Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1966, p. 4

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FORESTHRS COMING COLLINGWOOD Mcth go he Cnnnrlifln Order at Fares lm Cuurl anlnwnsngn 1177 pllm ln mil Harri an August 15 El lhr TruLl Illue hull Htrl Lea and Trd finally an in than or lmnspnrlnlion MID AND GUN CllUfl HASH OllDEN lStnlhTha mu mcellnz hr rinse nnrdrn Rod and Gun Club will be held on Smlrmbcr armm wmnowa BRADFORD Slnll Thln Mnx municipal hull lx In Rel now Aluminum slnvm mu fiflfln wimlmu lnr ll main llnm Con Irncl Ins been uwnrdcd lo lhI Slnullvllle llnmc lmprmrmml company mat of H75 ANNUAL PICNIC COLLINMYOOD Memlilrl ol lhu nllmxumxl Trnlll llnlnn Will lxll Sprlngwaler lnrk nl Mlzlhnm lnr Ihrlr nnnunl plcnlc on Sumlny Iluu 21 GET MESSAGES COLLINGWOOD Mr and Mrs Ed Sciugel confinue to receive mnssagcs mural laliuns on Io occasion of Ihcir wedding anniversary They mm at home In hitmin and neighbors On Sunday allcmaon ONION REGULATIONS FRADFORD Si Mr mm or anhwn anK Iho Nkkrl all Minnl Awhian Lll ll onmuduu hum Ilnwly Iwn plvmlnmd HIZIMSFOHD 0M tlll Amlnw Ihmnrmn provincial Uhrrnl Iondrr Tllwlny mlvl lh pally II prrvarinu or In urly Onlllln mull Minn llhmum ha nlm no rpm an omeunm lhu In nl 1M1 latimu cnnctrnmx onmn market In will he mvicwM at mPDln Xng he nrarflord district cnnlmnlrc the Onion Inxhlc ertMmkctlng hoard lliLh wll be held at lho nrmflnrd Dslrfl Cnmmunily Come pm this Wedncsday Expect No Vote Thompson Says TllY EXAMINER WANT AM LONDON DISTRICT BRIEFS New addiuon lb Rnyalv Canadian Legion Hall at Anx us has made an appreciattd improvemenl Photograph tab In at dedicannn thu Rev PHONE HM NEW ADDITION TO ANGUS LEGION HALL SEEK PROGRAM TORONTO CPIThe Fedcr atiun Women Tcachcrs Assu cialion Onlarlo has called on he cdutalion department or plan In misc lhq academic Duwncr of Coilingwood al the mike with ReVA Willis pm padre he Ang us branch sealed in 1mm Pruidcnl the Angus Le glun Ed MacDonnld was um MN INHUI um mu mm hoards of the climb win he Md la dam mm MW Anal 37 Bond die wmm19 Ind manor Omanmvnt of Hz nmuh Mm dm kphmint WM nnd 1m guml 1th of of Cum 1M MW tuna will be Inkd Sc Mcmlxr 1966 and will boar imam Im thl dun hindnd Ind imam Mo myahe In lawful mom of Onuh WI pcyable at my Army Rank of amuln lnlmu in ya nay Punch In Mind hunk without huge Dtflnhin ban will Ivaflalllu ml at Ibod WM Am mum in Iwo mmu helm form WM ammon Mmdwd and mm will mkml pnynble by duqul 0nd of MI mml will be In IN nation and fully Onlmhnwnhk Io dcmxninuhn and0t lunn INN Chi to Oovwnmw and minivmum when micbk TM MW hum Aulhmlml yumMM lo of the Palmm MM And pvmnm AMI hemt IN chime nu Ibo Commian New Fund CMM mmnmmmmmuummlmm mymWMhuIIMMHumvfihdh of Cand bu Ihudr ngcod lo minimum 315000000 or IM MW 37 Bond due Who lnndnmmmumdilmm 0m muuvll new Bond due October I967 Ind 51 Bomb mu Oct $425000000 GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INDNDS SWumam Maw51 mix hoe price 9150 Yielding Ibo 594 to Infinity Bank of Cnnnda it Authorized by the Minister of Finance to roccivc Iubmiptionl or loan to be inued or cash as follows year month 41 bonds due October 1967 Issue price 9860 Yteldlng about 560 to maturity standards or clcmcntary schonl teachers Margaret Grant pres Idcnt of lhe Zimmeth led eralion made the appeal In her report Tucsday night at the led erations annual meeting chairman Lower pholograph shows the pmvinclal presidnnl ol the Legion Gordon Wake field placing wreath to lallen al Angu Cenotaph Photos by Bismuvan your month 91 WM 1969 lime pike 99IX mde nont 588 lo nutR1 1h luau paylbk October Ind AM mm Mann paybl 0am Dummimlhl SIM 000 mm MW mmwmmmm Inluul mylble Odobcrl Ind April One mnnlh lnlmll pnynhk Ouch 1966 Denomimhvn LOW 53000 WM 0011 Ind SLODOMD DATED SEPTEMBER 1966 $500000000 NONCALLABLE ISSUE OF Th members I150 are being asked in tell about the Canadian prime ministers in office lha year they were born which mean most will discuss the terms or lire Iale Richard Bennett 1910 to 1935 and he Iale William Lyon Mackenzie King who succeeded nlm older members will be reviewing the records Sr Wilfrid Laurier prime minister from me in 1910 Sir Robert Bordon l9ll to 1910 and Arthur llleiglrcn 1920 lo 1M4 Vilh Canadas coming 100th birlhday pnrlicutar interest was shown in Sir John oimn called in iather of Confederation He was prime minislcr mm 1361 In 1874 and spin from 1373 to 1W The hislorical research con venur Mrs Condan Robbins Convener of the meeting chase ha mono We are proud of Canada let us make Canada proud us Mn Gerald Wailes hostesn WARMINSABR sum Can adal first prime minister Sir John Mmmald will be dis clused by members cl Wamnns tar Womens Inlsfilule at if mating today August 17 Thin would be wrong In prln ciple the drive should be responsihla for his own mix deeds sald Councillor Ross In condemning the proposal which was made to the pollen conven finn at Sam by Samuel Speak man chainnan of lhe Hamilton police bargaining assncinunn commifiairan offence should he repealed was maimed by Coun 5cglilm Fred Ross of Essa Tawn stand or good Saw pn orcemenl but ml just Isnt conunon sense said Caunclllnr Russ slalng sud move would take lhe onus of the driver and put it on aha owner ol the ve hide ANGUS sum Proposal the Paflce Association of Omar Io that layslmon requiring Line to sfnp driver 110 as Wanninsler Studies Leaders Dominion Mr Speakman told Lha 450 REPS POLICE PROIPOSBL 011115 DnDrivers Right Says Essa COuncillor Councillor nos recalled some years ago legislalion allowed Iakinx down licenc number and sending summonses lu own ers and he was advised lllll flan caused much confusion particularly when mistakes were made in jalling down liczncer When people got summames un dcr such conditions it pul them to all kinds of trouble unneces surfly when police xop cart they have lhe opporlunily check the driver and his licence lo Kit Is In order In lhls way numerous car thieves and okher oqcnckn angprchcndcg is caution as Hwy can be about hiring eflicienl driven But it is the driver who are beth the whats and mspansible or traffic vinladons The is the matter of court conviction it the polio are unable to ldcnlily Ihe driv er Councillor Ross said tlal ing it was violation of Inndamental principle Brit Ish justice to convict anyone Im sorqqlhiqg he didpt do andA liils would oncu be mi Sis if the uwner were summoned with out checking fie drivers or proper idenlilicalion AVOID CONFUSION the genLlEman sald about the hazard of police chase high speed but juxl to take dwwn licence number represent dil licullies too Repeal lhls 19R lslalion he suggested would not be Ihe remedy be made responsible for driver The driver ihemsclves xhnuid ace this responsibility when they are gt he wygei Councillor Ross said he had In doubt Mr Sprakmanx pro pmal was well intended but he felt it didnt make common sensa leglxlnfion requiring the driver to be stopped wen repealed it would put lhe onus on he vehicle owner and this obviously was unfairr delegates the legislation farce police inlo high speed chase that alien end in accidenlsand said Present methods of en forcing the Highway Traffic Act are ridiculous think they should repeal that seciio the mum on hha driver anvmvsmr mum The councillor concluded by saying he was surprised to read where such suggestion was made to important law an forcement mun as blue Onlna Pollce Association He fell the proposal was n1ade bclpre all Councillor Ross remmcd Io Angus recently alter spending vacation in Maine where he visa ilcdlhc seashare It was nlce In see the sea again said the wellknown Angus businessman and former chairman of the board of trustees ol the Angus police villagc The pharmacist is also notary public In snmlparts ot the United States they make it difficult Dr pallet to get convictions and this just helps the crimingnl site menl We certainly dont want anything like that here said the Essa councillnr But you have to buy com mon sense in enlorcémenl ton and it is equally imporianl that the rights lawabidmg citizens are not lnlringed upnn IndividuA al liberties are precious to our way nl life iis nrr ing impiicllinns were given due consideration point in Which he ound consid erable agreement among mnlor isls Every good citizen has duly to help good law enrome men and realile that police responsibnilles are in from easy HADDOCK IN BATTER LEGS on BREASTS lB BAG SUPREME CHAMPION TANG CRYSTALS SCOTTIES HONEY POD PEAS 33 SCOTT TOWELS I4 01 QMEWM TWIN PACK PUREX TISSUE 4mEI5c CORN FLAKES ORANGE 0R ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT 15 OZ TINS WHITE 0R COLOURED I5 OZ TINS ll 01 PKG KELLOGGS 400 ECONOMY 1M FT PLUS loo ll REFILL 15 OZ TINS STOKELYS FANCY FLEETHAM BIB STEAKS GROUND BEEF of VALUES at WAX PAPER MIRACLE WHIP 32 OZ JAR 61° HOT F011 MR BERRY Cumberland SI LAST WEEKS WINNER FRENCH FRIES 53° 59° chdcsts 0L lhe huw also have came frnm Eumpe Mex The musical which has 21 or iginal songs with newbcai elk Ihe story cl thousands of youur whn are sgeking to raise arespansible me lhal will speak with aposiliv voice or their generation Coming from every back ground and M2 in Canada and Ihe Unilrd States the cast mem bers WerE among some 2000 who met In June he Aclion Naw domansualion in Estes Park Colorado They set nut with three travelling casts dir ected by British producer Henry Cass answer invilalinns mm miliiaryrbases and cities across the United She and Canada BASE BORDEN STAFF Much lnlerésr is bcing shwn her in lhé anuncemenlthat school students from coun tries will present the inuul Up With People at theGar rison Theatra herelonighl and Thursgiay night August 17 and 15 Besides evnnlng DEMON anccs mating will be presen ted on clbsing day all by per mission the base command er Colancl H1 Elliot THE HARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11 1965 Musical With Message Will Be Staged Rt Borden FROZEN DISTRICT MEAT FACIAL TISSUES MORTONS MEAT PIES DOG F00 STOKEYS BEANS KETCHUP GREEN 0R WAX OZ TIN 249° ll 01 01 loo South America and Suuth east Asia Launched last lall from Ilia Moral llHrmamcnl cnnlercnca inr modernizing America at Mackinac Island Michigan the musical has been performed on 370 campusm over 30 military bases and in cilcs mm coast in was in Ihe Unilnd Slalul The cast has travelled 45000 miles lo live counlries Washington DC Ihe show was spunsorcd by ll US Sen tors and congressmen Speaking hr the Ihousanrls yonilu mvulvcd in this new dam nnslralien Frank Folds 21year old US National Guardsman imm New Mexicn slate said We view participating in Up With Pcnple new nallannl and universal service We are sacrificing lime college schnlar ships cars and savings to chal lenge the but minds and sharp est spirits Dilhls nafion and nur generalion all over the world to march with us Beside Base Borden the mu sical will begning In Canadian Forces Eases Clinlnn Peta wawa Nnflh Bay and the Ma times The appearance hen will only be the third in Canada 53° 293 65° 53° 59° 49° 100 55c

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