Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1966, p. 4

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Motorists in Ontario have again en countered arm tractor blockade In dalrymens protest on amllk subsidy payment The producersproclalm that they are net getting the $4 per hundred price promised by Ottawa yet both 0t tawa and Queens Park interested par ties in the debate already are well aware of their complaint The Examiner opposes use of illegal force In any form by any group to achieve its aim Whether or not the tractor slowdown Ls illegal must be for the Ontaijo attorneygenerals office and the courts to decide In any event the tractor group is adding real hazard to crowded highways by their action They gain scant suppm by thisrepelitlon Barrie Examiner Aug 1931 Town council heard three more pelltions for street paving on local improvement basis Worsley from Owen to Mulcaster Owen mm SoglllatoWegixggtpn $5113 from WAIII Publisher Originally the protest was aimed at Ontarios Agriculture Minister Stewart for permitting deduction by milk 13m cessors to cut into the $4 figure ow ever both this minister and Quebecs 55 YEARS AGO IN TOWN lrom So hia to Wellington Small from Park to liubeth This is evidence pav ing done on Small St from Ross to Park has proved success Small St isnow Parkside Drive and Elizabeth St is Dun lop West liffin St petition presented by Pugh had lnsuflictent names of house owner Paving as done by local men under town foreman Ed Shuter was cement Wiles elected to ill vacancy as alderman for Ward caused by death of Craven Copaco is only lant in Canada using modern hog gra ing method which eliminates all guesswork Grading on rail has long been dream oi abattoir men in Canada By keeping identity of hog until cut farmer is enabled to trace breeding feed ing and disease it any This should go far to raising quality of hogs bred in Sim coc County statement issued by com pany directors Town council gave NO BALLOT BOXES Ottawa Citizen The war cannot be won solely on the battlefield At least equally important it must be won in the hearts of the South Vietnamese people Demonstration are among the tow method open to the South Vietnamese to express dimtlstae llon with Satgona policies There is no access to the ballot box and Premler Ky like his redecossors has no con ptltuency to an he need feel answer able through electlona The result has been political chaos with the public in rtstlng upon greater freedom and great 355 nguuuné $53525 FEfiiRfiEfi There Must Be Resistance To Pressures Fer Subsidies 5h mam JEXmfiinzr wk Mnlmou 0141 Hum Mn hy ru mnl 0m um OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Nawspapura Limited 16 Bade Strut Barrle Ontario COMMANDO HIT BY GRENADE DOWN MEMORY LANE McPhersoh Managing Editor snunnn AUGUSI 1m PAGEI no new 0M Chairrim mm 1m QM an II VI mr 0H flu mum vml min Mir mm mm m1 rumw mm mm mm mm mm an pm nodal amm 1on counterpart tossed the ball to the federal agriculture minister the place where the cure could be effected that might mollify the farmer II the dairymens case is just It should be considered Yet can the country be put 1n the miuon where pressure by groups of dent producers can lorce government to boost its subsidies particularly If it is just to avoid such nuisance tactics as highway slowdowns Consumers are happy Canadas food is cheaper than in many countries and the government can gain groducer sup rt by boasting how it is olstering the arm cotter by public subsidy payments In fact it may be time or Ottawa to reconsider its food subsidies There has been suspicion that subsidies and mar keting boards have been used as meas are of promoting cheap food Entity and to enhance the prestige of gov ernmeni $100 to Cliii Carley Fund for purchase of ltesaving boat St Marys Sunday School picnic at St Vincent Park was en joyable outing Joe Hipidn was chair man Mahlon Beach from Eastern Ontario took over Fisher Flour Mill on Maple Avenue will specialize in stock feed Stan Partridge of flame is tra velling as qualified RCAF mechanic with CrossCanada Air Pageant Barries great new moving picture theatre the Roxy will open next week owned and operated by Sun family ln town softball legaue Roy Blondy Wiles was leading hitter followed by Joe Saso Art McKenzie and Bill Dyment Irene Storey 1930 Canadian junior lometre champion ran third at Varsity Stadium intermediate class Ontario ladies track and lield meet Barrie and Penetang will play of for championship of North Simeoe Baseball League Gerald Daley of Barrie in St Michaels Hospital with broken jaw as result of boxing in Mid land against heavyweight Stan Duke Two other Barrie fighters Lorne Fergu ionkand Archie Thompson won their on er civilian participation in govarnment Ind with the administration resisting Buffalo Evening News On top of medicare and medicaid comes now proposal in Albany or rentcaro or the elderly and ro posal in Washington for mandatory ree schooling for our and liveyeamlds What price Great Socioty we wonder Especially for all those in the taxpaying but generally nonbenelilting middle year and middle brackets Wllson Genarel Manager WRONG AGE WWW back no at What namu make most new an Parliament Hill Seauary IX Sizie Judy Liners in her new mic as minister at Cana dian diizmshipi Foreign Min inter Paul Manin moome flaring Canada mic an honest broker ln world affain Health Minister Minn Mamarhen with liu Madison micd7 Labor Minlsm Jack Nicholson striv ing Io Luis undawnding on our tuflmlmt labor ironl Agrp dun Minister Joe Greene concerned with hungry woridl mod or Canadan food nundun mm in ma new makvm in tho cabinet during the next Lwo weeks they will wrin their vim on Lhcse Iopir qdmively or under or Di This space01am Report will be filled eath day by one our bedknown parliamen tarians the agar of the Ill mumuw um mu By PATRICK MCIIOLSON MTAWAPafliamm Hilll Iammu namea will ipeak to you during the next twn weaks céuncil and ihdmnm Jnua MT IOINT PROMth who but Immm on the owoxifion benches Back In the commons lha mum Gm Hm Grry Cup winnlng Argo play Immdtd World War II vderun Md an nmner In the Gunman kadllship mm he will an mu for you lhl pmmim cl nu fmnatkm Mr Md Satay be young kmwmxdvo MP Howard mum ha mMM Iha ndivo mum nl many many lhmxnmh mdm nl Uni column In Imam for ma car wuvll ltll rm silly tum Bantam Mae Wm In nimJ lnr win Ibo hnflml nrw Comervnlivu MY Smkn Imnl Dr 11ml mud will 1M4an lnr pm 1116 Mr lo be loam 1mm hl mm eqwriem In modloln Gurlnhl Ml Mm dnrmn cl ma lmpmm pubhc Ic IIIMI Wilt MAMA lot how hi wntdum mm OTTAWA REPORT 11w lxnmllnn Im In urlumly mum In ma hr rmlullullon III um xlhpnlrhn In WI Hm rmmnl In ll Aulrllnl lrpu Nulm Aml III In Ynu mu mhlllhwl Hunin anme Famous To Speak In This Column Auwmrd leman dun mall PM 01m Mun mmL 01m And or 91mm nl 3mm in um DAlly MM And salutary llnllulan urqvml Mlmuullun rllu ulally hv mm wrrkly ymly 5min mp fly mil Harm $11 on ymly nnllrlfl lln yrnr mMnr lhyrnwll your Mun mlnhln Out HO mimic Im nmln mum leiml IIMfl yrnr YHIL Inl lnrolm ur Olllm lnhrmly Mu Turmm WI ath UH Ill Mnnlunl M1 um mln r4 Yunmmv Munlw ll HI lannlllnn Daily Nuunpawr luerdv NI Aumluluwu Ilw um mum lrru and Andy mm firmlnirml Yousoldieh safl Michlsaflov firman or whhvar you erg POLISH YOUR ZIPPER FLIPPERI me immigrant who excelled mm nine year mam and now nine gun HP for new home town William describcs in his role as chair man ol Ihe Committee on north ern allaim our great undevel oped northland 111d can man Canada greater SQME CRITICIZE PRESS name checks aimless mu nl your Lax money From the Liberal bick bendm John MMhmn the awhiled of the map1e leal fill and now Mammary secre tary to prime minister mm to you about line pat11 unnuu IN mu country In pargud mood By Badqnal Later you will but from two MP mm Mbem nob Thomp sov leader the Sodnl Credit PMY when we Iar Cann dlanism has won hlm ludl large Ind aych Iollow lmz on Rolexinion Ind Eldon Wmlliams the hi1 redhiked huservauve with me My booming voice And the biz quick mind Each than 1nd fluids on with 5pm par untnrly furl durum within 319 95 mTNmfi haIebém laikium by numb on lhn Mllilmw mm Mm Nun Ind 8mm SAIGON mourn Th0 Amrdcln lurked units Vle 0mg men in RmIII VIN Nam 1m mm In tho Int month to look Immw my like wen war mill Nerd Vlrt Nnm 11H mumth by Ihe Hm Omen mmnu nn lmhNM and poliml by no Mlinnl Indian and mm nlfl WI US Mm Wm II AmericanBacked Struggle Looks Like Open Warfare W61 mwo msmug mi an by th North Vimmu m1 Vld 0M 11 mm In Alum Mk by man Mnnmm Im mlN Nmym 01m Ky nm In mun Illa Norm but tho my run Mmhdm rmwd wan mm mm ml amul lnz mnlmflnllml with Hm 0mm ImnM IM Hr wnh 1m Uniml Snm 1va mllflnry mm lwud Ivy flu llfi mm In Hagan fivmfll Vlrl Naml Wm would nflm IHVM MAMNX JOIN All 11 Ruth Vldnnnvn um Immhf In FM finmany mu mwnnl hnvl Mala Mlmfly 1m um um why Mum Dan mu hm In er llml Mm In mzulnr mmddwlmk MM In Mr FINN ml Navy Nan rum up Ilw numlwr r1 immmm mm In mrr My Kyl Vum mm IIIfl Iv rank rm Ih Noun mm lulL Nun Mnnmua gnu Mm Anion ImpmVM mrummlc In min md hr amt do ha Mam It My lawnqu my llama On In nmrrrl AmHmn fim Ime la hm kuwl n1 lhan Im NIM mum on Mm In Murat um INTERPRETING THE NEWS broad newspaper mam Each Wrilu on topic bl or herawn chmdng And all peak Ihair mind frankly Pull Maan Ind Allan MacEadun or inflame MI lake ofl um no press for cntiul pom in government Idiom il good 31m cutrally rend mmmu View mlitidnm Ind now you can md pollu cians View gmmaiisu busy MP mmt kindly ac cepged my invitation to Writs Gum Column or Thomson Neuspam am very mm malive that each one nl them so gencmusly agreed on under take lb Vlask In me Im hectic Individuale and uolleolively lhoy haw or render some thing mm In very run In Canadian malmnLhe volca nlme palidclan Iddreaged to woolu Emir parhumenun II KM 31m morally rend mmmu View mlitidnm Ind now you can md pollu cians View oumaiisu Thu next week you will be shin lo road the other ide the question In Parliaments am name Ill of mm namm you may have read oflm in this column than Ielm speak directly to you max lnlorm ynu Mr Gan or um dw lumed mmly ud woead muldenhla of money or lower hang the April meeting ulu wen ukul In derm cmic my they shouA be you will Ind mil Io be correct Hill hold In my pessimism palm mom Nor Somh lmnllrr 1h bombing an denim lud mm mowed Rho Illemllm In mun dvflm ol mm hlul cmuld ll inlmd vain mulled Ho Mmh Trm uld to run 112mm mim barin hm In mulmu la lb Wm Invdvrmem 11h Norm Wet Nam Amtdun Ind South wu nnmm um mw hull mm mm lh VM Donn who Ann Mum they thou In 50th Ha Nnm duflnn July Ruth VIN Namn Mum po Mm mmnnn la rdMluly mm Mumen my mum may rue mum Iith lhr lp uh mam In Slphmr fur nn ntwmy to dun nw mullflnn YITAWA llanmh llL gunk Holman at dnnmtnn Ital Inn Mwwn North Ind huh VIM Nun ma dnvrlrlmwm ml ll Mama or II invmllwlnn It Wu hams mumhv Smnrl mm rum mm iu Mm mrmlm rl 0h IMHMHMAI annl Mum Annnlflll IM IdM40 Ill dnulu Um mmw Immun llrvn Ill Nu sunn M111 mm In HIM MM Ml mlll unuy Hm Nrnh mnnmm 1mm inlmyM Ih dmmm Inna And US mm mlud mu lb rm Pm bun Mnhvdv twin ml MI mum lulltr Mun Ntlh ml lmh mu Mu numllafly Mvflml 11w mum hum In lflumin lb mun lml mm my William um um Mum rm mruv nranb Mnmam mm um Innnan mm In ram uninhaan mm In lhrn rmmmm mmlwu um um mm mm any Hnlhn lh mmllmmvl Irm min uy um mum Britgin nor the MM won the Wnr mu ErMsh lorcu sullered haa delta At New Orlelnl week after he peace treaty had been signed at Ghent on December 2411 0n the our hind the Americans did their more lmpomm objecuve which was to capture Cannda liq wu wlr that never mould luvs happened and bath alder were glad to bring it to In end apply they have not mm min each aler llncer 1h Mr 1012 mlgh have ended sooner WM Britain Hb lorloua it It Ind not been or an effort to bring about peace In AW 1m Sm utter General Brock am Iawmuh deflated the Amerflcalu ll Detroit the British xavernment allow to to move Mochade 3511M Amman Ahpo enlerlns Barman pom Sir Gentle Prevan Governor at Canada was intruded to Ink um um for an armistice Pram um his Wmant General Raine la Albany hm hamei Geml Durham and may xlgned 10mm ms fin agreement on Aug anbom agreamanl was mind to oonfhmallon by the us lovemmenl In me meantime Governog Prevnsl ordutd Genenl Erock not to mm US forces on the Nlngan Peninsula just at time when Brock had them on um um Colonel 9mm commanding British troops in the Detroit wn Also stung rudy to invade Ohio will strong Minn The uan gm the Americans lime to regmp Muir an end om Ind bring nuppllu men on August as Pruldenl Madison curled of the Irmhliee and ordered me war to cnnllnuz Evy um Hm Amerlcm Gama Van Rensselm had more thin mo Ithapmn um Nilurn mior TM battle ot Queennan Hem 71le in October In Whldl amen Brod was killed OTHER EVENTS 0N AUGUH 1691 Henry Kelsey chimed Red River am or Britain 1771 Male lriakanzy US Gwen Herkkner wu ambushed by Sir Jnhn Johnson 1866 deonald Cmiu xovemmmt power until May 1861 mo Dmeirial not passed uniting Vamm Mind and British Co lmh 1630 91 ring in Tomulo wed Tmildrim 19m New Wellmd Cannl opened 1945 Fekrthncial emucups opened at 01m mis um Ilsa the day when the first mm bomb was chopped on Japan mm 1w Ruling ignite gammytam mum to Nonn Re Glrner doe nu Ihlie peuimiam Ibom Cenlmlll Park May paint wt to Mr Gnmer am It the April mullM call ed lnr repruenlaum from ma vlrious social CM and 6H pmiu Manned in the center nhl pzrk quasdon wu uko edofwu by Iplrlubonrd marim what umber of reel nn flu plan were nnd when you gave the purl mentor your In swer you were asked it you were aware that carlaln lrm would not grow In Burl Hid It not bun hr this park board member thh would hlvu ono unnmcud When it cam 10 Courtneys mm to cmtnl II was no that hid no comment loMyw that MIN not com mi the Emit Honlmlwrnl Sm der unleu knew inst flower beds were to be In ma plrk which du phn showed none CANADAS STORY SAINT JOHN NJ CW km Simon nl Wmt PM wu drdrd presi dmt cl hi Canadiln Weekly quuptn Motion the duo Innull main Mr Sandm plbliabn at tho Wmmml Exnmlm dd Duh MrKrmI ol SUI ND publisher ma Klnp Oumty Record Dumiom or 0mm Wer dm leu Bolton Marme 6mm nldxflown no mnkm D1111 Adm hm hm And Lynn Inmhrook MM Elect President 0i Weekly Papers Armistice Saved US From Defeat 01hr Marrir Exnmturr LETTERHEADS INVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS l6 BAYFIELD 51 OPROGRAMS POSTERS COFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES OHAND BILLS WEDDING STATIONERY LETTERS TOEDITOR BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINYING nylwn nowmn should bi for 1967 Even menu In rooenl developl The God who made us my Ls entitled to Ml meuun at our um Ya not your own therefor ltlVl Him an ye um lard he In God II In In um lull pudn uI Ind not we onnelvu In In hll neople and In Ihetp ulhll pngmge Pqlmn 100 BIBLE THOUGHT GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS uizi 53h ulnaqua mm camu IAMI mum WOJUE1NEY rm Presideht Elm Horticultural Sndety DRAW TICKETS BROCHURES 7266537 7161001

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