deter Fiddler To Play In Shelburne Competition Whilu the first of the week rains new considerably many Slmcm County farmer ntiltmo water supply pruhtemx wilhthu result that Grug Em agricultural cnv tum lur Stmcm County has Idnumumu requests or llsllnce For most the rlln sued the situation but this Ir from Ippllcd to 11 Fnlntlnx out that durln droughl pnndl stream Ind Ihaltow wells usually dry ï¬rst Mr Gnu said ollen possible to deepen shal low well that extend lno navelly watcrbcnrinz Hell In that ll may read lha water tabla levrl BEEF WELL WIT flayer for Base Borden Teen Town dancu Morgan Muxvhy nfllhzmm Baxter garggxnanang mglglan will ï¬aflklpflu In ï¬le nldflme lldd ng contest meme on Fri day The many Base Borden lrienda of tho uuan Fan 0mm thp mumflor will bu tollwlinl MW ail problem cncaunlmd hm that pump may luv In bu chunch mm uhallow In deep we unit ma wu lcr hlt trunk 20 lo 211M nld Mr 6mm rllnwcvcr ma nhnllnw M11 II mm mu rave vrln or rock rrcvlcn bencnnclh lha lmund dc mm 1th well ill not likely mud value unlul It yenchu nn nrra ml umcdwlth me Jo umnllinlm uï¬ during lhd ummcr wlm lho untyr lghla hlmmcr wlm lho untrr Able Ihn ml amdunfly Marina Thln enr ho prohlcm Water Problems Based On Most County Farms wwggtnrsl LKr un nnnnn nnu in proï¬ts with Interest be the 12111 time tha mmmtsumA AI lor pglnwlcd lulumm mus HIE HOUND 700 and 900 PM mm ESSA COUNCILLOR MORGAN MURPHY TO COMPEIE mmduunmu mouom mwu Amcqu TECHNICOLOR manila 0W loada who pally familiar midi oldtime mule or moduli rock and In entered the Emma mn Lad one the largest End In mo pmvinco AT COOKBNWN 100 The Essa mundllor also said ha infde to cum Lhe orches tra contest at Wm next Hand were In at tendance at 0an last yearr much mm IerlauI Ind when IueImI have one dry lha only IoluUDn to brinl In backhoe Ind hole bald the mum to dmrmlna walcr Ihle Incl an be found ptlowyound ll unnlhen For ilrmarl lniallinl upec iallud crops who nan nnlo dil ilcuiiiu pumping erm mums Mr Greg mammcndzd iha Wm 01 inrxo dugout pond About 30 feet to one Ildn oi the mum where praciiul Thus pondl gradually ï¬ll with water bdwcen lnlllllon perlodl And when lull provlda good supply uilhoul mammals lnlzr ierencl wiih the now min in ihu mum he prlllntd 0n lha mm lmporiani liepl la in hcion comirucl nd in to dig Iui ropoacd lile Thin lho lypl dowu lo moot dopih Ind Il Io whit helm the WM will riu in in ihu hnia lie ulrl nlvei bottom exctlleni ii he whler inhln ll high lrom undemound mpln but nl no Vliuo ll am in iryinl lo ulrh ludnru wanr Umlhlo nd mind by high wuirr lireInn ahnuid uni be tampered wlih Ind In hm lithOllld oqu racommedï¬ conï¬rm in pond nut th Illa uld Mr Gnu llJlfllN Mt ALI mm or can what addition to oflm mum um Hons He has been very popular with the Base lemma along with digifle the Mchwll trophy for liddlm AS over Ind as lame or special prize have never wan an awani lhern yardbl had lun he as who Enroll were his brother Frcd Was arm Cmmclllor MW has opwaltd garage It Baxm or over 50 years In the First World War he organized In omhealra and mmlnmml or the 14am bah lallon at Camp Bordon He was due llmt to guy piano donated 10mm ymb Dymond com pany ol Barrlo was he only plane on the grounds at the me ha yocalledl gyld the conical made popular hlt At gramme some moo nt undcd year ago and an Uclpated them will be as many morg on Fridayl me Everett bull plt char LI rcmlrkably mm bnva given Imrball but continued sldlnl until last your he sold WEAR DRIVER an Simone Oolmwl lonz esHlma driven he has been ddvlu In Ilnoo he Wu vmlch m1 ya yoafa Med oboul curly nwdcl oars he smiled Ind nmmd drove mm lhem lnclndinl he Overland F5501 and other one lime had an oneqlimlw Cadillac That wan qulle low years Ago Thm ha been great dual mm in slam Ihm Spammd by lhe WWIMI Akdnflluml Saclcly tho aldumc alumina comm hm billed or Saw Tho an flu will be held Ind l1 1mm Gllmy Iceman mid IM 00 mmm mmm WM vmvtd up bemuu It wns Mnsldlred an 0m ln Iull um be lhn 1am comm min your tor lha Canadian Old ï¬ml Hkflerl Mlflsl Shel lnm It mm may uflh Illydmml In Iha ovmlnx Illrb 1n parndo and un pm gram held Salimy Ind he mm 1an1 In on SJHnlny The Baxter Miriam will b6 TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 0R0 STATION 5mm 0m Mushlp Coundl 111 mum tn lundle punnlnz blunt with no mama plan board or hymen pt mï¬ we decided at the Au uu meeting at council which Ema Gm MncKAy pro dded and am pment were Dep uty We Golden Caldde and Wilma Wallace Key Leon mm ugd 2mm 0mm said he had bean asked about planning board and he nought council opinion 1m was ble W101 alter which Mm Macky summed It up with an mm The em regulator have went out $n 0m ha suited people uwdl anywhere mm away but we have many able to work them out BUILDING BYLAW cmmduor Guam mandionad an ammo whom man might mild pigpen bald nem bor house It wu pointed om them wan reaulaumu mum homes to he certain distance back from mark came un der the on building bylaw 1n nouslug wbdivmona thm an Ippmved then Ira AIM regulaflom promoting harmown Overall regulation or am like On are mum to apply and certain amount mommy In nude Ore To Continué Planning Policy LEka HARBOUR VICIUMA HARBOUR Farm priest of Maryl ohmh hm cm the past hm yam Elm hu Been nppoflnied the chumh My Trinity Tangle If was given an engraved wallet and mm wesenmlon at mall fawning at the parish hall remAux REUNION AI EADY EADY 1mm Former wpfl and leadlm and Mr Famlllu have been invited to Join yam reunion Endy mm on Sunday August 10 at basket 1unch ptmdc Tea and collea win be provided pm in Eady Uniled hutch lll CORN CLUBS BEETON sum Member of the Beam and Geomown 1H Corn dubs dlmused weed spraying echnlquu math In recenLly TWOIIOUR PARKING ALLISTON Stall Daylime parking on main business mm mm mm mm ELMVALE sum Pï¬nd ml of Elmvale lllxh School HnyEllh wlll ullend lhu head musters commute at ha ukr hand August 11 to 24 He hu just tamplnlcd munIn It um Winclpnln counts Uruvmlly union Elaven olher tucheu 1m Elmvala Dhmrl High School In akin lummer Comm and ey nnd Gum taking degm mum It Wale loo Lulherln Unlvcrully exle llbfl Irhoal OIHHI whll Mln um mm in mm ama tonne at Wnltrloo Min Mc Dcrmld Ia lakini an Enxlllh mum leading lo cndommenl at Waterloo Lutheran Unlvmlly Elmvale Teachers Taking Courses Tnklnu msz at Londonire Ramon TSS coma and II rethink coum lending lo noup ll saw is akin No wnek nhyllcal rdurnllnn mezlnh mum In Toronto Mle Dvld my and Kclm noml In In lnnlnu T55 our Noblc ll mm co Inndlnl lo Group npulnllu Ind MIL Mb Mnhan II llkln Inolhnr mum lending la Grnup at Town DISTRICT BRIEFS what might be good for one aeddon Isnt my good for an cum Mu nova conmenred We mod that the present re um regarding zoning in Nu Immshlp wen mound an quiremenh must Emma my any nuw mu whldh um md can consider dunge deemed ndvlublo HAWKFATONE PAVING Pavim street Hawke etm was apprwed mum to Mae Appmvl mm this On grlo DeqamngmldmNMyl Ooundl was ndleed than was no moha on abom in pro poled 0m rim which thqdo mm of Nzhway refused ho AW Mill think It was good Idea udd Row Mac Kay In mgald to lMrWIy lem noulyln the mom Noll When they wen anslug Ind leaving On The concussion 11ml are good along Na 11 but people no mm are dont um Um Mim xlgnl would have lust beta good or Ora4t would be good Hon or amnion remasz aha new 1110 next mom in ON council wlll be held on Mondly Aw 15 The SW meet lng will be hid the day Illa labor Day nomean which frequently commded by shoppers 111m In large car parking mathe Mud 510m CEMETERY SERVICE HONEYWOOD Stall Am nua Honaywmd cemetery sen vice will be held In Honaywood Uniml lurch this mnilll Sun duy August at 230 pm OLD TIME TEA DUNEDIN sum Pine Tree Wormn Institute will wow an oldiashiuned lea bake sale and village store Bowerman Hallow on Saturday Mamba MACK KNIGHT CREEMOEE 3am 111 Royal mack Pemptory 300 nl Glougher will hold their In nual dim parade to St Jame Anglican Glumh clwxher lhll WAYNE sum In In In In llnd ncw noncu nl good water the Imamaflnnnl wm Supply Company in making last drill or the sauna We Uul Mel Conmision Stayner excellent water bu lmued use during ha my de newde ma mtrip llon In yawn Iprlnkflng coining Sundayihumll at Drills 1mm year an In dicated lhen II good Mary undeer mm In in mu ï¬rst mm was humu ad Ihqumg an Inn Mn liable Illa lot TODAY Thru SAT SHflNTY BAY $32112 TRMNS COLLIDE VANDEHHOOF 110 10 ml ur ex loded nnd burned Wtdnudny tn lwn Canadhn Nfllonnl nnflwnyl work lrnlnl collided two mllu ml hm nnrlhctnlrnl llrlulh Colum One trnln ulth right can Immed into Iflndlnl lnln comlsllnl ul caboose rlnr ho luel ur and gondol on WM Injurcd Thu cnlll Ilon nppad aul name 50 ml nl luck and dcmlcd In angina Ind lhm cm VStayner Drills For More Water ITS 999595 mm DISASTER 1m mints or mummy lllxhuy II It Gnlhrln Ian Will the development of the conservntlon pond nndnltunl and other Mï¬dm pmid ed Tnltenhnm hu Rood ml pecular Mun growth mul dllm mlph Hutton Ihms the xenon nlhuxIam over the vfl Iaxol prospects resident ol Dnndonnld Street Barrie Ray Gollogly of be teaching mu cl Technch Service School he been pro mated lrom corporal lo sergeant Ill him was included ln recent promotion llst released by Cnnndlnn Force Headquartmr llAa driverMurder who who to Euro Borden lhrea yearn I50 nallve ol Klngslon Sgt and Mn Golloxly now consider Barrlu their hometown TORONK CmAbout 150 clwl mm and mm mem ber ol the movindal mam tun 1d their offices Queenl Park wwncsdny men faufly steam valve set of lira alarm mlnnm laterni3r iireméi had diatomad he came at the UllAWA cm1m Ontario fludent asskunce plan is ex peded com undor heavy lire at the Sept 19 annual mewng ol the Canadian Union students It Dalhousia Unl varsity Haljhx Gets Promotion Ht Base Borden mm malemenl releasnd chnuday sald an Ontario plan is an nberralion me Inimflons we adorn gov cmmem whlrh prnvidu the unds undnr tha Canada aludem lnnn plan Faulty Valve Clears Oflices Nle Ontario program In be put Into operatinn or the com lug school year nutcmnï¬ufly bar sludcnu mm mm loan when they work at valunA My Jobs duran hn gummer the MumM mid Heavy Fire Seen For Student Loans Mn 11 nl Mine Mill Ind Smdler Voxktu 1nd luu bwl mm bargainlnx agent far andaym Fry and Auodules um 0mm labor Romans Dond In nwnmd Wodmdly mile nrvï¬mui Vol debury 1m Aurom Ont ï¬rm run mlly sinking um phnlt or IMemnllonnl Nkkrl 00 Cole mnn Mina agar Aurora Finn Sinks INCO Shaft BASE BURDEN SQ my fled bask WK SEES GROWTH sunnunv ramm Mar nelImn hum And Orlllh Ion Olllu oponl pml Mon madam Dvlvoln not Tonnla Show mm dunk THE SAME EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST 1366 nld Dcputiiuve Eugene Smlih In challlgngly ï¬lflstoql grin Reeve George Davl asked his Ema camdl colleague ll they wlshed to meet Alllslon councll for further dlemalom About the Alllstonl request for dissolution of he unlnn school below the Slmcoe County Public School Consultative Cammltlee deal wlth the mailer luln The latter Illled to be dealt wlth meeting It Alllslou Publlc School on Wednesday Angult BAXTER sum They are nailelm Ilr About nun menu lhlt 010 own In been paying nut of prepostlon to En In the upkeep Amman Unlnn Schml He II Iha Arguments hand an Illa pup com wen unfnk contending thlt lhl proportion lhnuld be hued un ï¬elnflva Iuwmenu In his been one 111 an going to make change dont lee my sense or mother meeting with Al ton cumit but It is to Reeve Dnvls Inlormed caulk cll Councillor Kenneth Bland am who Accompanied Reeve Davie to the lust meeting utd he dfllerancel were luch that he let It would be better nettled by the committee DIFFERENT BASIS Essa Challenges Alliston Stand On School Costs Figure given by Alibian lo the last muting which nhnwed the lawn wu paying mm or no5 per can oi the per pupil cost with mm 456 ml ni pupil attending Essa was shown as paying $7061 per pupil cos oi 116 per cent or 153 pupils Tossuronlin mm for nine pupv ii or 17 per cum mi Tecum ulh mm for mu Tasman tin and Tecumseih were laid in bu willing to Agree to dissolu lion Ilflu they am not seriously Iiiecled We do nn feel that ha per yupil can the key point uld Councillor Blanchard mnrking Just because house hu no drildren going to dd domt mun it am yum whom mm The taxes are based on pmpeny Went sums um mm him be mm gain In whoa mm horn then nan nr yem in not 9117er um Allmnn In lend In Annex lbs are con cerncd has been mauled Allklon would hlva to oducnle these pupils Mo uld Eu might cnnxlder consenllnz lo change In hound Ind when Innexntlop lake ac clerk pointed out Inolher nclor which Ihunld be comldcrcd LI the hizher per pu pll rnnu mud on In men dancn bash lo lawmhlps in com parison luwm Ho nld Mr dld not lppelr lo hlvo bun lnken lnlu ramldcmlon In In llxum nubmlutd Furthermore In wandered II the higher cam mminl Ind Industrial um um comidrrgd flxurel Inked how Ith mluht Illect Em um Beevo Davin nld It wouldnt yul up In road or Emmi rural Iridnlrlpnilly do at hlnmr ptrrcnlnua 1n DISTRICT NEWS Edwara Sman mean 303 our Inhool gum lhgn towns remarked Deputy Reeva Smith remarkinl this wu something whit Alnglan hum consider In regard to the lax mcclinl Reevu Davis uld We didnk let too far In our discussions The Cumuluuvc Cummlllee sug lastul be two councils get to gelher in and discuss com mendauons would be glad to attend we could accomplbh mm dld lumst we let them take over the area they Intent to incorpornta And we would re lathe llrm area This Win an ly suflestlon dont think than would have bun more than 10 can puplla from Em out do ha humup Irgl Hound Antstpn mothsan help was lxreed felt the mutter Ihould be letth by the Consultaflva Committee as provided by 1nw In order to clear thing up In my evmt then annexaunn Inter the matter mlght have tn be review ed again In the light luck new situation When may realm that unlan school may an ailing morn unnu they might can Ilder wlm lhey In doing more oudully Wad Depuw Reeve Smllh who mused Ill Essa way Mr play motion moved by Counclllor Eilnchlrd Ind necouded by De uty Reeva Smith tlut Eu con Iider Ienvlnz mnltul to the Sim coe County Public School Con Iultatlve Committee was paw ed without dissent although the vote was not recorded Also present were Reeve Davis and Councillor Morgan Murphy Councillor Fred Ross of Anna was way on yacatinn mniéuorialio Framed um Allmnn council and Ichml board be notified to thin effect PLAN PMQUES TORONTO CDThe Junior Farmer Alsodallon ol Onwlo ls mum1n centennhl pro ect In vlnce plaque an Inn um hnva been manned by the nma lammel or lam 100 yen Cuman Hamlltnn mm ol the utemlnn branch the dcpmment uncul Inn Ind mercurymama lhe Association nld Wednw day lhat between 5000 Ind 000 arm in Ontario ex peeled lo qulllly at plaquu belnéï¬ment of mi arch from NIGIITLY FROM RM lunch on an 54 In an Temca Room 14ml an hypeml flu llb ulm mall at flu Acllon QUEENS HOTEL GOGO THE SYNDICATES NOW PLAYING 700 900 llAanE