Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1966, p. 3

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Walll Publisher This is the time of the year when the future of the automobile industry hou comes the subject of considerable con cern in this regard the Bank of Nova Scotia has released review of the changing influences in this major Can adian industry The review notes iirst oi all that over tho past few years the crsisiently strong demand for cars has can basic ele ment in the economic picture Until somn uncertainties developed in recent months the expansion of car sales had shown no major break since 1901 Lying behind the sustained growth in demand during the slxtle has been the general ex anslon unprecedented for eaeetlme uratlon Important actors me also been the increasing moblllty of population and the increase in the number oung people reaching driv lng nge Tie density of car ownership has developed greatly with threequnn ten of all households owning ears last year as compared to twotllird five years previously The review credits lho action of the federal gnvcrnmcnl 1n rcccnl years wim slrcngthcnlng he positlnn of the indus try and encouraging exports Last year It in rcdlclrd that some day lhc insect will Lao over the world and when they dn is doubled thnl they can make worm mm running it than man hnx been doing or those many ccntuflcs Canadian Market For Cars May Be Nearing Plateau éfixaimtnrr more in an ammunl nlml and mi Um Hr um lu mm Una Mlmflc vnllufly umkr Au mar ll lu mum um Uu hunnr would go In IIM Ihrynl Vllflnm wher WM Mm ll Quch In 1m llmrvlr ILS rlllnu Hut Um Snvmnnh wu Hm llnl In 1an ANN Um mun Iulnz Mum and lhq mm min Ibmlnr rInlm tnr llll nrumfl Snvlnnulu imulnl In ml Imam St uml Iaill 11 Mum humM ullul mu mm Allmirl IlMlaml In my mlnl alum nll llu way ml may In Um Mumr llnyal WIHlmn vm mlnlnly lhu Hut 5th in mm leh Allanlic mlluly unllnr nlum pow ll Irll llclw Nrm mu on Aurml 11 M11 and mlwl ll mum um III hnynl Vxlllnln WM In ll QINM In mulrr lululily hum Ihp uwmnm Huln ul ruhnc mlidny lnr Uw Inumip mm 11 mm um Imllllnl In Mwhul but mu In leul In ru Muflnmh 11m my van lnlumlad ln pmlrle mzulnr unla Mum thy1m ml llllllu uhlmzh IHNDLQVDN vu nnVy am Mr In mm the Hulklmu rm 1mm Mn ha Ibol mad mvllu AM In Nu vrmhl Nan mm unhal nul In mm muman nllinn 1h nlkm Mm mum lhv hppn duw ID lh MW Illlmu lml llwy MINI he llnyll WHIIII snulelwkfilm paMlmhulmL tlnnklnl Mum hills CANADAS STORY now know RESPONSIBILITY 103 we THoRNS 1F THEY TAKE enamr FOR 1115 BLOOM Canadian Ship First To Cross Atlantic PARAGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING Pubflshed by Canudlhn Newspapiru leltad 16 Hayfield Strut Barrle Omarlor lly IIOII BOWMAN McPheranMnnngIng Editor WEDNESDAY wens 174566 FAGE THE GREEN THUMB BOYS saw sharp rise 1n the export or cars and parts The export picture has been good in 1066 but with the soft ness of domestic demand sales are down The outcome or the year will depend on the reception of the 1967 models he suggestion is that in the near fu ture demand for new cars seems likely to be sustained rather than increased above its recent high level Another key consideration of course is whether economic activity continues to give rise to sustained growth in employment and incomes In the longer run Canadian car sales should remain sirong with the growing number young people in their late teens nndiwenlies continuing to be an important factor It may well he too thnt the growth of demand in Canada will continue to be somewhat stronger than in the United State in part reflect ing further catchingup in the density of ear ownerhin Thus view concludes allhou tho Canadian car market may now reachan plateau this should be no more than tempera with sales likely to surge up agnln per to around 000 000 by tho early 19 It Is said that crime doesnt pay but In many cases Ngtlmo crlmu my enough to buy mate olflccu and other nulhndflu an null leave the criminals loaded Wilson General Manager 1511 73am Exummrr mmomyumuw Aulhmhul nmnd In null lml 0ch Drpm mrnl oum and mymrnl nl mama in rmh Dilly HWIYI nd Rlnlulmy Iln Ida uth Suimlvum In dally hy urrler 13c wwkly ytarly 5mm cup In tor Hr mull Hnrrlt 17140 ym Onlnvln no ur mnlnr throw us your Mull mmm 0mm tin ynr muldn lel HriUIh mlullmu mm your LEIL ml lnrrhm mm yun 0mm Unlvmlly Aw Tmmn 640 IUI ll Mnnlnnl m1 12m WM Ierr El Vlnrmwr Mnan KM nnmllnn Dally qupuur llllrlllh AumlAva Mr Illlnn hm ml Mum Human Clrmlnllnnl nu nnllllnn Im ll mlmlvrly rnllllnl In Um me Mr Implvlkullnn mu mummy In In up rmmnl In nr le Aurrhlwl Yva or WHICH 5an film lh IrKIl thlml manln mm ans our most im portant and necunry com pounds on lth earth and Ls laund ln lupus clean natural slak Brushing teem emu wlth pun water is cum allml nale cavlllea ll sweeL and Mr drinks were not used Fluorldn led water Ls no goln In ellml Analo all cavities mm an be flunrldated but still curly water The majorlty nl lhe people today thlnk that mgr ls only used or washlnl duhes clothes and cm and far bathing and swimmlng other wlsa It melcu because most Ill the young drlnk pop drlnh And tbs older folk drlnk beer whlskay and pop very null amount of ten and coda Dear Slr Then no need to permits the wnter with fluorine when tho boom pasta canpuie manufac ture pastes which pennln to prevent and eliminate wil fiea dw younger folk and the older folk do mt need mal ediwatujm the genlal pistes There is no doubt that our Ino mm the water for your adieu and ma elm and in any case not enough ol water drunk in comparison to the pop being drunk to mnka any diner once on duldrent teem as they will always have eavlllu and than will Alwlyl ha den list who will niwoyn be back dntod or about lhrea wet or teeth john So therefore lows the pane water as is or than who love it or the very good mum that fluorine does not make tho water clean and we on It lsmwlied lo you out Lie 3th Dear Sir Today wo constantly read of the effects of nquMlon Ind haw it LI Inevitable that wa will In lo mire earlier as my chines replace mnpower in lot join Being interested In this And knowing how retirement and Thu depnmnem at land and crash here for Instance could be and mm trouqu we dIdnt have law agalnst erlu In Canada The dapnrtment ll you Krobahly well know has lung Id roxram of develop and 1an conu mu nn Crown Ilnds Tome can peo pliin unnywm During recent yem In some areas at he province here has been domand pr than mag In Mm Ontario 1er Indy In ha Parry Sound llld ananhu mum he demand has been so you Ihe depart men has had In resort lo nuc Ilonl Lccllnu Inks will ha Iurveyed Ind nubdlvlded 40 mm cgtgngo 11m viiinu for prospective mums to flu an alwlkallon at he local db ulgt guyqu olflcle Hmn lha alluallnn liral be clme mlom an nlltmpt an mad la he Illu an comelxmocnul lush QUEENS PARK And they have bun lhen Inld to hlm rule ol $150 per lmnnuxu loot plm he cost 01 thg Iuryey nut In men dulrahle mas lhm hn been Inch demand or mu Ml m1 Approach wunt worklnu LONG LINEUIH Iubdlvlllon would lye marked for win on rcanln day ccrtnln Ume And duty would be mM to pur chum lhcy Ihnwrd up he mu neg SHHNTY BAY Then Um dcpnrlmcnt iurned lo mxilom awcm beam In no up we day and mora Ihud ma min Aml lhcm wax rumbllnl ma mnny peoplu muldnl lake lhh much llma all walk to vay column 110 In lhln mclhpd gm dwwtd Hul HI Ian mm dmirnur First hiveIn Showing Held liver till Fri Suggests Land Sale By Lottery Sistem By DONALD OHEARN Vfinnet ol llllhuy II II Gulhllu FLUORIDATION LETTERS TO EDITOR mmmmmn Bax Ollln Opom pm Show Slum In Dunk MM mmlnn Ilvlvnln Norlh lornnln Pure Wam Lover liadehiyiiifdihitlfilfisfiictm mpmmwuumHARRISON ldlenm can often hrlnl great qeal olunhappineu to person who hgsbeen active all cl bl lfle have been trying to gn Iher lmnnntlan and would 31 preciate hearing lrnm your raiders on hisfiuegklom What about um wile ol pet aonyhu nthm Hm have you been affected am be his job and what do you mum At nfim Inge hm Have you developed In spec laI hobbies or activities at he made your retired lilo Interest Inz which you can pass on to hem In reverse hm quu Lyund tqlsayerlod gulf5 Do you know of my bowl or nmphleu printed on lhh Mr can no could you he mo when this would be null e7 flanking you in cm momN 4167 Pmor Street Nomi buiiuby Bic 123 whu¢d5yw think mould be dam to males elder or olhm WINNIPEG cm humn1 service will be he Thnrudny lor Danald ll Murdoch 70 lormer president of tha Kl hunu Club lnurnnllonal whn died Monday alter lengthy 111 ms Born In Keewnun Ont Mr Murdoch Wu president the Manitoba laundry Owner loclnuon or maul yearn Ha Jalned the Klwanls Club In ms and became pruldant the Winnlpen Brunch In ms An lnlarnatlnnnl mute from 1m to 1941 he was interna tional vies president of K1 wanl from 1945 to 1950 when Ila wan elected lnlernnuonal pruldznt post In held or two yum Aucllonl Increase prices and In gead $250 hnve been going or Ind 91 tool xnova LAND It Isnt the Intent behind tha program to nuke money he urpm In provide vucaltun land or the people of tha pm nee Services Held For Kiwanis Former President lCPImen Mlnrney Richard Sheuhy hxesdly nld lustlu ll bean nunam luck of mopcrallun rum pmvindnl mglor Mule depnryncpt Snmu Um no manual Clflfard Boyd ruled that cenfll cnle llama Impenslonln cnsu of poxtons charged with drivinl whflo mspandchmml be xlzncd by 1119 registrar of molar which not Ins ml her lump Incxlmfle Mr h¢chy aqld lha In mg Shechy lllamey xencr ll deparlmtnl old hlm ha mnglxlmcl ruling wnl torml And he Advhcd pollco nulccrs lo gel he nuislmu nature an all ccrtiflcalu Tho polka hnvn cw crnled but lho ulcpnnment not Mr Slinky Illd Rummy who bankelhnll cum st Joxophl Coun hare MN no hlu poflmmn kournnmcnu In MI 11 your head coach quit Nndny ova mm at In Nika ummmn Amhllm club lrmu ownor Irv K0510 who hu nInnlnl ll IIka In the m0 hm Dmim tamu finer mannxcr nlifill adelri 1m wpg pang Claims Iustice Being Frustrated partner In fllchmln TRY EXAMme WANT ADS PHONE 72114 SAULT STE MARIE Ont ndwrrn Inn Ind Drill COACHES 7mm PIHMDBUHIA AWJack DRIVEIN THEATRE advanca OHAWA There are many temps why welcome Illa up poriunlty oi writing ihLa coiumn today No iha lust He In act that same month no Pal Nicholson hrnugh to your anenA on my mom in the field of automobile may recognlze the role he prov lncer must play In educating and llcenslng batter and Ialer drlvrra bulldlng batter and war highways and nrdulng meanlngtul and regular Inspec tion motor vehicles At tho lama tlme have asked that he ledaral authorlty order that rclenmtcally proven solcty loa tures be Incorporated as stand ard equipment at tho produc tion stalls on all can made In or Imported into Canada thank the thousand readers of Pat Nicholson column who took the trouble to urlte mo and encourag my etlorlsr Today wish to piece heiore you another basic problem and challenge which aces every Ce nedien Both Dr Rynerd MP and have been piecing these questions belore your Home at Commons we believe that government he real role to piny in encouraging individual and national excellence no where is this more true than in the iield oi research The gov ernment that neglect the chal lenge in pure research eimpiy kills the goose that lnye the golden egg For every dollar we Ipend per ecientiet the Brit 11d three the us 10 lo 15 Canada already expe riencing shunInga lrnlncd and qualified persmmd In many field of endeavor RESEARCH INGNORED In brief is largely because or lederal governments have given such Iparso assist ance to medical research In Canada that we an nnw lacing crlflul and lmmlnunl Ihnrl no of doctors and median manpower Mcdlcnm now Is being introduced Into the United Slates Apart from doctors our medical cachm Icchniclnns and nurses are moving south Nu bordcr For example light now the US mm 75000 flewn Gnflley Can Iernllu MP tor Breme Mlullqunl Ind widely knlmn Mr fllghuy 5er dlmmu Inolhu ur urn nluonnl problem Thu shortage ol damn in lo dul Gum Colnmnx Canada ranks 2M Must Trqifi Mere Doctors Conservatiue MP Believes ITS 1k EMS PRYSI EYnTRANKIE ANDJOI WHY VHRDWCIA ILFJIIJO€I ik inTifiiswzl mum SIFAUZ 11th 7mm mm Im Imfifinrmn rum 11m mmmumlfl Us SECOND FEATURE DRIVEIN ONLY Garry and Iho Pacomnkon FERRY CROSS YHE MERSEY IAaJIVIhfl 4m uuwnmvrmr its FUN its when its ELVIS cm um In at ll In on he Humid he 0n 10 is NOW SHOWING AT BOTH THEATRES In he warid in relation to the physi cianpopulatinn ratio In nrder to maintain the preaent ratio we must reziater 1300 new physicians each year Our own 12 medical schools only Jroduca 350 new phyaidana ea year To make things wane Canada in the couid count on an annual lkrntian oi hundred ni doctors This is no longer the use Innztmn mm are not enough The Iomnmant must announce an Immediate short term emerlency crash program to recruit medical manpower in Canada Canada is running out or doc tm and unless Immediate 52 Hon taken wa shzll be faced with real crisis within two lMIlmmu umm llllfliil mm mm PRODUGWII THE WM EME UWQF WE WAFER Wire g9$$3°a€ If nuNMoEnriFFm Hummus mummv She swims shoots nnunwifimmumns mmmoms 01mm wmunmmmuu mmzumxw AT m1 rwvmon mnumocomn years Ahead in smaller cen tres me Imfly dnclor who mum on not being rcplaced Last year hundreds of quali Ilad appllunla wera urned mm It our medical schooll These schools turned out In 1965 approximately he nmn num bcr 01 doctors they did 10 year ago Far lha Lard knmlh lbs be rlxhlm xhul way of he rlxhleouu huI Pnlm Sin is named to slim Whauaever man sowelh In shall he IIID reap BIBLE THOUGHT STARTS TODAY FEATURE AT 710 AND 915 PM MATlNEES DAILY AT 200 PM

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