Tavar timed bl lecond len Ion wllh lha ï¬rm In cenuu Held butwu benched alter quying 20 games In July he lied in at shnmtnp or ha In Juxed Zolln VemJIcl and hlt at 300 dip When Verxalles re turned to lln lineup Tnvar moved over to second hm and flayed then until Wednesday 1th In other game Wednesday lelgun leading Baltimore Orl oles pounded New Yark Yaw lees Chicago Whlta Sax whlpved Kansas City Athletics Halon Red Sax blanked vadand Indians and Wad By THE CANADIAN PRES KW Panthers Tip Brantford An untamed Jun LI flu curds 1min helped Klkhemr Pln than 10 viclmy aver Brant lnrd End Sax Wednesday mm In due in game of bunk Ive Senior Interfloumy hue ball qumeHlnaL shonstop nab litter Ind pitcher Joe Hubbard mblnrd to lead Llslwel Legion1m lo 52 win over Gull Terrier ln he lint game their beadflu rial Plllsburgh 45 San Francisco 06 49 Angelis 61 48 Phflndelphln 61 52 St an 53 50 minus 58 55 Mllnlu 54 59 Mansion El New Ymk 49 63 2th 11 lelmw homered or Minnesota and Tovar manna Ms lint mama in the mlflald lime Mly 81 protected the margin Ind Grants second chm Cesar Tour the handyman In Minnuoml Inï¬eld and nut lield In picked up his um nvu reflel pitcher By DICK COUCH Anode Pres 5pm Writer Thu versatile Vinuuclun as ever Jim Mudgal Gganl twice Wednuday night with perfect strike ram Id Md the Mn blanhd Gallium An al 24 and mapped Ihreo mm 12512 MEu nmnÃ©ï¬ the planning um mg Imam Grunt who hls pitched Ohm llnlght complaingame vim rle 912 season mark gaunt the Angel an eight ll CLAIR ITIHCKICN mm Cllrlnk Chl ronrh Ottawa ouch mm Mqvllnl Inlrfly YMM my Inn an MIan nf mm Humid rman Hula piling Dr Km Wllmn llw wotan nhha dndrvr uch th 4M 1M much was mini wllh mu IM um mumely Ill ingum Senator ptd DelroiLI In Wedneldlyl Run leon at Chlcm ppd Ncw Yolk Hllsburgh 10 Lou Angels Atlanta San Pnndcn Al Ctndnuatl mIddpm St Loull Mun lllmfllon Monlml Tannin Ink Weduuhyl Run cum Calgary Fridlyl Im ylionunl Tnmnln Wlnnlpfl TLC FAmonlan Cnlury Minnesota Hendman Collars California TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 71mm THE CANADIAN PRESS CANADIAN PRESS Nch 13°11 25st 2116 hit trip And dour MID ION fllmhl 1IIIIr IM Incl flnlhld III nunI mm India will um Ur 7mm l1 nuflhvl Wulml Tmdrum lulm Conltmm FOOTBALL Milan1149 NOW 2359 VIM BHMBLER SAVE BASEBALL RECORD Ill IlllTll lcl GEL AP 125 15 Bmoldin Rudmen used Ier 57 Kn sudden dean nvertlme Wednamy night In the um game of their 0mm lures Association Senior bqstofsevgn send1nd cm Blehry back In the nu more line up alter alwnz out 11 games with shoulder In flu 0M lemilhals leviesV Netbowugh moved two game in iron Toronto anla hell by ddewng the home town team 117 Gram Reflexnan scored his mud goal of the nlgh at 733 at omume to give Brookiin ula win Bmkiln held 61 lead golnu Into the third period but Bmmlon lied the lame to om ovudmm Kcn crawlord got two more galls hr Brooknn andlerry DmuDon Elm Dave Hus tonlnd Tom 20an got on Don Arthur the nvenu 131mm 203 with Ian man minutu remaining In remin don time to lam mo Qatruk ms Pflld neared buer Wu account lwadlmrmul scoring John Splm led Brampton with ï¬ve ml whlla Ed OKede added flu other Cy Coomb pm Petubor wgh will our goals while Ken Rattan and John Davis mud Lhree eacp Bob Allan got the nuief Hlflmd ILnIck out 13 halter and went the distance monies pinching duel be tween PanLhen Bob Mddflw and Brantiord my Vncksan ended when tho lsvyewold Red Sox butler walked hm my 1M hum And commlmd In Panther added lheIr lecond nm in the sevemh Inning on to mm fldd by Glry hh to driveAln by runs md Detroit Cleveland Calllomln Minnesot Chlcun New York Brooklin Takes Overtime Win nanlman Washlxiglon Ewan Wtdnndlyl Kean Cleveland 1103an Baltimore New York Mlnnuotn Calllamln Chlcnxo Klmul Clly Delta Vnahlnglon Columbnl Rocheslu Toronto Toledo Dumb lllchmund chhonvlllo Synan Mnnfllyl llnulll nullnlo Syracuu Toronlo nnchuler Nchmand Jnrhmmllla Toledo ll Columbul npd XL70ll Saw NwdulguIIhlwllgM lulu tulllnl dnuMn ml Iml ol upuuy Only HM Hm no mum and um Ibvmuh hnmwood In twill Md lm con laul flu ll lry ll buy In lARIlllHiu IlMIlIh llll his lulu ml lakmlllonll Luxuu Amman mm City Ill 1mm An 28 Pct GIL All 11V WI Mum walloped two human and Boo Powell hit threerun shat the 011qu pmmded the Yankees qug HI unwed gutter Ed die wuï¬n the um mi Itched the rest of the way or am vjclnryjnuaeveq geld aims and nuthe Orlnli ahend to my In the gum will tworun single The Whita Sox won their sixth in row bahind lelthandu Gary Patels who hut out Km an Cily until the ninth Peters helped himseli with don ble Ind Innis while Peta Wm drilled threeum doubia in tlu White 591 mm atlack Don lackl ther homer In the nu lined the Senator put Detroit and dropped he secondplum Tiger ll game out of um place Wuhlngtnnl Paul Casanovnv and Detroit Don Wart each homered In the lllh alm Ihe Senalnn had Had It L2 on Ken McMullenl rum grin flush £3 the elghjh Boston In Stanza mattered nlna hlls Ind Handed 11 hasl runners In shutting out the ln dians George Scott hit his 12nd homer and Tony Conlgliaro sh glad urns run at thn Red Sox By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PitchingChm Shut Phill ddphia Phulies retired the Hm 19 batters he faced and finlshed with mmflmlzr in vio tnry over St Lou Cardinals DawnOm Elï¬ny num mon OrIqu mad mo limp alter missing 11 lama with shoulder Injury nnd smacked two homer in 94 mm over New York Yulkm 88 Dunlop any poll of Huston Tum HawDim ilm Ind on unand UN MI pdcol Chad chm lm yam wings on m1 rusting Illéwhul um add up costpl nib lot you HAlF PIIIBE VMOIII and ladlu 0001 c6046 8704 0704 Loo16 75010 760 10017 75041 CHECK voun SIZEVAV snvmas TRAVEL BAG IWMMVI 0AM woldn Nule OMMAT 5l uh $133 BALL STARS SIIE BUNKER mum lawman nmmk Fivcstoue DELIVERY TIRES AllFume vau PLV GET SECOND TIRE mm my flu1 Tuned TubaT micTypo fllyon nml rammed lamn which MINI Ml mqu Mam mm wwumww km Um but 00 flauMqu hamm TYPE THE HAW EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUBT ll Chris Shm Idmill hes not alrlld any more but he wu mud Am whan he made mistake nuns bun Brock By EAL DOCK Anodmd Pnsu Emu Wrflu shun Phfladalpblnl Itylkh Ml handar 1M HI palen arm on Brackl Icvenlhï¬nnxnu single Ind nnlshed with three hitter Wednesdny night as lha Phillie downedrsl huh Cu dlnfl 51 Brock jumped on It or lin dc in centre quickly stole soo nnd or his 47 than of the sen aan and rods home on Curt Floodl hit spelling no nnly thn perm gum and nohmer but mutant well vflle flat batter he laced went down quietly Then Brock clma up with ononutrln the uventh When the pllch to 11er up toward lha plate knew wu the wrong one 5th uld It was hlzh Illdar right In lhu wheqlhousei EARN 11TH VIWORY Short gave up one other single and enmed bl lath vlclnry the mason He muck out It and walked none Pfluburgh Pirates look me lead over San Francisco Giants In the anhnal League ma with SH victory over New York Mes Thimphu Lea Angelo Dodgara flipped games lbs rats by dropping 1L third xhl In Atlanta Braves 31 Shan sald ha ha conquered his ear righthanded batter and that has mnda him better pigher 1311 52mm used In be scared In throw ha ball In toward right handed batter ha admiUed Im no now Perfect Game Missed éBy Shdrt 3145 FIRST TIRE 3060 1990 3035 90 05130 ï¬t m5 lush Bonus WIIH EVERY PURCHASE 7266585 SECOND TIRE 01821 1405 2095 HIE ma 3112 5290 Jim Pullan Ind Willis sum Hertha Pirate pain of tworun homer mum hi Met Van Law won his elghlh game The Giants eluclnnau ma Houston at Chkazu game were postponed by rain Bllly Hitchcock the Braves new manager elevlltd lelpe Alan to the lendull spot and or the second night night Alon opened the am main with hum mm on him he wu bank In the lendou position beam he dons so wall Ihere all yelr Hllchmck said Then told him Mm mar you hit the more may ha 14 sunr mm on It hncï¬pennd Hut my bl each HI cockl ï¬rst Iwo games and helpediha Erlves campktu Lhrwzuma lwtep the Dodge Aim IlKO neared the Miami in run in he iiflh liter Jim Gilliam let his grounder gel by or lmbasa error Alon maved to third on an iniieid put Ind scared on Hank Almnl sacriï¬ce fly Joe Tuml tingle and Rico Cartys dinbin pm dnced Alilninl other nLni mv EXAMINFR wm ADS PHONE mm 16126 30130 +0134 5013 60130 THE cm $561 1n Amnr 3193 THE SENECA $839 HURON CHALEI $1090 THE MOHAWK IROQUOIS $1382 768 50 Fr $1077 GET YOUR FREE PLAN Mn mlclm Cluylnlmd 1mg 190 Sq Canon so Sq Culon 59 SMAlUI IO 39 BOTTAGES LOWEST PRICES HOWE BASHWAY Ink Snlod HOME wmn PIPE 97 500 Sq Roll Mil Polyelhylene BENWE SASHLESS WINDOWS BASEMENT WINDOWS VWATION BATTS lluk Hal 59 WATER SYSTEMS Ecunollm Knockdown COMPLETE 32 14 $1156 $1387 $1181 $2068 $2366 85 nll BEDROOMS AM mo 51 AI Mumbl In mrdund beer Ind 130p bottles nok onlyare marflnx the prov lnce countrysideMn have be come hazani lemmen the legislatures dad commfllee on conxervauon was old Wed nesday IOx66 16166 20166 22166 24x66 26166 STORM SCREEN Glén mum momma described the prolflgnllon of DOORS Fun Comumm Discarded Bottles Mar Countryside Mnomo om mama MAHOGANY ENTRANCE VDOORS 10 MAHOGANY DOORS 199 Li23fl Interior Hm Quality Flu Caloun Al GRADE ll LII ASPHALT SHINGLES 60 lQlMll $419 $477 $534 $554 $576 $597 10 mu OPEN FRIDAY ILL PM TRUCK LET mcn good dry utility rim $9450 Al in mo II nlu M4 In 01 mm 251m 19133 634 0vle Cohen Up BATH SETS 7995 POST roman couvmm ms $2195 10 53495 mull uni Cohqu lm Economy Glad Spy £1Plno SPRIIGE 2x48s 8250 Colman Vinyl Angem Tm ATOM IIHIVIUI In ma WEEK DMR mo YARD AT THE Jh LT 07 IUIIWAI ll NDIIT N0 AND HIGHWAY vmrr in Lili In HR ml 11 To Birch Klkhon inoh nIG noon mas 6w 53575 2x4s the hold an uer and growing problem EAL could be resolved hay were made reclaim aluminum rather than 111555 Avbovllu Ho nluesled program along the lines the nullforest In Smoky the Bear scheme might prnvlde the public edu cauon needed to nvercoma the home problem system used by United States meany for yecoverlnx flumlnum contalnen cm The company $97 ma piyi $9150 $9250 $9450 SERVING THE BARRIE AREA MI MTlHIMII lul PHONE memo Chlkt cl luynoldl Nonxonlnl Spawning will NE Ills $333 55 an 55 re 3w s5 69 21w LIMA PM HEB CEDAR um and 36 roll $649 41 roll 5744 26 96 VINYLGLASS PANELS PREFINISHED PLYWOOD PANELLING 3476 Any 0mm ALUMINUM SIDING CAWNN OF rm GOING UP Nm m1 mE IMNUFALTURERJ RAVI ANNOUNCED PRICE WWII GHAIN LINK FENGE Illrnlvq hull lm 201 In Hm $624 Suva on 50 Kalli LAST CALL om mu FINEST QUALITY DOUBLECOAT WHITI CEILING TILES two cents for each confluen established do at or recalvinl hem and is In to reclaim the rnelalrfm usé Inn at loss any alehall centupgr July Mr celved reports savml per sons receiving cuts mm dip carded glam hotklel while lemmlng nnn 50AM The warldl tallest bmd dog is the Irish wulmound tau um mi km rm $23952 MM 1er