Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1966, p. 2

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LOCIIL GENERAL ROTARY SPEAKER Dr Currie curator ol the CONSTRUCTION of wing at Maple Grove public school itslilighicd work accomplish ed by the school board during Barrie Public Schools the all season The wing is scheduled for completion by school opening Sept UPP Eli view at the new wing with existing portion oi school at Icit LOWER summer stu dents put finishing paint touch es to building exterior Ex aminer Photos Receive FaceLifting it wont be long beiore Dar rIa public school children can ctude their sunnncr vacatJon and head track to the classroom They will find extensive reno vations and repairs an their re turn The Public School lleards all season program Is well on its way to completion according tn board accretury treasurer Gcorgc bonuslatte and building supervisor iat Trainer lilaior summer undertaking has been the construction at an mtditimiai loyrclassrmm Wing at Maple Grove School The ad dition is scheduled to be com pleted at school opening Sept in addition to the tour ad ditional classrooms resources eenlra tlneluding library liiml and rcierence material is hc trig Wmfli The library will he the tint In the itarrie Public School system The low trachlng stall will he Increased by tour In view at the IItIlIiIIUII allltl lingiis McKay Iuittrinltrltllilt ll public schools lie predicted that ircturcn Mr Drury Looking Forward To Farmer Premier Event Onri ht Stmcoa Csniniye old eat and but known authors lion Driiry who Is now hm to attend luncheon in his honor at the Sundial Restaurant in Orillis to mark the publication at his new book Fiirnicr lrornicr It It to be held at noon on Thursday Aug ust 11 and almdy much later est hlu been shown The linmcr Ontario prrrnler who now liraa an the larm where he was born at nearly Civwn lIiIl Mr Disiry spout two years crowding the mem olrs which tells at the acth Incnts at the United Farmers lnvhmlmni hr headed tram me to in Mr Iliury teeis that thr social lrflilllllnn then trust on the record but an Important bearing with other Mum in the social service llrirt which have Iirllnwad slim ilr Driiry nltvn tits in wheelchair at his turn and hints mil lrom the homestead on Highway as width is locatsd MUSIC AtttlitillON nIIITAI tmauaa lnslruiiirals luple IM lutotmailon rail TIOOIII CANADIAN AlAilEhll lll ittlAiC I1 Iiunlap II M25 and M50 pupils will reg Ister this year Proreglstration ia Sept tor all upils new to any school Enrolment last semester was 5762 interiors et Codringtan John son and Oakley iark Schools have undergone iace litt during the past two months with extensive paint work The parking area at iliilcrest has been terraced into two lev els while live cloakrooms at Codrlngton have had linoleum lloor replaced with vinyl The upper liner and two classrooms at King Edward and three class rooms at Prince oi Wales have been sanded Cement enamel walls at Oak ley Iark boys and girls wash rooms have been recovered with Evitok at cost at 28 tor aoo square leet lierooting oi the original part at Prime oi Wales has been complaint Asphalting at King Edward approximately 00 aqtlllrI Iecti has been done while holes are being palchai on much the some roula as the old lcnetangulshcno military road along which his loreheora settled in IRIO Ila became Interested In phil tics at an early age its was At whrn he was called Irons his loan at Crown Ilill not tar truni Ilalria to Iiiad the pro vinclal government liclors that imm am to ms he was llrrt secretary at the tanadlsa Council rt Agriculture In till he was eimtcd the prsrldrnt the UlllIltI more Ontario llAiIllIl ANAKIJI IliNTlLIONI ILC CPIFm the buy ltmtia Jamboree in this Okanagan Valley rrntre in Jul in live rsttiranakea were gath msi Inlcmted scouts urrs taught the best melhnila at he iIilng them WEBRS JEWELLERY Tlln IIHAIIIWA Tl Int VIII MA III IlOIlNItlltN llOOlillllltIilA at King Edward Prince oi Wales Hiilcreat and Maple Grove Little vandalism was report ed during the oil season al though some 60 windows were smashed at itillcrcst and Cod rington Schools However at iiciais indicated that summer vandalism Is not as extensive in iiarrie as In most other municipalities Rivals Wish Potato Queen Well Do Coast Ontarios representative In the Potato Blossom Queen competi tion in the Ilaritimcs thLI week illss Eileen Smith at Waldemar has received the heat wishes ol potato growers In this area Other leading contestants who competed with Miss Smith hava also wished her well They In cludcd trusts Dorsey ol ileeton Denlaa Armsth at Orton lirenda Marshall oi Herbert and Jayna Whitestda at lichen Judges in the contest were ilwriphroye supervising inspector oi the Ontario Depart meat at Agriculture and Food at ilarris Mrs Armstrong president at the Toronto Con nimers Association Oeorss At kins at the agricultural depart ment it the CDC Toronto and Murray Marshall well known Mllgrova pusto grower ilelore leaving Miss Smith in celvrd her wliin ritihonn lrarn Jeanette lcwln Isst year Can adian potato hiaunm spleen EMERGENCY NUMBERS City Police flre Dept iiospltsl OII TIAXIII iIHIIl VIAml Hm TIME TO THINK OF BACKTOSCHOOI with hardy laught watch espmtiy iialleil try lit to Iii your lanlrrt Webbs carry large set liMl nosmam prsi sari pencil sets that make writing plum lIie linet selriliiai rd Iiery is on Min now at Iliirry ilrrwn Stephan leacodr MarriorIal Home at Orilila will address the noon meeting at the Rotary Cit on Thursday at Miramar Gardens VACCINE GIVEN II1 Tctanuapdio vaccine was ad ministered to 117 adults by the Simeoe County Health Unit lm nomination aervioes during the past month The breakdown ot the Inoculations givenst child health centres showed 430 quad nspln antigen polio vaccine and 122 smallpox vaccinations FLOWER SHOW Creermre Horticultural Sta ciely will sponsor flower show in the Creelpore arena Friday lrom to 10 pm and Saturday from to am to pm N0 FINES Barrie Fire Department re ports quiet Tuesday with no Ires reportixl la the city 1482 Calls Made By Health Unit Slmcoa County Health unit reported lth calls made dur ing the past month consist ing at 1151 routine inspections and investigation at are com plaints litany ol the latter can cerned calls regarding the qual lty ol drinking water In college areas it Is Impossible tor us to cover all the premises but this owner is responsible tor having Area Tobacco Harvesting Now Underway Tobacco harvesting Is In lull swing in the district and Irri lated tarms have good crop inquiries at the latest at Car ter Laagrriire Nfl Lowell who has one the largest crops in that araarevoaled that the crop bera escaped the hall dam age which hit law termsin the Beeton area The treat storm about l1 days ago damaged some plarnemtilch have not recovered but most tobacco armors were more lartuaate and have good crop The storm didnt cover my wide area and missed most at Simeon County tobacco isrrnl there might have been lit Ltagbgo liadti on be but not eao amage crop said Mrs ungnilre when it husband who is Sunnldaie deputy reeve has been busy with the harvest NEGRO PRIMER Twelve Negro primers and two others item North Carolina and Virginia hove been helping with the harvest and their work was hutch connneaded Mrs Laoxmlre said It was the tiret time that Negro primers were brought here to help In the teat picking and they had made good Impression with their work and ability to get along with the other workers native at North Carolina Mr Angmire learned tobacco iarmlng there He has been growing tobacco Ia Sunnidnle area or about it years While most at Simeoe County tobacco iarrnx are south at Al listonI there are others in Sun nidste Base and other areas CLOSE ATTENTION Mrs Langmirc said tobacco teaming required hutch attea tion particularly this taurent season when considerable Irri gation was required Harvesting started early this week and she said good progress has been made gums we was fortunate said when sing Ios slimc elsewhere dueugulhe In To most arms the damage was slight but the loss ran sq to 50 per cent tor low Tobacco growers have been much concerned about this years crop alter lrost losses last year good demand has been assured for all tobacco harvested his well water tested to ensure the terrains satislactory water army said Health unit Luikin Contest In Industrial Class Lulkla ilule Co oi Canada Ltd today was declared over all winner and lint in Its class by the industrial boautiil cation committee at the Barrie Horticultural Society Jean Gable secretary at the society said Lulkins flowerbeds were the most outstanding this year She noted they had start ed in the spring trom scratch on threeyear program in the class tor industries with lower than 150 employees winners were Lulkin Itula Barrs Motel and Plastomer Ltd All will receive plaques and picture at their planting winners in the second group which employ under 200 are West Bend at Canada Ltd and Kolmar of Canada Both will be presented with plaques declar CITY NEWS Ing their standing in the can test De Vilhiss lCanadal Ltd was ltrst In the third category which includes tirms that employ an der 300 DeVilbisa will not re calves plaque because of rule which states that the over all winner ol the previous year is not eligible tor prized Dc VIIbIss won last year Second and third in this group were the County of Simon Building and Bell Telephone at Canada Each Will receive plaque and picture MansfieldDemon an bid and the Royal Victoria Hospital are the leaders In the tina group with under ooo em plays Both will receive plaques Mra Gahla aaidlha show mn BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AIIGUSIl 11 mo Marooned 0n Island All Night Man Three Children Rescued Marooned on rock island in the Georgian Bay all night where they took haven during storm while fishing Willow daie man and three children were rescued by the Canadian Coast Guard this morning Provincial Police at iiiidiaiid who identiliod the man as Peter Ferguson said the boat was towed salely ashore Mr Fer guson was the lather of two at the three children whose ages were 12 it and They went lishing about noon yesterday and when they had not re turned by pm several small boats searched the area under the direction oi police until darkncas and bad weather tor red them to return to shore it was learned this morning when winds came up suddenly and lashed large waves Mr Ferguson headed his boat tor the nrarcst aalety which hop nod to bc rock island where and the children made thorn rii selves as condomblc as possiMe during the night There was some raintall which added to the dis comfort Fears oi tragedy had been aroused and there was relate JUDGES EXHIBITS RI BRRRIE FLOWER SHOW Judging was underway this morning at the annual tlower show at iiante llurtttttliltrei 50 eiely In the parish hall at Tria ity Anglican Church Mar Fearilry Mite at the specimen clsai casts crlllcs over OF CANADA LIMITED DEMONSTRATION at their New 1330 720 CopyingDuplicating Equipment THURSDAY AUGUST It at the CONTINENTAL INN From lo to 630 pm an entry at dirysnnllieriiiirru The show will be open to the public might lFJtmifltr PM to lag when they were louad sale around am this morning The gmu had gone liaising la mail homemade listbottom ed boat lnquirics to the Midland de tachment ol the provincial po lice revealed all came through the ordeal without any serious dlect liIRM polars MONTREAL tCP Agricul ture department quotations Eggs Average weighted rice wholesale toretall in one area cartons Acxtra large 731 Alarge 701 Avmedlum 616 smali 405 WINNIPEG CF Prices held to narrow range and were showing irregularities in response to US markets in light opening trade on the Wlnr peg Grain Exchange today Flax opened to to til higher Oct 306 rapcsced it lower Nov 100 oats ursdiangcd Dct out barley unchanged to it higher Oct mu rye Vi lower Oct 13m Barrie cities at Simeon Coun ty Health Unit Is seeking qualified nurse to iii stall vacancy Public Health Nurses appear to be In short supply due partly to the number ot experienced well prepared nur ses leaving this licld tor better paid social wellara agency and school work Home visits lor the past month included an intent coils 391 preschool 100 school at prr natal 229 adult is mental and till classid as miscellaneous Althouin smaller further at lamiiies received visits than in loos there was no rrduction In the actual number at contacts lilorc return visits and more iritcrssive service were rival Certain diarion also Iowa been InrlOr the greatest firebath decline In birth rate kind bus rlstxi aa LIKE FATIIlI LIKE ION DARTMOUTH NS CPIA other and his will enrol as theology llutlcnta together this tall at Acadia University iloth aim at the liaptlst ministry irank Gulnta II now chlrl petty oiiirrr In the RUN will start work Imiiinltatrly on his bachelor oi theology degree ills son Frank Jr to will he gin lIIItlIIl on Iila Thursday Night Only PM It 01 LOAVEI 0P BREAD PM 100 FOR With The Purchase oi or More Roasts Beat RPLE ERT MRRIIET 42 Maple Ave Barrie Selling only the lineal Rod and illue Brand Root ing at DeViiblas is an example to all industries In Barrie when you note Its first place this year and its averall win last year She added that the social plans to change the categories and some rules or next years contest Faces Charge In Shooting Churchill Boy Dan Williams 17 ot Toronto Nesday was committed tor trial by ME and iury on criminal negligence charge arising iroti the July shooting death at lnysaroid Churdslil youth lie sppeared in Graveniiurst malls tratas court Illia victim was John David Riggs oi RR Giurohiii who was stntclt In the abdomen by blast lrom 410 shotgun whilq staying at the Williams iamily mttage on the Mortimer Paint golad eight miles northeast oi as Biggs mother described the shooting as the saddest thing It the world She sald tha had been close clouds to years adding know the shoot ing wasvaacidental Orillia Widow Rmong Grads ORILLIA CPI Mrs lteg luald Hough tsryearotd widow who has been attending the same school with her 16 yearold son Peter Tuesday was among OrilIIa students Wlttl received their Grade it certiti catcs iiirs Ilough took up her schooling in the loot65 term un der Ontarios adult retraining program She had last attended school in Germany about so years previously Mrs lioiigh completed grades to it and ii at night school and in the 196566 term completed her Grade In by attending classes In the same school with her son but in dilierent ciass room She plans to attend tenehcra college In Toronto this tail on to teach in Orlilin alter she graduates Health Unit or County Is Seeking Rnother Nurse the nurses have tmplemenied the program lor threeyearolds School visiting also has Increasi rd and work with adults under as has risen 25 pa cent and over so by 50 per cent Visits to people with emotional prob lcrm have Irwraasod by so per cent The new trend appcars to be dcllnile ahtit trorn ermhasis on Inlaat care to need to pm vlda more nursing service to other age groups and to adult in particular it was explained no rii Ilnliday float in pirat so to annauara reopen lag uniirr iha nianagrnirnt nl Mr itlnriry ilerhak Iormerly oi Inndan OPENING SOON Mr Ilvlhah asks that all lairrling lragurs sell items contact him new or rheire Marital limu Mr Ilerhali ran ha en at tha iinllday itawl II 35 llattlaI IIara or ionlartv iry IL Ill TIA am Hllllllilli aowi

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