Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1966, p. 4

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There are indications that the system of licensing motorcycles will be revised in the interests at safety The need for such action has been particularly evi dent this summer with more and more oi the vehicles entering the streams of traific on city streets and highways The Ontario Deparimeni of Transport has decided to review the system of licensing the drivers oi motorcycles At present new owner the twowheelers ays $2 for 90day learners ermii and its the road alone ii is ll egal for licensed driver to travel with him After 90 days the learner takes his drivers lest with the examiner watchin him from car travelling ahead him Those wiih car licenses are not required to qualify for molorbicycle permiia WAIII Publisher In 1004 there were 10334 motorv bicycles registered in Ontario At the end of May this year there were 23054 and this is expected to reach 30000 by the end of the year In 1955 In dmmo 2390 motorbikes were involved in acddents that killed Barrle Examiner Aug N56 Bell Telephone began lralnlng ln Montreal 250 eleclmnics specialists to serve on MidCanada defence line This con nects with Edgar radar station as pan of lfinelrge alrcralt warning system 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Kay aka new crafts ad vtsor for Clarke Clarke Leathers dis played one of companys entries in 1956 purse contest winners to be exhibited at CNE Barrie Kiwanis Club honor ed Past President Adauison prior to departure to become district iorester at Parry Sound Outstanding debts forced closing of Stayner Speedway at old Edenvaic airport Barrie Colleg iate Band gave concert Sunday night at Gravenhursts Cull Lake Barge Mrs Gaetana Saso who came to Canada as young bride from Sicily 50 years ago was one or 45 new Canadians to receive cer Uiicates of citizenship irom Judge Harvie at county court house Mine sing remembered pioneers at dedication service Sunday at cemeterys new sinne uork tales lohn llalpeuny appointed superintendent lilidhurst Forest Station Rotary barbecue was welcome event KitchenerWalcrloo Recon In Its March Lssuc the trade magzzlne Bus and Truck Iranspon makes sopablc case or some alteralgon In lhI Licensing or Motorbikes Cant Come Too Quickly Lor 5Day A61 éising In lnterprcu lion to allow certain forms of tmck mm on Sunday In doing cllos especially the pro blomx Involved ln longdislance trans pofl hmllagn in nallon Canal file and several legal inlerprelallons whlch round In favor of transport flrms charged with Sunday lnlracllons It also argues against prohlhltlons on truck npornllons on the grounds that trains plane and ships Ire Allowed to operate freely seven dnya week mama nWsnmnml 11 Eh martivdfxmhifirr TRANSPORTS USE THE HIGHWAY In IMMMIMMI Mr ONOH IN In rmlml In myhun hob NWIII Fl 67y 3m 1m mm Illlint AM pmom rrl But there in cmdll difference be BRITISHBUILT PLANE INVOLVED IN CRASH OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Gunman NIWIpupIn lelhd 16 Bayfluld Strut BarriethtArio DOWN MEMORY LANE Mcthon Munulng Edltor ruwm mom n1ng ll IM on Du Nu Mom to Mimufnurqn m1 pm Mn 5010mm In Mr man In Irin InnM vlw mm by 0M 1M Mann an AM do 21 dgiygfg and paggngm and lnjlm 21 drivers and gassengera and injur ed 1889 drivers In 476 passengers Re oru lndlcnte sharp increase in these igures or this ear Toronto lice said they lnvestlga ed 775 motorbl no cidenu In 1965 but have Ilready had 500 this year Ottawa reports an In creaser While the light mowrcycles that ac count tor most or the Increase In sale are more than fast enough to keep up with city traffic it appears that they are underpowered in com etttion wtth high wa traffic Figures ow that the mm tor Ike are even more dangerous on highways and rural areas than in cities whgflreuspeedjs Hmttog fascinated with the mode of travel motorcycles may seem noisy nuisances it would not be fair to generalize and so all operators of such vehicles are careess and indifferent to others At the same time it must be recognized that ine erience combined with inadequate in ning in handlin motorbikes can constitute dan er bot to their drivers Ind others on road Civic Holiday at St Vincent Park Photo showed Bob Angelofi helping pre are more than 900 servings chicken at three bodies from Collin ood boating tragedy found in Geor an Bay Al eight who left harbor were caught in sudden storm and drowned Art Pow cll beat Bill Dyment and George Ken nedy heat Paul Palmer The will meet ln final for mens champions ip at Bar rle Golf Club ln ecior John Clark of Ontario Provincial olice swam across bay and back from Johnson St beach to Mlnatn Les Patterson accompanied him in boat Water was rough but time for nearly three miles was two hours 15 minutes and the inspector looked fresh enough to turn around and cross Kem enfelt aln Harold Cusden opened ranch armacy on Collier St with James Vray manager Fine old Wild man residence at corner Collier and Poyntz streets demolished as siie of new Fellowship Hall for Collier Std United Church Colonel ll Perron ED of Quebec City up oinied Commander Camp Borden arrie branch Can adlan Legion completed purchase of former Gray Coach lennlnal on Collier St now quarters twaen lhese omus of transport and the tnlckin Industry Trains have their own rig of way commerdal plane use ladlilies no otherwlse 1n wide use and hips n11 fimilarly uncluttered travel medium Not so lmcks They use meets and highways paid or and widely used by the community large and which thus mugs by subject to communlly conhjol Ilrtakcé n3 arm insight M3 lmaglnc what would happen to Sunda mm It lnlcka were given msolule modem to operate Sunday Ind lnvellcd on this day as on others Longdistance haulage xhould erhaps he opened up more under cum vc con trols but interdty openlioni also back ed by the magnum would be loo much of tax on the nerve Ind My or dinary molodm Wlllon nonorll Manager lot wvlhmv luan Minty It IN flrl we Mmh M1391 ym 1w revwnly Mn Involved In blll U5 rmh Wm Wmmmwwmummrmrmmzmmumwmumnmmmw bop that my Mend Patrick Nicholson does not mind my nun his odumn lo talk about qul At least partly his mm Mam of tho pm and Marlbor cl Parliament share an Interest In almOst Anything that is going on hwcver In any use any dtJlen ha fight to delve Into foreign nf Airs or to Mulder how the while can best be Informed about this or my other Aspect pumigltxgalnm Mde llke to mm or law momth Ill Indivldunl mt mung forth any govern men policy but commend on tome problem which mm no me lo be Important for Par llnmmt or the pm and the publlc whole lnlormlvu Purllamtnl Ind lhe nullon about he umdud at man allaln In one the mom diffile uslu ln puhllc lmslnms 11m are not only the difficulties nmllar lo mm heron ln mnldnx mm nounmmenh mm newlinqu or inllinlivu ln domes 3L Pain In mdltlan lhe world 1w My ll lo use he lmuery of me lmu bah floodlit Ind wall provided with New dc vim when lhm my mu nl lrylnx In lalk unly and yrlvrly about conlmvcr ml mam few wad unmd lnr pcrlndly routine otcnsinn and not Inntying any change whal mm In wellkmwn gnvern men polldfl can mmcfinmnx bnrk lmm Kn an Imllzmnt 1tu 0x allegation about Cann dLm mum Deny the ll clllons mums It do nm the nocrssifiy mnlum unhor lullmenu on nblrdl hm Idt one In mm linm nn HWWMG me mm wvvmrvvvwwvm NERM TACl 1H ll only MI rxample the problem 10 huk mm uMy DH uhldu myunn Mm shining Hm mum 04 mm Winn would mimnnd You cant buy ml nuns nr Ml Jr with my Ml you hm to menu Mum nmermml evtry My Honorhie Raul 1an PC DC MP lurellry It or ulcnnl mun write mun nut enl umn all innit Exumimr OTTAWA REPORT Would Like To See Wide Foreign Affairs Debates Aummlnd Mmml chm null lml Dran mm mluwl ml Inr pnymml pom in uh Dnlly Runrlnyu ml lmulm llnlltlayn uuplul blhuripflon nlrl vlmly hr min uuklv on uvly 5mm lflp In Inc null Harm $1104 urly Mnrln £er yuv varr Ihrmmll yrar Mall mum MIA II Illilh nmla flrll wuldmt IIIM Mr INA Iml InnIn yum Oflicvr Umvmuly Aw Trvrmlln lalh Ml 54 Mnnhnl 311 rl lrnulrr Vnnrmvrrl IN Mme nnallmn Dilly NunNp Iulhdv hxmMva lhn FAIL In Ylru nrvl AWN Huh V1 vvrmnlltm TM AMVHAH INu ll lullvrly vnHHM In Um In mmhlluuvm in nu dlmnlrhu In um um nodllul In It nr Aunrlnlul Im at NHH um All Inn II NIMNVMI Ullypll about your exad intention un der AM drmmtuncu he nonunion of private buslnesl lugch pmdence haw much more so do 01 necessities public business in wmd aflnirs clutlom about Answering Acme enqulrlel or ohllgod In be somewhat 1nd rm 1n dealinl wilh wme mun dou the Ram he In dlrli whim of the we have mm lioned scarcely need an mike lhll pran la Ihe normal filer um edumn or to cum wrlur who do allow world attain dosoly Bu not all umerm The result can be um the public We lmpmdon that due zovemmull slmpxy doe not want to ulk about rotelm AL lamum mey belim Mr too osmotic mlm or publc dumuion be mod mum MI lorelzn mlnhlcr Under name of he ymsum have mcnlioncd vmuld ream lhe conclusion mu Iho less In lerul hero wu ln foreign polln Ibo balm nml la not lhe way look at lLquilz lhe opposlll bellcvo mm the only nmwur lo the problem how menuoned la la We the pnbllc lhe wldcsl mm In rollnble lnlorrmllnn and lo cocoon dctmlml dam or or nxnlnsl the pollcln lha day lollmuxl by Ina Mllon ln would Idiom helltve hal the mm people become lAmllllr wilh he bulc demcnu In any Illuallnn lhe lm likely Ihey In In upon that government 1h Always be nblo lo null expllclt uur pmsubfli that many of he pubflc could get Ulll Im premix gives me pod dul dwnczrn 11 1mm 15 rxauly lhe wile rum hu uldnm hem meannth 1n nml wnrlm mm Immu xhm wm AIM nuiml Ilw Innh mnxt r1 Hm YIrrfl Illnyn¢ dllnnllfin uhn WM horn in Manmnl unn nnr ul lh mum narn ndnrlu Fnnrh hmnry uhm he derd lhm lIvimh wardnlu In Mum nay In mu 1wmbl lhn rlw Amman Hamlmlonury War uhlrh Frmm hrlpod lha RA Admiral IA lumm mm nnvll vlflnnu our Hm flvllull TN but In fiydnoy Nov Smlll and flu thr wu ln Iluflwx my ll Wu Alum ITIL Ml LI luouu mud ml lht hay ml uu um and drmlmkd Iho unmdu Fall lrmco ol WIM Tho mmandrr lb 1an wt 5mm Hum who mm nlm In in Gunman Hull nl anm ol llu mnlr anion In ITIO Ihtn ho in only yrm nhl Hum Ade nmlm mm hvlwn my lo lho mmllh r4 nmvw mlM My mm AIM Ivy mlmkahia Mun ullul Mum AM limo Mnulht Maul um whu 11v mvnnl lxuvy 101 ml vle work ummd 1N mum um Hun m1 Murm Ihhrn hzmlul lur lwl Luann GM WMHL him we lhr um sum In Mva mm lmvmh but not lm CANADAS STORY Whm mm mum rm lrlnw WIIrI ho ulwl any mm Hum II In pvtMn Ila inn mum lnuw Mm mum Mn mm summon mum Mm In pmnu melt and maulMI hlm In mm In mmnl nnmy mm nl Iw mm Innau nlnrm mr mm mm In dimmry nl Lhn MUL HM TNT 0V Alfllfl thvmmfl man mm In mm TNIF I1Mrm1 WILLIm my rm huh rim1 Ilrvmluul In Mm rnlm mum Tnxn Qwiw dullwa by nmh Huozln mm Vnhl raumalxn 1m Apliu mk unluM norm MIMI 1M dowth hm wu no pm Mon fumrln tuxImpmu rolld mum Ann pull BMW my VPHMM INI HIIVM MUM 1M1 tmllrn HIM Duly HUM mflilnUnl tnMN In lwun Jnull Iml IhI lMLJnmhm omhlll mu Mum In Nmn Fqu upmu In My marinmmn cnnhum 7841mm ohwmu Hquch NA mm Clvwh MIvn lmumiuml Ind1y In nuer IBuUA dmwl Nmd alum hwh on Jun NunIL Admiral Captured Canadian Explorer DAMN THE TORPEDOES FULL SPEED AHEAD BOWMAN mm glvcn time as to pmmonl Unlortunamy L1 oflIn lho case that when conditions are relatlvely quiet 1n policy ma some significance Canada careful My wuh varlnm honorable exreptlonILI nallcn able chiefly by its absence When the crisis occurs the gavelmaul then hiked In sum up he nhole nluallon In few linen and to Allow the milk It ha In its hand or he next round of play We donl mmd being nskd 9nd will give lhn best answer wu can 1n any case inn Ihe crisis lochnlque no dey la be he bul one In he Lon run or lnlomnnx lhg pub PRESS CAN FORM wuld like to me much vddcr riscusflolu min Mn lhmlmc would km to no mere Miter In our new papm Hg lnlo the ram ol out My 1n Iha oddhey Ire abundantly ambu wr Ihe askingin order to make their own judgments wwld mnbr have wr p0H cits rnllclztd by film urosl Canada who had camlruclml lozical cm nfllr artful Md lhe ads and cl lhe Mam Udls the government Ihnn mmpiimcmm by perms who derived um lmpreuhm ol world Allalu onlf rom quick 11de ol Inn ym wru leu bisonhm by Individual Mm Wle knwIrdne Can dbnn vimpoinla or afilvfllol ll mm to lhnl MM have Milton could not nmwr mire npnmxmmtly in any olho column 11 happen be nl um Mr Pnlrlck Nicbohun mulm 1mm nllnm douly And 1ch knowindy TORONTO vm wldely teportcd ll tha llmo here wn canslnmbla Idvem reaction to the federal overnmcnll proposed median prognm ex pmnd II In mm premlarl conlerenca hm All premler pmenl Imp Sukuchewanl nus Thatcher hnd name crmdam of the poulg QUEENS PARK Underlying much the trill clsm here named In he re nnlmml resentment can he provlncu had not been comullnd berm Iha program was finalized fhln demand or mm mm xullntlon hm been mwlnz IMO nylprAlqrcpnlnL at the umu you an hav Ioma Iympnlhy with It PREEBNT PROPOSAL The ndlllunnl approach 0mm In ledeulpmvlnchl ne xollnllnn hu been to pmenl prnposnll drawn up by ledernl nmclnll 1nd worked an In dz Inll on lakell or luvsll basls Alida mm hi ivlnl lhu lmprmlnn or had mlnnen In mme mnllcrlnuch an new ll tnl nrrangamenu rlor axplar Ilory mm ullh provlncel could avnrl later wrangllnl Hut lhcn wllh olher queulom he only My hm an ever In nnnllly would mm It be lat Olllwn Io rmnl firm propu Ill uhlth on my or my not be Allmd And lhll mm lo Ipply lo mrdlcnre the In pmvlnm um hrnum In on lhu drum or Elan ou couldnt Anymnl ul nag There In 1d dulmnm For God no loud the warm lhl he MI only human Mn lhll Innon bell In hlm Ihmlld nM pemh but lunnfrlnl In GoapLn mm film mm plum do yau MW My AMMan kl JrgAII My Maui um um um ya Ilmil din yerMn BIBLE THOUGHT Medicare Proposals Irk The Provinces 0111 Barrtt Exumtnrr LETTERHEADS lNVOICES ENVELOPES CPRIZE LISTS PROGRAMS BILLHEADS POSIERS TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES OHAND BILLS WEDDING STATIONERY lb BAYFIELD ST By DON OHEARN BLACK AND WHIIE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINHNG OFFICE STATIONERY opinion belmen provinces mm the country an tho form medical Insurance Ihnuld take Th mm from Manllobtl pmlllon which emnllnlly quay Ham the wisdom modh care to Snknlchewl oul publlc wingamp Riyadh Impossible work out In ncceplable comp my proplm hy Agrumznt die would hive la ha lluc which Oluwa um That II to firuenl prognm Ind lay ll Li least some provlncu will lctepl lhls or lean madm tlllom 01 It whlcll pramth wlll evenlullly mull VThnnrhlher pniihlcu un ha exptclcd later in Ilong Illp Inu lurlhcr madlch Dfll act when you consldzr lho lrauhh that would arise with other Ipprunhex It appun Ihnt In many probany most men lhl he on prlcucalv wny In which ladenprovincial main can be hlndled Impolilu though may be BESTSELLER TOKYO IAPY Thu Chlnm Cnmmunlsl plrly hu ordered 55000000 an2 or ulecled mm of Mun Ticlung dlll mud to the Chlnue grep lhrlr uupan In in hose Early memb are in ma caplu mad HERVE FA TOKYO maulmb old Ind nrelzn mh mu lrll 300000 lo Inn 32050000 lurlnl July gunk leln Announced Man EXPERT DIES WASHINGTON lMr D1 Inul Linrhlmr In lornullnnnlly known expert on Fur 12 em Illnlu Ind plyrhw Inuunl unrtnrr Ned Sunniy at an Ipvarrnl hrnrl Illlck In nullimnu Llnrhnmcr pm mar or Minn pnllllrl ll IM Irhml at Illmnrrd lnlermllonnl mun he lnhnl Ilnpklnl Unhrrlily In nxhlnlnn WORLD BRIEFS OGUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS DRAW TICKETS BROCHURES 7266537

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