten were nerd to tnspitat with some cases of hysteria Ollieinls said casual ties nere less than in previous visits by the group The Beatles also held press carderenee and once again John Lennon explained his con lroversial It about the Beatles being more popular than Jesus Lennon said he likes the basic idea oi Christianity and recommends it to anyone Ilut George Harrison may have started anolhcr turmoil with comments uhieh could lend moral support to limitdodgers liarrlson asked about the war in Viet Nam replied Thou shalt not kill means thatnot amend section It We all just dont agree uiilt war Ior any reason uhutsnevrr People have right not to go into the army miner LNat More Then 10 Per Copy AtCarWash tsEE race rwot Center and sunny Low tonight 55 dogrees High Friday 72 de grees For complete weather summary please turn to page to 14 Page Quebec Trains Not iliiected By Freight Handlers Strike MONTREAL CPIArt esti mated 500 workers left their lob today to join 00 striking ireighbyard errvployees at the CNRs Pointe St Marie yards Some 3000 men are employed at the yards CNR spokesman said train operations have not yet been disrupted by the strike either at the Pointe St marten yards or the CNRs Bonaventure yards where picket lines also were set up today Ila said the It oclock shitt at the Bonaventure yards reported tor work almost 100 per cent despite some100 pickets front omer shifts and from the Pointe St Charlesyards who paraded up and down before the yard The strikers who walked otf their jobs Wednesday against the advice of their union lead era are mostly members oi the Canadian Brotherhood at hail way Transport and General workers employed as ware hnusemen truckers laborers and desks The com spokesman said the striker have been appealing to other railway enmtoyees such as diesel mechanics boilermakers and Electricians responsible tor the daytoday running at trains to Join them on the picket lines So tar these attempts have met with little success he said lie said all CNII passenger trains travelling in or out at Montreal pass through the Iointe St Charles yards or its adjacent repair shops if the CllllT strikers were successtul in getting members other railway unions at Pointc St Charles yards to Join the walkout the strike could seriously ha mper passenger travel In the area he said Some I20 other CNIt nonop eraling employees in Windsor 0ni also Cilill members went on strike today over wage scales Freight anti passenger service continurd there Work or at Ohntharn and Wallace burg Ont earlier reported on strike went to work as usual The Montreal men walked all the Joli about noon Wednesday protesting alleged slnwnrs in negotiations tor an agreement on new contract with the CNR and voicing impatience with union leaders ininot calling legal strike sooner legal strike could be held seven days alter Mr Justice Cameron handed con ciliation report on the dispute to the federal labor department Aug 10 Walkouts Localized In Ontario WINDSOR Out CWCana dian Notional Railways ottleluls said strike early today by 200 nonoperaiing personnel at three southwestern Ontario centres was unlikely to spread across Canada Walkwts of railway employees at Montreal Windsor and else where irave not attacch Barrie asset check at local trtnghl yams this morning revealed all were at work and reigns was being handled norm ally CNlt oliieiais conferring in the wake oi the 120I am EDT walkout by members of local tits at the Canadian Ilrother hood of Railway Transport and General rs said the strike was localized in Wind sor Wallarehurg and Chotham The walkout occurred at the precise moment It was legally permissabie one week after the CNits nanoperative rail un iunr rejected conciliation re port CNlt spokesman in London 0nt urea head office said pos senecr nntl all other services In and out of tho strikehound ter minals would be maintained by rompany personnel We can keep eterythlng moving Union spokesman however lititl they doubted supervisory personnel could handle the vol ume oi freight moving out of Windsor CiISUilLIlES LOW ili BEETLE SHOW John Amhulttnu nurse lltrtuil lit litlillitli girl during pettnrmante try that llutiu It Torontos Maple Irnf it rd WNInrulfly night The Iiruhulantl hlrl III lttrntianlt on duty and lrul lrd lnl trtn aged gtrlt Yits teen ll them nerI not to hmnttai with mm law at mum Inmm the aural Ir toll on lwluu that at up than tlehlln Vinita ltil Ilr photo