AngIoCanadian Leather Co Band gave concert On Wednesday the boys were guests at Bigwin inn owner Ci hnw and gave concert much appreciat od by gums Miss Chrisienn Smith resigned as superintendent Royal Vic tori Hospitai to take similar osition at City Hospital Wichiia Faiis exaa First winner of mile Imphy nt Al iandala Lawn Bowling Club was rink skipped by Stove Gnrxida wiih Sharpe and Webb While Ed Barrie Examiner Aug 11 1926 Fed eral politics were main topic with elec tion soon Boys KC oi Barrie was unanimoth choice of Simcoe North Conservatives Hon Ernest Drury Crown Hill only nominee at Progres sives convention In DutierlnSlm coe Mrs Sidney Banks of Shelburne nominated by Progressives and William OFlynn nominated liberals both do clined to run against Earl Rowe Con servative candidate During Old Home celebration in Huntsville BC Cadet Hand made favorable impression Band directed by Boyd Sylvester led par uies twice daily in afternoon concert in Earls except cdnt5dal vnen famed The Criminal Code requires ï¬rearms to be registetred and police permit olr talned hefore they are bought orsold But lt excludes hunung rifles and shot guns Such exclusion is not only un necessary but dangerous to society for lt makes these weapons easily accessible to minors and those with records of vio lence By making ll compulsory for every rlfle and gun sold and traded to be registered and pollce permit ob able to trace the ownm glstered guns is not so easily handled In most case the pistols and revolvers have either been smuggled into the country or stolen from individuals and they are passed from hand to hand in the underworld Under Section 8291 the Criminal Code any man possessing an offensive wea on liable to five years imprisonment ome police authorities considerihis in view 01 their erience as loo light Bonally parii rly for persons who x1 have criminal recmd Chief Ed Tschirhm oi Barrie police says it would be better to give chiefs of police power to turn down gun regis tration at their own discretion Under 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN inhoan In wokeuï¬nn HM question ha um aged 9n equalle There has been great outcry 1n Canv min and United States tol strlcter con trol of the sale of hand guns and rules as result of the killing of 16 people andnvuundlng of 31 others bya Texas sniper Walla Publisher ï¬lm lnpml boat ride lul Inn 15 mlnnm ml nfrnlnz he ml May In Amun dnm ls out llyl 1w Uh flaxr€pi£ixnminiri Govexnmént Ad Now To Tighten Laws on Guns PuBllshed by Canndlnn qunbaporu When 16 Enyflald Street Barrle Omaran GLASSTOPPED BOAT RIDE DOWN MEMORY LANE Methhn Managlng Edltor mDAYAUGUfl 12 FAG um Hun mm Ill and lulu lltllml 0er III lmlurlt gummrl mhlt Inlluul mm ml Nhlnlflnkem tun Ho helleves as we do that local au thorities should be able to exercise con trol However even that would not solve the pmblem of firearms Elem 11119 the 1de the menlnllyn Shear and Jean Shear were tishln near Colwell Miss Shear hooked Vzlb speckled trout unusually large for local waters Pioneer train which was fea ture at Huntsville Old Home Week puffed into Allandale today on return journe to Toronto got checkup tn CNR roun house This was original locomotive which gulled first train into Hunsville June 86 Built in Kingston in 1883 it was only 75 tons It began using coal in 1889 After that it was used on Al landalePenetang run or number of yearswith Harry Hawker as engineer and John Spea as fireman James Webster was superintendent orGrand lrunk then and Heeley one of our despatchers in Aliandale Ca itol Theatre promoting old tyme fidd ers and step dancers contests Contract let for surtadn highway between Fen nails and Strou Kiwanis Club heard excellent address at Wellington Hotel luncheon by Maurice Cody in which he set ionh advantages demooratic form of government Mr Cody warned ainst presentday tendency towards in iiercnce with regards to public affairs and etatcd apathy oi the intelligent is often more dangerous than anarchy oi the ignorant it would be naive to expect that reg istration of eve weapon and stiffer penalties would up potential Texas sniper Chicago nurse yslayer or an assassin from getting hold of gun But precautionary moves would make it more dKficult for them to obtain wea Bon and easier or police to trace gun crime The federal justice department has had In its possession or earn brief pre sented jointly the MP and the As sociation of Poica Chiefs which con It is lad of course that the vast ma jorlty of people purchase guns for legit mate purposes for hunting target shooting and sometimes for rotectlon of the am For these 15 no gun laws are really necessary orlunately rigid restrictirm are needed to curb the primlnal and qlhgra whp shm11g not have weapons in 1113 091510an police the law he must régistén handgun even it know the pumhaser is prev loqgly cqnvicted robber sedation of Police Chiefs which con tains some proposals whlch are still secret for revising the Criminal Code but the government has yet to come forth with my amendments The time has come to act Wilson Qanernl Manager Th nlrr mm In mid 01M Ir nwl Inmlmlrl Ninth II pm In Nullh Amn lrlni Mm luml In Nullnnrl Ivy Ilr or hm rad Premier Man has been In trouble with for allezedly talking on mud dining he mm mm underarm here In Incident shawl untyhaw guy to get In Me mmmmmmy merVï¬né oiihe urly nlom ML mm amend PM birGhoii ii dilVprJI conlaqncu Ottawa bu unkind the On krlo pmnler or zivinu out what Wm madly conï¬den lhl down of suggestions or now man equallmlon ply mm to the prwincas it happen Mr Mam wu not really muslin or Ihi all In act he munlly tried to pram 01am He told reponm oqulun uan menu had been dil cu And he said nnurfly ha 51 against lederal propoull which would mean loss to hi1 9mm million yur He hm lava detail the propoull If win irolevr Ron flubdm Saskmehawn who SW 515 The the gonleum was mat lhoulh hm proceed Ina lhamdve wen to be le LM the vaflaua minim coda dim wnh tho press their In dhglgual with QUEENS PARK 11m Anmllnn Im 11 utlusiuly pnllllnl In In bu vevuhIILnum Ll All nuu IIIpalm In My layer cvwlllnl In or AurrlnlrvI lnu nr mlm mm local um mum4 lhplpln Conference Leak Not Robarts Fault By DON OTHEARN NOW GO OUT THERE AND MINGLE WITH THE HEAVY SPENDERS nw mm chum mi nnhadl mm on mm 0er um um On 010 my cumd Ion eryona he met Ibout tho dlxovm but lMy dld mx lnllovo Mn unnl In poured om dun mm My mum nhcll Then Um my Mum lhnt Imam lhn Klondyko mm nub llm nml mlllnt In Um mid 1mm and ham kmnu ml number meek neuhy ho cnml nnllym Mal ugg anuan Wm made Cmmdx dld alto we of hll Innis Tum own And Hoookun JlnL Goldlnuun but did not my liven llendcrmn rrluud lhnn have my lobm anxh um oï¬md In pay or On Any ll um they vmo mumlru In Mr original hm when they dncldnd la look or old um mum ka They laund tour dollm worm In their am pm Llltl Cumk nld Um he mud plea of gold ha Ilvgl Ila thumb llowwer mud did no ml llmkr on bravery beton hl IM lnmlul Ma Indian lvltndn IMGUOU who had unï¬lled or in may yuu mi who WM mlly manna or Cmmdxl 0mm InHy mrlvM pean ma man mm Imminent 101ku luv been mllllonlln Earb In August ma IIcndmanl luck dunde In one OI In crecIm mnnlng No the Yum Iver he And out her men mnnad £014 worth 750 IImdmm cIIIod flu place GnIdMIom and mm In nurby ulIIuml la mm mu anm Ind My sumIIu II was the cusIom In than day not In kw Md dil mvnrlu and but lull Mum 0n my luck to Gold bounm Ilendmm mu mm Wuhlmm Clrmldt lonmr Amtrlcm who wnnIed Io becch Indlnn and who no km Slum Guam3 IIendmun InId CH1de MXIM In old Alan Goldbounm Crtek but umuI hlm nut to Irran any hh ImIIui Mend bocMm ho not want Any damn IanInm umtm HIE EVEN 0N AUGURT Hx m5 Im mm In Onlulgmfbrnyd by mm In Cam in II On BOWMAN Prejudlu mlnst Indium cost Hubert Merton orlxlnally Nov Booth ammo mm the disarmy at mid llcndemn um ma cl Nova Emun lbmlhousa keeper Ind tven mall boy MI mu nmhlllon mu to ï¬nd gold Ho went yam look lnu or In Nov Sum New Zullnd Australln loiarndo Nukn And the Yukon mt hy umm IllMwurI Ivlnu WAN tum who VIMMU armed ï¬n NMmdeml ml men lawn Cum yflsolndbuuedflzmreai 1an this ï¬eld approach however the report made IN unlhmggh Mr lobaljtl Ha took can to 9313111 haw evar that the soc ed laden propolm were 51 mm for mu and omclai In fact they had only been brought In at meeting the continuing oommluee of civil mum eonan with the gimme mnmlune luncuan CM cununu ing committee mereiy to nudy and work on recommm dnuons be made to tho new im ax mrnmluem whlch made up the Moral mlnLh cl ï¬nance and the nus um the pmlncen and works on flscnl question mod to ledenlyxvviucm reh lionl Mgr fly dudoiéd NOT OFFICIAL ma rufl gms not men murmu lib In mum In then could PM mm Ind my ML We had done That mid be IMW CANADAS STORY Fortune Is Lost By Snide RemaIks they do Whethcr we like or not an mmalion is going to play an Increasingly important role In our lives lrom now on mo duces stellar efllciency Ind greater producflvlty Ind lheraby make possum lowcr Mllan prlcu ll mum make it possible to Increase lulu gréady both here In Canada nnd1n lha expart markrt thrmgzrhlovyer Iglllnl wiper But these Increased an no lullldenl la pruvlda Enough additional Jobs ln air orb those who 10 um um pluymcnt through automation mauunemplnyment could de velop result It would then be dismal lalluge Automation will be lucceu mm the mlionnl paint vi can leach he pee 10 who an dhpllced 1110 1k they will need to lhem for ha morn echnlul 50h which nu amnion wlll mlka nvnunblo to them The benzflu 01 than Eon Geo flea Cow Ianu MP or North umberllnd Ind oxmar minister of tnda and com merce wflm Iodul lull column OTTAWA REPORT Hees Emphasizes Place Of Automation In Lives will be fully and properly shared only it wn comider the med of ch peopin who an iecied by automation and il we manila our policies in such way as to reduce hardship and insecuriiy in In absoluta mini mum thlnk we all agree that no humane Iaclety can permlt worker to be made Jobless on lame male through no hull lhelr awn Our ï¬xture luc ccs an lndmulnl nation L1 gains to depend on the way we ate ahle tn plan both on the national and on the company level to provide our people wlth the opportunltlu ac qulrtnx the xklll necwnry to enable them to take their place in the technical wand In whlch they 10an lo llve helluva that the avemment ha very real respomlblflly In lhl regard and that must let an exampla tn Canadian In duxlry by Ina way it luau It employees who am allecled by automation In their direct em ployment by the government In urder do lo belleva Ihat lhe gnvernmenk wuld do well study what belng done in thin regard by large Unlted Slalcs campanlea which are giving mat leadmhlp 1n lhl mallzr was very much lmprmed by he description lbs re upomlbmly Induxlry 1n lhlx remd which wu liven by ML Clarenco nandnll Um re cently retired chairman ha Infgndï¬ltq Zena ha responslhlllly In lo we para Ilia man who bclnl dln phmd fvr mother task um wlll requln hlxhcr lavrl null and which wlll cxlst nflcr lho cllnnzo In tho mrllwd producllon Inku £35m mhhsplmilén fly lnduery In Iho following words FORWARDLOOKING STEM mth sum liuilvid ual compnnlcs And union hnvu SHOULD STUDY NEEDS THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 728M 3hr mm Exumttwr 16 BAYFIELD ST BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS OWEDDING STATIONERY INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZELISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS lETTERHEADS BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINIING they nthd unit dull ml Goal to lod Wom they knew not In new odl was newly um Denimw my 1117 It In In any or ho devil dumlnnla our Hm wllh Ilendy dream ol new 10d In lhe mum new min Then ml wonMD Um Lord my God And lllm only Ihnll lhou um made cauldmbk pronen In lhlxugnrd For Imam thn Kaiser Steel Com Ind the United Smlwarken hm agreed hat dhplaced warkzrl should be guaranteed nudes up to three ya and plleed on an employment mam An other exampla glven by lha Armour Mm Packing Co Ind IL xevml unlmu They hav let up mm between them nudy the cum mutton an the employees of com puny and in retrain mecth workers These are merely Iwo enm flu of the kind of innard ooklng flaps which Canndiln companies Ihoukl be man this time so that the Rudy transfer in in more Immated mler in which we are gains to be living in the future may yroceed without canning hurd lhip to than displaced thruugh nqrinullr oi heir own Thcralore Iuonfly um lhl In all Canadian tompanlu ha uteruu halt worker lhu companies thamsdvu mi the country unto the nvcnv mcnt And then Clnadhn mn pnnlc follow ha ucollml axampla by complnlu Inch aylpoxylln the United sma which havemutlonlvdj hereby mnkln the trunnion aim nulnmnted lodggy In Cm believn Ihlt Inch an Ill lude nwd luck program In tho lens we can do or our Iaw worken move to other Alan the road In prol ms BIBLE THOUGHT BROCHURES 7256537