Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1966, p. 6

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Patrick Maud Barry daugh Ier of Mr and Mn Reginald Black or Clappertnn St and Norman Edward Emma Inn 01 ML and Mm Murray Emms Ellis SL exchanged vaws In Central United Church on July Th alkcmoan wedding new many was condude by Rev Darwld Jay against back ground selling yelan And whim gladlnli Mrs Mclenbadm wedded It lha man SATIN GUWN Th bride was escorted dawn the church aisle and given in marriage by her tamer For this lpeclnl moment she chm lull langlh gown sulln dealgned with tilled bodice and softly gamma skin Daisy nppHQLIa adorned tho awedth neck line the dress lingle ruse caught flu bri dal v21 at sflk Illusion Thu bride carried bouquet red American Beauty roses Mira rnu Sharon lez Barrie amended as maid ofhon or In Marion Ahmnn ol Kiwllcncr and Miss Audrey Henry of Hurrln were bridcsr knchcncr Henry of maids Idcnlicul slrccllmglh blun Hmmh dresses were vmm by lhc mlnndanls The gmms were Vows Ethqnged In Central United Knowing Your Face Shape Helps In ApplyingMakeup dont like lho xhn your um in Ind out lhlpo it Is any Pnrll makeup ox pull Luck your lawllna nyl Paul Flnuhcn comullnnl or an nlrannnnl muklup rm Thu Ihapu lhu Jaw delet mlnu whtlhcr ynur nu round Iquln oval or Whllld mte you fluurc ml out youll know what to do with our cytbrnu ynur molt fmporlnnl lrnluu Irlm dark hnlrod ll In mo Ind lx yrnu ha ha hum Svmullnnvln II Amlmlln nwl Nnvlh Amcrkn Hind mlnm Mm do with thrlr nus In anllxh anrll Gym MINI and Dunllh Irlm dark hnlrod ll onrohl hnrhclor Mr Flnu Ln bun hh cumr mm yum Mia lmulng lwnvy nlnxu mnhup an own All Now he owm Imuly Idlmll In Eu mp nm win up xlulunm mum qr lnshlun mum lln flmll lho mm pmMmu when hon mulqu xlrllrnlv Tlml ltrn mu nr llcry 5mm llh benullu jcyumnhkwam 5mm Mn loo lny lo un lh rlghl Inlka IM lam um no much Mnhup should by vrll mt maul vino nun round an nhnuhl uhqu nur flu Mn and drum Alnnl nu llno mm flusn Io Ihn t0er In mum 0n WM oval hum rm Imllvl In lwl may lrnm lha no blah on rlmkbmn Iml In lhl For mum at mum at hlihnl pm ll Irmw mh dmuhl In dend conln your lnrp II mlnlnl or nvul lrmu mm llnnl up In Iho hlilwul polnl ll In To an Ilrnvly nun film mulylna 7mm lay km mlmvr flu 1m yrmr llrflllfll Inhlr Ind lmk dawn In Wu ran nhxl ynuu dm lm ml mlr mull doen1 Mm lrmylo wt qr It you NEWLYWEDS CH005ESUMV1ER WEDDINGTDATES IN CITY AND COUNTY MR ANDMRS NORMAN EMMS ME AND MRS RAYMOND HAMEIM styled with mulching blue 1m jacket They wore headdresles of Mus lace ashlaan Into baws and carrch arm bouquets 01 yellow as and dahy mulm Guesla were recelved Ridgewood Amy tho uaw home Iha newlyweds Receiving the guests the brides mother wore beige laflcm dress overlaid with Chilton and lace mrqualse accessurles and Corsage 01 pink roses accented her my tumor The bridegroom was mum at by Rae Fuxd at Barrie best man Gene Bury Horn pnyne and Bill Dempsler Battle were the ushers RECEPTION AT HOME Assisting the reception the hrldegmmn mother was nlllr ed in pink lace dress with matching com hat pink velvet and mum of whit and deep plnk ruse complemented her ensemble For travellifig the bride chun gcd lo blua dress with navy and xhile accessories Guests ere present ram 02 mm Kltchcncr Homopnyne Midland Scarborough Bram Ion For Credit Lefroy and 1mm Cnnlon New Ymk On return from Ihc honey moon ln Muskoka he couple will bu home In Illdgewood Ages RR 0m Sgnglon nmwn eyes lhfllfld form About bright blue Ihndow mue any or men eye can wcnr Almost any colon Hut my am my lehl ml black Ilncr strong make lhom look like cnll aym For dnyllmu Mr Aubert luflfltlll whila Ihndnw on the bow under lhu brow For an nlnx ho ndlecl comblnnuom Inch almond grccn under the brow nur lho nose 1er plnk bcxlnnlnfl umlcr tho mld dn nl Hm brnw Ind Ihnded out go he end Thnla comrnsllng NL rnflwr than nhnllnw erh umlnlly um on brown ryu kn Imnkn grey will vlnk wtlL but not Mun Tim much oonlrn uyr nun all nluly wt of lho ellcrl urn In dnyflma ll they no yum ny lrlmlmd Some wnmrn In nnlnl Ihrn lhry 1mm hrlr nhn oyrlluhu my um um pnir all llm In nml mlll Am 01 layer or MIN MINES 0K Tunuurl huum um beauty mu llnnx wlh holr oomouy Ind anclml 4mm Iv rum Wydifle Andlmn lurch In Elmvlle wu Idomed wllh bmen male glndloll Im the mamg of Mnrgml Ron Gillzspte And mmond Georg Humefln Rev Dlvld Mum oflldlled the me Shnw 6IElmvlil 3n sldjd g¢theorgan rumnoun sown Entering the church on the Inn of hu lmer who ma her In mmhga the bride were tnduami fun lcnzth 1h bride the dlughter of Mr Ind Mrs Gordon Lloyd Gilluph of Phelpflon and he hfldzgronms plrents are Mr Ind Mn Marvel Hlmzlin of Wyavnle pull crown uth Ike boullnn veil flluxlan hills Tho bride varied cascade of Plnmddo mwm summon Ind can Sweflhem mm BRIDAL PARTY Mia Judy Jotmsm was the maid of honor and Ma Run on Gilbert of ElmVlle ml 11 brides va zoivh nylon erKrInn 1mm Reambmldned V11 Ilco damadimelgoqlcc neckline and elbow Mt flar1 ed deoch The contmlled 1km nmnlbd with mltchlnz Inf fell to chapel tn Traditional Gown Worn By Bride hlxlor he Myl girl ll Ihoul usa cluman milk and tuning lollon mumMed ll necemry and Ipelill cream or arm pgnblum Thor comullnnl My thrrl no marl led in Mi Flnfibcrt myl mnkcup Ihould bu tnughl In Ichool Mm womm wnr Ill ha time Why dont lhu lnlk nboul Vhall lhl mun bclwcen pnlnllnx on plrco pnptr and pnlnnnz on tum young warklnx ulrl mall lama Rood tyl makeup prmrdlva Iollan mun In he XIKM plum llxhl Hpnllrk And some or on her now loo pgnyyhnx wllfi lhar wllh lha pm Iml lubé mm mm dont mx about oodrmnkcfiv They talk About or cm um had mn ruplhry lnlk lbw Mr Fluubm umm lht lmpnrunu ol lhlnllnx benullful Whm Inmnn mm II have hrr own mummy len Ihn lmullIuL Kh mu In Al hot you in Im wcmnmn WI Wu HIV Tho NWJND WINNING All STYLIST brkiermlld Betty ynn Reynolds Burl wu flower girl Ind Brian GfllLsple bmlher of the bride was rug 1mm Farm gown hi 1an nylon orglnu Ind whlie lace were worn by Ill the lemma The dresser were fashioned with oversklrts trimmed with whlle lice Herdpiecer nl mulching ann tulle were worn by the Itiendams and ilmy carried cucedel oi 10mm yel low and while Slum mumr with the flower girl carrying 3959931 flown Teddy Hull Wyevnle It ended In her mm 1m unh Gordie Gluupla of Elmvale brother of the bride Ind Trace Braver of Elmvnle RECEPTION Guesu were received 1t Gil darlu Hull Orr Lake The bridel mother received wear ing gown of blue silk 1ch over nueu wflh mulching nmller can and while cmmncs Her cvrsatzc was pink Sweetheart ram Ind unullmu lug far the haneymoom in bride donnrd powder him wvplecn nu weak boucle white lccumrle Ind toms of ycllow urn Noun 1h brldexmoml mother chum Jnchc ensemble of powder bin silk complement ed with white Icccuorlu and mmge pink unqunx Indl sweelhpm rem 0n relurn mm flu weddlmt trip to polnl In lho Unllcd sum lhl couan will midu In Elmvnle Chill Illcndtd from Town lo4 Sudbury Ihmlllon Thorn ton Paneling Phelpunn Wye valt Elmvnle 0m Station Ind nude TORONTO Canadlnn Kirls mnka 11mm Ugahlc rt YucMM Memo Mn dlv mud and Mom mt Cnmdhm wenrlnx nhnfll In Mic ml rnvy wm In Canndlln mm Jan unrfinpwnnod Th1l wean Multan 1M I110 has nmr hm Ml rm dais mm Mr miner ohm with hm Ix In Town or lmn weeks with nnollwr m1 Md $le buy on upcrlmtnl In lmrmnflmol anl lo pmmntu umlrrumllnu nury Md Ml nm to Tommu Shoris In Public Shock To Visitor We firm In imvn nI wall olniflnll er llflrfqn lllmrldn My Mm lnmlly whrm uh Md than In my KIND for mu firm In Im Ila IIN moihw whys hm unant la do lln bulwark um Mu Mnhfour no mm IM un Win fl mm in an my mm mmIa mm Mn1 mu an If olrflwm Tmnm AND rm nu plum InnHm in mm mm mm mu yu HAIR STYLISTS mm by anu Studio 7261111 Green lummer extravagm pahung lculplure and other an arms will he held anOrBhlne Auz 19 10 and 11 uzular location the Guelph Recreation Conurdulon It 65 Delhi Stray Ten guest ambit will be featured with um yearl an phuls being on mm mm the Guelph area and Central and SouthWest Ontario There In no tutrlcllom to exhlbltun exhlhltlum any artist wllhlng to allow his work In Welcome by lhe exhibition cammlttee In the pan thls pollcy has ensured that here wu literally mathan or overyone An annual tenure ol the show has been lhe ram pnlnl Ina This year lha plece by Adrian Dingle ARCA OSA entlllcd In bun nl Illa Plrrl Proceedrlmm lhlmn used to add painting to he Collccllon GUEST EXHIBITOR This yemg guns exhllzlfiom especially lnvlled by the exhlbv lllon commlllce lnclude James Gordnnecr Toronto who wlll Ihow pnlnllnzs Leslie Wlld wlm loathe at Port Credil lllzh School paanngs and dmwlnxl Belh McLaughlin of Guelph who will exhibit enamel And will also do demomlrnllonl ln lhll crull Con Vnn Suchlelen lnronto whn Wll one ha Guelph Pnlnlm Groupl ln Ilmclors Inst mason wlll Ihaw palnllngs Larrnlne and Jnck Herman husbnnd and wlh team um from Bullon nxelr war was Ihnwn ln Guclph dur lng lhu past mson In Inn On lnrlo Poucrn Gulld Show Joe llmnlhnl Toronlo whom dummy old Mnrktlx New World were also exhlbiled hm lul year wlll cxluhll nnlnllnun lllll Muynon ol lnmnlo lorm erly cl Guelph who was one 01 um Hm nlnncn of Guelph Pnlnlm Group Scholar Ihlpl lo luzuler hll Idurnllon he Onlurlo Colcha of ML No enchlnx at Docn lhll year Ilmlmu Drcnlm nl Aclon who nlll Ihaw lculplum 0n ma place comlnl lo Show Iller bclng on uhlblllnn In lhn oultloor Iculplum Ihuw ll Iho Slrnllord Fullval Tom Chub ch4 cl Onkvllle lormelly ol Toronlo when Ilvrly nprmn lullonnl nlnllnxn hflll been In llul Clgllllll Ill nrovloul Ifnlnllnxun Illa thcn Guelphs Painting On The Gréen To Feature Art And Sculpture In lddllJDn ha Fnlml Gnllery of firm Icmllnl urmzp ol Inlerannnnl prlnll nglnl Mbgl Thu Olllrlnl 0pman lhn Show will he an FINAL mh Im II clxhl otlock ll lhl llmullon Ccnln WWW 1n lla 0M ywr dmmt pumadam lhml mam in lo unwanml hair cloud your to nnmhnr mimuo Como In for mrmllnmm with our MML No oMlgathm of ammo SYLVIA COMIth ILECTROLOOIST ID GRANT ITNEET BARRIE ONT PHONE IOJBO Ankh within In exhibit mly register by wrltinl In The chislrar Painting on Ihe Green lo etc Ill Street Guelph Ont Hawevcr lhcy may want In come down to lhe Rec nnllon Cenlra wlth their painl lnu to reglster them an Aug 17 mm to pm Painting on the Green opens to the public Friday ram to pm Saturday from 1030 Mn to pm Sunday from 1130 la pm By ESTRELLITA IOB TOMORROW onerous neury Influence now mile upon all yum alrx In job and lnandal mn lcrl new venture launched now give hlgh promise luc cm and along personnl Hm domcsllc social Ind lentlmen lnleresu should prove unus ually ploasnnl FOR THE BIRTHDAY Gloria Helen Thompson Rex daughter of Mr and Mn Mealord Thompson of Na pier St The bridegroom the Ian or ML and Mrs Craig Davidson 01 Wflluwdale The couple will make their home In Inndnn VOnL Phntn by Eric tomorrow ll your birthday your horoscope lndlcalu that you ham muss lor mat on mlsm now especially where pmoual rclnllnnslrlps arc con cerned Wllh the Exception of perm in late October and late December when you youmll cmrld lnvlle rlctlon ln close tlrclu by yleldlnx to the hull lnnnlu tendency toward boulneu your domesuo and nodal lllu Ihould be extremely pleuu child born on thll dly will endowed with dynamic perlonallly and wfll become pnwcrlul lnflutnce In bolh rm and persona areas THE STARS SAY CODDZI YOUR SKIN PASTRY SHOP TWGDAY SPECIAL Fri August 12 Sat August 13 CHERRY BANANA Loaf Reg ONLY 39c Far Mil Much Orrflan Id ul nuke your uh Chum Plum 0km Thin co ll llMlll 47 BABE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUSI 11 ml Min Beth Huddlenon mi runny mum at lemer Mem urill Hos imi Quito Ecuador holiday the Bulletin St bome lm miller Mn RC Hmaluton Min Huddluwn andmle of Bmlel Rwynl Vicv mil Hospital returned In Cm Ad in June on urlough wiUI Min Eleanor Bayes nl Mealord also missionary nurse in Qul to preunt Mlu Huddleston Ind Min Bayes preparing or West com molar trip In lulflll sparking enugunenu various churches terminating in Vancouver British Columbia Tue nurses will lam lhe cily Aug 20 and will return nrmmd Thanhgivlng In October They will ramrin on furlough until Max of next year Plum Ellen Dixon mom acumen FROM YUGOSLAVIA Mr and Mn Robert Christie Skopje Yugoxhvla are present holuayiug at the 0m Beach summer home bl Mn Christies parents Mr and mm Ken McKenzie the end August Mn and Mn Christ will lake up residence in Tor onto Olhnr gucsu at the cob tage are the MeKenzies snan law and daughter Dr and Mrs Kenneth Lamont and three chil dren of London Out Membe 01 Choose to Ima TOPS Club enjoyed swim In Lake Slmcoe prloi In busi ness meellnl on Monday even ing Follawing me swim ha 17 members relumed lo the RR him home of Mn Bill Bay ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Ralph Hodgson of Cralghurst have announced he engqgemgnl all the dam MI The bridegroomWu 11 lb in of Mr and Mn Georgi Mallul of Toronto The mur rlaga will lake pllce In St Joseph Catholic Church Town 59 at an alternoon ceremony on Sept ma cum Fido liméim Mildum laud ox lnnli BM And While mf PEOPLE AND PLACES 8mm KII Mlmrfi dyes vulwl mm WMMW ENDS AUGUST 15lh NORMAN SHOES Andrey Coullan W1 chat or the meellnz Alleni wards slugsong arnund lwn In concluded lha avenlng Thu next meeting will be bowling Early on Aug Members will mulled ol the me and plan of bowllnl COTTAGE GUESTS Mn Llew Beaver and Mm Hémlllan of Banla and Mrs Lorne Scott 01 Milan Mllll an holldaylng thls week ln Muskuku The lrlu Ire mm at ll summer cuties 01 Mr and Mn Glan Richardson Plnl Lake near Gravenhum VISIT nunALo Mn Made Eberhard Ind 4mm Wm Ms ave mum to ly ol lowing Iwn weeks vacuum The first part the holiday wn spent at collage Wasaga Beach Later they motored to mum New York where they Vere guests at th Mgr Mgul Returning dley mind Fort Erie and than Kitchener when lhey were guest Mrs Eber hanit soniuvlaw and awn2r Mr and Mrs Ron Dulzle SILVER WEDDING Mr Ind Mrs George Paint Springham will enter iain on Sunday memoon And waning The occasion Imrkl we cauplel 25H wedding nlvemry Friend Ind nil lives will be received mm until oclock Ind mm uniil mm NEW CHINA READY mm 0N 11m hum CmCanadian mm soon will be dispiayillz speciallydesigned ddna lagbleware showing Cfin my mm of First ahnxmcyk 79 the aflnngr udnn undenan rose th but of b1 export order won by In tidestnbllshed family firm av9L Cuwlldljn 9113 ien and Men am shady on their wny to Canada lot comtaco distflMon ll

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