Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1966, p. 16

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By BRIAN BAKER The mnsl successlu annual twlllghl meellng ever held by lhc Simone Counly Halslein Brccdcrs Club was hdda the farm James McCagne Allls Ion Several hundred ol visllur Including mcmhcrs Illd lhelr lamllcs as well as nonmem bars and lawn suppliers Inspec led the mnsl modern dairy build ing setup in Canada samplelcd by Mr McCague last spring Guest speaker of lhc evening was Dr Bruce Slone Prolcssur of Animal Science University or Guelph One ol lhc hlghllghls of the evening in whlch cvorynnu could participate was the dairy cow judging competition which was or particular interest 4K members Later visitor enjoy ed sitting on hayhale scat mashing color slidu ol mod ern dairy farms in New York and Michigan used by Dr Shane to illustrate his laiks on the modern trends dairy farming The evening closed wilhlhe nwnrding of prim to Ivlnncrs ol the dairyjudging cotnnctxtimu and the serving of lunch SINGLE SPAN STRUCTURE 0n Mr McCa farm Dada star Farm vmmrs saw ha modern approach in dairy farm mg The main cow ham Is angle span structure sixtyour feet wide wilh our raw of slanchivns with capaclly or hundred milking cows Flunres cam lighung makes 1h barn as light as day There are nu man gcrs lhe cvws an mm Ha concmo walks which are easily dcanud Three stable cleaner unll clean the slabias automm Gully Milk is piped dinzfly from the milkera though Pyrex Ms vawum lines lo Lhe huge hulk milk remunqu ween mllklnfll the cows go oulsxde where they can exercise ln neatly fenced concrete yard with sand bed provided at one and Mm may can lie dawn An ndjaccnl field gives than lrecdam Mn the yard they can eat hay mm MA cod buy rack or go lnln an weather paleth cod area where haylage semldry chop ped hay is led automatically from huge 30 not by seventy not concrete silo by means pawer unlnadm and elevnlnr and lung conveyor over hun dred lect lnng which meters en silage right along an elevated Iced bunk MILKEI DUTSIDF Holstein Brgedexs Successful Meeting 0n cmg com ndcd on Illa ereclicn of his new dairy xya lrm Mr lllcCague who lost his armor buildings to in year ago passtd credit an to his lamily and In his stall who co aperalnd wholeheartedly deiplle Lhu incl that Mlh UIL ram And all the cam had In be milked nulsidc 1n the open unlll lnlo cmhcr of last ynar Doclnr Slone iiud of the Animal Science Drparirneni at he 0AC noivd ihai the dairy industry in New York Illd Mirh gun is vary dynamir In hm Irons over lhe inst ltn ycnu Ihc numbtv dairy honis has bncn reduced by null yu pm duclion 0f the remaining hard has me um dmbitd Undu Ercltni fanning economic ii is awning morn Important that dairy fanning he done In busi newhko manna While at pm acnt only men per cm of dairy had in Ontario an its programs comparad In lwmlylna pet can Now 50 am LEAVE EXHIBITION 1030 pm err irnmlnimnl Shnw Du Ilghl Nrm REGULAR EXPRIS mu ln lnrnnln Trips liach Way Du Exhlhilhm vamrnnrrn lmvcllllm nu rogunr hum Mil Irandnr n1 Innmm llus lmnhm In Mm nnmlnz lnlo Um grounds EANHIIIHNNMIflNfllHlHIHIIIflN ADULTS $445 CHllqREN 3170pm rugomy Round Trip Indudm Admlnclm Mnnlr DIRECT INTO THE GROUNDS August mm to Soplombor HI p111 400 Tlthh and lnormlilun II GO BY BUS REDUCED FARES DRIVING PARKING LUNG WURRIES PROBLEMS WALKS n31 Vh lllpchwna LEAVE BARR He described many usclnl Bysilms in his slidelccluxc One Lairy laxmar made 6003 tons of com rmiiagc inr his dairy cmvs color slide projncicd on enfan square screen showed ten iiarvcslore ilns of glass lincd 5cnl used in store com and grass cnsiinge or 1000 dairy cows One New York Inmin mm sixty head In 100 hwd mm 5in head 10 10 ahead by adding Miami pulevbarn habor wa saw in Mlchlgan netup by pulling Irce sinil airing the side 01 barn and man ger dawn the centre which cnuld be filled directly mm pwwer wagon In one mnlhnd he desalibed mum fcd sixtyfive pound carn ensilnne and ii lcen pnunds of high maisuro cam per cows plm proteinsup plemml and realized 10000 pound milk produclion uvcraflu or his 120 cam5 York is cerlaln hat Ontario dalrymcn will be ollnwing meth ods used in New York and Mich Egan Dr Stone nocd lhal as on lnrio milk producers are being ohiigtd to increase he number ol cows in lhtlr htrds line now cannot be given the same indi viduol ucalmcnl nccmnry or maxlmum pmluclioni ilc lhm descride how Now York lami er ovcrmmo lhis problem by dividing his hard lulu Ihrce groups in one group he kept dry WW5 and hdlcrs in mam he krm rows producing Ieu lhnn my pounds milk cam and in he third group he kept living over my pound milk each day nnd led Ind mnnngul than accordingly of Animal Science Dcparlment at lhe Unlvmily of Guelph was guest speaker the well vad flurkrr anlannl rcsl dcnl ml the Hnlsldn Agsomntlgn ol Canada said mm the refill lrnlinn Much has rlun considerably in the last year Smcr nnlnrin Ilnlslrlns am In MIN IT Illl TERMINAL Muplp 3mm prm mum nnvcn STONE Head STUDENIS $395 great demand by United Sula and lnrclgn buyers he urged memhcu In greater use 561 eclive rcgistralion and cnnclud ed by saying lhal Our best ad vulisommls or export Can adian Ilnlslclns are salislicd cuslomcrs RECORD EQUALLED SAULT STE MARIE Ont CPIA low lemrnlure rcc 0rd 42 ILgrease in 1891 was equalled Saturday Vaalhcr ncial sakd ttmperaturcs wuuld continue at least five degrees below normal during August liLACKED OUT MIDLAND Ont CHThom sand of homes and collage in Midland Pcnclanguishcna and Victoria iinrbnr were 1m wilh out power by lhrcehuur power luilurc Saiurdny beam foil arm hydro line 0n lLake 11 mile mun of Mid and attended Simcoe Cnunly Hol stein Clubs annual twilight mccling held on the modern dairy farm of Jamu McCague Allislgn recently CF Dan lnmlrsnn promi null Canndlan brnndcnsur SM urday wu unminalcd uhcral candldam Io tonlul the Sept l9 lflleml byclnclian In Burlmllumnn riding STUDENT ARRESTED PIDRENCH llnly Rculorxl Philip Kolnrskl 11 descrlbcd Canadian aludcnl living In New York wu unwed Sunday And charged wllh xlcnllnu packzl ul tignrnllu and Uncut enlng man wllh knlle HEADS SCHKNLEV Alon ChurcthI chocnlnletnb NEW Yam CP John In pd poodlu Rum was Ihc Mnckle lormrr dlrmnr Cn Iclmic cxnmpIr of manyled Mdlln Schcnlq nmmcnu dnx vctuhury human suld Ltd has born cctlrd prrsldcnl Sunday lJodeonu of Schcnw Indushitl Inc lho who lrcnlrd fluful my in In IIHM US 1mm dmmlnl aumhlozmphy trouble wn firm George Kuhn prcsl Slr Wlmlon who Iva hLI pet mm Cnnadlnn Schrnlry Du chvcrhllu GETS UBERM NOD SWIFT 70 mi NH WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Ewe upoooand down Molson Golden manic BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST 11118 at madalnAsia counterbalance la the lhrealenlng Influence 01 China can be expected now that Malays and lndones have formally amed lo and um sweaty mun jungle war 17359 the pleasure that Iha West Ind parttcularly the United Stntu and Britain ex am an the two Southeast Minn nullhbdfl Io Itop fight lnz the treaty milled this week in Jakarta is signilbnntly concrete Attempt by Asllns themselves to settle their dLso putts As Inch it is being regardcd by Western diplomau as wal corpa 51m at pustcvlonlll mav Malaysia IndonesiafMaY Build MadeInAsiaCounterbalance The nuxt step would appear to be renew discussion abut awarded muon aven Moderationamong Malaysia Indonesia and tho Phiiippines which form poten tially polent crescent around the troubled Southeast Asian peninsula By PETER HUCKLEY filer Cumdlln Pm sun Alibth spokmncn or all three countries lend lo speak warily about he posslhilldzs fullsad ledcrnllnn such un ion cannot be ruled out More 111mm began its attempt to break up Malaysia in 1963 ha hm heads of slate held me gs In discus lonnnlion phflindy UNION POSSIBLE Now that peace has remmcd lo the area medlngs are to held amnng representatives of all hm cuunlrics In discus mutualbenefit and rude pro are already luascly linked with Thailand In the Assoclaflon Somhcnsl Asia Imawn as ASA Indanuinn Farelgn Minister Adam MaIik has gone on re ord as Iavoring In expanslnn or has been elected In 11m ol the Schenley Indiu lrlcs board WILL MAKE PROGRAMS GLASGOW CPlA Sunfish telzvlslon film crew ls going In Canada for sevenweek coast mcoasl lour to make our doc umnntary programs Some pro grams will deal wllh Canadian hlslory umlully the part played by Sean Scottish Tele vlsinn le is owned by Lord Thomson VISIIl DENMARK COPENIMGEN mumA ISmcmbcr Cunndlan delegation ol agricullurallsh and buslnu men arrIvcd Saturday on visi In Denmark lo prnmal Undo and cxchnnxn technical knowl edgc The vml wns organized by Canadian National Railways FOUR SIIDT INDIANAPOLIS Ind AP An lndInnnpdi man shot and killtd hl forer wile And two lcen aged dnuzzhlcu Sunday and than look ht own Ne lice reporled Wicm InId IIcnry Sxkes 61 Ippnrenlly wan bench all nn nrzumem Mm me wnlo ram whom he was runnlly divnrccdr THIS DOGfl LIFE LONDON mumsir Vln Alon ChurchIMI chocolatent an poodlu Rum was Hm Arlluic txnmpl of manyled dnx vctmnnry Aururon said Sunday llloydJonu who lrcnlrd fluful my in In plot mphy rouhla wu ASAG work In rnda and other areas to induda Inldanmia Thai wuuid still leave them long way from the inert at Asian mutuniddunca pact that the us and Britain might arr precisic but there is no doubt that itwouid ha step In the West dimliom gimdreason or thinking so is lhat lhe Soviet community party newsxmer Pravda has Already warned In donesia almt the dangers 01 Keith involved in ASA CUT OUTSIDE HELP Thu end of coflranmion between Induncsla and Ma laysia will help Britain tn cut down on massive ddenca tomllmcnu In um area since FLYING DUCK PATIO TABLES BIRD BATH FLAMINGOES EGRETS BECO LAWN ORNAMENTS FURNITURE ALL FISHING TACKLE REDUCED 20 PAINT ELEflRflfltE SfllE BEACH BALL AIR MATTRESS 2RING SWIMMING POOL BATMAN PUPPET CLOTHING SPORTS SHIRTS SPORTS SHIRTS BOYS PANTS MENS SUMMER WORK SHIRTS SUMMER JACKETS GREY POPLIN FRONTIER SHIRT SUMMER JACKET POPLIN WINDBREAKERS TERYLENE JACKETS 259 lnnilfil SI SUMMER HATS REDUCED 10 TO CLEAR THE COOP STORE Inside and 011 119953 RODS REELS lURES TACKLE BOXES llNE NEIS MINNOW BUCKETS STRINGERS HOOKS Malawi 15 to bake aver de fmce It the fire when Brit ish Austrnllairand Gurkha hat Killian havebggnflghllng But any eflon reduce Americah commitment In Asia will undoubtgdly require larger acme lqnggrLem ugrqgmegu bniy the 1153 the nudgin ynur curler hii nol mind by pm plum plum THERE IS CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEvYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS cARmEnsmlssvouu And Copyqu Be Delivered To You um VI It 1711 7282433 An Acres of Free Parking REG $599 REG 3419 MEG $899 pr REG $899 pr 11m $899pr 88 $199 $199 $123 rower lo makhchlnax arml ngfiea dLnudeayrflomlmdgn inAnd my deflmive union that took in and nullom Ill1 HI and anan cmld hupe to provide an active cpunterg weight to Chlnax innulvn annlu Neither 1nd um Japan SPECIAL 52 For the right taste in ale 289 231 320 $1481 $1098 $1297 $1249 $1008 OM MOLSONS INDIIINOINT DRIWIRS SINCMIM SPECIAL $400 spscm $1265 SPECIAL $565 pr SIECIAL 555 pr SPECIAL 565 Br SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL mm 11 present Meier hemuch ol prospect lo nigh an Asimpacl Barflel nu Dtllcltel Ien We Iyecllllz 1n Elm opeln mull and 11th lundm All Plslerlu nude on pro min by Jenn Gnhnm For leeOnt Sanka CAI LORRI DELICHESSEN 65 Dnnlop 72 mom 175 175 75 as 235 7266531 75

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