Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1966, p. 5

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Suppose your child will enler kindergarten or Grade In Seplember Even during lha few remnflnlng weeks ynu may du samn lhlngl tn get hlm ready or thI ma event ll tortunau ha ha ltarncd Cl camloruble out ho xluht Ind hearing you hh mother VIII be hard or him Hhhunot husohl ha been clmly Ned lo you you might plnn during tha re mnimng period Io go at with U1 lllhcr few evening wcek leaving him will competent hnpy mm first you V4111 want him to wait on Mmull Ind do himself whit herb able Io do 1nd look alter hl on things In in parlunl that he bu acqulnd good IolIet habits and learned lo conlorm lo lamin mul Mlonl lhl child hal m1 been phylum much with other children of nge you might be abla ta pl him with mm lhcm would he wondtrlul chlld who wlll be In Ml classroom could hav meal or lwo In Kour homu with hlm and yourlg lld lho 5am in his Two gay easystriding nut llll rem London cwlurlcr Rnnald Pnllersnnl nuw ml umn canecfion nm on the Huh lull Lincd Up Kindergarten Preparations Ease First Days Of School or xoiwilh your nmfly on Idea or oullnul TRACT FRIENDS Whm your thud cnlm nhool hl my overwhelmed Mlh no my children In lnxelher nnd ll hqrd loply Allan By GARRY MYEM PhD Ilon lo dlmunm xlvrn all Ihem to allow logrlhcrr lwren now nnd lhu flnl Irhool dry you mlzm lurm lhmr or tour children of his IKO In your homo on lovernl occnnlnm uhrn yum might have lhln group lnlhwl dlrrcuum you II In gnmu nr ncllvfly For your thllll puclhu doln what othrr chlldrtn doln Indll the WM llmo hmrd rovu wry unrlul lo hlm ll wmld be Hm your rhlld hfll hem ANHIIHIII nolzhborv hood hulfh Irhool Ihm ho mum pucnce Junl lo hlvo am rxmrlrn wllh ollrr dlldnn Ma In dmlnl VON TOMORROW Amflwr ml day nrih unu mnnul Ind hm nfllln will In uvmml Inc Innumcu ml than lmlnm mm commd planned momma mould um um lrrmdy IL rflfl TIM MRTIHMV ll lunan II yn hlrany your hmqu 1mch may ulllmal IIIVIMNIIIM ml ll Mnrlul in wllen Ihh nvw rnr ln ymr Np ulm In sum 1le1in 1M ml will Irrdvo IN mmun 0ka nwmh ulnn lnr put wml andva nlhtr In lulu Mer nr lulu Drrmnlm hmHI penmh In mm mm lha juh IIUM Imllmfi 14 IN munlh Im Marni Ihc Mumnanllam rloher Ind Dmmlnr mt Fvlvnmy hurl May Th mm In nullm ernllllr wrwluIM It bvmln Inny thnIJMHM hm In flrpHnflHHy gm yur um mmumlinl prrimlu at mmwlltbmmtwmd mnr WHAT THE STARS SAY II MLIJTA WHICH ONE IS THE SUIT lha next law week Ihould b1 veg uselul Ia When you are with lhlx child then ynu may be ablo to sludy his need ol guidance among playmMcs You may be able to help him become better nluy male may be mom or ynur child lnr yuu to check on his obedience gellle him randy to obey any parentlubflflule such as the trenchrr Parent youngcr children reading Ms will nbserva some Iho lhlngl they would now emphnsize In lhelr mnnnzemcm usclul to these chlldrm when they enlernchwlln lha lugure Let hopa llml you hlve been readlng to your chlld Iboul lo enter school you have not go at ll nncl and keep on reading In hlm loul nller ho anlm uth One of his ex rlenccs Ithool will be In lxlen In the teacher explain lhlnxl In nu grow and to concenlralu on whnt lha any and who lha Mner chlldrtn on nylng and doinx Can you lmoglnn any other Hperlenca morn ulelul lo hlm ll unool than llslcnlnfl eagerly whlln you rend Io lllm at home no lure lo keep on rendlnl to hlm otter In enlm Ichool ll your chlld la KanK ln onler bright red woo nuoman mark ed out in Inkhracfle Thu out In on the left in act neatly crisp dressandjnckct Checked Oul In black Ind ur thlld ll gnlnl rnltr Gnde your rudln Io hlm wlll help lrn grow voch uluy Ind nu nl Ipmh ln me he don ml weak lama ward rlmly you may help hlm name In Improve ln Ms dlratllan ll your chlld nboul to onltr klndtrllrltn or Grnda ha lrnuhlu Inylnu ccrlnln wnrdl dlxllnclly you wlll mm In lake nolo al lho ward whlcll lrouhle hlm And mnka yuumll my mm Inan dlsllntlly In prmnu now Ind durlnn Ihu uvrrnl wcclu nnd month Iller ho rnlm Ithml Anylhlnl you can do lor your mm milk hlm vanr lo lulur children Ind Idulll II old In ha ran In mm year nhnul yrova he lul mum unl on In rmlm ml unl hop In rhnnuu your Mllll my much In law nmnlnlnl weekl Yet you might dn ml dud nulnnIndknlod In Dvumhu awn Jinnm MIMI My And HM Do nut pm hi damnn llmw llnnndll Nady 1mm on my you mm lnm mm In mull Mm durlnl halnm nl m1 nm mnnlhl Wm dermal lo plnnlM for lhl Mun nllm Mun Ink lM aim me wanna In vllwl max mmwy lu Fur Mom In lad manna at um mou unmwa yilkynpm1nly dmln WWI Nnmnlm Nu Mmiven Rim hulkm hmevn lhnl prnwmt llhl ml ulm luum munIan In miwl launde In Muunlwr M4 1an Mde amid nlu quu wilhin IN nm lhm mnmhl ML Nut ml min plan Ilnm IuM mun tth burn on MI vlly rmld rd no uwllu In huwwl imlmivy In the an lha and 31m In underslandlng UM problem he will us school Ind ln mum yourself In help hlm now and alter enlerlnz school In me than probiems ANSVYERINQ rqumijn an old llu on her younger ulnar or anybody else llnlen to what uh My but dnnt um tn qnullon um ultler or In punlsh her Mos laltllng children gel plow nra lrnm mlng the chlld lhey lntlle on get punlshedl flirihfid uric Hula on heyrlhler What egg do whlla blrdl eyo wool sleeveless dress top In line hlack wool crepe Black crepe helmet and black mink beret both by Ronald Paterson wtddlng haul Inlm took pllce 1n Chlfloualown Prlnre Edward hlmd whcn Donn Emullno Molynunx txchlngvd vow with Wlllllm lulud Dewmnp RCMP in of Mr Ind Mn Eric Dow mg 114m llzhhrile the mum at Mr and Mn Emu Moly neyxx of Sag FEE on Churrh wu decanted wllh hukcu red whlle Ind yellow glldlall wllh while ulln bowl Ind ycllaw munn murklnl lhl KUEII Mr Wells condufled lhe dnulfie ring ceremony MIL lullon Mull pmldcd Al the organ Ind mmmanIed he Mold Frank 11km GOWN 0F PEAUJIR SOIHV Irnnlh own pm dc lulu luhoned with In Em In mm mm umprd ntckinn nd lily mlnl Ilecvn Menmn ha trimmed the bodlu Ind WM 01 ha ka rout and 6159 lourUrr boulhn ml of lull llhulon htld wllh Charlottetown PEI Is SCene 0f Wedding Of Local Interest RCMP CONST AND MIWLDWSNM IIN WASHINGTON WASHINGTON OWMam man may not swlngn much as It mm think Butrcocktall Wigginsusually yin madam Honh an ultersixoclock way lile here al in any other cupllal In Tact lhe melabbunneu rounds Im Cenldinm Ind oth er seem bgllncreasln In my Ill Uge urpe nng bulier lllmy HY Shelly Klnnear the tall blondo Britishbarn girl who arrived hm from Ottawa in 1953 and who or Ihe last our year has been thuCInL flan unbusyx nodal new In an 113 mm ml glans hm nuw complred with 78 nlne years ago Entertaining or visitingvcanadlana his ilk creased as tuna boundary lravel xpnnds 140 people It unbauy and more than um tattered around awn on mm ury alum dfllgenfly pmuu middlenathn course on In enterulnment circuit PARTIH NUI MISERLY fesflvilles are neither opulent nor mlsenly ll shin away rum 1h type ram represented recently by Mo MW in providing holly dancer jgr guests lnnea nd man than hall her social mmary coun umnrbaom ol them Ameri can mllnnals working or lur eign missionshave thelr own dd Smnclime embassies ha Whlto Hausa or privnle group zlye recgpfl mi for Lh It fullUm job annexing Invimlona or the ambassador rejecung tome passing soma when an down lha unbassy line doubling or even Iripfing up some night In work in ler cocktail partjeg plug means in run the am bassudor resdence by Shop ping im new inflict dual or maid as needed making at rangement when visiting Cu nndinn cabinn minim com to My drawing up guest list or dinner pariies Drman mrnmoniydoddaii plaid nn he 15 relum in to Ottawa Jan um weekend used to be sacro land but Increaxlnfly um Im owmunltiu for loin out even then Mast Cnnadhmx hue prefer good book Instead mu OWN mumq 0n dawn us in an am busy the foreign mvica officer Ind nnklnz ofllclnla olhor ledim drpnnments here open in heir own lndL vldull Loch nrblu mad with entertainment AalIWII clrclel crown of mllchlng Al encon hce The bride urrled mud ol whim Ind red Sweetheart mm 111m too01 acahu mp up Mast depend ng on uniur fly at rnnk give lent two Ml Damlhy Molynuux wu her 516 mlld hdnlflu Mn Evtrcll While Ind Min Ruth MIcCIIIum nuande bfldelml ndlni mm ideni lcli Ilrcel length own 01 ytilaw crymi ciurm uyicd in Him bodlre Ind licevel mre overlaid wil while iuo Their mllchinl wedding rind heminsu ware oi mlirhinK cryllli than iihiuiie They carried Luau of Shun ATTENDANTB The brldumm ed by fellow RCMP Mllm Wllllm llonklnl vm groom nun Ind Jlmu Come 1nd Percy nmu were when Felnwln um mm on ll Conltden on Cenlra lha new lywrdl on wrddlnl lrlp In file While Mnuntllnl New York ml Nlum Full Ont Mr Ind ll Duwuup El Mr mldn Mm lkmtd $96141 Tempgs1n¢¥¢¢sing POI Canadas EmbaéSy Staff Mnnligue lhu brklemwm major reception Innually Da umber 1a chocklul Ind the MayJune pulod tho L1 brick Since lha bulk of Cnudnl diplomatic Activity hero conW urns bilateral trade mamn Americans are the mast ire queni min gueau Politically Canudn dipiw mi lry however to keep in mini touch not only with ihzlr Amnicln couniemlru but those from Britain and the mi oi the Cmnmnnwenlih NATO and some key Litin Americin Ind Asim mama LEADERS RETIRE Perhaps tha molt wailknown Cmadiln iizuru an the xocial round in room In hm hm bun Rear mini De mond Picn wiring chic the miliury staff mission here HELEN GILLES WASAGA BEACH Specim Ol interest and flgnlficam puma In painting enu tled Waugn by Wuhan ton mm Mla Julll Anne Ryther whose parents Mr and Mn Rudd Ryther lhre in Wsmn Ohio Hlnfld Ryther ll well known through slmcoo Comw hu lnx been born And nlud in 151969 Ont Membm of mo Ryther hm uy have owned wageI It WI ugn Bench since lha horse And buggy day Ind Jul Anne his men put each mumm hm mm her childhooq The ml hurtrnvelled ex tenslvely abroad and plans to spend Soplcnber in anan she Wang In men exhibllmi Flinten smdla Georgetown DC4 where MII Ryher work with Wuhlnmu mam lhn recent jurkd flow The Sodny of Washington mun Ind IUll more menuy In the Denver Onlmdo Mus of An Painting Depicts Wasaga Béach In ShowOiWashington Artist MUSEUM my Mgr wiiucmplduro which bu ma verve Ind movement much by 30 lnchu and palm Den Ann ludem Mom had birthday yesterday and my brorhrr and put our many together and mm her beau lllul nrchId And my brother II II mom cam horn lha box wllh lhe orchid In II In on her dinner plate both stood In lhc doorwli wllchlnl though we wand her Au up vdLh lay Imlend Ihu hollmd You lid mm In any In Ipend money on web lwlbhnul Where In lhl unrld um ulnl lo wm lhh mde Tqtholupermnrkel1 Do you lhlnk we Wm mullth Mm prim our leuor Ind your ImnnWrml an My brother Ind wm dluppolnlcd nearly triad hnppcn to know 0m mom hnl novrr hd In mchld or nu In Mr uhnln llh Ind wgnlui lo htr one or Ill uni lmly Ind Im In they down your mum Inlrd ll Ilu Ihl lilo II Vfly pmllul wwln and whun Ibo lhn or he mum in hing needed mun wghnbly kl CANT DRIVE £5533 ml nlumn ll be ah wlll ldmll Van Inund llh Mndurlnl ll drm ler mnthor lth In lurlbly pwud at you and Im nun Ihn II ANN LANDERS muan Inmn ho In II III nul lhlnl In 1h hudul hulk In In Why Hr dn not dr My Inn my lwrmllu rAn lhom In nmlr 1mm Ir mum Ilnwnlnwn ml In In home nl hlmll wM hum lemmlfl pooh look lllh man luv run an MI an mi ullh mm ml hurl la lun quHiMn 11 my hm lmnd and You ml lmn lo you mm In In lllhn llu mmLlnllm THE HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 1966 Ymvr hmhmll ullmnlu II luv yml Ilnnt Mlno ma In in any lvllfle omrr The Right Thought But WrOng Gift Youuptohahly hnu mgho mi hi pretty bnumlo Wt The Pier belnlrellred from the Navy bu mm In Ipnflment Jul Acrou ram renowned banal Perle Mull lhvy cut pretty munnag with Iomotlnm bormlku mgymybutlar help Diplomnuc new co me to Washinxum my kit operate nnvn mirthreciprocal basis you invited me And 1m hvlllnpynu But one Cnnadlln posted her mm unloglcnllyimpor um area when the repruented not Inch ma nahand lunches looflail ha 1m wwled trying to keep up ve decided Washluwnu one plbca where you dont have to enteruln he uld Th keep on uklnl you anyway ad the hardedged 5134 The colors remlnlscent Wang Beach Include the blues wa er Hound which lwlrl sand shades the green plnu xi ver of bimhes and sky ones of blue andwhitm Brightly colored mum appear here And then Min Eylllcr who llve ln hil lch Genrgzmwn few black from her studio 11 due nl the Medical Emma Smlon of thn Veterans Admlnlslrallon Hospital in Washington She is gradu nu of lrlnlty College Washing ton and studied Mlh Andrea da lungs and Amerlcnn Unlvernily 5m hu Ilsa exhlhl led It the Corcnrnn Gallery of 1m lhe Bameu Aden Gallery The Millicent Chalel Gallery Marymounl College Arlinxlnn Va and has been represenled ln Illa Annual exlllblllon ol the Sodely of Wuhlngton Imm llerworlu are Included In coL Iactions in Calliomln the DI trlct Colurnblm Indium Ken tucky New Janey and Ohio Mk Rythu expedl to have her first cneman show Inr Swim Ma in February 1967 century INVENTED WATERMARKS Walermnrkl In paper were In made In Italy In um nth TWO PMElL Ialicll Mock tamed by lunx Iomullcn Incidrnk which lml mg you fly lnyrnurfll Indml Illenlly mm lcurr In your calumn mm woman who was mm her hmblnd pecuuu he at Yonn problem ha nolhlnl do with your Qll ll emo Hnnll So Ilop leellnz Inferior And now heml my pwblrm My old mm dlvldu mxr plptr when It cum uh Ann Under and flu lnnnclnl mu TM Men In um an In mod la In But no nmr cl lhnl flnhhrl llnl Ind pull lhn plpfl our hlx Inn and Inlln Illlcp Im Ild la lake the puprr ofl hll cu be tnmlm ht uh up and ml piper mulllchu on II Iha lam Ind out You In In hu lwu ppm Why uur In lhu Ion aulnnl ll be belle to buy lho blu baby cnlonnx book um ut cruqu InlMIOMI ulrl Hr lllltnlrll TM lohxflnn ll lhc um Ihn new Mm xlrnw lhn munHm M41 plpu lluz lwn lupusam in mu Me Mr 51le nmuy mm min SoIum Undm Ilull Ia WIEGINS WES Mm Ya In jun on AM IIlll Iul nu In In lulu mu llm Hullale Imlrv uh nu IIIII hm only Irvl ommuumym AW unlwm IIImm noun In In lul DIM 7mm Tumult Mrs Robrru medalli ed at lroussean lea in hunur at her daughter Patrlrla Tom llnson nn Saturday aflrrnnon An arrangement or plnk and while mum Illnde byvmperl centred Ihe lea table Tea hnrmr were performed by Mrs Walter Brawn aunt of the bridelobe Assisting In Iha room And roussem room were Mu Ron Stevhens Min Jan QuinnMrL Lawrenca Ford Miss Ton Ham llwn Mir Ann Campbell Mlu Sue Hardy Ind Min Marllyn Wllkins TROUSSEAU TEA Mr and Mn Camaen Hindla of Church nave nnnounced the affirming marflnge their dmduu Grace Elaina to Fund John OHnllarn an bridegromelect the On Wednesday Miss Tnmlln wnx office Associates nu nansparlafian Saler Associa llon Tornnlo held pmenla lion mm The brideelect reA ceivod Teflon eecrichy pan Last evening the bridal mm were entertained follvwlng Lhu weddinl rcheanal at the name of Mn Ind Mrs Harry Hidden In kin Ind mm Michel And Tim olhy 01 Sum Clm CIIHamlI Imvcd in the city yellcrdly Hwy ue guest the 11cm home of Mr and Mn Jahn Mina Jr The lmlly Ira1 veiled lo Cand v1 Amman Alrllnu Ind mind In Quebec helm coming to Bum Mn Mu Tomlmm will wed Cor by Hamilton at nven oclock In Comer Slrecl Uniled Church thI venlnl From now unll the 4nd of Iummer your xlndlnlux plnnu cm prnvlda brllllanl llonl rolor or both ouulda and lndmn Har llcullurlsu at 1hr Ontario Am wllural Connie Unvrnily Guelph mmnt that Ihe urn lhesu plnnu rlqulro II effort well mm In mm good lup ply colorlul bloo Prom gm condmnm are Important lo andlnll They Ihauld be wntmd well but not nvcrwllered when ha mu br xlvu lndry Aufzckwfiy xlmxlulus lhrlp common pxohlem Thu lnml Summer Gladiolus Carev Ensures Good Showing MFMAITE MHBGHRINE CHUCK STEAKS 165 Wllllnulcn RIB STEAKS DYCKS LIAN HAMBURG PMNES 150 Colllar SI 2018 SIEAK PACK PEOPLE AND PLACES Phbnc Eileen Dion at We Have Tha NWNNI WINNING la pnumh rm wm Plumbmu TM llvlaln SEPTEMBER RITES HAIR STYLIST new mm mm son ol Mr And Mn John OHanarn Phelpslnn SM Patricks Catlin Church Phalpston will form tha set Hug fur the alternaon nuptial on Sept 10 two nclock Photo by Camera Cram Micki the McConnell grad ll Vlclonl Hosp 1955 MMDR HOLXDAY Mr and Mm Peter Head and son John Rose returned to line city Wednesday alter mutnr holiday outing upper New York State enroqu Io Maine Travelling 1qu the east coast lhe family holidaycd varimu beach reams including 0mm Each In Main SQUARE DANCE mun1 mm Inmul Summer leic thin weekend In Collinzwaod square dancing will take place on Saturday cning in the arena The danco get underway At no oclock wilh Norm Wilcax cnller Ind Mrs Alan Hooper and Ian Brian Ind Dougln Columbus Ohio Inivod in ma my on Wednesday The llmily are holldnylng the ammo home of Mn Hooperl uncIn Ind Aunt Mr and Mn John Boryliuk MIDLAND DANCE WISH IM OHIO Mr Ind Mn Dalm Lee Mr Ind Mrs Roy Yorke Mr Ind Mn Stan Peryer and Mr and Mn Merv Sullivan all of Dir rie were among the square dancers at dance party Sutur day night arranged camper 317731113111 Camp we Lake Midland lnch 0111 Ind dark brown In co cunts plant dam leaves Filly per cent DDT wlb able powdcr dluolvod In wmr at lhm level llblespoom per align will cgnlml Inha pelt der luv our or In Iuvu on he plant lo allow tunllnund food production or me hy comm Remove lha Ipflm from ma plnnu the blossom 1nd nllcr nnwcrlnl Thu wlll pr vent Iced produruon Ind uncour In mm grown Inspect the garden or any dll rolnred nr Itunled lldlolm lled to nnoum um um may mumkd mu mum Ilnn mlrly pm commuqu mu laind In qu run in nmlnd you um one an 11 mm um um Tm ml lnldrn mwlumlh cm mun Hum our mm In An Al our mm at ur yuny qu moo mu ru Ind album FRI HM STYLISTS Cu ll FOOD MARK the former Mon graduate at Roy Hospital Barrie in $19 ll $225 lb 69 7256339 $6 72H lb 59

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