Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1966, p. 7

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llxmmmi mm the lrslivnl le van lnmd Odin hum we Illncur Ibo Nmmi mm Mary MthnIirI inn bl Ind mum Kllmn flawx Had Kruul nnl Alastair Munm Wm to law hmnMI Mm mum My today Md nun My hr mm Av flu Ml lhnlull Wu l1qu Ymk but MM mm mm lw hand runny wu Warmng Inmwfinllwm Fruhnl VI Vnnu Hulnmln my was waiting today or er mmim the mpmy 1M wmnflun Mum Saph ll Ymtmlnvh Ind Now ank Cay yirnim Thmd THE BARBIE EXAMINER WAY AUGUEI lb By EILEEN DIXON Mn lab lamburner Chair man of the Woman Advisory Committee Ontnrlu Department Economic and Duvdapmenl Canadian who lnleruled In the economy her country In Barrie yesterday Io Ipenk It precnnlerenu luncheon eaflahlo woman hauled in than present he Imporunca of an1 Canadian Shl did Linda Mary MAM in John Richard My ThanAlon nu hrMoI pannu Mn and Mn Owl Edvard Marrow National Ballet Company Seeks Missing Members Festival lot Mn manhi Mil mu mum chumh mam mu form mun Wmm muffin Pmnu ynvo flu ElwinMild 4mm MRILIAIILYMBURNEB pinpoint data on an Cur Indu whenbl wLIl return Spending Power Of Women Affects Canadas Economy 0n Kl the mNnhm In 7101103107101 Couldn 7266474 HERTZ CAR 43 Em Road And 1M gm viii RENT Phono PLAN AUGUST WEDDING hwmd un 113 3311 won an Mum hmnr llcr dam was Mm Mn hm mtuwum Inhmmr Mudjunmr chum llIr dc dun Emu ML 1m Maw Mm vnn Hummrmmre FENme nulme Mum dfldab Prankth as Wowr Mm VATICAN ll MIA Vlllrnn Ily II um mmllul lul llvlllo 1h INM wllhfi m7 mumMimi nr 3M an Mr mm QM We are asking women to lake clue look at item which bear iiada in Canadn tax Imk at it and compare it ii the Arlicio computes invar ahiy in doilm and cents an weii in quality than all are uking i1 um Canndiun wov men use their own iudgmuw The econamy thy country in which you man your hom howevar er lmpomm nfuthopplng Wiggly cl Mum haw announced htnazmntum mudyler wmu Schaly Man 11 nddim am ha been an or Aux 20 low oclock by Smith audio Bank tho regional male ancehbobeldnflncon mental Inn an Nov Mn Lmhumer In Mn mm mm um um nu mom An Indiunmmlm Imlm CONTRACTING DEPT DENIS SHEARD lTD PAINSWICK ONT BARRIE DIAL 72M The magnum plan for Ihe Nahum Mn Lymburnu nnV mud will Include flshlon Ihow luring leading design mnnuhctured in 0mm FnshA luu wznnna lbs commit loel leading lnlcrcsh during In past year and Mn Lym burner uld dill tha Erine do tin mania which an Iponsnr ad by lhe government for land lng uhlons dulznm In 0n mm were the brain durld 1h ndvlgory commlllu Mn Iomllmr IwMod that lb tnmum dullnl um mlnmnrlurrr In Onlnrln or In Clnmln and mu lmmd mmuhlnx wronf wllh lho pm ducl nhoulx wvlla lcllrr Io lb rampany nulllnlnl he probirm Thin nllen lhc My my flu rmmlndunr limb Ml produd nnl lop nouh Illa conllmml no my conccnlrnla on home hxrnlsfuna on our next round Ilao plan lo Inim duco project In tho High Ichooll on nonlmnca love though will dlfler lrnm lha cnmrencn womm Vn will try to point out In than young Iludcnu um Ihua win he morn npporlunmu fin Cnnadn In 1h Mun than In nnywhm the in Iha worl uldnlnl lhl Um Mr mun mm In unl nut mry dollar mm Ivy he innudlnn mnmmnr vmmrn unending Iho rnnlmnco will no Inulvl be In Irmlul In hman on ha womun urnAh ulm will dll cuu mlrmomy TM confrvénéé kill NH lhu Trmllnrnlnl Inn Thu rfirresenlative In the re gion ch commist Barri and am is Mrs Mary Jana Langmuir ni Shnnly Bay The women In chosen for their mlallliu and becausa ii in El ay him something cnnlrllr uta lo Unix cnmmuniiy and area 1110 appointment nl womln to tile Idvlsory com millea is made by he Minister oi the Dcpanmem The Honor able Stanley Randall When ho Trude Crunde wu Introduced Canada was ha top of the 11 far In part wera concmlrd and at In vlry bottom nhrn ll cam lo pork NEED WOMEN upnnul lhnl wumm In needed In help Imprava pm ducu on lha Cnnmlhm market Yau dont have much chance at goulnz back at he munulnclum lhnl ynu an dhulhfltd yqu pmlutrlrimvmo In anolfirr EXPECT WOMEN Mn Lymhurner laid lhni ax rnximnleiy 300 women will be vim to attend the Provincial conference or women to be hid in Barrie on NW Wm menl importance in tha econ my will in the topic tin leading make at th dayion luaim Thu Womenl advisory com mittee zomprhed 25 wo men acres the prnvlnce The woman du nut mammal any one place but Inga you cqmzkaxca Cu umml ml my mm nunn4 0mm mm LIm cumn Ithd be at tho utmost impor tance and by buying Canadian you an the consumer are help Inz to sflmulato tha ecnnomy lb Idded ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORK gig1 Lamgpulr mm Maxum Ware exmuuve rallry of me wmnena advis ory comnniuee PLANS Elm for Ihe on could may widrn Mr mlnlnm Ivy mmlu mm ddldrm and mm from mrnlly dqflwd Arm 11 lit dbhmdtnlnl la mm nunm mm mn by minim mmnimlhnn he name duldrm or want no Mm at 10ml chum or Aynmm mu Moml pmhhm war annlnq pnvmy whal mmmmlly pmchlly 51mm in any nommunily must my ham all mm mpm lally lime Ivinx In mm 11de arms My chool shonxl prov morn valuame In sum Khan In ninlu When In Me tomin maln harm In mmrm mm 12 not he dudmhflo firm or the children am or In go In dmrdu W14 their pnrcnul Vaflmu reunion mm pm vidv mum mm or chu dm Mm Wm Includ cpmldgntgh r011de oducy xlm Such mm In Milo mm tor Mmlo Inmmu lo ll cnd gogdherWonML no Emirf by jail mlganrvA rdjmurumnl not Rbman Catholim have mild H19 way devout Roman Oatqu Wake Mmehu to church every Sunday when reasonably possiblt Those on Iour with their childmn easily Ind mm to find Man on may heme they happen to be fmey aloof 11m ling be mlnlsur and has tam fly have vacation But mm be way have It ln summer could not Iho dundl nerv lm be condude Imdcr L11 lullntde By GARRY MYERS PhD not my pmvim to IMHO parents to espouse my pal11m lartypedmfigjonoruww lidm at all But it been to me that those pnans who Me Iglous values In thanselves and heir dmiidrcn mm yldumorallolthotounw mates gone tendency or many gamma who profess bu mfigiw to 31mm their chm ammunm dunLug sum mot mi k4 their childrm wold Sunday schml attend mce For many ntnldmn vaoa Ion mm Sunday school paral lela vacation rum day sdmL Ya mesa gian my hnva ALWAYS WAY Wm hard allay in and place Somuhinx may be said for In ugual mama wax onh MANY OIIORTUNXIIEI far Von Sunday during Emmi um durlng mar guest at the home Mr and Mrs Ted Buffey Edge hlll Dr Mn Eumwn moth emk Mrs Graham ENN 00 STOP IN BAREIE Mr and Mn Oscar Llle Burnaby British Columbia and children Sandra and Kevin were mm of Mn Allan Kelsey ol Gowan St Nesday may Wm en route harm to the west coast follwrlng vacation In mmun 0th niece Brynn unnummm Prior to hu manlingo ho Fred Hamid at Glmuhill Unihd Ohmuh former Min Jean Spence was guest at honor at maven events the bnde opemjd Lhc door for guest who wan ra troussoau ea was given by Mn Cyril Spence mm at lho bride at her Sumyha Avenue hpme in 51mm mg OFFICE Mr and Mn Grant case Ind family ol Paynu 8L hav ro mod to thb dty following vacation at Grundy Lake Pro vincial Park They also visited relative In Enter and Ouawa Mr and Mrs Wane Roth wdl Ind lamily Mn HJll spent their summer holiday 911 arm W1 0n Mbsu Alma and Jean Bebh Bmck St vacaUaned flu gymnefla home at their sister Sn Hunmfllo homily at cottage In the Hahbudon Area was enjoyed by Mr andMru Ross Hutchinson and family of Newton SQ Summer Sundays Are Ideal For Family Attendance At Church As for children mu IUlle MACH Mm 11 IE7 Ul Hill Ina Hutufir AMI Muhlno All Calmlllull 0m Mulpmut Ulllll fll shimmy Mm nmflu wn nrwmzn IN SIMCOE SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Lhasa ahndnn In whalesorme median and mum to the more may thing living and so What hyperth val ue Ohm youth mlm receive duafmlveg mm voiunteodnz While we no taan ol the fully nl gamma vacatian mm and Sunday Ichaol What lb slmihr yrmlca vaaaflon from mmic lessons dunng mm with In much time on their handi In mnm mmy mwen could pm more 1mm mmk hm than than In Mmma 5m cultunlly do pdvad Hm and their par enu We expect and camps ta mm religious Won that naed 519 ha cu first comm pen Ihink of are young people In NWW° PM PM the evenlni Mn Cynl McDon fld Simd Iuntd the bride Ind Mn Reynoldv BruitId mg the mom prodded Th Mann wave Mina Parnell Allan Marlena Dangle Dorothy Coleman Mania Reynolds lm do Dlvla Mm Cari Reynolds am swan 136mm M¢Joo Assisting win prepamflm or rdrcshmem wen Mm Ron Allan Mn Davis Mm Reymlda Mrs Femtier M155 erdangyllnaorixa assistedI bymMLa Betty was mo of ma wedding and ahower gm which Wen displayed In 1119 recreation mom Mi Nancy Spence ind Miss Ann Raynalds wen In charge of no menu every local uhurd or mm mm has to panting in mm Head mother mu bddegmom 14 hm Ind he bride Duh ku am Man In from wen penmed by the brides aw Mn quephIlqn Her me am the bride limnsyomer Word In MW Nam In Intended to cover the anal 0an In of tho city Dllldcl dun In nlvmuiu Mull Ihwm brile puma coming nl an plruu Invellu IM vh lton are Item lnteml to nude an pus Your help In applying thll no will null lpplec Med Hem plane 11 Ennis Enmlnlr 7166531 Ind uk or ElkeI nlnn or Audrey cnnlm tho Womanl Dr pulan CLASSIFIED EXAMINER 10mm Miss Spence was what do you have to sell WHMEVER ll IS GET FAST RESULTS WITH SSST PHONE 7282414 wisens Drink whisky thats older and Auk For An Achlo wan mmunv um nmvnu mum visit lo Holland maul yam ago Mr and Mrs 110 will spend some limo with living In Tatum below mum lnx lo Hollard mar um month FATTEN FOR SCIENCE LONDON CmA down 1M4 doom Ivaaxe weigh Mme flmdvca In the in mm sclmct 51 will gorge Ummsdm not man And six will nibblo Ibo same number 01 calories damn out the day to hclp datum in whether Glry Fawn of John St Ind Bknle mum of Lelia St In back In Una city alter holldwing in Barbadol he holiday includod some deep fishing h1g1de 0r ma traveller was meeting with the limbo danan who will represent the Barbados the Canadian Nationll Edubitlon In Tomb Rollie 1n uded visit to Mon treal and Algonquin Park RETURN FROM WEST Mr and Mrs Michael Dom nehy ol Bayview Drive recum ed to be my Lhis week follow my two week motor trip wrong the Canadian Rockies lo 51mm FROM HOLLAND Mr and Mrs Hany Walker Oaldey Park Square are present enteminhuz Mr and Mn Baa ol Overvezn Hdlanqm Banlg resident Ind Mn Paula and family Quaen 52 have return ad 1mm mmor holiday around Lake Onwla Ind palm in the Snips mmmu offilh Lho was mast They vlnud palm 1mm an mla Ind nuppeun Lelhbridge Alberta to vlslgu mg Mn wm nog em 11m harm ample lrlvel lcd Vin the TransCanada lllfimay Ind returned VII the United sum 10 0am mu Wu eating Ix rum of lmhueninx than gull Min Braid Allan enteflalned personai shower lormer mummies nt Illa Mme of her parentsJMr and Mn mm Al lan bl Gnudull Native the bddegmm cl Bond Head ham misceflmm shower 0mm Iuodalu the Bax ter Laboratories AllLsAnn pro somad the hide wllh many lovely flu Ind daughter OahuIm Miss Catharina Taylor Reg flaming at the formers mm home at Big Bay Palm DEEP SEA mama also em by friends and 1m nes associates United mMWofin are he tests It sham far uhurd fiends My my Mm AMLII Irvin DURING OUR VACATION my hflml maxi Ml mm mm And nutty My mum uh mlwr Inn mam Km lrarvlully Mad 1n unlflvml NM It hm hm lnv lhll wu Ibo Maiml plum 114 My ww aqth Wh youth mm mm mm MM Ilw huh lhc umllo ml pl mm lmm Mu Id ml ml my mum In KM way kmwa AI In dining up and rqinnlln In all Ekwml an menl rm lho mu AM nilI nu wq IliumKM mum In tilde mm and ml In may Me In 0w hmt Inn all xupanul lu uw now uranlD Nuw hml haw hm hm In In llmk an MM wo lulvwl Ma plumm Ivy nimfiy mm lo lhI MARTINS RENT All XNYIII LT Wm Im mt In mum IM mm nillm WM II IM MM Mal have mtgan nun lb Tm my mum WI mu MAIIINI ail 7mm In W1 WWA GOT YEN FOR SOMETHING REALLY OLD FASHIONED WM In mnvenlenco nI Null may Immled uh Impouiblq cunt ho dam oh dont know ll you Ied Ihh request throat manner uwldnl mob How run at MN the quutka wank jun Ilmply mu om lhh TUIJJOAN WAle XINIIIHONING UNIT Now uhnll rm modem Ind AdvMed than um but new at live uh ml nWMhlm 0d mull firm nuky mmimhn nrpor Ihh Iamiry Wm mm and In plu On extra Mrqu on Mm Md Invmdry and ham prurhku Just to la know mm mm 01h Amulna plan of oqulmwnt mu your CUIJJOAN MAN 7184 KNOW And lrml 1ka thin um but of coma Any mdumu ml In In MN ml Ilium by hat the rim numb Mr WW fl WENT JEWELLERY 810 WM mm mmlhmmhlmwhflkqlnfl1huhmlm ml mum with my mum In rid marklinx mknr mu hi Ion In If your my we are new uhlmnul lam MN Jul In wrJ will rum Ilmplkfly nl doth wgm tr mmvunanlly Hernm Wm to In Mn HI mum Ind mil mm Iml IIml fund Um lnrllory Admin mm III In rimqu main wuuhnho IIM No Mr In lam Dun Il WEIIIIB JEWELLERY IITOIUI FAII IM and llnMi um on saw mum nu Am mm nirieudly warm open WMan to All whim In ru no lo uwlnr ramming break lull mum dinner ln their Imam undoul RIVER GARDEN RMAUMNI No SHANIY BAY W0 Wm homo lhh In wodr In the unionInme diudd mummolmrlnmhwu hendinzhrnvnoaflmwlnim W11Lvnuvjukodulnbm1lgmdpuuloamhflu3m Am Wnlllllllormuxxuknlhmuwdllmwtum mm No 11 WW Ind head for 4h WEI GARDEN REG TAUMNT my favourlu spot nun eimer for night out that mm It River Gankn or dlnmr or lomcflmu with kids an Saturday Mmm Mr Arm exlmda friendlv All nnr mount million Una exculna new fall uylu Succulent tender time luring EarB4 ready bed burner pauleaslbsfor$175bohmbyuwpbc¢ScumDoz had 10 or ELM Nun oll or no reg 79c Orange we dot or dot for 0100 hmh lettuce llrge lirm heads hr 5c Hotdog or hamlmrz ml pkgs for $100 and bread on haves at hut mm and so many Mher special hm dont have mm 41 mention And even MI remdarpdnumlowathmmyolhulhmadiflxiuAnd you mm mam can Lulu advantage at even further saving by quality buying Remember ONLY Nd Ind blua brambedhmodumylMAkMlnddmth check your lucky register up numbm 1m FEW DAYS FALL TYPE WEATHER weve hid men lymnlndlkndhmmmoflymcalfalllobamhum pmnuna nr buildinl those Ihelm in the bawnmt for your pd preserves ormaybo mum mywm mom 11mm bouar hall Ma neat many LI not natural bunhandy man Inducedalmhaw¢ourlmhhhnwndtoALMN DALE mum to Du RA they hum avemhlng required that 51mph rvdcearaUnz Job to lull male movalim it home Addition In boll him quality and 0013 Shop mm had ALLANDAILIELuiiBm Well guess 11 films to start fillnkinz aboul BACK TO SCHOOL WARDROBES Ind Mme originator of Misha fashions Iha FABRIC SHOP 15 Colum St an It again In real special or the MOD emwd Thu very ln Oarnnby look has urlvul at tho FABRIC SHOP ln gamma and Minna easy we fabrlm Evay mmmmmmmmlwmhweuu anelm mm mm appealam 0r Maps ywr mull type female wuld prelm the opposite and of the scale wlxh the very damn nld lashlmed granny yawn lodx Then there are the nlwnyswmxlar corduroy in line and wlde Wale 11 ll one fabric that can oulwur any tomboy hullsth in veritable ml palette of war In 111 Ind punts la dreu her ln tune with the latest styles and so economically slut with pa em Ind labrla from FABRIC sllol innwhen you walk through doom tho WILLIAM LOW FURNITURE MAM you can largo any words qunllby construction or hbrlc 101 11 V61 beat IvallAhh hmedmmafleednmanywhavotodohmnp mafia on style colour Ind lhe gremiyyou prefer And belie me lhla will be difficult mm in sell house HI tremendmu variety of lunyllm and homo necessities came Ind painting Vail duplnyod it many homu doomaux mane with humerabh dittmldeulormnldngmymnlmvlwe1omled ywrgoodtastmwlll halterywkwm shopainLLIAM mm mum SOME OFFER STAMPB lame afier the odd bargain but at FOOD MARKET Hwy 90 at maximal Rd hat you get it Mmmdmpvdwflnnmpopflmbrmlfimmtounh Mom damaweekdeumdmoney aavingvnluea bummub DURADILITY QUALITY 11mmme 1N MYLEH mm anthmemhokfprwhmdmslnlmwMflxh LOWE FURNITURE mm mm ghmtt Mun lunp Mum Mamas my

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