Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1966, p. 2

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WINNIPEG CPIFerd raln prices were unthangcd and all pthcr commodnlc lower in light ppenlng nude on he lnnlpcg pram Exthangc today Flnxnpened lownr 0d mm rnpvsml lower Nnv nah ML unchangrd Dd UK En la 13¢ lowtn bcl mu Th senior cam playnd John Ion Park for second place Ft qay al Quccns Park They won Rpoakln ul Mr runn wt ymrulzy ML vllwg nl Trawl ml AIIWMMI Ianu NM WI mmivu 1Iu Ilvnl uh ll mm NM NM In lh km 114 rm M014 film nf III 90 mm lnvplnmt lunnmmfly Inmu awl III mm will rumu 11 Hlinfl Mn um 0n urs ay reports Pat May the Shch Sharks played the Queens Rings for lap honors In the west The junior mm were vitlnrs In Ahalune cl In Friday lhc Sharks ventured Qucrns Park play the final me against the up team from c351 Vcllinglnn Park Shgnr merged winner by the my my 05 iu Coarinmn Park Morena yum upon the vflnmng 01 ha m1 r4 Irnwln rnrlrh ml lnwma mm hmfly hm hm In1lfl=fll hr lny 51qu In MANIII M1 In Ramner Mvmfl It1L Shcnr Park captured the Sun Inr Girls Smbnll mamplonshjm andme Junior Boys Champion ship while the Senior Boys p130cd sccgnd Travel By Film Kiwanians Told iixfll hawqcks evcnls Another seven days at salv IfyMaa reamed by recreation lendcrs n2 Banio Parks over the last week The Barrie floutanon Com mince program winds up or another season Friday Award 55 he held at Youngsters Keep Busy At Parks In Barrie About this from he Hap py Valley Camp at Utopia caused quite commotion In WILLARD KINZIE mml wanlanl llcfl Ihnnkl Ill mt at tho Krmvmlrk KI 5mm nl Drum Ind FARM PRICES la Incomu in 110 GIRLS GIVE IMPBOMPTU DANCE 0N BAYFIELD STREET Mr KIM MM lu uan Pp IIanr IMI Hu pawn MM Kpr In lhl Ira ml Mwnlum Sm Hum flui hfilldl wm ml Iva nr MI thfluu Mr 1mm lmuml um lhnl mud gumIo we limllfil In llwf noun lrmrl Ivy muy MnlllHrlmw wm IN Hh lrl ha InhL It pm MF In Immn IIYIH luv am irnmm Ilmlr Vvllaul KIM hulvlrnl Nu um mu unu In Imikl rlln mmivrp mp ml rniu wwy hr the pmjmu llvlnlvrrfI Ivy IL variety day highlighted lho weeks trunk 11 Queens Park reports Peg ChumhiIL The chil dun dressed up as may plou ad and pmy was hcl In the craft Medan mhna were made Irom pine cones pipe clcnnm and pinsliccnm unidmax was the mm at Grovo Park last work ac cording to Camy Clark Children made lreo lccorztinns and San ln Clauses from cardbnard lndcrs and pipe cleaners Vase and army container wrm creat cd by painting asbestos covmd bolllcs Girls at Oakley Park went on hroaldm lliko at Me Lake lhxrsday moran reports Lynn Murray Cram at lhe park con Senior Boys Softball ChanAmon ship Under conch Joan Mnlchlm ock Icam manhch Included Wayne Tascana Casey Rum Joey Tasoana Gary Morgan Stava Kelman David and Gerry Ramrafl Leo McBride Jim Mul chinock Bob Bylcs Lannie Mel sun and Brook Murray The senior girl were defeated in volleyball game against Grove Park Thursday pct day was huld Friday whirh natured everything from dog in mg and runaway cam YoungsAors nl Slrabano Park made lull men and women out pipe cleaners and conslmc Han paper on Wednesday lhum day lhcy made boak marh out or clmhcs pegs paper due and crayons Friday the youngsters Invcnltd their own slorlu £11m fraling mm in fourpage mméi downtown Barrie tslcrday af terntfon filo poxgym nlssf 337dinde Vbunny hop ml Nfllfllwlnfl ml mm mm 1bimlm mo muw dmwum mu Mr non WU on MnntLy do th mm mm 9mmch Von Ichohrshlm womd be lakcn Mu Duh laid the didnt blame um univmny or withdrawal bul blame lho gnvcmmcni or belng so mm In bringing the Inlormatlan to he nutIon the unlvzrslt The unlmflly has been usinl momy provldm by he pmvtw rln Memmmt or WIUHK com to finance lha schoinnhlp program The unlvenny wu fengypqld ghacmll It conunth Barrie resldenl Mrs Jam Duku has called the withdraw al Imalnrship by Walerloa University an injustice to the student who have worked In hard to mm lhnm mm in nvanih FIi You and Your Wealth Mair Park Wednesday chil dren built miniature lown com plm with saloon stable drug store hold general store and Plans are being made or sleepout Monday An Indlan Day will highkfl mivilics at him Park thin week reporu Dale Bobeue 1M park also holding Wiener roast to be sum at Midth Park slsted weaving Labia mat and making hot pialu out ol popslde sticks Friday was backygagdi da Calls Scholarship Withdrawal An Injustice To Students dawn the street Wu In order 5am dark wok fin to hMmisu couldnt believe helr vim the dance eyes while pedutrinns and III In ml min Ivy Mn Wm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVENOURSELF CAM AND TRUCKS WIII no lnlluml TI Yul llama by an CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 Durlu HI nul mm yam indonul lnlllunlon wen hmled In yIXI Ind lhm wu Illrmhhlnl nrnund lhl Jun ll hordm Mlllyflll flor nro lmllnrlu fiabnh Ind nuk IndnnoIA huntth Ina um lmnllllon whrn ManyIn wu lnrmzd In 1m and Sukarno chimed Ill neocolnnlllhl llnlclurn mnnlpulnlm by lhl nrllhh rimmoN ORDERS nmun un In 30000 Imp In Ilrlp Mllml mm dub Imp Thu mnhnnullnn nu wlan ally williul Ind Knnnmll mum II was many polity bofll Inr Indnnuln In Inrm econnmlc dmnu ml lar Ml lAyAII mu bclwecn MIIIk Ind Tun flunk In nmzkok In May led lh way or he lenlnu nl lho puca agreement and tho end 01 lndonuln onlranlauvn undecllred wllh MAIy Ill riu lenllnn ml on In he mlhlnl at In Illnmvlwl Tommunlll mm In Jnhrln 1m dnlwn nml Iv Ilmlrnl domamlw Ilnm uhk lhn my xllnl nul lvrui up fiuhmr hnmlul um pmullu umn In Kuhnlln Report Malaysia To Sign Agreement With Indonesia Deputy Premier hm Abdul flunk Millyll nhzduled lo nrrlva In Jakarln Thuudny momlnn or he Ilnnlnx ma linemen and lnlh wllh Prue Idem Suhmn and um Indzr Gen sunno Malik uld JAKARTA neuten MI laynla and Indonesll ulIl xlgn pun Imement hero Thurr dny Fenlm Mlnhler Adlm Mlllk Announced Indly Mon Ahmad havn been lak by the government oarller In In your or lull In mxt year she said Some mdnnu who had been munUng an the ML arshlpx lo pay their luldon will find tibia lo no on In wllcge um ran yr of hard work will IIIVQ been wand Vilh Wh Allislon and Essa council having lakm ha and um they mum Willie move for mother mean be twch than as proposed an Sims 1421me Consulullva Com miuu ha been zlven Ihe task of manning to settle dilfcr encu aver union Idwol matter out ha operating com or Consultative Committee To Hear Alliston Application CITY NEWS EXAMINER TUESDAY AUGUST ml much puny luu lnuml lhv body of kenum xlll 1m palm ll Wlu rnxwl nml Hmknl lo drnlh nnrr her in MI mm pnnlnm hml lvecn lhn Ind Figure 1M uu comm livn costs on pm pupil ham have been dlspxucd by Run whim hzu argued Ibo compan um should be maria on Imu mcnt guru and mu conund tn the number of Mali vary TIM Illwry Mnnvlly nluhl rnvlrd warm 1anth nl vly Sllntlly Mhrn er lulu upmth Hm Irunk an abnndmml an and luunvl HII Imlld erIlrd Ixullu hm INn Imyl AMI nmmunm umy Ilmnl man anu In main warn will Mumh hm mark hudwuy 11m WMUVO cmmnillea hu nutharily under nrw pmvm dal lexlslnllnn lo dimolvo union Idml Milan that in 01min In urban munidpnfily extort city or ItplrMo mm mover numlnn ol Sec llnn 11 Pnlmlc Sduml Alt mda me upon and ammcndnllolu lho Consul nUve Commillu no not bind In upon he Mlnlmr the cm Iy round or any the puU ochool Mani hmnx juridic lkm Hm cmmlyi No other townships who had anly law pupfls attending the Allistvn Union Selma Tossar ondo Ind Tecumseh were nld be willing to consent to wiLh drcw lhcir pupils Search Party Finds Body Of Teenage The area from mast ol the Essa puvil attend Ike vidnily ammd Altman Amman mnlendcd It has been paying more than in shall cl Ule con More accommudm don will be medal shurUy It was mated Em hu mauled Alli on nnnexu Ihe main ma con earned it might am to ply cnnpermpilbmistor the remainder Reeva Davis Enid his MM my Iqwlye The commiuee handed by Reeve Albert Calvert ol Port MoNicoH held III narlier ses aim at whim Alliston va cannn for dissolution was dis cmed It was pmposnd Mitten and Essa council Md Kc together to try and 11nd solu llon slnoa wan underslmd Es opposed the application bout pufxm Mud 0053 SIM St between vanto and High streets While Ulrough traffic confirms be direded by way of Tommo St to Dunlap local traffic Wu Ible to proceed close in Him High St incl blocked by flier wastrlnlon part of an overall program city skeet Irmgrovenmrl Tullnc on the new lakefront road around part Kamenlelt Bny he been alrly busy construction proceedL Many vLIilms have commanded EM picturesque drive Maid provid shorter rm mm Bay lleld Allandnle nation meeting scheduled for Wednesday Good progress being made 13 mag mummy work my lIHN lnnlafll township palm havu released tha mm nine yearnld boy who drowned Sum dial atlftray The victim in Terry Stevens son or Mr and Mn Ray Slav en ol rm pradfmjdu Hardrawneanfier xtraylng be yond his depth while lemmlnx agaupubllc zench an boy pnd his two brothers were tempting to wade out In boat In which lhelr lithe wu riding when the nccldcnl occurred The body was laund In about thus eat mm Pollca said this wfll bu no biggest Work Progresses 0n Sixncoe Street mm worgruroxI AP JOHNSON flVlS Bradford Boy Drowning Victim oAhllno nmL Slonmuhlp Nrulso and Tmlrn Ollmk nuw for Thrlulmnl TRAVEL SERVICE 7256525 III Dunlap HINT Ali EMIRAVEL SERVICE Ihfl Ilnnln nlllrtl Mil leh Hnllnu urrrlnry In IIHKNI 1n mlncumrnllng Imp rnnll Thn lhrm field umlm Hugh Juhmlun rillln Gunlnn Tm ler Vnuhnmhrna and llnlnml lmhmn mm lmul lwrn hm wilh Imullgnflum In qulrnl uhm nypllrnl In nm mmlr Thu follmuumxl um numl 1mm Hanle Mr Mason mlxl he lixurc ha mlcd allgmly nlnm mo rnunly look nrrr lhu lulmlnlslmllon on May but tncrally hm remain Inlrly rlnsu lo Ihls lnrrl Flzum wrlr nnl lmmmlinlrly nvnllnhln ur mum inln lhu vnrimu 31 muniriuumlu hut tiplcnll Mm located In vnrlnul purl of lhn rnunly Funtrnl service will be hdd Friday In annnlu or Hrum Lam um mm the Sim eon Counly Wellnru ofllco show 71 nmillrs mclvlng mlunnru ll rn lcnrntd mm Gordan Manon tnunly ndminislrntor Eslnlc planning is team effort rth ll team made up of lawyer accounlanl Irusl nlliccr and an cslule planner The captain of Ihn team is lhc cslnla planner who hopefully understand the our phase lhe work Acmrdlng lo lllr Birkzrslnll there are three steps used by Ina lcnm annlysll of lho inan clal rcsnurce cl lhc person dcvlsinz plan sullahlo to tho nerd and rcsourrcs lhls per son and hls lamlly and the lm plcmcnllng nl the final plan an rived Mr Blckmlufl said that It took lot of planning and work just to accumulate an cslnlo but that the plnnnlng didnt end lhcrc One must alsn allow for the possibility of death below rclirnmnnl he sald nnd Ior thv chancu that you wlll live your full lhrcescoro and 10 yam Once you have accumulated an estate no matter what size you shauld have lLs final dis lrlbullon planned by professiun nls to make sure that lhnso who yoga want In benefit ill ha Sill Thorn no wfll drnwn by lore 1959 that is not outdated by new legislation Taxonto estate planner told the Kiwanis Club 91 game last nlg ll maker pres en of his own firm of life Insurers and estate planners said that will should be reviewed every lwn ears so that changes In legiy nunn could be incorporated into TEAM EFFORT Report Over 400 Get Welfare Aid ExBarrie Resident Ryan Dies Suddenly In Toronto Outlines Impartance Of Estate Planning BRANEES 3mmc WHITE guaEAR 23 41 LB U5I SUNKIST Nu Ila LEAN 5L CHOKE BUEHLERS Wednesday July Ha pleaded am the Burl Kiwanu Hub Knllhu ol Cd mnbm Lima nwflnu Anod Unn nnd Mlndl Palm Dod ngm Msodnlhm at urloua limes firmu ya mxmn mmlm Gmnl llnmlul Per inwynr and number at ariiamcnl for Spadlu Jack nlm lawyer And dnuxhlerl lnil 1M Wmllm flennell md lull 1M It Hum huh Scar bow Mr And Mu flyln nlrbrlb Mr mm mum muler wry 1n Ddolxr Mr llynn dm dird It Tar Imlo Eml ienrml Ilmlrflnl ll mum mo OConnor Funerhl mm anlorih AVIrm In Tnmnm nm lunrml mu he mm mm mvko My Crnu Humh Dnnlamll AVlnllh llurinl wux be It llnly Crou Crnmrry Ryan lormer resident cl Harrie who did hll mrnlnl his 7961 year Mr Ryan wan Innis dillfld manager with me Mumpolllm Hlo lnmranta Company for In ylals and 1dva In oornnunfly Affair hmx No Mxrvlmi by will laanllhclrlivad1fldnn Dr Commenting on nnalher way in which liquidin may be Ichio vcd he said Buynil Igne mcnls ara Mimi niier lha death one partner ihh lype oi agreement provides that al lcr inc death cl partner lhe survivor will buy out the de ccascds pm at tile busincs and pay In money to the uiala oi lhc dcmsodi Theie are also Administra live problems he said which may arent taken care of bo fom death can become quite in volved and lengthy ll um time when gavnrnmcnl screaming for the payment of dealh dulles Examples of these are woni moum flannelshin and larcigr Invesmcng Anolhcr Mn In ulale plannlnl brnuxhl ml by Mn Blckemnfl Annlhcr problem lhe term lnallnn of income In ha wile and dependents This might bu overcame again by an ndeqnm Insurnnce policy by mm funds which become penth on the death of the husband OTHER PROBLEMS TM group expert pllnnzn necessary especmly to sizable estate henuse Every lhlng lhnt happens to person Iinandally during hlx HI lub jcct to scruuny by tho taxgnu ercrs after his death There are problems In devis lng an estate plan Then must be enough liquidity in the ate to pay the estate taxz and successlon duties This might be in the form or preyald luxur nnce on the We the person who died Above III he laid You cant make change in your estate mu you an zone Iho Ilmelo do your planning nnw nxrmscm amu gm 510000 can bu given In your wile In lha form of part of the veins ho lamfly home This onceinnlileume gm he add ed The government cnnt 1m pose gm tnx ar succession dull on It no land The iast doflmcn to he dravm up in an eslsla plan should be the will because it allow Una was to b9 1th led and thus the she the bequest can be determined out of tha known asset of tha ll ha nid our wile should also have wll In the event that she dies first he sald Along these lines he said that will should provide or the can of ynur loved one In thu event mutual disaster the death both husband Ind wile tn an accident at the lime nu makes sure that the one who you dvunt to lnhtrll yourmauey vrill no wu till II but to have your wife own ynur Insurance policy ynur lnmlly protection lnsuranca hecausa an your deam It unt be cued part your estate mwy mwl lnr Uwr NI plm Mu Iulvllu Illlnl Hm Inimlfl imam mm ml who IM r4 mm Mr ItMfll land It HUI kllimu pwm Hm India Ir hlul have 11m main II VIf ha hawy Ne 11m wnnl ml lulny Fum 14 IM hul Muldwn am um EVERY LITTLE KITTEN LIKES to HAVEA HOMEI Anvl lhmmlmt Uw ymu nndmk ll ml ui Ilhp lgnu IMMMI All Ammm run VAAT IINJ WANT AD FEIIV Burl Exlmlnor Unlvoml Rug Co of Burl 11 on cl rm linudloom DIAL 7282414 Phone 7261311 For ludlnl Quillly um All workmlmhlp Inulna Tru Enllmflu COLLIER

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