Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1966, p. 3

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09 Perhape theee youngden inuld be Wind in reading Ielaeeel instead ol rwinming thrtltelullynlrlmnflte boye erelln harming it up BeflhlhierLEOoth moustaer that while he not doth that Dtnrldathn avelyotm Join lliuryiry PUG manner explained Monday that the rea for the photographer The pic ture was taken at lions Pool in Barrie where well quali fied staff of lileguardr makes eertain no wdr nonsense la COST NOT ONLY lliCTOli Mayor Favors CautiOus Steps To Fluoridation eon the out would be up than my other Ontadn rminlcl ity stem from the let that Barrie water to drawn from live wells Eadr pumpinaz more would have to he treated separately awarding to Mr Murphy lie GIVES OIIEQUE YIMWA Wt82in Store my LeMandr Friday landed $3000 Mission cheque to the Canadian Associ ntion tor firearm Grildren or credential urinal Mimic pro The project aimed at mixing tom ml thoro retarded who can be trained in irrproving the general musical pcrfimnance oi the rtudcotr NOW LOOK BOYS ITS ABOUT TiiilT SIGN tolerated Idldreo in the area have had ideal awimrning wea ther all miner and theres dill four weelu to go Pool manager Wee Allsopp said to raid the bd method at adding fluoride la to pump in hydra fluoeilicic acid directly run dripping container Aaked how 50 cenla per cap lte ooet would be paid or ii fluoridation was approved by bouncil the mayor said it would reernlogicoitaeddwocoteto the water rater rather than to ralre the to rate Dr Peter Dean at the Bar rie Dental Asocletion rrid he would like to pee detailed breakdown ol tiguree More dating whether the $4178 tig ure was too high the it to otlll economical and good investment in terms of what it will do eventirony tor the prevention oi tooth decay he stressed rum 11m mm to peril of hrthrio and the Men llw wokml weather ctrlitter lynll the he river the now whet we have linen havinl Ifor the pad tow due Weatherman la telllnl in jrimhly perlovlo with parable rlhunlotllirrur low trwulml Al The ilrrrn lnrr nu last mm up rm le truvreltwe at am on drama mmwm 71 humus lK wt Al mo am bynnpsler um rlvrntte an divth Sunday intro mm mu nu no lair lltmm an lltmvlrnr Lamina llnnwllnn Imny will Iterva nm owl mm mm Lat llnlevwr Northern Ale llllllll Furthern Georgian lily Mflwvameun ltvma Most of tho went will the mm indicate medal DISTRICT WEATHER Little Weather Change Anticipated For Sunday irmrntm low chute and form uf Ilurrvlmdmor In the murmur not writing Not noun rttaupe in lummtum Add lull Ihlrlwulnn Ktllalrw Nluttrm Georgian my TItnagnml Al rune finllll lite Mule Title New North Day litulimyz mtnlrln vimHm with low motlan llurmlmerenu and nulr rimuw in Murma tum While not mm my In titrehum Nirvana Weelern Jarmu nay VevlnMe lllllltllm will lvw avrtllltni pllmm ml Mr hang In lHltWIilltrl Um wmvle mm Mainly runny lvtnm tnr tlmttly Willi mn about in lite lay Termwmtuu wt norml uni wtndr Mlllw hlth lrrmoreture today rlry for amt oi Manitoba IM be sunny Ind ml ltgum on Whordrow Yenmll Trmmaiuvu the Height mm lumin itvlwr Kl 111mm imvhm liitrtwwv limnt Windwn llamlllnll la iiilelim Tommi irlrvtnmtur Kinztm Mm Killvrloe minke North nay Felllllry Harlan Raul Je Maria Karma liull lilvel lluwwa firmin ngsrszixaszgagszzssss Pcnctemzuishrm tedrnlryro known as day that total attendance this year is near the 11000 mark The record H111 but with fine weather this month Mr Altropp predicts this mark will be broken by 2000 WINS ACCLAIM TORONTO tCPl Composer Oskzrr Morrowth oi Toronto last wear won the hifias Award at the 1966 lniernatirml looms oru Corrnxtition tn lave dei irlrenl Italy it was announced here Friday Qinadlun condim Iodahrenicelnhatreaear At least hall or men ulawrring indiutriee wont recording to runny eondmt ed by the Ennmlner this week Opaatm ot pflvatelywn llerihieweekedvooaled estab llriluoent soon of rrruotidpal airport large enough to eerve the type oi plum med by our porete exeartlvel BIG ASSET Keith Weldendofl of Barrie Air Styles said rnrmicrpall owned airport would prove an lmporlurt in attracting new lrtdtnry View also ex prssod by the Barrie iodun trial Oorrurrlselon Duly cotrnoildle now waiting for 1W NP resentetivee to inspect poesihie litre tn the area tor approval Several ueaeiver polled this week arid their firm would make good use oi sud inoititlcs and others even Him they would have no pram for the me of an airport now out that it worrld hold edvurtagq for the city Don Mmth vrcepresl dmt and general manager of Lufldn Rule is an mtlhusiastlc supporter if the prqwsal CHARTER FLiGIliS He said emutim his firm would frequently have occasion to martia plan but met dilve to Toronto arrd await eulwdtled airline flights Will llddress Kiwanis Club Members at the Kempcnfcll Kiwanil Club will be addresaed by Ray Shoberg on the topic You and Your Wealth at meeting in the Continental inn Mandy graduate the University of Midrigan Mr Sroberg will explain how Kiwaniem can pre sent travel and adventure reries in Barrie to raise money for various protein tor Ernesto Barbinl made the amouneanont on hie return tram the awaiting Willlnrd Kinzie president said Iihe travelogue almhi be insurance rmavailahle for passengers in single engine air croft ut the type eidstlng fac ilitia can handle Moore of MansfieldDen men General ltd said his com pany would not he big user oi an enlarged elrport here but would ddiriilely welcome one Mr Moore said Momfleld of ten holds meetings in Barrie bo tweenlocal exeoutives and ot iioiaie at American associate corrrpanler survey yesterday indicated that Barrie citizens are not war ried about Bilcont per capita chmgo for fluoridation oi the citys welcrsupply it was learned Thursday that it would cod Barrio 512813 per year for fluoridation The chem ioal itself would 992 while equipment labor electric ity and maintenance costs would make up the balance The total figure represents so cent per oapite Lost according to PUG manager John Murphy who reported complete estimates to the commission city animal had asked for the cmt study earlier this year The PUC report will be milled to council in Sorterthen Fluoridation has full Email at the Barrie Dental Association and the Royal Victoria Hospital medical stall each at whidr petitioned conned urging the move as means to reduce tooth decay Marthe of area residents in telephone survey yeaer day expressed their views re garding fluoridation and the 50 cents per year it would cost them Itrunendoua thing for Barrie Royal 114 Owen Penetang To Open New AntiPallution System major step towath the airy trol of water pollution in On tario will be made today when the Georgian tiny town at Pene tanrruishene 2a miles northwest of Barrie tonnelly opens new type of sewage treatment in stallation designed by University of Toronto prolcor Dr Philip ll Jones The Aeropadt plant supplied and erected by the bravo Cor porauon oi Pitderrgh Pa at cost 52700 will be oper eted raider the direction of Her berl Gray town engineer of in poman am will at the some time be continually rmnitared by tram at Varsity researchers or part at program known as me University of Tomato Sanitary Engineering fluenrdr iroled TEGINIQUE The plant whldr reliu on contact etahllizntlon la impatient be came it provldrs the pmrllilllty pl doubling the capacity of ex toting installation lrt merry oth er mutation at little extra mil in this way total raving to the Ontario pmvlmlel lar pnyer in experrlrture on now plant could armltnt to Ierndmir ol million of dollar over to year period liie imrtarmrlrlwne lfllidll lotion Iutitoirnt tor the node of 000 people baa drywa thrr capacity at mom gallone per tiny that can anlrly be in errtrml to one milllon nilonl per day in wet prrlorie it tr ex pected to eliminate lame vol rrpe of heavily pointed will that now dudrarre into Georg Inn iley Oomvntlmai plant at PLANNING The purple wt iiarloantr are eeyerte at plennlnl Ianrranre program In still the individual nmla of illtr rlIMtla ITS EXPERIENCE THAT COUNT QMM INFIRANIT MEN LTD 11 COLLIER IT IMle the same eapacity horrid e01 up to 50 per cent more Dr Jonee enjoys the Imuwrai disilnctloo oi being brth e9 sotlate protessor oi civil engin eering and assistant professor as microbiologist ln hygiene WIT success Altharrh new to Ontario the oonlnd stabilization method has been trled with sitcom in nunber of American commun ltiee it is not appliedhr to all types of rewage houwer and many microbiological physical and dtemical lull were carried out under the dircdlon at Pro fessor Jones at the or be fore xoahoad could be given In the authorities in Penelnrtg ulshene and work could be rterted on design appropriate to the townr nude liliTll BOB pleeeni Ie MIMI the fire tlmlre Mutey Aunt ill TIMI MM 726 armW Deel he fleevia leeinf at liveth and in Jim are on Auto Body Service Protesor Morrsou head at the University at Torontor departrneri at civil ruginoerlrut nyr that there is no doubt the new plant to be opened at Penc tanguisbcne represents major step forward in the mntrol of water pollution its principal advantage is that tar more can be achieved with the rain amount of monvy The new plant will be opened at pm in the presence oi Permimrislrme linyor ilobillard by Dr Gilbert do ll Robinson vim president tre mrdr ministration Univer rity of Toronto and by Dr George Langiord Dr Ling lord ulvvayr strong critic bl wntcr pollution rotlrod lrom dlrueonhlp oi the University at ioronioa irth Lakes Institute on June 30 REPAIRS rid peel Mr Ania My The body ml la braid II 8781 CITY NEWS TIE BAlullE EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST 1966 Charge For Fluoridation Acceptable Survey Shows Barrie Fluoridation spoils waA llre American vlsltors who we normally ity directly to the city loprivate aircratt must lend elsewhere and travel by ear Other Barrie nrantdettluing execrIives said their corpora tions would not metreiuse of local airport in the immediate fixture me purported the plan Mr Weidandorf earlier in the week suggested the city should build paved elrartp or 3500 it done not seem too high suldrnge considering the good it is supposed to do in fighting tooth decay However admit do not know loo rmoh about the added Saaden 51 Ottawal Ave it is definitely worth 50 centrper person We had the water supply fluoridated in St Thomas where came ireml and ite good While the costs did not after me there became the city paid it would bowell worth 50 pelts from residents in Barrie Mn liarry Maxwell RR Barrie am not in favor oi fluoridation of Barrioe water supply believe the standard of water in this city is fine My opinion is that the problem with tooth decay Item from children martini non ii Married may Mnlcaster 51 would certainly be pre pared to pay 50 cents year to are fluoride added in Barrie water do not believe it hurts the water in any way Mrs Marriron an Gerber land lm certainly in fav or of fluoridation and would definitely be willing to pay so cool your to see the program carried out In this city Mre ilrrm Rugmm NR tor dont like it taste and am not in favor of the idea aeo arrie Manufacturers Back Airport Proposal feet large entrant to accent rmdate executive jets of L5 to 20 Raganger twin engine ale The airport oorrld he expand ed in about 6000 feet lalu he mooted The idea has boar advanced in the pad that thenarrle dlr trlot would be logical site for an alternate airfield when Tor onto Irriflmallonal Airport It Melton is logged in It has been pointed out that this area ir trequenth clear vdrmltbiogyoomiler tome south Mr Weidendorl raid maid poi airport here would attract smaller aviation industries of tape now heated near Melton or Torontos Island airport But lack at an adequately siredairportisakeyiactorin the lose of many types of in dustry to other towns with good tattitties he raid thicipal airports are usually owned by the city with opera tlng rights leased to private agency the Department of hansport pays grants ol between and 100 per coat for municipal ain ports where nerd exisa Mr Weidenderi listed more than dorm ormnmmitiee many smaller than Barrie that have emmiebed such facilities He also pointed out that where five years ago there were only about hall dozen privately owned light airwaft in the area today there are between 40 and 50 MARINE FORECAST Lake Superior Winrh veri eble to to 15 knob becomlmi east to northeast 15 to 20 early Sunday Higher guests in dalm derstorme Variable cloudiness rcettercd thunderstorer Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Northern Lake Huron Winds variable 10 to 15 knots becom ing soulherb 10 to 15 early Sun day Partly cloudy chance of tbundcrrhowcr Lake Erie Southern lake lin ron Winds variable 10 to 15 knots becoming northerly 10 in 15 tooiflm Partly elaxly TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS eraV result ll better health We Have The mun 165 Wellington what do to sell WHATEVER IT is EXAMINER PHONE liove your wine and nervous rystun dwdtui at regular intervals The protessionally trained dilmpraotor will be able to give you invaluable suggestion and normative treatment if neoesoary When the nervotn Intern la working smart 1y unlumpmd by either ormtimnl or plusiml hazards the HAIR STYLIST 55 PHONE mom WINNING Nillli STYLISTS we in vimd to urmturee that two hlrhly qualified mt nunu hfinnmmol Tilny wire or one oned our mil we wmr in remind you lint we mm Ill mm or com vuvra mi olden nu call mm or my other member or our nin quninm wt and It Quill M1 TUFS TIiUItS AND Fill TILL IM 726 ST you have GET FAST RESULTS WITH 7282414 Ark For An AdView

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