Dur Ann Linden My hm und and have been married Mr seven yearn W5 10 line but mum um bothm me and Iwodd Ilka in now am being silly thn we with the coupkm Rm say 1000 31 mm My don N1 53110 The her evening we were playing with ncimIbom and Tom mid whoever in the pol Ilka lo L11 Elda in he kitthcn and give her big klsa tmm laughcdbm dont mum nu um husband would be mad Anothcr man Iried Io huz at his hi1 We My hadnnd stems to enumga 1L Phase id me hat to do BAFFLED Dur BI Tell Tom mt can you mum mod iuck charm card pnu or unyuxlng ILW Suth lemma make him look to nu ma world like heel 1i he don it again make dear um he is peaking at you and MI him in cm the comedy REALISM Hm Ann Your Holy to Tun Bramiiui Wm cmH Im uéfl T00 ncauliiul and can Nil yru ul bomb to in through wJI law and flgwc um menlml aim and mm ear him was in him uhooi the ban was aler to ask me My Assumed was nl wan dew uzv Na one wanicd risk being Ricard wt bums my nigh on umuni lhil The did In the in ï¬lm mu butane they ï¬gure Hume In good looking hm In he gum And they Mandi led mwnw to pm he dmm ovary mm min Ind nixyen ofl Murine More olMidv End no mum Mmdum me to than boy Mmd Ind mm am nl ten winded mm mice paxdn 50 pin1M NM link corn pasdon tar mm who cm hmulmd 1m IS hnMy tor ll MIRROR MIRROR ON THE WALL Dflr Mlmm HM mnlkm nu ht hunan loo AMY nn urrhrndl and hnlidnyl Ihm ynu Ah lnr lhn ml Iun or or pnm unknnwn Ilw nm In lulu Alon lhhu IM um ynu bnkrd In yinng nwn lllrha imklu In urclltnl hnlcn but now ml lhrn ynu mly vunl lo lmu nomrmlnl mm rlnhm Ill Ah wlh ltlfll le lurh llvmn Imnn mu uuully ml lb qumlnu unlnu ynu In havrlllnl only Ihnfl din llnm Ilnnry lam ml lha Mhrr hml have lulvly mm mm ml luer ll uhrn rarlnl luun lnym In mm In an at box may up lull lhnl II unlll family Ml ihrmx Honey Taxis Travel Well HONEY TAHTI run lwwy llulpo MIN Ofll lwnlm le him lbllpn Innnll lulu In nulmq ll nul xvlml null perms alt Cum 1an wllh bullm mr Ill lulu up 111M ml HIP mlnl Amnn null In unlnhul lull IM ml pour bonny ml on lnlllul um llwm lai ulmm uhmll ll mlnulul min min nmllh mUnl lot ll mediumInd mu ANNUAL GARDEN TEA HELD AT SHANTY BAY ANN LANDERS Mate Is Miï¬ed By Husbands Oï¬er me Ilynu gorgeous Wu say more mm be mm serious flaw lomwhem mm you find out what My day me It didnt want to hurt his feeling didnt say anything Ihe rqnlr kill was $4150 day Lsm in KY al Id ml 11ml ml $00 have It about me Mowing the sum if when hook It In again Ibo mpair man said the watch ooddnl ha man than $17 new he suro to It mud hand And that it wasnt lixinx and mud kor bal Harvcy ha Hm 50h makes good money and Khan the wt of evuythinglor hirmdl flue ii For my my Har vcybougtgl me waldl ug Oatde waits In ï¬n to am he cup on other New er The ukmal lnvmlu wax For mm hrvey laid me ha he wants Ind pocket mad or $681m mflyd lo FLAMMED Dm Fllmx Dont lcdl Hm he bond you dam of Mk ham IL To hlm If nu warm his Kill Wm ma mnlrman old you it wart worm rum CALGARY CM0n lhc bcnqllla of Mllfll mighnund um lha whnla Inmin an parlmnnla In he hohhy nyl Mn lun Imde rc lmrulrd In mch he nll lumily un enjoy hunt and develnplnx he Plum lnln wmclhlnu benuUlul Mn undo mcmhtr ho Calgary lock and anldnry Club Onn the blue on the Conllnrn It hnl mun lhnn 300 member than hull pebbl collrcmu umlrr 1Q Mu Hrmlu mnmmmll lhe hnhby hrcnun you un our own llmu yuu want In unl or mm mm ridd Icthlmnfl In bowllnl or rmllnl Fock hnund dmnl um haw In hum Ila run buy my pllu from lapldnvy hon Family Together In Rock Hunting be Am 1111 no Lani NUTNTIOUI AND MOWWMHUNG vuhily can be haurd Him He my angnfo policgmgn One soluflon LI lo trim them In lanzth But yaura Kola do um thena no point In wgarlng lhep In the ï¬rs place Long nec ace an new bracelcls Ilsa dangerous Kl lhu geur mm under the steer ing whee And lwlvellinz the rearview mirror fix your makeup mistakeyou canl lookn yourlefl Ind allow In at the same Eme Thou long Ilsa eyzluhu or cxnmplz Whether you Aglue up they prevent Vyou Vton mini properly when driving tag gm Sgt Keglu mmred by H1 Barno brmdl of Ibo Ontario mmne Social Indhddnnmeummdaolmo Meghan 51mm Bly Sandals may be cool the xer can admlu but they Ilip on tha Ice and mlycnlch undtr the braka pednL Nmow huh hcel arent much bellulhty on the flogr cavprinu Women are becaman luv more wzlus than thzy used be Sgt Kealel llyl Once they warn nvtrcauflous Now thnlr Indecision la maler and Involve lhem mm ln fraction of the law menu hummer m5 Womens Vanity Is Traffic Hazard Vnully In the oniy hazard Sam women carry on long con veruflmu with paman and 9ch mug clung 113m esqc iflalinl with lhcir hands he lays TNNTIEGOSIS Mun CF 2le Stolhhen was ed hen An mupr gum mdcd tn htr Ilving room at me foetal lho indm dim nolewunmamnd mick bird whanmd wu mlmwd Mr nnd Mn Gear mm Ind dnughlm Bu an and thdy ol llnmlllon were dlnncr null 01 Mr Ind Mn Fred Coullon on St on Wednudny The nrlrker tlmlly former mlde bl Illrrla 91 cr Dixon Edle MM Dr unwed It Torono IHMHMII Airport on Wednrh day Illnnmn liter holiday Iar two wreh In norm qu bar In Dlxun will um hrr nlmlmolhu Mu Helen Dixon OUTRTANDING AWARD HAMILTON CUES vlnllnn at In hum Mr Chnrlu Hindi Tnmnm 51ml um Mlu Ilnmlln Tmnlo ml Mr Donnll madman WMI Mn ml Mldml Midml ODonnbn who Mr Intll mphw lhll Jun may rnosjinnnm mnomq cm mepnly SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES DUCK First Annual Barrie Antique Show PreludesCanadas 100th Birthday Soma valulbia collecqu awnA ed by local peopla belnl named or Ms dlqzlay 1th re enm 5mm anuqun tum an 11 mini Anflqu enema pmicullr class or or lpee Iflc perlpdz 0ne lnqcollecuop of Anflques all kinds Includ In pressed glass dolls quills urnllun and woodenwnrea will be dupllyed at Earriel ï¬rst Quaintqu show SeP Th1 dispin will be of imam lo averyononol lull In Antique collectorl Many virllors alter browning thmuh the NHL will mobny riluovcr llm they havc antique in thair Attic lhlt may didn know were valuable liem jar booljaclr Grandlalherl lint render lull pln holder In original copy of one of the old lavarila mgr In early mailorder catalog No room furnished in he Ille ha last century will display many heirloom lrom BIrrle lamillu Spanlored by the MM Church Women of Collier El milled Church the Ihaw wlll bu held in the Church Hall ram pm mecflanlcul bnnh so unique It could Ina be dupllund In any museum In Canndn col lootlon of lumen brum rep resents the resulu hunt for they Interesting placel on two mmm cognacn None of Ibex collections will be laid but Dr ha nnllque TEE BARN EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST I964 FOR TOMORROW udy pan the day will be pedafly where jab mmn mm Co with Md be moped and am an on your pm will he mg Waï¬veiyby olimd you should have may inspdng yur Inddmlnfly whats Mmma Ia Wed youm King modding dale your chm than um We be Dccumbx will be he most MGM period in 1966 Duh 1967 We mom or mugLawn puma dd mallet may not mm as mandating you private 1310 mm the balance at 1966 ynu Md be able to nuknqmskl mu was mvmuwnxv wpodafly Wu ï¬ll mm mfï¬mwkil but Ill lerdod Mkhnrl lnwrr 11h School Enluncl ï¬rhnlnr Ihlp 5L Chrlllamhrrn CWl no Srholnrlhlm 5L Chrls phcrl llon Nnmu Sodrly llrll ulm Awnrd the BI 1mm ETA Awmi or InnHI Pmfltlrncy um um Onlnrln Hydro ulp Io Cornwall or wlnnlnl the FI null School Ornlnrlul Cnnml In Mum ho wu vnltd the oumnndlnl Ilhlrlo Ihn win ll MIII 50pm khan nManwrml mi mum Vlllry In nnum Columlvll ml Vlnmuvrf IIIm1 numml lrnm mm ltln Ihmulh lho an mvlnm Illghllnhl lhn Mlle lnludpd vlnln In Mr And Mn Hun ml lunlly My Ind Mu INM Hay lwl llmfly 11 Ilmk up mildly thud ll Note In mum to tour ll enenl nadnl III of III elly Dmdel weddings nu Ilunnln lunllm Ind vlr lton In Ill Menu Inltnll mam 1h mu Your My lupplylng will In nully npprw IIIM Ill phononlfllnil Eumlner 7mm and In lllm Dlxan or And ALIIITA HUM Mu Mm Hully mi Inn In mm Hun4m my In limit 11 an gun In In Hullayl plvmfl Mr Ind Mu ll ny mldl at mm The weekly Family nllhl Irmm damn nl Iho llnylMl on Vlmnl El hm mm It unvplllu mum rllncru Inn on lulu Nu Yuk February my aid LIN AVghh oowpatimnl mad man Mumyjnpnq WHAT THE STARS SAY mn EmZLLITA Ind nuns and tied at if galn prlccn enlhuslast who always hoplng lnr that special ï¬nd mm wlll ha sale attic treas ur hered rum lnuu Th ldeu for ma Anllque Show presented to the Cul llcr St omen ln February Ind commlllea was set up with Mrs MIcLIren Ind Mn Earl Cux as general canvannrnl In lha allowing months as mem bgm cmlrllmlcd suggestions up lhusinsmgrew and savml uthcr leqlum were added In the show country More remlpllccnl ill old general store wlll oller vlsllm hnmevmnde breadl Jel llu 0an calico dolls my 1m pdmml Sam and many ollierngm llqms EARLY PLANNING Mem era tho committee ex lend warm lnvilatlon to sum mar resldgnu In the Barrle area In return In midSwumber to attend this Antiqun Show uhidl will serve an preview In Can tennlal Year 1967 In the selling In old coun try 11m Huranln Bulfet will he served mm to ma pm Ind visitor may enjoy foods and redpes representutlva Simcoe County Light iunchc may be purchased II nick bar ungauglggut ligashow Reader Interested In Inflque Ind Canadas past an urged to wulch or the Lookan Back column whlch appears weekly on In Womens Palm the mm mm mimics award extravagance and mm mm for luxurk on Fiscal lnlerelu probably wont advance much during the man live mum hul or you and IM miles the wind be wemmwaMDochufllbe an excelch one or making lqngoance pig for Wm he 30506 varied for advancement an indicateg gyr month Ibo last week in Sep tember the last Macks Odd empumakly lmci the 15 10 days next February and May during the mom Sqflcm and October good gmm mmivod than and car ried out with wudom and um aim should bring Hm good mum during he hm menua bmdnning mm Jan to he climax by an cxmfknl qnonlh mks lasting frvrn June Irwgh Sept It will he Momma Imvwr that avoid emawganm wk Man 6mm Wan bcr Nmmixx and LL91 that ym lako lam lerm llnnncial mmMmmu dunnl thaw Wm AMHhomondflsdaywill he natural lmdcr and MN with ï¬ne emlm Abil fly lHtMKln Panmylvnnln And HI Am Snlurdny evenan group dancm ram Cnlhnrlnr and Tornnm Mm nmnng right ul dnnclnu In lhn calllnx of Orphia lInmn 5L Cnflunrlnrs TM Snlunlny Tom mlnor nach ultr NX will ho lha uul ullrr Mu Jam Hemlrnon Tel lrnhlm an 1ch Inmlly party held nl nrmklrn Gull And Country Club Mldlnml on July 5L ller Inuxhlrr Mu 13 Trrlxhlnn Midland Wu han llll Altenrflnl um Hm nur thlhlrrn our urnmkhllvlrrn ll urrnlarnmlrhlldnn Ind 1le InInul Dr JL mmnn Mu lrr mmvmlrm Ilrnrlrnnn II Itill wry mm In Imnh ml ammnn lly rIrrIM ml wll hum lhrmllhmul IM manly Woman Celebrates 85th Birthday All mur ha null ml Hm Inuuio uh Mr llnw wnu pnuml ll Mrl Irmlrrlnn own Illll hmnl IrHrrI III from him mum Iha Irndrr lhu Op mllinn lho LIMMMMGnvcr Mr Hm Immlwr IMllnmtnl hr Dullfllnï¬llnrm lrul lha Iunflrr Inmlo 171m urh lumllr rnnlvllmlnl mm or unwell mnlnlnrm Mn llmlruann an 1mm 11m llllnulnu mm m4 mmnu yrm 7mm Wu lam Twu your Illa uwllflmu leu nth Ill Um um um you lhll tnnlmlui mlll Elghlyflu yum ymmll WI My llullh ml humilnul Mm pm In Thu II uu hnmv yum him In dllu Iolmlln ninetynu WAWA cmn ynuve got fresh green or yellow bean in your hand youre holding Wrath rarity Only about asyarcenlolmectwlswld rem because the bean is one of on prlnclpal canning veae tabla servlct calorie dont be er you home unmask advice slatherinx he cooked bean wiLh buulcr or Mmmaise goutcream SSHCL They lash best when cooked as soon as possible alm pick ing hm cocks at the Iednal agrimnure dvpannwnt lay my should snap msply vhm bmken between lhe lingm Ind shodd not be washed surnde or out unlil immediaer Mm cooling Lm Canneries Take Major Bean Crop pound of mil beam mm three or our pcnple and more an only 96 Dayna 19 ha Mr Ind Mu Bind of Barrie have Annnunced lhl forthcomlnx munHm of their TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 1mm 73mm ï¬vniture It Bani Tumitme Ito I7 MULCASTER ST OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TILL 900 17 MULCASTER ST NEXT TO THE LIBRARY Cred OI Coum COUPLE PLAN SEPTEMBER WEDDING men Dr kicker 51 Nanakno 30 In the new ml of chic denim the ï¬sheries Research Board 01 NAMED CHIEF SCIENTIST 0mm Awe dimmer June Marla Io Bruce William Hnrnhy Ion Mn Jaleph Hornbynt Toran to Ind the Mr Hornhy 165 Wllllngion We Hive The AWARD WINNING NEXT TO THE LIBRARY FROM 14 lo 40 OFF El DELIVERY IREI STORAGE Bedrooms Living Rooms Occasional Pieces Oommhlfldnudonrdmm To plan ym Mada or ummL mlminl or mummu humm In my Huh To WWI awry doom Tull MA mm Ind mkï¬ml Brondloomsallugs Bedding llnanlI hm Ill Iii wml Mink ll mm lwW lwmll humm mrnI Tm Mm or Hm mun Mu txvw him Mn rutr11 Miy ï¬mnm hm Mr flam qmuuu umm hurry Inl HAIR STYLIST Candi wu announced Wed madly native nl Waterdnwn on Dr flicker attended pri mary and sacnndary school In Nonh Bay and studied It Lh Unlvenlty Toronln mu Kn mm mm 1mm mm mu pun Wm hm anld bur omz uu Tu of cold ya mwï¬mm Trth Anglican Church Em will form the mm or ha murlm on Sept It All STYLISTS nu nu 72605 726056 72M