Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Aug 1966, p. 2

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mm MN mm Inn1m rm wlun Job uppommillu ranging mm mm picker Io saleamm nvalhble In the Barrie Iru lawmnce local offica num Ixzr for tho National Emuon mm oflioe nmced today may are as 1011mm Executive Ind molesllama Male Ind minim Ifighwny my inner mum Mtwa pilot Ingmar almnan mu umv mm mm um time my engineer man age prodmdnn mechanch lnocr mammal lherapkt Ahan medunlcal HI ln mince Inleamen and nits wo Genml lob onwrlunllu main Worm pkzkm chasm prlmers auto mechanic mum bank kecpinx machine operator up bdslerer servicu clerk uln for not Mum Reynolds mar modaramr Barrie and Quebec presbncrlu of line Pndvficxian 1de ol Oanndn Mr Hrynolds 76 dial chnm day During his 40 yuan us mdenr ho mod parlm In MIniloba Qucbm Ind Ontario MINISTER DIE TORONTO CF Funeral be mld fixtmnjay Fania animalgoontrol open Llonhu xuflered from 1an of mpcwislm from my hall Mn Hughes manngcr of lhe Onmrln Humane Society said last night Mr Hughes told local humane oder mpmbcrs qng aldgrmnn Inrated beEthsBuTue wa appar ently no member of my hall mu Interested in 1L5 operallun Mn Hughes two weeks nun nixed animals hnused In ha Pound My aim wit obs Range From Worm Pickers To Salesman In Barrie Area TOM HUFIIE wink manager of fin Onlarla Eu mane Sodom ulks with AM mm mm mi WHATS NEW PUSSYCAT mam mluhinm tuna lithe opeulor plumbers 10¢ dark ma mechanic flnn hands detklbnnkxnx menu e1 lriciam Genml lab uppodwdflu male Hairdresser bookkeeping machine apextor order clerk Mala Wannpidwm book Wfl Men and women inlet25M In workinx on the Waco harvest commenting approximately Aug Isked to register now WINNIPEG 0P Adlva buying in October rya calmed ntlawise 15qu opening lmde on 31 Winnipeg Gmln Enchange DY xpund public money In In templ tn 1m rovn ule ulsllng wooden bull cording In Mr Hughu Flax opened In 9i lower Oct mm mpueml not open not open bafley undmnxod In VI higher 0a 137 In dnnxzd Dd Lm MONTREAL 0P Agricul ture dnmruncnl qmfimhm me Avaago weighted price uhflml lo mail In one mun caflum Aexlm lama Alnrxe 656 AMflum 543 Acrmfl IL wmnww He recommended last night that the in Ind mother shel ter In which to Impound may pcu Wooden pounds become 10 contaminated alter period um our mum Th hunt mmnl In my Mum min Jud Gamcr following me Snl meetipg of the Barrio Hflr mam Socm bum In him Mr Mweeks nwomdbalnfidahho FARM PRICES WMWIW He told tha meeting the hr specflon wax undamken allow Ing uvml complaint one from An aldermn and two an Wmfl Ed been End cmafing In the pmtm am mm had nm on Mr Hughes recommended hat Hm city dhconUnua the practice at shooting unclaimed animal and either hnvo the Job dnne by veterinarian nr acquire more humane apparnlus mm prublnm has been lack Iupcrvlslon lroman in terested and responsible member oIIEily hull staff Mr Hughes I41 Bob and animal con mi MW was naval mo mmd Job of weed lnxpeclur earner lhll your drain til did nnT 2331mm dir lng lqlglcallop pqupd iu fludlriaamd uidmm Mr Hugth with lrcspnning but lalnr dacIdM Again lho mom burning can destroy 01 he gnld ll is decided musnout the present pound the humane sogicly manager said cement mm mm naga and out door mn xhnuld be Installed Howavcr BanIa dwnld be this In allord $15000 or pound that would be credit rather khan disgrace to the commun INSPEUIED POUND Mr llggu mu gm yihggl he End Ievunl mnnfluigcurfiuin Hon muck an the floor and Inside cages Aid Roberu mem ber or thalocal humane society branch told the meeting mu innrim has been dcslroyhu un claimed animal In recent wceks MCK SUPERVISION hliynr Cook look top my mum the ad uln MM himl ml In Null twin Ln lua alA luluill seized mum housed in 93° gity mm Examiner On man who Ilsa hm lhe 3W Ll lnvnlml mu drlrrn Mnry Elltnlwlh Wum Dull Tuna ml abort John Tlnmy Elmm Onl Thu INIth oc curred on Ilhwly ll Mlmlh nl mlle Mill nu Huhu um uynqu null mun wuh Cull In flunrkmc mulul um wuld OMMHDMI hlnhu Dun Anyuhrn Inl In Onllrlo ltflmlllll Mr Mur phy IlplnlflNl lMl In um um II duwn lxnm mml wdla ulnmn In mm ndy Innm Humq In my mln run mm lm nmmu 41 mil pumping nutu mum lwonr nunh yulmla Al lmmon nullVI In damn mnlul ILM Na Injuriu Mn lunlnllml Im Burl Mimi Piivlnrill rollou InnMuted nl MI roam ammhnlrln mm NJle Managu JDIm Mm who mmnl mmva lan mrum aluminum €in munrll hurl Inknlrlnr ml study enrlkr IhII yur Thu IUC II Ill be nulvmlunl lIuorllllllnn Im full Iuppoll In fllrrlo mum Auodnllrm Ind lhu lmyll Vltlorll llnlpllnl mcdlul II um whlch po ml rnunrll urulnl lho mnva mm In rrdur loolh dr uy HIGH C0 1M chomlcll Null would rvll M901 uhlla cqulpmml llbor olmrlclly Ind mnlnlenlnco com would mnka up ha hnhnrm Thu lnlnl Hm nprmnu rrnln It would tnsl nnrrla 011875 per you In fluoride mo dlyu wlnlhcr lupply wnl Itan hut BARME EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST MG third Sim Gmmty unit WNWEW Mb He is being held at the Slmcoe County Jail on charges break gum and Ihelt Mellon appar znlly stole tha rim lrorn mm on the 5th conceulon of Ora Towmhlp Mr Deli laid the boy Ip proachcd the theatre box oilicu at around pm iie asked it he could come In wiihaui ur Mr his mid him no but then realizing who in was issued him ticket and phoned OPP Banin detachment Mellon wu wnlchmz the movie when Zonali god in plain had been describ ed dangerous but not hardened crlannl tIudcd polka or 22 hours pallce do tram Mount Fora was called in yo terdny Iflcrnoon mlsl um In lha Intensive lenrch thflaushaumm amt ifrhayyoulh Emma 1mm now mnville Training Cenlra July In hnd previously been seen Crash Causes $1800 Damage Duinn Mum 16mold trainlnz centre escapee who was the object of an mavwlde march ynslerday was captuxed at the Shanty Bay Drivo In Theatre luLnlghLA The youth who yesterday was said to be nrmed with 30 cal ibre rm was Irresled by Conn Ivan Hodge Barrie Ontnrln Pro vlndnl Pollce with apparently no lcuflle king place He looked like hungry 16 yenrdd laid Barnard Balm theatre npemtor who reconnlzed Mellnn and phoned pollce Escapee Captured By Police Spotted By Theatre Manager ESTIMATE 01 P110 CITY NEWS 50 Cents Per Capita Costs Of Fluoridation Ilnn ll ID Fur l0 IINny lwr mun llrrny lemm ml mm lullllnn Imulml ummlulnnm um nmlmm innw Mwlhrr IIC lvmmmro um Inulvl In up Mr Murphy Inn lhnunml mllllnn ullnm nlwnm nm perm in puli lnlo lho WAlrr lupply nut year TM nmounl would nquin cm junk r4 33 nnl hydroflumllkl lclvl In vlrr la nllnln lha nnrmnry cnn cenlllUnn Huh wll nllrrnlly uulu rullln Ammml hmrhk unl In 1mm mm mllllnn It Jnhn lo Pull wr mll Ihlh pumplnz Ilnllnn will be added nut ym Mr Murphy KIWI M11 that In Indulle N1 milled 0lftnmuvfll pumped Into ha Ichflf AIM nl Iha hlnh Illa pump Iy mm llmplrnxm MI lo wnuld bu prov ed to ucnnl lhl welsh at mid wilhduwn lrnm he nrlxlllnpplnz ronlninrr Thu an mu nlnl ll John Mary Perry Anna filmII IIIEVENT HWY ham In he Maud usur nlnly Thu but mtlhod ol udd Ill fluoride Iald Mr Mur hy ll Jo pump En hyglmnufill llck modalionkmwprepn In brief for the Duluth De partnmoonoanu Ind utqm MAM pro mm on pm arm and mm lolldons Earlier this man commitm lag wu mud to lookjnla 1M sewn up dollar owmd was company to WI with mater on com Irld dlrcclfi 1mm lhu Ihlpplnx anlnlntr 81yearold Burk man did at tha wheel his car today Thoma William Mon 35 Gowan 5L Wu driving along lnr mm St it John St It 10 mm with We Haul when he lfll Had seizure Ht wile stopped lha car Mr Jackson was dead bdara Conn Ron Plcknrd arrived II the scene The Amlly doctur nld Jackson had lullerzd from heart common Coroner Dr Frank Shannon sald post mor lem would not be necessary 11 pm Wednesday He bull ed on the door farm and naked for rlde lo mm but lha request was denlcd Ho Imd bun seen enrllzr by boy who WEN plcklnl berries on the Eu cnncesslan or On The boys mid they worn Lhrenlcnnd by Mellan About two year Ago Mellon 11nd and worked on term on Idemd near lhe 5th concession pan of training program He was sent Bowmanvllle al lcr belnz tonviclm ur lhefl DIX mnnlhl no Barrie Man Dies Ht Wheel Of Car Mmmmm mvmn HMUNI Iummmu 5mm lnlnrmlllal ull 0010 CANADIAN MADIMY Yr MIIIC MUSIC mm MI BERNARD BE ury pllunllnq Anni inn Aml Tho Imml way 10 nnvn and lmvnll Rncllnlna conch nunls all reamed In ndvnnco at no ulm coal Fov olhor economy Whlln and Blue tam cnl 1m AflwImI rnul Amt huem lulu Dope 7M0 OHM 71H Clly Tlckol OHIO 776 6515 Andmw Lawton Erector of legal Aid for Ontuio me My wlth Slums minty law Imb orulu Io Iélea local mnln mm or the provlmcl 1211 nld mmm Mr Lawm uld flu nem Well hnalrent mud international rmludn will puma into died by flu and In you Provincial lezbllthm pinned lullulu mum um will Jrovlde at plyment law yen ln legal lld cases Ellmlnlh An Irbllnry In come lave whlch lppll calm become efikihlu or Permll 1mm la moon melt own 1mm Ind Pravlda lor duw me in mutual court to puk on balm ol dawn on final lnllhl appearance 1115 mm moxmn wlll be ad mlnlstercd by the Upper Cam Ada Law Socky and financed by In provlnclnl xovemmrm NEEDS TEST Undo he lystem peraml rim to legal Ild wlll be de lermlnLd lhrouzh need tut adminlslercd by Lha DnLarlu De paglmenl of Public Wehre pmenl perm leiclv Ian nut eonsldared unleu he emu undu 31600 your with 3300 addklnnnl Illawanca in In nual Income for uch depznd The new legislallon recol nllcs purple Ire Able to allord naming to delend memelvu omen can pay small mom and still other In able In mn lrlbule sannliaLly Mr Law said Whatever the cllent cnnt ply we government will pick up lawyer will recelve per cent nl ugglr magma IL An applicant will 15 mt In area dinMar who Mlerl him wu lmlmcled to check mum helm lhc upon WII nudusd lo council my ply hm txpccled mm wlllon lram uvml qunrlm on mnllcr LI reulvnd Bevernl nldcrmnn hm Ilmdy nld publltly lhnl they wnnl In lulu Inna hum look Mon xhlnx Ippmvnl WWII Mnrh Muir ll of Queen Street wotfin car Mp It the And 68 Willj Name Administrator Of Legal Aid In Barrie CANADIAN NATIONAL STUDENT AT WORK Tm omc when mm yin portion of IMAM bélr The am lead lid dlredm In lum win mun urllficale Applicanu wul hava Ule Ham to aprpul lhey In turned down unlquo lenlure cl tho bill tannin than eligibh or aid In dmu unit an luvyen alim Imllnz the nun way Mr Lawson laid Magistrate mum when the lezmatlm mm mm emu wan Nude Jaw MI of NM Ind South um Hui sun McMahon Ind 19min Irvine Imml Mr Ind Mn third Doul mu Ind John Graham our lh Mn Dim CON and tau Mike mum and Mn John Wooduock and lor But ul um Mn Art Mm Ind Mn hck Wanda an mom Ind kn Mrluldlh Mu llalfl mm ml Ml Jam 11rd mm plum um MII Mm And Mn John Grnhm mm Dnllmm E0 JWUMW GIVE ADVICE who 10 ll wlu be to give on mum advlu The duty cam will Ipuk or file mused 1n raped ln bail Ind Inloxm him of MI rlzhLu when requcstedl Th mound my whomeme lpv flIa kale Druid Rd Mm mvwd Mix in Duplicate Bridge Club Results Ddan mum the met SM will cater undo gt Nona Maxim this ANDREW LAWSON WHITEFARE ONE WAY smstwau and WILLSON Mnlswdl ml Wynu piou 04 In HIV UN Mar lawn hu him Ihur In Mr Mucle hvxm nun Marla AM with dm In ml lmw wih hlm my ml Ma pmle Hwy may hurt airlinth normu hand for mm 1911 AM Wu bop um every lawyer In 0mm will put hLI nm to km one flu 9M1 crim lllll or ldylca much to he el habliiled Mr Lawson nld Hluldkh eddutln In dinner like pmth luwyer will be named surly 1n In Todly Mr Ile me will npmenlfilvel flu Simeo Oounty Bar Anodulm the crown mam mi Joell mu Mralu L531 yur then were moo Ippxlcallom for legal lid In On um with about 16000 2mm yqdeg the my plln moyiws mar 1n uid Elm The Onurlo diredor Hid hll Mazda to reoomnend that Slm gomglp bu¢tnblhhed criminal moa Gail hi Mamas so Mmsvxiéi Enmim Pm BARBIE KIDBISKUIJI 25 Donald Hm 51m Behind wm MIA HEAL FSIATE IIOHMAUE nnoxnu IllW NM 7M Il MIG imam du mmuu um Im ID IIIIIII netcl lipan Appmmuly uu Tflnllnlnlul WP pllll ll null uln III mu lulu4 um In uau outlaw Nun clnnly tnvlmld Into Ill wfloal unlell vnma yuan murmu ll planmm human IIII wlll tantnlulu you 12mm munn Ill 01 Inflow 7236330 walnn IuUI emu NOW JACK MuLAREN ANNOUNCEMENT vim 7254097 blob

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