Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1966, p. 5

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0R0 STATION 51 treeplanting program ls plan ned hero to mark Canadas cen tennlal and speclal ceremony will be held at which 0m school children will be asked par ticipale ll was slated by Reev George MncKuy Reeve MacKay said 12006 ms have been ordered and these wlll be planted on the for mer Gordon Slrachun properly at lhe 7th line and Cmmly Road ll knnwn as fine Old Barrle Road SCHOOL CHILDREN Craighurst Now Busier Place With Road Work More Visitors ho mmlm luflmm He said here wen chil dren unending 0m nhoolx Th3 MINESING tsum Counly condilians have changed ince wns warden back In 39 said Waller Downey lur mer Vespm rccve whn wlll be 77 year old on clober resident of his vicinity all his life Mr Dawncy farmed mm 1915 until he mired in mm When Apcnk about cow diUons on Ihe arm am mak ing rum mlhand knawledze he xnld Mn owncy spoke about lhe hlg chnnge In lam not only from lha munly level but also CflAIGIIUnST Sh Con llrucllnn wnrk on Simtoo Coun Iy Hand 22 mm Cnulmn tn Crulghum plu Iummcr laurm mul Inn mndo rural cum munin morn nclhe than muul Oldllmm my Crnlxhunl Mu ante buxy lumbering ccnlm Mm hotel and bar hul lhh wm ymu nun hm hlxhwny Ihrmmh hm MA chlr mule lrnvrl rum Ilnrrlu In Mldlnnd Today Ihu Inrxrr volume lull pronh by wly of No In lvm mllrl 10th n1 htre lnquivlm mcnlul lime Mu llll will olume lourhl 3er by um um molar Ilmxrr pare Ilmn 4m mer ge Dnrlnpmem llonrshm nllry 5H Ilrwrl Ihvn mllu nor but oppnxllr lho nouly ldrnnl mlmy mml hrlnun Ilnlrr MUVH uhlrh Mu Al Simone Cuunly Road 10 is being Improved with crushed stone and ailing between Plan TreePlanting For Oro Ceremony ExVespra Reeve Discusses Changes LONDON mler hm Muir hm uld Monday mln lulllnly Illmulnnl mmlml migrnlne hrmlurhu oIh prr nnl umm Thl llulmrnl um lnlmInM hlzh Iom rlmvlnnlc lnnm gnlumhln rummuml un plrlyrll Mlh vrnl mm In vllnln In In lull rnr hr In mulnx nmln lrrllllty Dannll In nlnnlnghnm Ir érmly dulmwl my lnuml yrahllnu lnlo Illunl men ullh Test Treatmem for Headaches 11w mlgrnl nu pnvmllnn llult MM nu HM nllvpmlm Um III pull lunlmml 12m mum me no prr rm manhu luflrull II III nllmml up by uh Inn mum hlllnmlnr nrlrl phn rhnlp myme mugmum NI fivgafly rr le llylnn win In rwl llw lnnlmml II Irhrtulrl mm In llfl Mnnlyul Now lmk Mumphlu ml Drlml la pm mnmnm nnlllrhdo COUNTY ROAD BEING IMPROVED lawnshlp extends from Shanty Bay and Wonder Valley waster 1y lo Cralghum and In Orillla northward We have children going 10 xchool Bass Lake who also he invited Raeve MncKay Hulda the tree planting tho 0m Centennial project ls Illa Ignqyallon of the tpwngljlpjmll he er grounds Much ol the work has been dune Illd ll is anticipated his will encour age more Indoor display at lha 0m F311 Fair Scplember 13 and 11 The ore Agricultural Sneler also is planning pedal lume provincth and federally High laxallon we key mar ln he infilllonnry rend but than wen other causes PROSPEROUS ERA While ha xnld ho uympnlhixed with the armor 1n slrivinl or ballet denl Mr Dawney uld ha fell everyona was living in an an 01 plcnly despite hlzh axes Thurs an no loo many household vllhnul Irlevlsians and can he laid awning nppllod In rural area as well as urban unhcs Brmlwood and Smnldaia Cor ners Shown is new counly stone xpreader in nclion abuul mum rum cummunIly wIIhnut defined boundarIcs ha builtup area known 11 lex hm has an unusual IIlunlIun In In II II IornlmI In our munIrIpnIIllu Illxhl nuw we In Hon IDIII nn tmplnyu at IocnI same you walk ntrnlum nuns lhu road lo em you nm In Vtsprn II you no nnrlh you will In In Mulvnle nnd lhrn rmu lhe mml Imm hero you Mn In Or unl belan Ind with he belt roav1lhlsll expcclql lo lncrcngp anldrnfl hm pmlml lhl qulrl Illa bl 1h pmenldny nlghunl whith win no hnwn lur Iumbchnrh In mm hrllk ml One yuunfl mln vhn mm ha hml Hm MI hr mmhd lhnl Mlh All luur munlc Innlillrl dry nm anlllmnl wlu dry on mun hntrl ll Iml uhnl we need In Her up lhu plurr IIo IIIM lnqulrm lmllrnlrtl nplnlvm no Ihnml by no Emmy up 0m Iunrnlnl II IIIIIM lwlp In lvllnl n1an vhllnrl lnln UNI urn ml wnmlurd II unulnlnl lvllnl mnrr WIN Ion haw vrurelul mmmuw My ha lnld wuruung pump It wn nod In Irma wrll rnnuah nkmr II nnlldpnlul lhal whlrnlnl rmnly mall mm 1er lo hlxhwly In nlmlnlMI Inr nul war Ml Ale In Ihr vnlmm ul lhnmxh lutle Thll mmhl rnm girl In ml llnll hum ley 77 Inulh nl Nflm Mllll nnvlhuml In Mammy NIGIITH UN Ml 1le half 41 uh Allin Dnqu but Map In tho 1mm mm Ilnmla NH Annnlnl In IIMII mill at QUEENS IlllTEl GOGO Iho Dlwn Trio MIME We will be putting up plaque on me 1111 later said Reeve MacKay lion or Canaan centennial year in 1967 Secrelnry treasurer of he 0m Agricullural Society Sioddart ni Shanty Bay am said some thought has been given lo pins or something special or next years fair but the hnva not been finalized Currenin the executive is con centrating on ma coming lair But it has been decided to do omqihlng in keeping wllh Can ndnr birthday your next year ha raid In eurller times the lhrifty Ms lame nmnbm people were on wellnre because here Jun wunl enough johse Serving in the coundl then had In prob arm Mr Downcy sald ha liked Minnsing an active vespra lown shlp community good nclgh how hnvu llvcd hcra all my lilo he Iald and have many good mend here The people have been Rood la mt AIde 11 he WIM lo the county building much now ML Down ey mid ho culled occasinnnfly No uuendm Iha wardcnl ban quel last year and he get an In lhe counly Inausumh when he tan mile west of Lamcrl Cor nerlv manned by county crew Examiner Photo null fallow um nrlivlllu with Inmcsl he snld nlnllng he hpt abreast Mflh hat 10an an by nailing Th Bur rlo Exnmlner MCKB FARMERS Tnllinn nbmll chnnne In lnrm condillom Mr Downey uldfimdcm p1nrhlnrry undo ll LAST TIMES TODAY SHHNTY BAY $32332 sslble lo cultivate and harm arm mm mm lm Mp Ihun In lhe nld dm Fnrmlnu mu lnku murh an nnd tn uny mid rommendlng lhoxo who hnvo been Imman nu dull ll II In mm cnmlnrlnhle an Illa nun today lhnn In Mr Her dun hn MIN hill lhlx II no mxun vhy mo lnrm rcnnm my lenultlnl be Irpl up Mllh when lmldu lnrmlnx Mr Downs WM In he um Implumnt mi urn Al Mlnrslnl or yrnn TM huslnm In nnw nprmml Ivy M1 nryhew our 2mm mfAMILY JEWELS PHYS MC ROlESl Ill ormw WIND AT In 10W TAN AT lllVFK TI Mlfll MOHEIIN MVP IN NORTH 07 TmllINTll llllhlly II II Hulhrlo mam Ed EASE BURDEN CLUB BASE BORDEN sum with the August meeting cancelled the Base Burden Rod and Gun Club wlll hold it next general meelln on Sept ll BUSINESS 18 SOLD STAYNEBGeorge Thump non has sold Ml watch repair Ind Jewellery atom hm to Robson Mr Thwppmn was in he Jewellery Names in Slay ner Ilnce 1919 Ila has enlered in ma name awralsal busi ness Ind wlll continue to live in Slnyner DISTRICT BRIEFS NHL SOFTBALLERS COLLINGWOOD National Hockey League aoflhaflen will ploy hero on Wednesday Aug 11 under the sponsorship ol the 91an senior hockey club as mean raising nods for hockey promotion SCHOOL 1mm CREEMQRE 15m Noll at Creemon an Tucsday Sep tember 20 HI CLUB MEETING MINESING lhu Minufnz DA 4H Club will hold In rexu at meeting on Thursday August 11 at the arm Murray Concession of Sunni dale was announced by Bon nie Mumy mum 5114 II the library is be an was from um plaza Th building ts expand to cost about SHAW whim will be IInced by centennial grant ma oupr and Angus palm village Work to sun on in mm the ail or ANGUS Stall While has been approved by me Essa Oounul apptvval In awaited from lho Mahala offidab ol the provincial government or lbs proposed new centennlal 11 brary or Angus in common or fly sprint Some ten the library should be and indudai in pro posed new normAmity mun project something which has been mudl dim but Ls con sidered loan Mo or three yam away 01m wanted to see the library proceeded with arguing the munily cemre still only pmposal and it the library mm not pro waded with naw lhe opportunity 0r centennial grant will he lost Library Grant Approval Sought For Angus Area Research Plots For Potatoes Are Impacted ALLISNN 50am tour of potato research No1 which Sninda Food is sponsoring In conjundinn wuh the Ontario Agricuuural College at Guelph IIIthle lhe annual potato Add day In this area today 1M experimlal mm mm Mm 11 mu and are dcvolvl the may of many problems which have been plaguing 0n Larlo pMnlo grawera hr yours 01mm dwflu Include drlcr mlnnllon the mm Ver idllium wm twin henlld and unheard seed and effective use cl Ierfihxm and mm 111 Ends pom machlntry drmnn illMINI also In hiahllml Lloyd Mnlnpflxc the Onlnrlo Dmurtmenl Mrlculmre and Food mu 1mm chairman for Wolfram whim lnohulu muncntnrlu by Umber ry mwclme pmfcsm he Drinrlmem nl Hnmculmre Un Iverslly Gudph XL much not ma Dmnnmml of any Waywdl pmloh wr ol hu Drpnruncnl ol Ilnru mllura and Jnhnmnn rz ude dfictr this Cnnndlnn Dmmment nl Amlndturv mm COSMM Ul MOSCOW lAIlw Sovltl Unlnn Mondlly laundml lhu mm unmannrd Mlcllllu In ll Cnsmm Mr Ian Tn nun Agrncy Inle ll wn III will mm 116 In In mllrn lewo lhn rnrlh DOIINI Il nnl Orlllln THE BARRIE EXAMIN TUESDAY AUGUST 1m EAXTER sum in mnve in make provision fur fu lure expansion ihe Essa mun icipal building the Essa Council has nulhnrizcd nn nppronch to he Baxter 0man Lodge about selling so let Di adjacent pro perly Tho count also has Approved the renewal of an agreement wilh Iluchinsan Molors pm wide pence car ms per manlh with no provision lhal he prtsnnl I965 cnr be krpl In good runnan condiliun wilh Rood Iron and for um 1061 modd is nVnilaMn council Is willing In case back Hie prnpcrly lhu lodge or parking purposes part he purchase ngrccmcnl Councillor Kcnmlh Blanchard and Deputy ncuvu Hume Smllh who movnd llle mnllan al lhn Annual mccllng Jun cil balh all lhls mnuld be ulsc pmvlsinn or he lulure and won councll approval Thu cnuntll nlsn plated list on mun nx mung no ancc Inn to lhc formalin po llm pom nmclmlon Cpl Thnmas Scholle or Barrie prepares hot came during summer Held oxacrisc with lhe First Ballnlion The Black Valch Roynl Highland Essa Council Looks Ahead For Municipal Expansion Mm tlzululi DISTRICT NEWS BARBIE SERVICEMAN IS COOK Edward Small Presents Bob H°Pe EIKeSommer PhyllisDiller STAR TOMORROW JERRV LEWIS In On Comb Irrybgullrl ulv Human mu humanum mnnmswvnvrnm lunhWUM nu hunfiwm IIAFLIWI 1W dual 6mm Mm MUNIIEB ARIISIS lgrrq Ctsdntnnuovn MARJORIEIURI St Johns Latvia Church will be asked ii ihcy would consider selling that pm of Lot 21 Con cession lying m7th oi lhc Nolinwnsaga mm nnd cs Di Concession This pm Is now landlocked except by way oi Essa Park The arm comprise about 25 acres Thu promrly near the Essa Ccnlcnnlal Park area which is nnw being developul SAULT STFn MARIE OnL Cmlunhwnys Mlnlslnr McNaughton accompanied by AllnrnnyGrnrml Arlhnr Wisr hurl Mnndny began lhrce day lnspcclion our 01 he TransCanudI nghwny beluch hue and Sudbury Regimrnt ol Canada at Can adinn Farcernase Gngctown NJ CPL Scholle cook in ha 110an Canadian Army Ser vlce Corps Canadlan Forces Pholnl THY EXAMINFR WANT ADS PHONE mzm The ende If Iplllllnl htlr Ildu our Noll Dill mry nluht Ministers Inspect TransCanada 700 900 COOKSTOWN Stall The Mic Sdlool section or exhib ll of ymlnger students and high school mnpgmlons are among leaturod attractions or the jun lor lair section of the Oonkslawu Fall Fair Sept and 11 mm In these sooth must be the pupik own work In crafts Ind hobbies domesuc WIch and showing veget ables min and flowers High swim compeuuun in clude agricultural ham atom omics and cooking dlvlslnm wall as Indusmai arts shop work oompulonal mojm and Cooksluwn HI dubs Including dairy can bee call swine sheep md com also are busy ptgpmgng hr dle fair Insoinr drawing spectators ihe main nature will be suiky horse rudng alonu with he or chestra compelilim which will be mid previous to the lair Plans For Iunior Section Advanced For Cookstown Pair SAULT STE MAME Ont CP AliarneyGenurai Ar thur Wizimrl said Monday he plans lo leave Aug 12 in at end the international Law Con lerence in Helsinki Finland Ha said he also plan In visit benlnmd study Soviet iaw programs and lhe Russian up much to legal problems Wishart Plans To Attend Meeting In olnlng the World Promhro ll llrl MI llngIh color Ihowlng of BATMAN murmurs mmmnmamm mm mm mum BWNE PLEIIIIEIIE numnmmsmu lamAmm FOUR BIG DAYS SAT TO TUES ONLY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT STARTS TOMORROW HAlEY MlllS In The Trouble With Angnll 4I and Raidnn From Bonnlh 1h 51 Iflflfllnufiflmmfifikwfi WWW HEIHIMM MWWW WM MATINEE DAILY AT PM Aanout Pinyin Alr Condiflonld Thum Foalurn pm and 910 p311 baking queen contest LI nnolher calnre which Alwayx wel rccdved Uveswck par ude chdrenn races Illd dance In the curling rink In among other leamm John Shutdown presldem Ind members ol executive hm been busy with Arrangements BLIGHTY glyeo BARRIE ARENA TiIIJnsnnY SPONSORED BY BARRIE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC lelu 1mm 0n Arena Floor MST HMEI TODAY BAMBI In Colwr

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