Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Aug 1966, p. 11

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4ARTICLE5 FOR SALE ALLANDALE SNACK BAR Corner of urten and Essa oad Our Specialty Dutch Croqueties and Beefburgers TAKEOUT ORDERS Prop paras museum TELEPHONE 7284874 Seioi COLONIAL TABLES END ICOFFEE OCTAGONAI TIIcFADDEN FURNITURE In APPLIANCE71849283 Highway 27 North Arboriie finish$35 each use on furnaces hot water or hot air installed as low sins nel mimth telephone mam nan cursrsnrlccn Apartment Ilse mean two velour very good condition $3500 Telephone 361230 Tum rah nil or rent Used tent vutous sites tinm Tent and Awning Co Ltd at Burton Street Telephone 7266431 MENS suns cleaned pt as penu shirts sow snrln all coats sine Drum rise onui clu nen ANTIQUE mine cupboard retin Ishsd upper Canlda sure one 33 bullet with hutch both in exceilcnt condition telephon unseat umomson Gum rs cubic root modern son Kennae eixmo mm an inch mo numerous oth er articiu cheap Must sell Mov In to mailer house mam ADV ClIH IIII HEW mint high chair also lump chair mired leiy mushin sii ttuns ilkI new relophnno mom 10er lol nle Putinin im use In good nvfldng aider tea omhic mephon ass1m site you nmsiirlNa lounge tail and tab TI and norm table Sil let lnblo sf IsfltPl $5 each chrome mentors not and chain 310 An item like Sew 7a min st mom itf pm smash Used Sewing Inschinu elects pomth at as util AI In levlrai other Rood rn chime may reconditioned and gu intend gpirger or hentn Taicphone 72a rrroxn IIAnnli Trnt Ind Awninl Ior rm uphutnmns monsoon rm toun cushions nlih every rheslmieid Job Ex rt enrmnen and wide select oi rams Phone Hum srAcs iisArisrts rrlrignrs nuhim muhlnes stoves and ninm or the best selection Ai mnl second item Store Ilsrldl new mu Aieon neneh no $1770 ARTICLES WANTED runxlruns nnlinuu my article suluhlu rnr suction consign ment ni turnay August lilh telephon italic GIRL nicscul wnnlen to buy llirh wheels must be In good rum rililon lui mnnnhty priced rele phone llassrs BOATS MOTORS nuxlunnv illibmt IEIPWUHI OTTO db yoor cmnn min with is no Drinde Motor and rantrn we will all nnmlely tndl lei new mam or mum in non Aisnur DOGS PETS noon nnAnnsn Shaded null pod em itprr mu Dtmrlrll ilrnwy ll ilwxemlnn mum nonLr rurnrs lor in Ill at old tour mnlM twn remin un rr articular ti ho mail nnrrrt pin at DACIIIIIUNII pups thno Vdi lmn lull Nirn ldlt slml mills relenllan Ulilila miter FMERSWTRE FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies to Service Case Now llolllnd niltltl ilrown Ilcatly nlillmtl AVll meals CASH ltAIJE iiIitiilS ne ul rant my in new Airiin sum it ll No mo fitltllili warm two LIVESTOCK FOR SALE uni ll ullie in up wlstit Aiwtl run It lrlrlliwlu noon ill am all minim enter Mind ltml iiwlvmflllirll 1w mu 1mm sssn scan GRAIN nslsli mm in IT on THIN IHMM Itll liv RIIMIIIHITlmll All iIv Tor ru mm WyeInk ills xii inn lllilli mm Morin4i inllu sAuromorivs lm INVntNATItNAI is tltty in mm until relm 01 NT mu in mm noun lli lull hm rmiionl in tr mut im lllivt put limit Mn mun ilttl ulltt HM mini is mounted nn in nu nut in Aril Illy rm sumon at lunch 1mm ltNAl it in qmldlllrm lm ml tin Al mm in III mt llumil nnlnll mu on elm rm tin iii puma mml we rm TRAVEL TRAILERS nrvnu tsiltn and lint truitnn In mu usl Iml up lm Vialm my ilhtllrd sinl limle rel wnn mute sLAUTOMOnvs MOBILE HOMES TRAI LERS SALE nlsNr RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale 20th Century Homes Parts and Service Cash or Term up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 7289866 bedroom Mobile ironi with conveniences can be moved Ind set up Inywhem Apply in Wellington Telephone mum is Genarni lisoolle Home roe rule bedroom iIIliquutpptd Apply Airs hunk stphen our ton Avenue unit in ur teleplmna ranme MOTOR CARS FOR SALE I965 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE tdoor sedan Vs automatic radio one owner car Licence 675193 Piancn Morons LTD iii Essa Road 7255558 Your Volkswagen Dealer We Service What We Sell mo PONTIAC blue cylinder standnm with extaul Excziiem con dition teiuphnm sols ms sTquAKEn conunesvder or sale vn uinmtlc is nuson nhlc oriel mooted Telephone 456 55M Miro rnr runner details isso vAuxIlALL le or sale eytinder also lane Inlcon both in excellent shape telephone use ales nftnr pm use may naLAiu mun eylul arr nunan shits Motor in very good multlon uklnll use tele phone alter pm sinners 1m roNnAc Lsuivntisn Iol Hie door automatic maroon colour in good condition Asking sass Tclcyhno melts utter pm ssss imvov EPIC ior sale only 7on1 miles WW illcs still mister warranty Cuh or take uver rsy menu elephune ivy zmzz issa clizvnoLcT BKLAIRE coach or sale we mm lood Telephone norm or unhel tnlormntion clmvhcuil Super Sports vs automatic All powered Tinted bu plus ulm under coated in out wire wheel nlrils radio eellent conditlon Tuicphone 7m tlai use Form or rule door cyl inner antarluilc new paint yen lair tlrrr Apply and Duniop st Apartment me man hudton tor rate while with blue interior 312 vs mum radio Mhltewllh For iurther Iilior nnnllon leisphone steam or IN an Mntwood itrud Angus isss VALIANT Custom zoo hardtop lt000 miles equipped with mutt rullom radio white is white with blue interior ti Prion 7251254 litrr last vollszAom VAN or sale rminr and unnsmlsslunrnmpirtely omhuuieo me numt otter Apply in lrmtsritt Street were mutt site mo 1952 cuilvscnn mi and white din power stenrtnl eellenl cnnlilllon sum or best ml otter Telephone mum enn pm 1952 FALCON or rule rylinrlrr ulmnsllr in rxcrlltnt inane Trio phone mam Iiirr leL or tunnel neislll 6AUTOMOTIVE MOTORCYCLES use All ns in soon mud on use Telephnn mom me up pm leu iinNnA Super Sport nrw mot or has only 2000 milll ln rvcclicsit martian II srli rm sire vill intro for on lrlfls inllmn nudes PERSONALS AA in you hm arlnxinn problem no want ileln plum my time mum 7mm Two MusltlANs wntra tn Innn rmup unphuil nit cnnnlr ml ioik minis Tnlrnhon 12mm ni trr run nlxm ror mot In tlmll Tnmnin Alumt 11 Mom mam tnr runner in limitation to HELP WANTED MALE HELP INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK intill lxpanlilng lflniiltillrilirtr requires person with balk ground in iurrutory rolllrol day week llsllul INiitIlil tnlu may palll Kfllillil pllin in itiitll lion in tlliuin ilnsiuu iilrl Aitlytn lie with tlinnlin llll llnrrtr MECHANICS WANTED tor lONIIACIililtlt IlilltiliiiiSliil illnrlinl salary um per ilr plun lulnpnny inllitipntinn in irnsiun 11 hour iittiiltltl Itiili Illn innuun lint iivuimn iith Nttlipilll ilwu thuitatl Mrrvl wrlcy lIl IDCIIIIAIII hilllOil SALT ICtiililigivtmlI hill illurmtnriti iii nillnuulwi YOUNG MAN ill 25 Full tllnn wullun IVIIILIMF lNIWr lluw or large lnllalilali publishing Nu rllwllrlilo no lrsuain libnini salary in start IIvmfl HAITI Airllr IUIIMV inmmn ll pup l1 MI no In ln mummy ll ll mm Mule in nippli Mle awn the little IIINl IOli lTil Ilitlili AND Tililiml Wairll Ziasstiicll Allr ilir irrrilic Iliiiiilllit and hill pliante bargains lo HELP WANTED Applications wii August id 1966 the posit Simcea and City oi Barrie QUAIJFIOATIONS lance preferably oi senior cesslullappiicant will work evenings and weekends resume oi preltous pas lance and salary expected plication ago excellent physical condition This is responsible and divorsliied position The suc MALE HELP DEPUTY COORDINATOR Emergency Measures Organization roceived by the undersigned until on oi Deputy Coordinator tor the Emergency Measures Organization oi the County oi Experience In planning and organization insuring and teaching administrative experience an asset police exper rank between 1560 years under diredion oi the co ordinatnr In cooperation with all city county and mun icipal departments and services emphasis being on the Auxiliary Police Service under the supervision oi the county police coordinator Must be willing to walk overtime some itions heid education critterl SI be included Willi It tP nov ATKINSON Cooidinatnr SILICOEBARRIE EMERGENCY MEASURES Canadas fastest growing staff please write in detail to MR WILSON SALLSMAN wmten Inr expanding mail lnen wur live any wees ruil employee Mneiltn salary saw to monthly LII spoilsLions confidential martial rtunlnms snAynsirans m1 ripe Filters tor the MA View projttt Midland Ontario ule oi pay $110 plr hour nlu to un tion my Apply It Job nits Cm adian lee Machine co Ltd Tel nliono rasazwsra Two vouNn him between is and 25 who would like to earn exlu money in spun lime by Mimi ILraltht the new Alunir or stereo nnilr Must have own Telepanne mom FEMALE HELP NEED EXTRA MONEY $50 $100 and more can easily he earned showing iuxurleus Christmas cards giits and toys to friends and neighbours No uipcriouco necessary Our beau titul catalogue illustrates over 00 items In lLIillIlIIII making It easy to mt plcnty oi orders rite today for ClifhlmflS cards an approval and tree catalogue Monarch Carri Hop 217 cannnn iinmilto AVON NEED Iminuiialciy ladies in tile lNNiSIIL arm with ambition to earn nwncy Good income pantlme iriic Mrs Walker Box 403 ilnrric or Call 7206551 IZXrllltiIIleililuiuildie null iuli llItI mt Ume shy nuts III blitrilLl Apply to il am Mu miuer leis1 Lid iiAIit sriLisT spnrrntlu muII be well lNWmNI Ill use to iurn Apply in pawn to John lmies ilalr Stylint an staple Avenue ilunte lvn Ann mains to nlnlin Ialrrizliy in week at wat flanan us in inleevlew on an rum ill in my 10 in huhflpflirwc prirlrm shill wmil prrrluilmt pndllnn tirliltinrrl lllrvpilrli Telephone 723 mu heiwm pm TurinTr lill ln Vlmln or IiiNVimll fltlllll II WITH KIIIIIIF IPllthMI elepiwuw TrilliNiI or null urnr nirnArlili nllil nlnnn enmiem tnmrowt lnr iuunl one run umly Ari ltlnlllnn viinm 11ml lrulilull TIi LTIENI mus Iljlllnsl In hell when rllnuunY brr lit iilfll walrl irirpntnio HA4 intently unam Antl Mr lVIIllI gm um tiamp hul llun Itrul no milinr nnl nl manna IIAHII U14 lire MANITIIIIH tor imul nl tung Amt immn sl nul erM Irsimd in ll mitimi Apply to in ms nu rilllint nr leium mu IIIIII wrunmnlil mil mi in immor eelum lltllllvl rm nornu Ivlwlllu Mrva in li nun Alliltlll ITrsIliil Ittll mun 1ulul itll lhlunuvlv klllllIV ANII IAr Illntotl hairs IlltillVl MY Illa Uttlwln IINIIIiIrit IiiIII lull HM lmllitl lnvymlll NMH II Iliill ilII tim llvln mewn nmu in mlnlll ills VIIIfling ll Ilium mm rliI wciir iiiwunn and sit inn umluau uAIln Aiit In inn mu to mam lvv iim An in nut ll Mnltllv rum nmmmi septaqu ll ll in llnmnlnnrl AtIlv on it mllwl Mull up Int wl rumrm EMPLOYMENT WANTED HAN nut revvb in ilvilnrnr hm at vsrtvhmn mil wrlli storm llhtlll IVIIAIIIV Lam will In maml in know an lil Iflrnvl was It lANllVlt Aw emnlie firm um ml nmllln rhino lh nan mm rumm ORGANIZATION COUNTY BUILDING BARRIE ACCOUNTANT THE BAltltlE EXAMINERhas an opening for man with initiative and ability We require an accountantoffice manager who is looking for an opportunity to advance in one of newspaper organizations The person we are looking for should have some oiiico experience and be capable of handling you are interested in position with future General Manager THE BARBIE EXAMINER i2 TENDERS OWEN SOUND ONTARIO Tenders for VIIIYWCA Building Owen Seund Ontario Sealed tender on is stipulated sum basis plainly marked Thar ders tor now YMYWCA Building for Owen Sound Onl ario and addressed to the Board oi Gnvemers YitlYWCA Olvm Sound Ontario will be re ceived until 00 pm EDSl MONDAY AUGUST 29 1066 at the lattice oi Salter and Ali ison Architects 20 Ciapperton street Barrie Ontario or by Mr Fred Gambit Executive Secretary co YMCA Owen Sound Ontario Plans and specifications will be available to General Contractors on and alter 300 pm Monday August it low at tho oiticcs oi the Architects on deposit of certified cheque made payable to Salter and Allison Architects In the amount at FIFTY DOLLARS mini Plans and specifications will be on display at Owen Sound illiiid era Exchange Barrio lluiidcrs Exchange Hamilton Builders 2xdulnge KiidienerWntedoo builders Exchange lmidnn iluii ders Exchange and the Toronto Construction Association Tension on mechanical and ti rctrical subcontracts will be de posilcd at tho Torrie Bid Dora sitory until 100 pm EDSl ihmsday August 25 1906 Bid Bond drawn in invour the board et Governors YM YWCA me Foluld Ontario In the amount at £7000tt00 is rmuirumtnt at this lab lowest or any tortdtr mt ricc ussarily ncccptni SAllliIli mid ALLISON Archilcvi 19 Cinppcrtnn Street IlAlIIIil Ontario iiiAUCTION SALES AUCTION SALT oi Ittrniturr ilmKIIOIlI rilcdx rilins ware lilsiws lamps tin thllcs space heaters ilir CECIL KIDD in he hold at llltNllY HARDWARE PLAZA illii mu til innisili Township miles st oi Highway ii rm HATUIII AUG dull the toilmsing HAT Allii 20 hi pin About Shin minim pt Irilliit electric Illntu MAO liinilr wnxlirr rile tiryrr drew on itlltiltll ads rindlamb INVI lamps trustr imtl floor lamps Itilll rnivinci hlillltinl Iml Irrllss boll Frliilll limrl fun ilirliaro like new antique iiltllr churn rritu Quebec hut rr pinliliril llnpalnlol lllrultlire liiirrurs litrwl trunks sellrill srl nl ltinbn spnrn lie rs 2m uni nll we at table uvnni Antique llenu including brill rlt Nu insane the stalls iiilisl in rlenrrll Tflllll lasil All this II iaign ruin it will he held Hat And Li with All plianm irurlrnnllwt VICIINIIN AVIIIS Allltwrwr ittnwill tJMen AUtfllON HALF Saturday August 27 nt pm Hiairn IIIIIA iiAll JM Illlillll int ilairln llllimnl minimum ml itlltisrlwill llnnllnrn Imithlilig null Tmnl null No we lw lulliw menunil miiloli Itniwlt lerr mum iizillu lflilltlllllN Allltimwr VACANT APARTMENT Right now up hut many All looking lnr apartments in tent ImU tiny fall imn satiriiui nlivriiiurl rs Ing Ianttl my all In npnil mil II lrtilNI Wily tllll rllv lYtthlll WANT Alts iiIUIII 791 it Ham INUNIT mill THE HARRIE EXAMINERll TUESDAY AUGUST 19 Term Walkout As Illegal iii Texas Gull TihlitIINS ICP About l25 Irun workers walked eii their jobs Monday at the Texas Gull Sulphur Co Ltd Iloyla con eentrator construction site 11 miles east oi here The walkout which has been termed an illegal strike by management begnn Monday morning when 50 workers cm pioyecs oi Ralph Parsons Co Did and mumbmcoi the International Association at Bridge Structural and Orna mental ironlvorkers lCLCi e0m pisined about work routines At the end at the working dAy the number oi strikers had grown to about 115 The walkout Is the 23rd work stoppage at the Texas Gull cone caniratnr site since the com pany began its project about in months ago An unknown number ol iron workers employed at the come panyks mine site are still at wor Rail Union Men Meet 0n Strike MONTREAL CPI Senior railway union leaders were scheduled to meet here early to day to discuss possible joint ac tion in the event at nation wide strika against Canadian railway companies Frank Hall oi the Brother hocd of Railway Steamship Uerlrx and Freight ilnndiers one oi those to attend the meet ing at downan Montreal he let said that ioint statement would probably be issued after the meeting ile declined to comment on the agenda other than to say that joint action has been sought for some time The sumomember nonoper aiing unions are expected tel call nationwide strike early in September Their last contract with the railways expired last year and all broke all negoti ations early last spring BUSINESS BRIEFS FORM NEW COMPANY The Radio Corp oi America and Radio Ttentuls Ltd have inrmod new company to snake liCIt color television tubes in England It was announced Monday in New York Spokes men or both companies said the firm will produce for both Iiriiish and export markets MERGE APPROVED Merger oi Federal Grain Md and Scarlo Grain Cn wt was uppva at gmornl meeting or shareholders Monday at Will nipcg Plans or the merger and changes In capital stock were first announced July 15 lloth companies will continue busl no under their old names and management and stall ul boti iifll will remain unchanged EXCHANGE SIIOTR NICOSIA All Greek null TurkishCypriots exchanged the Monday night near the village oi illlmnitis miles northwest of Nicosia the United Nlilinnr command rcporlcli No InJllrirs were reported but the UN report said 10m sillils Hll Ilmi lur ing it lhrrriilillr pcriml SMOCKED PILLOW Ti Al lllttltlkt Kmart llrlllllvnurk Mill siluwkul print rullklrl wivrlrm rnlin liilnll illiy slimlth ulnaz in rrvrrso lltlfl Illlllll Iailrtn 70H transitr lllmllluil II ilttil rlnitlll II square lmlslrr itlne llw lung 1htllyriu rill lriilnsl ilvr rnlli lmticlu tun stamps plmai in All tillAl law oi tiariil Ilnulinrl Ntlllirlll Iirpl in hunt it tollnth lintnlin resilient ndti MP rrnl Iain in Int plainly lItT HZITN Nllliilill NAME Al lmili IIIANI inlll Iirrvlln rrAlt IAlnlng rims hull trlulynt MIIIHVIV innln twmilrllnli tin slrn Ihiro hr pailrinl nlnl rd in rslallig irlvl unit EITOURISTS GET BONUS IN CALIFORNIA Tourists got bonus display on the day of this big blow out well cleaning oper atlir at The chscrs in Sun oma County Calilernia Five oi these walls will carry 530 000 pounds at steam per hour to the new Generating Unit Pacilic Gris and Electric Companys Geyser Puller Plant This plant in northeast Senorna County is the only electric generating installation In North America using geo thermal steam to power tur bine generators an com mercial basis The scam comes from wells drilled to depths of 500 to 5000 icet IAI Winphoto Weston STORES TR EAFETY FIRESTONE BONDED IININGS AT DOWNTOEARTH PRICES iiiIlIiIilI sail Iiiiiliillltii 10000 MILES EUIIIIIITIID iiiflflfl HILLS filliiiiiiliiii 30Iiiiii HILLS or OTTO year or two years or three years CHEV FORD PONTIAC MOST COMPACTS OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER We do all this work Replace aid lining and shoes on all four wheels With Firestone Factory Engineered Bonded Brake Linings cleannndInspectbrakedlumsiorirucness inspect complete hydraulic system Inspect brake shoe letuln springs tor equal tension inspect grease seals and wheel bearings Adjust brakes on all tour wheels tor tull contact on drums Youre in safe hands with Firestone Brake Experts Lgéflu Call or your Appointment Ca sh Bonus Coupons JACK NICKLAUS GOLF BALLS AllPurpose Burgess BLIN KER LANTERN It nunu it In Intelvrlmi la ll ultnll lm all nvtnmuttt Mill utter siititwtinew Inu DCItllmkllgkt Mn 7266585

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