Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1966, p. 3

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TELLS ROTARIHNS THE mum Retreallon Committee held it annual Award fight at Codrlngton Street School last night to com elude annular tunvflllcd season Mn nnker who Hmle ml dmnu manager Iur he tom pnny gave IhMl Ipmh on the rmle hullnru diet It mu hnnml th Wnlcr Em um nmhw maker mni nol be nlfle lo aurml nld Hm Alllnl Vnn le WM 10mm Momma Mug mmlnlu um 0an Into mmpcllnz with ch ulhrr Sumo yran Ian mld mnvlnz column mud mm In such dmlnulnn Vlln ruuvcr And mm Inrml ml Jlm nuke nl Linc5m Mov Inx nnd Smrnflc Comma ad dgrssgxlulhg thnry Club nu ntlheir nooh liming fir knlny nl ernmnr Gnrdcm Ilmllxlnx um Hwy mm mu Inulnm unlou mm lhlnl wnl don nlxvul lhn IIIII nllun Row Ilm nnmmnlu hmlul Inadlwr In lnrm rm rnl vrunlmihm Wlllh wnuhl Thu mum lnr Hm vnrlmu mrln ml in Hwy wnuhl mull In lrlp with mu load and lenx hark My In liwll WmMINI nl In Alllml Llnl mu nut that In punm Forming Firm Saved Truckers nut unlu hu ml mind by pm pl phnM THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And Cup III III llIlvnrd Tl Your Him by pm CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 large crowd composed both children and parents was on hand View events TOP Joe TBSCOIII left len nls champion and Brian Childs bkgycle roadeo winner llw rmmmny Mulrh had Mn hmlnm HIM In m1 INI le1 5000 flll maxi MI yMr Mllnl lukrl um ml In yrku or Iny Intllvkhal 7mm or Mr JIM DAME DRIVE FINE An lnnlslil lawnhip man rlendcd guilly tn curclrss driv nx and Mn ml 350 In mush lrslon mm yuxtcnlay mmlmz Convklul wnl llmdry 1m mmle opunllng cm The rtmalndcr May with the mom Mr Baker mid lhnl mmn mendrd procedure In makan mm was In comm movlnl company and rang or rcp rescmnlln In come In lhn homo and talk with lhn hmhnnd and wila Io mm mllmnta an lho cm of Hm mnve In noxl um Ink was und he pMkfll nml llnnlly the Mn lake lho turnlluu cnlu my Comnwnllnu on mm umlvncrl In Hm lwlnm he lllltl lhul mmnbrml mlan mil from wmnnn 1130 um mun Mm wmlnl In knmn lhe rah lnr Alnrnuu ol Iurnllum in llm warqu Mr Ilnkrr mu mulmlinu ha 1me um 11 um ruflur Inln In In evrnan Int and call pm Mr lnlurmnuon whldu nho wl ngurdql proudly display their trophies WHOM Donna Hunter leit and Wanda Onnistnn recrea tiau instructors revived the Charleston era with spirited pug and dance number Two hour lnlrr MI nunln nwnkcnnl Ivy lrlophmul call The mrman rnllnl hark In May xhr Iuml Inlkol ovrr all Ianml and MM 01mm um MIMI ml Immi tllnl Imlu mum Am umllullvllnll m4 nml CONTRACTING DEPT DENIS SHEARD LTD PAINSWICK ONT BARRIE DIM 71H Codrlngton SlrtetSchmI was Leanlre of acflvlty last night 31 par antiand youngster throan to the auditorium to celebrate Award Nluh wind Ing up Anothu year axten slvp activity for ha Barrie Ro cuflon rammm Excfleml and apprehension Wu nppmnt as allnl9dymmz stunqu Inserted nuIan trophln Ind prizesltrom creatlon dkecnn Linda Wlnter and Janet McKenzie Wm 9mm mm mm dim thdn gradley 737m preientedv Top Iboy nlhlela Bob Tract up girl ath me name Champlain boyn sunball mm enlur wu Codflnxton Park couched by Jenn Mflchlnoch ChInéElon gtrls laflbfll mm wm ear Faxk under Ban Hay Shear Park coached Linda Hay And Linda McMuslu also captured the boy will churn plgnshlp junior Ken mm and Fund Crowhmt receiving Ive dollu cheques Tennis JoqTu Maids Night Ends Another Busy Season Some 158 youngsters who passA ed thnlr swimman test at nns Pool Wednesday were warded crests and cardsby Miser Wlnlerand McKenzie poetry 5le performed by Cathy Green and JanlcaOsbom boLh Queen3 Parkl resultgd may am Ioni and dfiam nulhbe and Donna Hunter revlvod Ilan Men and women wishing to work on the tobacco hnrvul whlch 11 mm underway In lha county He asked femur he Banla National Employ ment Scrvlce omen immediatr other annioyrmnt workw flu ranging from Inne lathe mum to mpaHonal thera pist are listed In the weddy job oppoflunldcx released today by the NE Execuum 1nd prolessional mnla And made highway en gineer civil accountant CM limo iludy engineer manager productlnn mcchanlul enli ncnr matlonal therapist dramng mechanknd Us Insuraxm lumen and unles men lnlnhu mmm pro flied wlgh Iplayl General job awortmfluel malt worm picker tobacco prune Mo modumlc appren llce booldreoplng machine op mm uphoh ervlu clerk ulesmen machlnlst lur rel lube operator plumbers MU quaiificd flock dork th mocunlc llccnm umml arm hands Ilngte room and board provided 1ch banking and 12 minimum turpenler conslrpglon IId 1th work female humame bodde lug muhlm operator order dork part time domefllcs lIva In bookkeeper willing to wrk Snmrday morning Local NBS Oifice Seeking Help For Tobacco Harvest cinch1d mincmdbbnT nrudlon electrician mam Eng urlzen Anyone wishing further Inm mnuon murdan III thou poxlUunl Md lo the Ihrrle olflca 01 lb National Dmploymnl Scrvkc to own sum or Id um 7mm Any pcmn employmm ahould comm tho oflkc Im LOCAL GENERAL linnnl Employment Scrvlca ha been npcnul nl CFlI Hordcn or lha cmvcnlmce dqmuh nnu 10 hey my mum or wet on ma tobacco and mm cropL Thu 01ch will remain 0pm Io No mm BNIIE CIIAMIIONMIII hm wlll hon lhn Cunndlun Clnmmmflflp Shhh Hera lmm Allklfll In FLOWER SHOW Hunky 011N1qu Rorle medeL wlll hold lln Inmxnl nwcr ahnw nl Trlnily rum lllll Aux 11 mm 110 to II pm Thu Hum 13 0pm to IM puhllc KIWANII CLUII Klwnnh Club nl Kunmi Ml my wlll hold turn Hr tullllm lIn lhn wmhflfl brlnxlnl hg rnyr Hnlur HHIM Vluvelolim Ilnnlu ll lhrlr mnllrul nmn Mowlny ll lhl mellnenlll Inn In on auxml hm mm our MIMIqu munme tIMn mm mm mm Vivmu cum Inn tr ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK NE omcn arms cRypald labor ona will begln work on centennlnl park next week City council vplul last nigh to employ in and on Illa project instead of private con Indul alter laaming HIM an estian $28500 would be lava lowest lender submitted by mm mulch Wu about $37000 Alma estimates The report at com mittee adopted at as nighll special council session recom mended that public worband parka department employee be gin workvnn Aug 15 The Black Wm mam fligh Iand Reglmenl of Canada Reg Imenlal Band will present tower at pm aflawed by the Cadeugraduullon at 145 MajorGeneral Dare will be the reviewing affth or iii inspecliun Air Vice Marshal ii Slave Commander oi Training Command will aiso be present Graduallan ceremonlcs the 1965 Rnynl Canadian Alr Cndel Senior Leader Course will be held Aug 17 at pm in No 17 Hangar QFBjarden CENTENNIAL PARK Leader CQurse Ends Aug l7 Al Blue Mmmlnln Carm 09 en mun lhh Sundny leilon wnl hnvo nn wnunlly lo ob ncrve he henlllalvlnl were Iona bond bean vulva by Mini dIMlm mm Onlnrlo The can In ml Ill beauty nnrl mkmor wlll mm 1m how lhmu ymmz ramm can ndJuu meltI rnnmlng pro lrnm uhm lhe mm on pmldpnflan Vlllllnu hmm will be from pm In pm Blue HauntIn mm II mum WM Oillnmwl lllulrwny OnYy lighting and lame 1mm Cmvlnx In em many Elam Seal mvkru Blue Mountain Camp Will Hold Open House Mon COUNSEL JUDY Smith cl Barrie cu lhlmu rmvlnl lar cam Knrm Mnrflll F1119 Room and Sarah Wynn who no cnloyimz m1 halidny at Blue Mountain Camp OFFIOE City Will jan Workers On ProjeCt an Ul ran Man II lyllemn Addlnl Mnrhlu all Cllnlllln Olflu lulu ncpllvl Cuyunuflnl Malloan MINT MACHINE IMJJ BNTAIJ WY HIECIAIJII IN SIMCOE Hllfl cultural work will be left to tender Tom emu cos the pmlect now $108600 up etiAlo original estimates waver ll the low lander had been neuepud the baylmnl park wauld have met 111015 neighborhoaq of $140000 CONTRALIORS HCAIICE Aid Jack Gamay chakmnn of the mtennlalmrolecl com mince Md council mt night he dmge in plan was made necesary because demand for landscape contractors umun klpamlen across the mntry lake oncentennlal project is 1017 can my VAllhough substantial mi predlcted through the usa cizy work force revised plan can for two lmprovemenll to gal1L Under the new scheme path ways will be paved wllh asphalt ramr than chlpped more ex terulve curhlnl wlll be under taken and lhe lrrlzallnn ryslem lmproved will not Include island Owndl Idvpted lha Ian in recorded vote dermen John Mannl Jed Muanren Everett Erma Rdbem Donlan Parker llelwy Les Jdliflo and Jack Gamer and Mayor Cooke voted In am will only Ald Jerry Wll Harm Aisikclilr wmmltlu cm white satin with smooth new bottle and celebrated thats haw agin should be Thats how Whilu 5min in SUI mark Sir thcn Uumouu original1770 London Drv ovmum slill uxnclly my nnd calmsmooth 0ng ll over was Alloy nllwhnn monk 11m can knop gm mom tor nonmllom on bulh side mo oconnwo wouldnx dvoam of changan ILWhalwo Imvo Iona lhouqh IJ chanqu llm Whim Satin homo lls mo mat way wo knew to saluln colubmloq gin look Ilnvu Huijmm Saiin Than how gm should bu Tho Plomium Gin mm mm mun AUGWI 1m prisal 5m Aldermen Gamer Roberta Jam Ind Mayor Cooke met with senior city mu member Monday hleay and Wednesday to comerup witthe plan COMPLETION DATE wmk goes Mudflade mg wuhedule the park will be completed or JW cean celebrations The original architect will retained W59 work 0f the $108600 needed cder 31 provinclal and munldpal governmenu each contribute $11469 under thuorlglnnl mn lennlql agreement Additional levies wrung 34 were approved earlier this year along with $6000 year or lwo years lrom lha harbor conunluee Mr Garner 201d councll tho key In lha new of all Bar rlzl cent II celebration resin in museuolv ha park TRIBUTE PEDMCITIZBNS It will not only be the deal man cszebwws bus tnbnte Iromlhe lelzem of mrrle to the nm 100 year mnfcdmaflan 1in in fine beginning of lakeslmre developmem or year °1°° he PWM Contrary whll some pwplo Nnk than has been great deal plnnnlnu Iain the projm We have been given lhenp portunlty using the major pummel lhls are fur publla plumes he paIdH or Investment In the weth of hp cky and any man spent on the centennial park wH be reng wield me mum waters Kunpenldt Bay are the en ever major city in the pro IELWIdFH on My WI ge to our child It prlcdess minimal de volopment worth mm mm 01 Man per mm DES Mayor Cooke nld ha would nonnafly law devdap men at nu park by Drink cahlndor Howevar with con tennial projects mos thy coun Iry creaflng high demand or contradon letvices Ind Leor rcspcndlnxvlncrease In my work me would appear to be the but allernnglve helmd Ha nld he wnl conflJent that with adjustments them xineulng department wowd be as to commie the work an Md Gamer said the job would entail the hum no new em piayeu but me flu wofld otherwise be laid will be to Mined Ald Emma nlrl It was the Ald Emma nlrl It was the mos Invariant project now un demny in the city hope doesnt Ind nntl the bnylront is dovdoped Amnfd to Mlnets Palm he and me monies Shula pg ma 099mm DEUVEIUES or IEXACO FUEl CHIEF MUSIC ACCORDION GUITAR LESSONS buttmenu Supplied CANADXAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC 11 Dunlap Horn Hunting Oll Sea For Informlllon cull SIMCIIE PETHITJDLEUM 7282563 ANNE 81 WE GUARANTEE

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