PENDULUM POLITICS Oiiawa Journal Theres good deal of iumabout in Prince Edward Island goiitlcs of 24 ad ministration since It 10 have been Conservative and 14 Liberal litany voter may have reflected that since the Tories had been in power since 1950 it wu iime to give the Liberal their turn but large number also firmly believed that Mr Shaw and his supporiers had done fine Job in the legislature and de lgved to be kept there So very close QUEENS PARK Barrie Northern Advance August 13 1891 Monday and Tuesday were historic day in Barrie aquatic history First time Canadian Association of Amateur Omrmen held regatta here it turned out satisfactorily Officers and local committee deserve congratulations an admirable arrangements Samuel Louht annd Frank Hornsby of town included among ofï¬cials Plenty of business on Grand Trunk Railway of late Mag niï¬cent harvest weather rejoices hearts of Simeoe farmers Police Chief King nabbed fellow on Duniop St in act of gicldng ladys pocket Barrie should urban enough how to see that those unsightly verandaha in front of many stores on main street are removed Violetiox littlegirl lost in Barrie on drcus day was located at Big Bay Point where her mother was engaged The girl took one of lake boats to join her Nude bathing by boys becoming disgrace ful practice off Bayfield St wharf Some talk of Beeton cricketers who beat Bradford trying luck against strong Bar rie club Largo fine of sheep passed through Craighurst enroule to Barrie or shipment to Old Country by George HOTROD BOATERS Hotrodiier Montreal Star the waterways probably rsyEARgaqo IN DISTRICT The city share is far in excess of that original envisioned for park At first it was ought that the cost could be Ilet three ways with the senior govern ments bearing twothirds However with government grants already set and approved the dty learned that the park project would be much more costly than expected The realization came as shock after the contractors submitted their bids The work Will be done at an estimated cost of $108000 This is $28500 less than the lowest bid from contractors who were asked to tender The city taund itself in the position adding to its already sizeabie share of the total cast or daing the work with the hope that expenditures would remain within the $108000 figure With grants from both the pmvlnciai and federal government amuunting to approximately $43000 the city now finds itself with probable Ihyeoi 56510007 Project At Midland At Interesting Stage Banla City Council has taken sen lble and realistic course invdeciding to develop Centennial Park as city pm jag insteafi offlhjring contractor WIHI Publlnhar Firmxflihat develop centennial parks City Takes sensible Course On The Centennial PrOject Eh mam Examiï¬rrv Jilllnnl rnnmlxlllm msth MM and mu old took 115m In The mind rummm mm lhnn dam nurture In liMI In will myqu Imh he llnllhw or ynr nr mm yrl but mmnl II II In mo lha Juulu rwqulud 11w prwmy In lml lh Inv unwnl mwwh lho dawn mrnl ul lmrlrm ml lnlzmnn Ilon umIMnok wonml pnlhlulrd rmllmnfly COMPLETION In Im an Iv hemm hm nuoml lha Huron ml kw mw mllom mmlry VIII MI Nun4 WI IlmndnnNE unm Jml In no Jnuh heml qunrlm ml ourth for 10 man bu Mum nmrml lhu Ilumm In Ibo llnl liunmn unnum Hl in On 10 Mitrvryy unh TORONTO0n lb Hm Gmrnlnn near Mllllnnd lho prrrvlmo mm hlnlmlc monu ment and mum Allrncllnn In In ylvnncnl mm mmlnlflnn 19 Mu vim lnlevnllnl II DON OIHMRN OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canndlan Ndwxpnpm mind 16 Bayfluld Strut Barrla0niarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE Mnthon Managing Editor BATERDA AUGUST ma PAGSO wrung the process have to learn Such exem iary aciion as ihe $200 fine im p05 should persuade iho capital rporir man in adopt boiicr manners And it the courts order that the baainun re min on land or iwo month can be made to slick at least one section our Inlerways ahouid be la piemnier this summer wont gel the message bul we can hopa that olher maglslrales will follow the example their colleaqu In Ottawa who determined that our lakes Ind streams should be ruler places for re laxallonl Powerboaters who thnk ltl great Inn to clmlu canoe or skills In lhe Ollawa caso dumplng Imupnnlg ln llm hrnmw crosse team boat to Beavemm Cooksth ma street like armya blocked by agricultural vehlcles Orll lla hotels will not ralse price of whlsky to 10¢ glass until September Elm vales new weekly newspaper the Ad vocate lasted only few weeks Com munlly well served by the Lance Bank flitflamllton erecflng new building in AL on Cameron Leiroy football club de feated DeGrassi Point campers mostliy from Toronto Dr Clement Bra lord will cut 500 tom marsh hay for up holstering purposes Man at Cooks tuwn charged with selling watered milk to cheese iactory will forfeit July de livery and pay court costs Robert Paton MPP New Inweil has new barn completed Fortnightly temperance meetings well attended at Edgar Emms and Church again on mad with champion threshing machine Some gypslea camping on Bradford St in Bar rle Barrie progm seems to be of steady solid character Steamer ex cursions park picnics lacrosse baseball Cricket tennis make up chief recreation al life hereabouts at this reason Good ianlr accompanied tawnr la With the caoperaflon of council and the engineers staff the goal on be met The people will have park of which they can be truly proud Ha Marlo moldy Ml hm lVlutlnl numnmn leIInu Aml IIn unique thmrlnlnl mull Hui when ll ll trmwlm 11 um Ire lmvmlm Inmkl lllll mm In milk on la la mm mmL carefullyprepared tlmelable has been ap raved by council Most of the work wl be done before lreezeup this year leaving only minor things go be done In the late spring and early mm mer of 1967 The dtys target is to lin Is the park before July next and In time or the formal celebrations of Can adas loom birthdays lwcr Lmwh Vulnu IN Fort my ll Klnnlm dNnmlnled Indy Jun haw mudr lllllofle luloulrnm m1 mumem In lmvhll Cumin Villnav punku lu bu nme Ill ulvmn Mlulnm III polmlm valtu iIlmu hm bun nan lhmvllh ll And me II quot Hm It hu mllllnl lh Imul mwmnwl mm on The arch tect w111 be the 15 man He must be given free hand to no poll tlcal Interference from the council or the senior governments It will be his te sponsibtlity like that of contractor to keep expenditures within estimates and to avoid heavy and perhaps unnecessary overexpenditures on project of this cornplezdty end magnltnde 11 no trmflon 1h MI Mnriu mm Illlrnru will in lllh KIM Ind lulth MM 11 In turtlde ml In Mwlnllnn mm Al hrohduu ml Ipchl lumen wart nun lhr Mum Huh lhry now am W9 1m mm lhln pm It Ihv prnjm nm or whllo v1 Ilm lo lha mo will In no Ihem wmk IINECTH VA LUA MM had found their services in heavy de mud all across the country and conse quently their bids have been in keeping with the laws supply and demand Barrie now will follow the doltyour 151 line but will engage an architect wiupervisg a1 phages 9f gonstrucflon Ham5 Wllum Genmi Manuu maauulu xmumt $112 flunk Exumlurr Wy nn Iver on All In Innmum or land um Ihty mu nu hurl onrulo Jab ilmmllh mu God not mm Inhrnla evil hnru corrupt mind Ind Nuphemvm lunzuen nuwnn lul 0m tom the lmd my my ed Fnrmm elected enough mcmbm 1919 In arm conllllnn luvrrnmlnl wflh 1n bor membm union Mr Drury bellech lull could bu ellecllve Thm Are mlny nan he But during the Fin World War Mr Drury an we run Mulluon wu betrayed by he xovcmmeul The Arman pinn md production to meet warllme needs WM he undcnlmdlnz um their IOM would be Iell nul nu ma excmpllam worn re penled Ind hulde Lndluutlun kgcauqlry Th nllcd Fnrmm origin ll Intention wu no to bcccma political party but rulth In Icllan lhrouzh lhn old par BIBLE THOUGHT flea way Laurierl tum tram free trade to protectionist p0 Idel that 1er moved Mr Drury In political acllon early In the unlury and which ha MIL be Hove LI mponxiblo or Lha cmqlnfn 111 éeisgdwlo be lam Ubenl It lhat lime ha Id Mr Dmry entered politics re Iuganfly Tm Canalum Im In mlmlvIy tnllllu In lot wuhllullm all um dimalrlm ln Mo Inner mdllwl la ll nr 11 AIIDUMNI Im nr llulm um Ilw In lnral mIMMmI lhrraln Tho Irma premier lumps Sir Adlm Beck wflh Sir Willrld Lauder the two men whom Canadians own the lzasl Mgvz ro POLITICS Munlw ol lhq nnntlun Dally Nanmam luMM on Auntinllm lm Im Ier Im Iml Alum fluvuu 1nulAllnnL AuUwrlml mm clu mnll lml Olllu Deput menl mum Ind Inr pnymml mm In tub DIUy Sundlyl and Sululmy Hand1 ntrpltd Mun Uun nlrl dully hy urrrr Lac Melly um yearly Single va lu 10 Hr maIL nmlu nary 0mm no you molar HumU Ill nu Mall mllnldc Omn rln nix mlnlvlqlCA mun Hrll mm 005 mm yur And 10mm mm ur mm Unhmlly Tommi Calh Ml ll Manual Ml um Will Irndr Vlnmmr1 um um um Ontario Hydra chairman wlfl whom Mr Drury had mum hall Ihrouxhwt bl year as premier The Unlvenlly Avenue statue he relemd to cm erected in the xyepnfy oLSi Adm neck would ar ralher have am named after ma than have monument erected on Unlvenlly Avenue he laid Indeed the Drury County anl near Barrie named um the former premier and mud living monument to Mincnjevemenl 7w Duran he same period he unlit the Ontario Provincial Police previously downa lhvhecl mum Itemding to Mr was wormed and an aim va mad improvement praarun came Into cflect Un til thenlï¬rgu was no depart But perhaps ha leghlann that continues to give hlm the must Inllslnctlnn was that which brought about rdareslallan in rural Ontaxlo ufly recognized The United Farmm under Mr Drury were particularly ao llhtlo 1n the 1in of mill mm on He mos mm hlu bu humming molhan allowances another provldlnz easier and cheaper adoption procedures and tho Chudren Unmarried PIrenLI Act Ill of which were planed during 111 United Farm en Administration mm mm to And he was ahla to bring last name his plan or Im proved condlllon Into being when In 1919 formed gnv unmenl as leader the United Fmqu panda Mr Dnuy who men two year compiling the mamoh be Have the Achievement ingenllhnve not been It Mr Dmry whnnow Um on the arm when he was born Crown Hill has been ndvoclUns better deal or Ar In time helma the turn of dig tgngury Thu month his latest book Ã©ï¬ 3552 an even mm W111 bran the record of his four yeu lemma helm the public MEMOml Hon Drury at 89 in an In much ha champlnn of the Ontarlo Annex1 cause be wax 47 years no provln climgflatr Former Ontario Premier Isl Champion Of Farmer Entertainment Draws mm nzmmy 71 mian 91lnlr Ihn Hm Mm 1mm lmuh anlmnu ll Toronlu nIMIV um IPVZ Tmrm callrxlvlll In qubll IM It NIHMHVL ï¬tmm Input MVLIIWA nwned at Inlrv NR ununmnviHVYl rfllr aumln IIWLHI Mm IL Mnrdmu mm In wle Immun Nannmm nHwny on Vnnmmr Mum Imirlmwllnn mul mm mm Vldnlln IH Mm Ivy mun nq unlu nl nod mMuhml ol um Iw34nvlain IMAM Anmmlun msle Nvw Mnkn nflor MM lutl mm WWW vavlwml Imw mm rm In ImL Mn n4 1w mm mulll run muum an Auxml IJ um runnlned Inm III MD nIIrr Mm Rmnn Imcr Ian ollwr NarUI WM purimrl Io Mmlml 1M Norwellm loot Idlrm Azllnll Hm In II mum Imr Cmndl Md Mn able In hm umnl ImmI lvvr Sclkllku mm IIuu win llrrlul lrlnl In hIIIdI Selim wu Inund mm and mm 1000 mundl 1M 0erer Ihnurml MI hull and he IIIuI In 1m NMrrUIQIIII hll hmk Inn on And hemm Im 01 um Itll nunmu vi the 0th ï¬rIkIvIn mum IA mummy MIMI today In numIm plan In Cnnmln Iml Inert um Itwnnl In MI llkum 011W EVEN 0N AUGle III IflILlIovnnnr MnnImuny IMMIth Fart Rheum Inmv San nl mm 41 IIWHNI Illvrr IImJnlm Bdnlylrr Invulï¬l Jnldl Imn Mlvlny nli Thnu wu lmlhfl rnld In In mm nm In IaIIueru ym IN Ivy IIIrr ï¬lmy InnUNIan Ilmdt um Inlem CIIH Trmmrh l0 Ill ï¬lm In In Almlrnn Invnlinn mum INnxvrnl MniIInM mulo Ilownanuumnnr nI IIIm annlln wuahown muLMr IN North Wm Gummy he 1m Ho mmlnw rum Am mun on MI my lo llrd he Mind an For William an Auxnll Inl lrr mvfln Rmnn mm Minna mama be mm 1000 pounds About 310000 In Uxoso any Yd that In whnl Munch la Lard Selkirk who founded colonlu Jn lrlnca Edward blind Ontario and fled mvcr Mnnllobm Smulnh hmdmmm wm drlvlnz hmnulondeu 1mm halt nmrllrfl no they would ban room In an lhup Selkirk on at Hm lending Scoubh purl look pity on the lmtku pew and decided th they would Mler all In Canada Alter un nlmulul exprrlmenlu In Princo Edward MAM ml llnldoon nuu mm ml SamIl Ontnrln Selker boum mnlmmm Inuml In tho Hudmn my Company Ia ha Mild dewqu flu HM Um IHIL 1M North Wm Campany then it the mm In career Ind nhjoclcd umnny Selkirk nulunem They lell mu the mllirnllnu or the uni wuuld min ha Iur lrnde lhl Normllm Wm rulhlul mmntnh nnd mad lumber uldl on lhe new MIRIan They dulroyed tho boun Ind tmpl And dnm mny no out country 11 mm Thu maul mu In June lull when lluy hlllnl humor ml MI lolltmu la the hula Swan om 11 mm ml mule bul mnuum Selllri turned In 7mm Mm 100 Ion Mum he had Mud mm lncrcdnflo Ihnl man be nvu unlly his III dmlop alimony Kn Canndn MIMI Thu major problzm 11 urban Ignorance he sald city peopln dont know the first thing about farming Ind Inch damonslra dons 0qu ungagonlge 1h Ilmwver dcmonstrlllonl such blockadina roads with truc lon he says will not cl lhem they need Mr Drury would Ilsa lika lo see an alternative vounz ys um whcroby ctdbr would pick candidates In order pref crunch hm mm mu by allocallnz at public ex pense advenhlng pace in which cad party could preset It cm Mr Drury bellcm farmer today an In desperate Illu allon hugely beeum price arm producls have not lnmns ed along with cost cl good they reflulrc CANADAS STORY The twnold partlu are bought with main Iunds and deliver the good In their tonlrlbutom III nld mg 17mm We want Kc ood zavtm men until the lymm dam away with would like lo most needed ellmlnatlon hullons The two Bul linen have been renter Ilhatmxai be dune he ma Selkirk Was Fined In Farcical Trial but the one ha eels the campJan tank MD BOWMAN hlf lorfupe gnd Vevenl DRURV Tl MUM Mlemkd silent movie juvenile delinquent MI kid who had In be thrown out lho hum lnr pllchlnz graduate 01 the Barrie Ichool syltem and the Ontarln Amlcmlural College Mr Drqu served in later yam as Slmcoe County sheriff far quarter enlury 1nm1Mnry Plcklnrd Amulet Sweetheart mmd In ï¬lm version Lima Lord faunlleray my manch the armor Ella Partridge Jan 11 1905 and the coup had Ive chfldnn three box and pm girls 1113a you an be In young as you ever muted who long you like 11m compamcn of mem urlex with olhcn one In zmlm rlmum or We And porhupl gives you Icellnz wuth to pause and look back and remember when THE LIGHT TOUCH NEW YORK AhMemory he only Irue faunlaln yoglh Advances on lhe farm over In past ew year than in any other field exceql Rump mefuclne Id nardfymw haw to arm anelftodny hg splgl Memory Only True Fountain Of Youth 9MB be med 2000 By Al BOYLE MlUrln ll VIII 119 Emir Exmuturrv When oclar made home all any Imnll Hd In an block Enrmd lo peek lnlo hlq Huh lull bu In In ll conulned mulrmln mw hlby um man when gm hum Peoria Itemod lo Inlk men nboul how to lid um um how Ia old hum cotomry Alum ml the ï¬lm unduulnl 1mm Nlh on mud unh own drumor lhelr moth cr dld IlA lorrthom l6 IAYFIELD 5T you llllhbtd your to to In bmlool Iummu you dldnl Imp lo Iho drux mm to bw Damn Mother Ilmply lied dun n1 its Infopblng 191m Only In edumtd lullmd from Irlhrlm Evtrybody elu um lullend from lhl lheumllh Younl lldlu never curled umbnllu They curled pn nah Molt harm worn Min1m Jul like people lady wear Aunzlluu The hum um draw ma unable 1nd lrull pednrl wuon through the nellhbcrhood uJuAlly hid on mm mm Thu met nmxy WI old mm Ind than dld butler When you couldnt even allard lard to mud on your breaklnl om broth you uma mm poor family calm bed was in ol perny LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOlCES ENVELOPES OPRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABEL5 POSIERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES CHAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY Manner Rene Dorm Ind Bing Mayvr are In charge of III entertainment It the Bly Ihm Ind lheyva been dnlnz In job of kceplnx their lounu pack Most of the enlmaherx men tioned no on circullln Ind lnslrumenlalkls and singers feature thq mtuzllnmenl ll the 3331th Ind luchwell known groups Thlhadxnz Lndlu The nevellnlrel The Bobby Mercer Trio featuring Mercer an excellent tullarlsl and Th Guiden GIIL Al the Queen example one mm on rock roll lands Ind awe aim Manw Sun Cohan cerlalnly must be plelsed wllh lhe xesponn mm the puhllc ha plum dnubllnz the Illa at Mt Dunn In In nenr Mun and when ml ed ll will at aver mo autom en Thll will bo um blmst launls lnBmle Some of the mg 3f roll groups lpp 31 at mm were The Brï¬dhrdx from Brid lard England The Dawn lrlo from Sudbury the Andy Allan Trio lrom Daron Ind The Star vallons All ol count wm cnmpmled by pin dnncm lpllbl the Indy up front lflApllyed flat plane Until candy most ban ea turedj 1211110 or organ pllyer but the Conunmlallnn teamed lo mm In rush an Idlhldub IaIentwhen they hronlhl In my talented alumplum Ada 111a Bmhara Motor Hotel and Guam Hm lollwod lull Ind pump their maxtut move ml to mun mam IIle It and mt gamma Barrie really coming Into in own tourist Ind con vention tantra Ind lomelhln which curl bemvulooked mm In um 11 the 5114 attainment being at 2nd at cocktail lounges In the city Crowds To Lounges BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINIING FIND IIXTH WIFE VACAVILLE Calif AmA 1th wile turned up Thursday or Oaklands lonesome barber Robert Swam already in jal on Mum charges He no clued guln through mar xlnge ï¬reman WI in women Ind divorcing only our Managers It all three cocktail lounge teel this entertainment he brought considerable bus nen not only In them but to the city Theyre undoubtedly tlxht In the that place rcsi dent In the area dont have to tnvel to Toronto tor good nlxhtt entertainman Secondly more people trom the turrnund in If are ï¬nding it just that much better lo come tu Ellrte when they know they can choose mm good variety of entertainment in also an at traction or obtaining more can venttone and drawing more tnur txtn to the area No nutter how you look at It more and better entertain ment ts an met to the city at Burt my has the knack bum able to at allenlinn and hold it the crowd quiet hell and back and hell out sung pleasing as youd want tn hear Mn party mood al mnlphere watch out This guy can really take olL Old Scrooge from chkens Christmas Carol couldnt all in Ulla room and not laugh Ray Balmanle ls truly nneman show but when you ge he added Ialcnl of Ricky Lamomux youve zol lino acl Advnllurl Illa drllhrr Ilely mlm thm mud lnil II not be prnnlllrd lo um In ndvmlllnx Pll mgxcs BUSINESS an 10 Himalaya the drum Mugs doc muons and can ndllb with the best of them His partner nlcky Lamuurcux pllyl in pinnu and also linu Entarlalnm have to be 5m to run or six weeks city lhh Ike when the other night spat Ire chnnginz group al mm every week And great my are Riy Ray Belmonke na tive of Rockford 1h who turn ed professlgnal lln lass qt lh vermin Ircrplrd Ia publlutlou mull nul enn ull nlu or uumltd ml or uurnltd romp llve prlcu And ll lay nldcr rnwunten anylhlnx lm nun inllhlul Nmplhnu wllh and loan dumbed In In Idvertlnmrnl we would Inmhll howl nl II Juu wilt or nnnh lumlnnr lbs hlmbrr Column which lhll ampp II III mvmhu And thel up axwec slay my Ricky and Ray certainly two lb most popular enterlaln on ever in hit town Theyve been so good In net that Inn manager Del Jackson bflnz lnx them back In the all or eh Ilml appearance at the around Toronlo and VI 11 mm Itnry at an Continental Mj continuum Th Burl Enmlnrr Imtr hmwlnlly publhhu mlxludlu lnuflulent nr hull Idurflllnl All Id nrtlumrnll In nerpled or publication on he pumlu tht he pmdnrl um unite or flu nlkr ls properly and hunully dc lcrlhcd In In an Iflld ed or dullntd la mlllnd lhn nldm In my wen 7266537