Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1966, p. 8

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Mlb0 Mrlmuld 74 llnuy ley ml Ilnlln Hlil Mum 41 llnlvlulum Ifll Nullrlmll and IAlunnk 19 Im HFMC nuy 1m IM Amle mmlzlIlll Mlllll IIIMWFNIH Mm Mm mm Hum HI luunmhl and Auburn Jvluwm MW IW ImnH VI ll Itll Mom an uwl Tom Mnndlyn mun fllll In lWllIoMlltl Clnrlnnnll mo 11100140 MM llnrhal In lrhlvly and Min Vlvull 7N Malnnry IXHI lmhlmu an nkrn Man 1m lllll FFMnyl 17m MtCnuy 1m Onhvlrlmn Han 125 InJmx I3 tarmm lH llulm II Im MW IM llanMIU WI 100 000 1n mound dud Don W051 bzonko mudurllrd Don Wnrdle 1h winnvr held Indian to six Iinxlu while Vanlle yielded 01 RM Sax ham blows Thu Ms LCDde wine In the opener More nddmg pair In the nun HI Ind one more In Me hllh flwmon manngcd Alnple runs in the second and innings Hmcmm nnd Madlullcn pflc ed ht winners wiih lwn Inle ch while lebrookc dou bled Far names only mm bud 31 ml IL Blanchard For Thornlnn Hill In Curmle mlrmxl IAo nnglu onvh Me Ted lnymk my nlnnaxrd singles lflillmrlh Ran Funrlnm 104 Amzrlu lhlllulrl Mil KL Umrl Clnrlnnall Mlnnla an Mk mum Chlcm Mch CREEVORE The surprising Crrcmore Rod Sax Mm just managed to squlcw ima the Scrum Simcue Baseball Magus playoffs alter misihng mom lo last in the regular schedule last night pulled out anmhcr upset Playing on home grounds Sax ulppcd nmncmp Thbmlon In dim In grab command lnz 20 lcnd In the bcxtofive roux mihunk Thornlan now hnvo their banks In lbe wall and lace muswin matinn tomorww mm Gama their hosts 34 In sweep the best of three series in two straight outings Barrie won the opencr 202 last Fr May at Queens Park They now use 11mm 1111 in the next 0de prgxinciql actinn llillcrésE fungied runs In all but the fourth mime Thnlr blg Mary Jane Wass had strong night both on he slab and at lhe plain She limited the host to just seven singles and con tributed In hcr nvm cause at but with five hits in live plate visits Sha scared six tuna doubicd mnneclcd or our singles and drrewr lhrce walks THE FANMHAN lfllihS Nlllnnll MARKHAM Barrie Hill cresLI piled up another onesid ed victory over Markham last night to advance into 1he see and round of vaincinl Womens Sqflball ynmn Juvenile elimin pa ed lhn filth by Leo Bdcourt altar giving ul three Simarts Garage used 1119 big inning last night Bl Queens Park to build sirong 73 con quui oi defending Barrie and District Senior Softball playoff dumpinn Elmvaie Palace Ho lei The Gnrngemen bunched all their allies into the home half at the liflh to draw first blood in lhe spedai threegame round robin series in decide the oc wpant of first place mghlhandu Butch Boyd piIA tiled steadily over the camplelu nina innings in gain credit or the victory last night He acui lmd seven MI and claimed ten strikeout victims Dan Mc Hugh sinned or Paiace Iiolel Ind spot of wildnes brought on his dnwniail Charm with qerpat MC Tha net resumes tonight with In no clash at Queens Stewarts lace city rival Ban rie Plan Elmvala and Plan are slated In calllde Wednesday also at Queens Park Red Sox Repeat Playoff Victory In lhu norm npénér Sllllrllfly Barrie uvs Top Markham Stewarts Post Strong Inning BASEBALL RECORD Ill GI 314 NH Irl GI IMm Filmy IN Aim Fl Vllirullnm JV 19 21ml lllnl Ill MIMI 112 um Mr lnlllmo Mummltk 01 min Humphw 4n and uamvl 1m WitHIM nrd III nlmnlml hm Mm Tmuntn mu MFnlrly INN l7lx AILJuno HL Knnl I15 Slrlxlu KllppA mm rm 47I ml Nlmn mm mm Aml Ilnnl mum ozomuloooII mo om mo II Gnumom 0000 fllornlun 100 00301 Blanchard and Ill John Mnn and Timmons 01000014 Cmmnre 2m ZIUxS Wnnlk Jnhnsmn 21 Jnhnblon and II lmyrock throcke Indian and lhll nmmlnn Ilnlllmm mlmfl anlnml nllhrrnM Mlunrsnln 1mm Nrw Mk Kan uy Vnihillglml vlllln Mmllnyl nmnu fllvrllnrl NIWM 77 llmlnn INWWI H01 llrll II llmlnu ma Alrun Sinnllnun and Hum llll ThAnna lnl nu5m Mln Mn 0000M Ill MINDM IOU the full name in ducal both mounds mcn poxnamed 11x base hils Cmmum IMAan halter Hill struck the deciding blow will threerun homer Gownn man aged two sinllu as Wash brmke Mick and Neck also 5Inalrd The nmmtan attack was mn 1y dlenlnncd Their nm came Mm ns Dumb Pnuuson slnglcd wllh ana om all nab Ilraley 1rd of wiHI lerIP Don Shannan Joe Txmmnni Duncan Campbell and John 5w lherlmd nlw singled Thornton mad Sax bounced thrlr hm Ardiio Mandi ard lossed shutout our the final six Innings Crocmore spot ted Indian load In Ihn first frame below bundfing all their scores in the Ihlrd Diane Bunfuas another pow er the plate or Barrie as the winners massed 26 bass hlls She clubbed tworun hnmer lriplcd doubled and alngled twice Louise Crease Ann Gray Brenda Gundry and Mn da Spring all collected three hm as Jane Bells connected or ham run Was worked he lull nlne frame Markham never threatened seriously She claim ed hall dozen strikeouts and Issued seven walkL Barrie 135 07¢ 26230 26 Markham qoqm 1015 7m Wax and Crreaséflnfip mfi Blddml gest outbursts name wllh seven score in the filth xix In the eighth and five tn he lhlrd They built up nlnerun lead before Markham managed to break into the scaring mn Diam mm xmh Mm Four Stewart halter shared the sevenhit collection of lilo Hugh and BeimurL Biz Charlie MacNicol brought up recently lrom Notlnwa Redmen oi the Blue Mountain rural circuit belted two doubles and sent across the winning tallies Lead olt man Ron Raycraft connected or rlngln and double Boyd stroked two singles The other hit was an iniicld blow by Jim Thompson during the winning attack McHugh paced he Imelmen with two singles He drnvu across lhe lead run In tho upen er allel Pat Wanamaker start mvae struck first in lha opener and their load held over nur lumen Trailing by six runs lhey rallied In the eighth and managed In close the gap to nur with pah ham Boyd mm the door SCORE FIRST runs from our walk and hit halter Four mnre score pnur ed across heiore Belcourl mun ngfgi loend the qsxault Inlnllllmul Amulcln Lulu Smnfl ran Flnl Gan Inpu nru ltl GM II 1595 WI II Tullrn 71m Wulkrr and klhm mm 7411 and Mlmu 00th IN WI JMIIIBMIII 000 I01 ll lmul 11m ml Mmre lulu unmn Hun HI mm 11 film 01 HD mllll HM and Fanlnulil Illll FyIIAPM III lllrhthlmlm IN Tnlvdn 000M 000 II flu 009mm llnlnlnn Hi Anrlrrnnn Mulln Knollvigrl III ml Curran Millrr mm ml Imam lllll Judvie llndmlu mmm Jlrhlvlnll llllllll ll Vlmymi HI IL Anlounn l5 nu ID ml mrnn Mr MW 21 WI and man Ilfln ActAuk Ch Mondlyl llewlll Tnlnnlo 00 000 XM II Cghlphul 000ml IDIl Tnlrllo Ilullnln Richmond lncknnnrilla Syrunun Huh 1101 Smkl 17 M4 lnhnmn Gclnnr HI Jnnu nml lrlrr lHlI anAnrlrcul In ColIlnlrlnfilnn IIL tinnun mxnlmooooooIm Tmllrnhnuxrn Dunlnl II jw 1n ghnmnrr MOM WMMI OI Richmond Thursday Wild in Ward Shcnr 4730i PllchlnxJim Nash Knnm Cily Icnllurcd Ithn hlu ex Irndinx his unbenlcn rookie monk lo Mutants In tho Mhlcllcs fil triumph over Mln nunln Twins mumWillie McCouy San Irnntlsro collmcd Ive hill Including two homer mm lnur runs dravo In three and Aloln hm he Glnnu mm doubleheader ullh Clndnnnll NIL mm War at we Shear 1700 Thursd Wan Ward Mac Morrison 700 lllnllm Tonxwx wm win M55 Morrison I700I Borden Barrie Coup muEastman Consumm Clarkson Wcst Bond 700 Thirsde West mm It 01m sou 70m By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wednasdayx Hmvale vs Pla 150 Stewarts Plua Elmvale 51mm Newrnnrkef Orlllin Llsl Nixhll Stue Siewans ELImale Fuluro GumI Tonight Siewml VI Plaza 8ND TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mIIM ed Iha game with Aolld double Dave Campbell dellvered the key shot In the elxlllh xend in was lha second and lhlrd runs with unboul base Innd ed double Stan Rllchle contrllr mod twwbagger as Lou Bel caurt and Doug Stone puled ulqgles BALL STARS lemflnlnlfim INFERMEDIAIE INTERWARD PLAYOFFfi Pearce 7O All IM IN llm 5mm luv NV lull WM nl ulnm KL Mm Mm URN n4qu In MM NM lhrmm Mm lo drk up IH yunlq II fly mwrm ml Ivm Hmlu llnlt Ml mun dou lvln spark inllA Ive run sprN Drnnin Mcmbyk II Mun hmnmxn In the lith lnr Hnlmllnn Mnm may mum m1 main man lmk may KMm mum mm ml Mnymll In Itd thmhm In 777 I1 uwr IN mum um vim my In mnHHm 2m 1m HAMILTON CPI Cult Tor rIm smrul Ire rum In lha no and Inning and Nut rm In In INL Hamllllm IIHI 3an Monday mm In nmhIrndrMh name In droid ha ninth nnd final nlawfl pm In Um Srnior INNConn Imwlmll mm Eric Inuit lmk Ihr win lwr Gnk Ilulo var MmMm wan mum Mm Ilm Mm VANmUVHl lllb Mn Mmhy nldlll Nhm IINL mu kvnlumm mum hm lhlilth 3thth MH lurml man Davl Muir In mm lml hm 1mm ppm ntrh AkaWfl lmkhm ml Tummy Jnl fry MII llnmbati lIm ulna Ilmh lfnnu llnLhnl ho u1 on with ma Immh Gall nfrw ml mm wrer UElnnnfllll In crllnnl mm Dani Monk wry Ar be hlnd all of them Ha has crane nlno hnmm and 17 runs halted In Hank Aaron lends Ihe Nallannl League In homers wiIh II and In runs halted In WI 85 Joe Tom not Inr bchlnd with 27 and 73 Fellpo Man has he most hII In he nmlorr 160 and he mend but average uo RIco Carly In no Inr behind $27 Hy MURRAY CIMSS MIMIEd Pm Sport Writer Kerbow Paces Eskimo Victory Terriers Take Playofl Place Th1 ls Ihe sccond In sur les of slx daily photo natures prepared by the Burrle Yacht Club Io acqualnt the public with the basic an al Snlpo rac Ing Thi craft in Irons or in stnysl whlch often happens to beginners and even lo the experienced sailor The sailboat ls polntlnz directly to the wlnd and ts not muvlng The wind falls to ulch the Us in lhls pnslllnn mud the cult drllting lmkwnrds Menkes Blow Tops Dodgers THE BAMIE EXAMINER But as Mr N0 TWO Lon Annals llu ll llurw nml nm In Irll llw way mum Hm myllm mudme mum mum mm In an pl lv didnt make bad inn rank Hus dual jm llllrw HI wlnnlnl Ilnalo Mondny WflL Hu mm smile In Iha nlnlh Ty Cllnu nlnrlnl Hm pnrmlo Imvl Muck Jones Fellpo Alnu Jun Torre nml Urn Curly Inl lnuM Innlklian Mm but yrnr with ranlwrmqry Ivmuz rum and mm may mmxh the Hun IINtnIlvn Mm mm uwllnl om Knuth 1M my Mum llfl ynnh In Mu Ilmdl lmmiry tmml IV Ham mm plum ml 1mm lmny ulan mhvl van for NW NW filmhm VIWIVIHHL Hut Knlvmo pup mum um um itam Him nwh Nri Aummnl 11m Dulgm hm ule or lhrrr mm and INN In lop Hm nlnlh lnhn llourlmro doubled In llm llul um mm and 5mm Hm lhlrd on anrel er mr Heron that Angrlrl lmd rnlllrd mm In drllru bchlml lhu Mlllnu Mn Fairly uhn lulrlul hm hill In lnurvhll prvlnrmnnm Ihu xlay lwlum Monkcl sumo Inninfl hll was Ms lhlrd 1n lhn nrnvu Ml Mun vlclnrlu Two vmkrndl ago he Myrnrnhl Iharlllnp lwnl the Hunt mm In In lhnn hour will runIcurlnl ninulu Thu GInnLI Iplll doubly hondcr with Clnrinnnli llch ulnnlnx mm Imlng IM Ind mom lnln lttflml Incl lime prrnnlngo palms rhlnd Idle liuslmnzh Plrnlu The Dodxm nro nnnhnH unmo nul Dodson and San Francisco Ginnix are concerned Mcnkc is far ahead his Alinnln Bravo teammates on lheir hale Hm Mcnku didnt have hit Mon day nigh unlii lhe ninlh inning when his singicd homu ho fourth run of the Inning and gnu ha Bravo 1079 Victory um Ina Dodxm that dropped mm ram llrsl plate in third In lhe hurlic National Mam pennant HOi To go out thla fix the sill per must push the Llllcr la port movlng the stern over to xter board pull the lib nut to the starboard slde until the how ts pushed over to part Meal the best Snlpe racers In he tounlry will be snlllng right here on Kcmpenlelt Bay next week as the BYC plays host to the annual Canhdlan Snlpe Chlmplonshlpl The event rune fro next Sunday Aug Ihmush Aug 13 IN IRONS TunmY Auausr 1m mm hnmna uh AuMnm In IAIny MM hail Idl lo nut MIA In ho Hm ammo whllo MrGrnw nIhMNI mm only mm In In nlghlcnp MM Andme unvn 1mm an Mrly 1m Mlh nu Ilm lvmw mn r1 lha ymr but wnter JimIV uhm MM Hurrle humml out lwonm mm In lhn nxth Tor onln mmrml In no In ghn wvmlh More Don mm MN mmnflnlfifié in lho uwrnlh Thu margln Lu mm only one porvmuxe pom nmr Jaduum flle Sum mm mm Rainier lo Mun lhc Wing and 30 In uh mum ndloll numla Dumu mm lhfir Icvcnth lur Nmn Minx drlmllnl Ned Mud Hem 60 uhilu fiymrlne Nd fllflkd 15 lnnnu and Immmm wnlk hy mm In in lllclunml mm Columbm Jm used 10 my over mm Map Loaf an douhldwadcr In by no chum lmi Winn In rnull Into Hm place in the lnlrrnnlional Imngnu rnm Monday nlm pm nodlulrr spot Weslock and Gary 00mm ladl Ind 71 while Paul Wil Iirm omdcd 76 and Doug Most 7H mom mfiobminm In by Mayan Nlpk was Vollch stole the alww mm such miles In defending Am ateur dumpion hunky Henry ol Valdosm Ga and recently flamed British Amareur dwm phm Bobby Cole cl 5th Al 03 1M ILC youngster 1061 Jun lor Canadian lldeholdrr led his team go 299 aggregate diowd Album led the way into todays final 18 holes of inter pmvincial Willinng 01 play but some highlymuted lamn2 or he knadian Amalzur title were having their Lroublcs in he early going Erilish columbia was second by Viduo wedding lwo widerpar 70 fired by hrs ycgr mergbg the onyx Wayne Vollrncr uncou vcr Rudenlv was low man in the Held 149 which played the Cup match nd the first Inhale qualilylng wund or flu Cana dign Amalch simmupcomjy niriég uj goo stmlgu rogmini Idad ngerln ScoLland Bahamas Bermuda Guyana Indln Ireland Pnpun Jamaica Barbuda Pakistan Wfifiififi vdcrnn the AI bem laurme headed tho pro vhflfial Us with 290 aggregate Alexander posted Mon day while Doug Silvcrberg nnd Bab Wylie fired par 774 am John Kilbum 7B Auxlraill England Canada New Zealand Wales KINGSTON Jamaica CF Medal naming ma end tho third day of competition in aha British Empirn Game Mon ay KINGSTON Jamaica OP Bul Cmflms the astute Mark ham Ont drum and calm brand halbmller dld every thing wmng In cladding to fomthvplm finish In me an yards event of the British Em plre Games Monday mam He filmed out qulcldy which he rarely does and he got him sdl boxed on the final laphe nme Idle New Zealanda Pe Iets Reclaim IL Top Slot fly THE CANADIAN NW Albertans Lead Willingdon Cup MW 359 For unlor delivmy In your home or office all our clrculntlon dopl 726539 Le Keith Alexandpr Crothers Is Beaten In HalfMile Final MEDAL TELLY HOME DELIVERY Gold suvm Bronze mm IN lllll EXAMINER 11w Innuva nmn rim shim MIMI lmlny WM Humtutor 1mm 21 rmmrln rnrlnx hm Iuenu In mrmd an VM 0er WNnruiny MIZ Warn uhn mu mnlnu gala knuwinl III1 Hum lvnmmnm hml nlvrmiy You dtml in wilh Om mo IM m1 11mm Iran nuwd by the IIAAmMMmmt and My mm on Mr right Show and slight nut aver Ml rm Mn kmw Ml hnp Mn kl Lnd Fri um um lrndtnl 1M ummnl nlnlom nfllr um IN run lhin CA mkl In and linlhhnd mvnlh MENS HALO TODAY In Green of England Ml Ml wnhln film he NEH when she caughl hrr Idt skl ml the lust bump the momma course SM Immd llb mman In nwnrnncu Um hw Innrim Imo Mu be but nl lhu day P01111110 Guile CPDThe men were back In the spotlight today after an Aerlan arm girl Monday Interruplcd Franocn dominlon he vmdd alpine ski chmmiomhips with mme fluory in the uvrnml dwnhill rvent Erika Srhlncggor won Amlrinl Hm gold medal here In the dangerous mm that far wand lime brow MnflNannx mm In Can ndan Nancy GrtlM 1ho Bmlo Exumlnnr only 45 wookly The warlds lop hallmil Iowed himsdl to gel boxed in on the last lap and last the race against what probably was the slrongest may of 880 ulent ever gathered led modah in Swimminl div ing and fencing boosted Eng landl gnld lolai lo while Canada was ihird with live gold foiinwed by New Zeaiand with our Wales Wilil lhrce Kenya iwo and Trinidad one real darkhorse Noel Gough Australia sped lo the gold medal and broke the Games record will brilliant 19 By far was Australias hig gest day of the Games after poor start Inst week The Any sles went on recordrbreaking spree and won whopping eight gold medals la displace Eng land up of me medal slandlngs wilh total lipid nine silver and even bronze Cnnada one of its heal pnslwar Games show lug won turn more medals cludlnx gold or weighlllllinm Twentytwo years of prep Nu Mher mnudian also qualified In he same event R05 MacKenzie of Stonewall Mm And Dun Domansky 41 Pm Althur om ammo SURE BET When had been considered That frank comment mm Bill lehcrs of Markham 0n ex plained his disappointing fourth In the baayard final at he Bril lsh Empire Games Mondny night The winner Noe Clown of Austrafla was timed ln 1463 and the next um men ahead Crothcra Wiison Klpngut ol Kenyannd George Kerr Ja maica were bum docked 472 After his disappointing lounh place ouwmmm show ing Crolhm qualified or the In the gyms by KINGSTON Jamaica CF Just blew It ter 5nd used to beat Orothm 1n the 1962 Games Perth Sndls wlnnlnx time at Perth was 12473 Game mm the am lime mum posted in placing mm here Monday wlrjnmg heat event In 472 34 Canadas Greene Tumbles Again Blew It Bill Explains READ HIV Canmllnn rlmrh have Janm will In mum nul Ixullrulnml ho lull 5mm ML lune mmprulnr lnr nix yarn mrrly with Andra Cupcau 19 nl Shah hmokt Que wm heal pnr lng Cnnndinn coming us lmmd brlulnd he Mnncr 1mm Inhl mmmi only lmliml thnw nmmnl hm Iwr nll knnn Dékkfi 19 Hum Aby ML placed 11ml and Gar xlohMMhmm Monuml mu Gane ncvrmh in the mm mm damn nun lrnlrk Amtrin Km hr hm Alma Inmhkd nflrr hrr all HI xkl lwiurd mil Ahnpc nnv nkl Mo wn brnkrn ml hN lemtl vrnl flying to In Mr udr of the mum France rdnlncd rammamt lnx lead in he ovaall stand lmzs hnvinx 1er taken ho first No mulnh In the wnmrnl annm and mm dnmnhxll tailed lo hater the Lime from Emu mme 63th and Annie Fa mol won In 1sz 13142 nnd Min Firm mint In 36 nmion paid off for Piare St Juan ZiAyearoid aeronautical drauzhlsman from Mnnlreai who won the middleweight weightlifting title with Games retard total liii offiflé poupds Whlle Crolhers ion was blow In the Canadian track unm them was some mnasura nl consolation in the than Harry Jcmme of Vancouver env lured lhe final Thursday the menl mun dash in his Nd No Cnnadlans modal In rack and held Mon dny Mght Irene Pllrowskl Vancouver taking mud place In the womens looyard dash and Torontos George Puce lak lngsccond In the mens dlscu The swimmers came up with two sivcr and lwo bronze on Canada Ralph llullon 01 Ocean Falls 80 was silver medal list In lhe mens indivldunl mcdwI Icy won by Aushalins Pclcr Reynold in world rccord 11mm of Sandy GUrhrisl of Oceanrina 1m bum shouldnt have gone so as In the first quartet like la 10 11 in 52 lo 55 seconds Thu time did It In 51 iii father Lionel was lilting conch of lhe 1958 team and started training his son ntj the age of lwo with the aim of making him wnrid champion nadxan as been able to why the dnuble belare but 19 mm hopes to be he first allern winnlng his first gold medal in flux lowgrd dgsh Saturday But the old hoodoo turned up and in posillon behind Kiprigut lo gn or the gold or silver he boxed himself In a1 the far turn on the second lap The 15 year old pharmacist has been among the top world hallmller slime 1961 reaching his peak at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics when he won the secw andplace silver medal bchlndI Snell Oralhers who admitted M1 bent hlmsfll said In lrlcdLo get lhnmgn but Lhe hale never opened He couldnt get out it InnL ti well after the lurn Crothm said he bungledbhe ma rem Ih 5er sure b6 to win gold meda In the halfmilk LUM BHRR Bill 00 MAI Miss Gnflschd was umonrl For lrlnndly ompd In urvlu Ind qu lly hnnd Mm me um all In now Bumm l0 OFF ON CASH AND CARRY 01

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