Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1966, p. 1

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The Hometown Daily Newspaper hit Barrie and District iorne Year No 105 iliarrit Irritated PM ADDRESSES AMERICAN BAH ASSOCIATION Prime Minister Pearson ehls with the outgoing prest rmi at this American Bar A5 sodation Edward Kihn rd Memphis Tenn left and the associations incoming presi dent Orlmn Mardcn right of New Your City prior tothn addressing of the ABA at 1U annual meeting being held in Itlrmtreal GP Wirephotol Racial Violence Rocks Detroit Neighborhood DETROIT AP An inte grated East Side air it neighborhood erupted Into 00 minutes of violence night as Lansing as miles away experienced tense calm flu two dnyI of racial trouble After three Negroes liraiiled with police rockrthrouing and windowbreaking broke out in Ibblocli Icrtlnn of Detroit in other rectal deselopmcnts in the United States angry white ynulhs blocked civil rights demonstration in tire nnda Lon Tuesday at ght while civil rights mnrch planned for Incago today was postponed hitched lbyrarnld white man stopped his car to retrieve II liith cap knocked oil In lilo atoning and was beaten In the street by Negroes lie was taken in hospital with rut Intehratl Injured right shoulder nnit foot lltlll Iifltl Itlitfill leclli knackrd out total nI IM Iletruii pnlltfl lnrlitiling 17 MA with It trained members of lnrtirnl mobile unity brought the disturln once undcr contrnl utter lnur frantic hours lileanwhiie Lansing Iol cc Chief Charles Strngier reported the situation has eased In prulomtnnnltyNecro west side section where teenagers tossed iircborribs bricks and bottles at polling motorists for two nights Police sealed all toblock area within walking distance oi the stats capitol in Lnnsi ng from dusk to dawn barring alt nunresidents Including rrpori era Itoving gangs of white and Negro youths were blamed for the Lansing violence In whirh four persons were shot several others one tniurcd and more than score arrested Detroit Police Commissioner Itriy titrnrdin ind the three In flltltl in the melee with police sparking the Detroit trouble were charged with inciting to riot In Detroits first minus not break of trouble in rnriully trine area In recent years rock rind IirlciiI shuttered Alfttt and car window Tun rockl hit this PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS llli IIANINIIAII TVIHIILION WIKIAIMIHYNNM sir llaoilolph lulllrtnri krlialn Henri 77 II Ihtrun nun bring trirlrird tn stand inn rtleiilay Initier of run Ipiripg with thrro others to more public Iidsrliiel by listing nlcbt Itllil nrninst mole llllll filming In no of Iloirtsrnlr itiltMI tillairIl ELAINE TANNEII Cnnndne rtlilll swimming Irritation IZlalnc Tanner st nnrmltrr Ilt yesterday added In her rnlletllun rvf ill to Iimivirn union mun Hi shattered the wnlld 120 ml butterfly mod on windshield of police car and stones rattled against the sides of nthcra as groups of Negroes yelled at officers As far as were tonrcrntd Girnrdin said it was neither black not white Itncks were thrown indiscriminately Girnrdtn said the battle started alter officers halted their cruiser at the street cor nrr tn break up group of seven men Barrie Ontario CsnIde Wednesday August to ERDEFENCE PLANNED Hellyer To Seek Approval For Higher Estimates In 87 OiIAWA CFDefence litto Isier ileltyer has indicated he will seek cabinet approval for bigger detcnce budget in 106768 Iie told the Commons defence committee June 23 trans cript of the evidence was triads public Tuesday that his de pnrtment has made savings through integration and will make more But he added thcsc sav Ings can be eaten up In very short time through Increased costs unless we can get enough extra money to offsct the deval uation of purchasing power When Mr itctiycr took over the defence porLluliu In 1962i he got cabinet approval fnr tie fence budget of some 51550000 000 year for five years with an annual two pcr cent in crease in cover increasing costs The current ISM67 defence budget is 51573000000 FACES FINANCIA LCIHSIS Informant said htrr Ileilycr ls facing financial crisis in his department The original planand it has not changedis that savings made in administration pep sonnet and operatiops would go for more new weapons not as it is sometimes assumed for smaller dcfoncebudgct Iiut in 106566 administration personnel and operations costs went up about $21000000 to siisnoooono while expenditures on new weapons equipment and construction went down by 535 000000 to 521145110000 1n the curréntfiseal year his IIellycr has forecast weapons cxpendiurrcs aWWW 000 and an tiay of 097 000 on personnel operations and maintenance This would represent cut of more than $50000ooo on the per sonncl operations and mainten ance side of the ledger PROMISES PAY BOOST But this does not take into account it big pay increase promised for the armed forces in October aleanuhile equipment costs are going up For instance tie velnpmcnt and production costs ot the Iluifain transport plans now are estimated at 1000000 against an estimate of 6000 000 year ago Construction of four new do stroycrs does not start until 100a Study Canadian Water Need Belore Exporting Lawyer Says MONTREAL talJ Uttin ltlaeCaltum Icist advim to the international Joint Commission said irony export of Curin than water to thr tlnitcd States earuuA be considered until Can udu has motto rin Inventory of lwv own future needs lie was iiwaklng lwfore one rd the many rtrriimiltec meri incir held here in connection Illl IhtileAN Jli in John linilniunn lr of New uni tily said unto rliririnilnaltnn own to phyllttan tu nicer of rrmllral rritdlrwtity and an in em in mm ltn llirin of 1119 tunnel up MI new president of the liniivntal AIRIIIUI in rlon ti Ierry Mind NIHM Arsriviilnu an oi He itttllit In the United ran wrth the current annual convcn tlon of the American Ilnr Aunt cinllnn ltlr hintCtilium said the IIS first lull to investigate meas tires to abate pollution and illrri Inalc any irrrxpoyudbio waste of pmlmro rrunrrcc We need to take the time requiml in both countries to oli tnln the information essential tar innqu iialiiruents rind solid pionnintt the amt is not so urgent and the answer not so obvious that we can risk hasty or ill mnsidml adion in an area or sensitive and Close to the pcnplr that at water nmu Indonesian PM To Go To Malaysia JAKAIITA liletsteill For eign lilinislrr Adorn Mniik id Indonesia will iju In Itlnlailln Friday to seal his rtltttlryI nrw pratv with he IliislAt rigid irlialiln Inuit laid inlay on by ltlalilr In The ii inyrtan Frrlrratkiit won ntlrr in scheduled upon war nurtnl In Ibiirsday eiulirig in rinurIlaI Ibivegoar Nlllltililfi tinri with Malaysia wan inten iIllltrl as nintlirr innirrtr Itrp lnwnril wlilrrw Motllmt lio Iwrrll the two AslIVI nations Ilriwity lrriiiier IVin Alidiil limi Mainyein ow in rive here Iluirulny to aim its nsirrinenl will also fly bark In Kinla Iaiuipiir Irtday Ind It won ind hrwwn umber the tum tdtliall would Fltllfl the name nirrrall th men playful lending in In prrwhwing the uni rrN penu Inrnsibi durinl talks in IlanEktdt Thailand In Ito and June but already the estimated cost has shot up to 60440000 from the originally estimated $112 The defence department orig inally estimated It could buy 125 CM attack planes for 5215000000 Now it estimates it can obtain only 115 for this amount of money Three Oberon class subma rincs were to cost some $30 000000 Now the estimated cost is nearly $50000000 PRESENTS PROBLEM Informants said Mr IIeIlyer has some difficult choices in light of his promised pay in creases Reduced spending on weapons which would upset his original program or request to the cabinet for bigger de fence budget Iilr Ilellyer told the commit tcc think you will appreci ate the problems that we face In the future if we have to make substantial increases In pay and allowances to order to fioynpctc with the civilian mar This will pose condoning problem for us unless we can obtain more money higher do fence budget ceiling to offset the increased costs of labor both on the civil and military sides BEES TIRED OVERWOBKED mo osssumrto lieu tersiBrarillao bees are tired overworked and men taliy disturbed because flowers here bloom all year an agriculture ministry ott ciat said In Europe when the bees come from thcy had in work only three months year Sudden Topples TORONTO lCi Stldthu wind storms with gusts up in miles an hour whipped along the northwestern end of Lake Ontario Tuesday collapsing partially ennslrurird building in Hamilton and Ioppllriit trees and mwer lincs Iour construction were inlurcd Iwn them Itrl nutty when nncltnrcy builds Inii buckled at Dominion iuuniiry and Steel Co Illfl In llarniiton Aiwqt 100 workers hntl gone on cutter brraii shortly twtorn the storm rtrurkl Western Ontario ccntrcI cr perlcncrd rain and thunder but no wind damage was reported In the Windsor hatbam nnri IAlIIilflll areas In Onkiilin gust nt wind titted the root oil house Ind hurlul it It hydro translnrmrr ISO Ittl Away Your will cut oil In part it the city for About limit Tlin Inert at Hamilton were working on gtrdrrl About as fret above the ground when blast of wind ripped branch the par Ililllyvltilllitlflfll Ilullillrlll IINI skeleton Arnlrrlw hhye Til til Iiil Olirwekrn was reported in mil nus rmidtlion In hospital with iiu The Examiner TODAY is Lendrrsl ttty Nels1 untitledll tr ltmllk hunks Itklrirll monot MaurieII II TV lJttnIsll munii ernel mumps zmHKnm as Md Southern Giristian Moder ship Conference worker Mitct rod Smith of Montgomery Ala bama is assisted by friend SAIGON CplFifteen South Vietnamese civilians were killed and 162 wounded when two US Air Force jets bombed and strated village in the Me kins Delta anair force spokes man said today lie attributed the error to the local Vicina mcse province diitl who picked the target The attack took place Tries day night eight miles from Can Tho the largest town in the delta and the Jets hit the village with bombs and Millimetrs cannon fire U5 spokesman said the er ror was discovered few hours after it happened and not was Storm Building head injuries and broken left arm Tat Daszko to at Ilamil ion was also In serious rontii iinn with skull fracture and brnkrri right leg Manlorrl Miller 10 also of lili tihsweken was in good runs tllllttll with possible head in iurlrs fourth man urn treatot and released from hoi CBC Replaces Seven Days IithItl ltil CIIC pru ilim Iltliifidl tezlmnan and some it the start of it contra vrrsinl This llnur ltai Seven Ilays television program may return In their old Sunday night slot thin Inllmt the show has been rrriarMi and has lmr mm liuke Thirsth named rimrtivc printirrr nl llin new roanrm pron affairs program which is to rallrd holiday The new yrnitrnrn llf Kiri thV II ltlr Inrke nwr ta negotiatan with lltl Hall seven trays and the pmgvnm former tl mniw prnihwrr ltlr Irltrr nun timt tau nunnh heirn lays rndfil In In Ilit roar when tllt mansgcninnt bird the inngumii mints lIitrttk Watson Ind mutter Ilrrte Alf Ildiermln IM div mined and Iteeves llrglnn tinn public nftatrii supervisor rrwicnul In protest against Mr llliermanl ililtni al HERES ONE tin philanthropist had puma HI ihiI trlrnlrd Insllltlliim with It beautilul new swimming pool AMI how do the pallrnts Ilka ill be Illul the warden Theyre rruiy Itmut It was the Answer We renlt nn rvd Theyll IIKP it even wiler urn Ysxusunm when we put water In it Cloudy remaining cool Low tonight 55 degrees High Thurs day 75 degrees For complete weather summary see page NotMore Then We Per Copy 18 Page after her nose was ripped part by metal object thrown by whites during demonstra tions in Grenada Miss Tues sent from Can The He said all the wwndtd were evacuated from the area by am some seven hours after the bombing by trucks and naval craft In the retritrathighlands an unnumbered company of the Korean Tiger Division decl matcd North Vietnamese hai taiion of about 600 men in bit ter tillnight battle it by flares from circling American planes The Koreans killed 170 sol diers and held the jungle battle field when dawn came raking in an unusually high total of 7B communist weapons WHIIH AFTIIII CI The US spokesman said the Mekong Delta air strike was madtI on the basis of inlelii genre reports that Virt Cong eonmany at about 150 men had been rigiilrd there it was not yet known how many women or children wrte INIUHED DEMONSTRATOII IN MISSISSIPPI day night Several hundred Ne gro mardicrs were pelted by rocks and bottles during the march to the town square AP Wircphotol VietNam Error costly To US Vietnamese among the casualties or how many of the survivors were seriously Injured but fidl in vestigation is under way the spokesman said in the iiighiands battlc the Koreans held the field white American planes swept in with rockets and bombs The Communist battalion hit the Koreans late Tucsday night For three hours they held out alone before Korean reinforce mcnts arrived and armored so hielcs of the US Lith Inlanlry Division ploughed up is sup port Six hours later the Com militth retreated into the inn giei In both North and South Viet Nam is planes made hun dreds of strikes including Ile raid on suspected troop hideout 40 miles northwest of the South Vietnamese coastal town of ul Nhon Immigration Applications Total 4097 From Visitors MIAWA CPITho flow of applications by Illegal immi grants for permancnt residence status In Canada has reached um since Immigration Minis lcr ttnrchandii July it any nounirmrnt at special rpnrid erntiou for all requests received brtore Anti is An immigration drpartmn official run hlrxilay that no application had been mum Iruin tnlnhn by And no DUI 11M name no Qurtet LATE lmni Ilrillih oliirnhiit ltd frniii the Prairie pruiincri and Irvin the Atlantic provinces llut unlrss there it Itlddrn surge amuliealhml time out will he Iliulrrhmlt of persons threatened iith Intonation In in any statement Mr Ilurdianrl said prrniaucut rrilu tlrnro status would In gritnlrnl to persons who entered Canada tuning Its tidinu pruvlilrd they llpitlird for triltirtwc by Aug Ia and met certain conditions NEWS German Court Sentences Agent IlHildN llirillrrII The IIad ticrrrlan birth until toay HA Ierinl litteriler IAtslaltn in In liiiprironrmni tor stircciliy thrill for the lid feistinl intelligent Agrnry Bodies 0i Farm Workers Iound KlNli tll alll fAII ilro lsuliev of but Ill unilirrl rinr lienrinz 71 stab wrnirsds Ind Mar King tity murder in the slayings Canadian Arrested IIit Nng field liarnlt has turn il it with tllilllltl litilll lint In Buda est IitiIiAllHl lAlI laminaan tanadian nutn JrrM loienrserl 31 has bun rrrrdrd by llungsrlnn poin on chat rd Ilieaed birth iiiartrrt operations with tiiereityqnuoitul rmi iriiband nodal Agree To Voluntary Arbitration WAfitlthtttst tart Nsotlnbrs for striking irwbooirs and lb tiie grounded IR airlines nursed indy in try to settle In ilrypute lry inlnntm erhllrmon tmmu not our rivalf tutnun in kPi rm durum

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