Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1966, p. 14

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P1an To Increqse French Immigration OHAWA CW Immlxrn um Minlsler Mnrchnnd nu nounccd plans Wednesday in in crease immigration to Canada Irom France The minister told press con femnce his department has my specific tnrxet or detntled schema yet worked out but one ldca thats being given priority 15 survey or Canadianspar ticuharly in French Canada to find out why many French Immigrants dont feel at llama In Canada mmw flu said anada gained about 5000 immigrant mm France In 1965 only hall of them French naflonalkand lmmgrm uon mm France this year running Shiercent ahead at where it was at this point lasl ycgr Iéanada needed balm bul ancu in lmmigralinn as Ir layman Bra concerned Mungm The minister made tnurday visit last week to France where in mud lmmlgmliun nflicu In Paris Marsnines and Bmdeagx MEXICO CITY Reuters The awning newspaper Diario de Mexico announced Wednes day it has been owed co cease pmioation by 11de dcnt vao Dial Oldaz Unden the headline Prat dent Dial om doc death or Diario de Mencv Um newspaper says June mar resulted in the transposillm of captions on mum The 153an joumal said misprinu are inmimhm and denounced the pffida unju Halts Pilblication Igepmsandanamdpwic power agaiw our pralassimal and civil Li MOSCOW lRstlA cotte spondent or the Smiot new agency Tass in Cambodia sald Wethtsday hat Unified Stalin aimall seven Lime machi group min included member the Mutational Control Commission nur ma South Vidnanm bordda The Soviu mm 0an Illa aman tired shdh Ind missiles mgday at Ihegmup gzhng report ol an eathcr ut uck on the Inmflor village Anion Tradl about 60 miles mm of Saigon Canada India and Pound nuke up the Report Attack SASKATOON CF Dana dinn labor now mmrds par cent as minimum figure in wage mm brands on Illflnn Matter Ditfmbalm laid Wainmday Government adlon In lowing the Mmueal dock workcu stnkn and Weannnd sm mnnl mike on the Great Imkm Vhu mmd VWIM on the firm nl inflation Mr Dicran baker said In lmrviuw Kidnapping Charge Smmlom um Parliament be CHEM mm swim this month ml with mllwny Mk mmmfld mum that ran be hlnnwd on Mm MAanlcr Die Raps PM Puma DANVIIJH AW An momployud labour wM durum cdnmhy 101 Iammz flout11 lunmn mu MHHFM our live or 15 Inna In man RAM Hull 14 who mama wilt um man mlfilnl Icky anll nuylvy mm In ml MANY OATEHI ahnl luv Hut whoa uhm llw am mMM PM hi III lull NII In mm ww nm wulnrm in mu Veml rum KEEP c1549 OF SEAPLANES LANDING AND TAKING OFF south ol Mic Hnfl was Lakeninlu custody by Storm Jack Clark Ver milivn Comfly earlier any the Harrell prl had been lound sil ung on the steps at an aban doned store in we town ql Bel her home In Shape Creek lour mxlos soulhrni Dan only way to nvercnmo lhe lmnsiknl nature at much the papulnlinn nl Norlhern Canada la to give the area more sell government lmmcdialely say former Norlhem Alfalra Minls 21 Walter Dinsdale Conserva live member of Parliament from Brando Soprls Intervlewed durrng nurtttcrn1 tour by members of lhe Com mons nnrlhern nttatrs commit tee Mr Dinsdele minister at northern altatra untit 1968 said he favors tutly elected ter ritorlat council with resident northerner as commissioner giving the Northwest Tcrritorle the same governmental rtatu the Yukon Need Self Govt The pjarllnmcnllry commillce lel chnuday hr the Yukon TORONTO Mm James Mom mu Pentecostal Rankin aIsd wily at the director of youth down mom of the 1le Assem Canada dim Walrus day alter Immhy mum Mr nnd Mn Motgm 9w mmvod by her hut hand five and mam in Pembraki aim EL INUVIK NWT APlIjle Dies In Toronto sumle CplJenn YIN lmfil Ridmnl ol Monuml prov Inch cl flue fimmakinn Jamil order in mm or the land six yum arrhrd Wtdnem day to lake evil Minx pru Idenl ml the university Sud hury bum cl lamllan Univcmity Home ntpmrnmlm or rign Illnlu nub commlllu uruad Walkwst rim that romidunlion be Riven In re ducan us om In Europe put Hmmugh rcvlmplnl Ike Noth Mllnllo Tmlly Or unlullon New President Concludan three mnnlh 1me NATO he Iubcommll In mid Iho United Slum hnl rlhplnyed Imrnllllvlly lo rhnnzu In Europa and mu Need Revamping WASHINGTON MD tlnnl vi Mm VII Iv flu Irv MMDMN TOW UYIHWR wwl In mu lhl IAU Th flmla Im PalMun Hulk JOHN MARCIMND 3m tended tn dicta rather man to lead It said revamping Ll necessary If the aulance In to urvlve The Iubcammlllea suggested that in View of Frances with drawal from NATO mlmary ac tivities tho organizations base b9SPPDdFd Wépaln certainly magical candidate or membership In mgjrganlzalion Ktsgld EThe presence tone in Europe should be related d1 reotly tn the changing security rcqulrements or the continent and ought not tnba anldered permanent the report geld uon from International Nlcke Co of Cnnuda Lid In haveiu Sudbury distrch employees by declared engaged in an unlaw lul mike wu adjouran hide lnilely Wednesdgy by the 0n ado Labor Relations Board plgylges Sydney Robins lawyer at lhe employees asked or the ad journmenl and Oslnr law yer or Inca didnt oppose the mnlion re Lhan 16000 workers memberl at Local 6500 Unllcd Steelworkers of America CLC have been on strike against Ihe company since July 14 They were Joined later by 1300 mem bers of Local 6200 at the com pnnyl Port Colbume vlant TORONTO CF Brilninl ecannmIc plight is he result of living beyond her means nyl Lord Thomson of Fleet or mg man must bear his sham he blnma but man agemcnt has been lazy too he said In an lntnrvlew It on easy tn not mun lnlo prolil abla position The pan 15 an as it is here when com petition would one moderniza lion Adjourn Bid momokcm The Canadianborn newspaper publisher predicted unemploy ment would 500000 In nrfl thin it could be worse than at Beyond Means maple mus hava l5 ruffle typend Lord Tnomnon will open lhe Canadian National Exhibillon hem Min 19 ml nucllanecrmg firm In lel in nods Mum lrnm ha Cu ban momma uhinh In tum conlixcnlcd them frnm oppon ents Hunt governman on purthued lrom lha guvernmenl ol PM mIer Fidzi Caser by xmup of Canadian businessmen They onto belonged lo Cubans who fled tho Cnslro ndminislmllon hlth took power in tha Carflr bean country in 1m SUDHURY CF Mlhnugh nearly 15000 Surlbury men hnva been mndo IdI by wild cat Ilrlko Inlcmullonnl Nickel Company pInnlI nnd mlnu mu area the Sudhury suite of he anlonnl Employ mnnt Sorvlcu has had no un nmcnnl Inncuss In Jab nppllu llnm Cuban Goods Remain Idle MONTREAL CPA Mon EVERY llTTlE KITYEN llKEfi TO HAVE HOMEI MI flmnldynl up wn Ilnhh mu M1 Mm ml Inn vilnlnvfl haw lmw lnr IMI pm IEHII run Mafia mum Iun rm cl than 51 MM mixw um um hmw muu mum km IM have yuu In mu IIIyil ban My an Iran 14m mnld nil1H mm in that way Ali TM All AliVilllfl mu mm mmrivl WANT All MIWNK Bmls Exnmlnor DIAL 7201414 ll 11m BARREL EXAMINER WAYAUGUI the Maid steak Glacier is crashing iu way dwn mountain vafley wan Kluan Lake lwmiles west of WhiLdIqu Mon at about 50 lead day 1h nsmmmfile sheet Ice gm med five miles line the and April lndfiaiflnl that gumedymumudm far tasty 1311M current so feel day gadmrtn the Canadian Glaaier Fastest In Wbrld area norm ea1n Vsfimusu heiieva the Elacier bmke away from he Ice cap 11°°It Mm vn muum 1wa sometime In Audi at about the mom Godfrey Ainsley Smith aims with Ihe Defence Rgseudt Board Wodnuday de smbed rho glacial5 mova spedwxhr mi emp CfllmNB UP 10E Hosaldntwmpoinuitbu Mt great dmnk Ice hang ingmdiflsmleamma valley He menfly returned 1mm max over the fiads team from the Amalien Geographical Society reported the glaciertwo mild wide and mm phan 1000 feet thickwas upmdmg eaflh and vegetation and mum massive taverns Ice V111 pounding and damning the ice L1 dudy aufible in the vicinfly he sald 1m cause nl galloping Ead ers whim scientist prcler to call 5m not clearly known Dr mumhymm said the glacier 00de flop at any time But it confirms MB 0mm 1mm 01ng mm Men In 76 DUNLOP ST EAST TH ADVICE OF EXPERTS IS LESS COSTLY THAN THE Ways To Buy Ht fleevgs WASH °CHHBGE BUDGET °LflYflWflY to take more than winter remo to it He sald than was 1min dan ger it will mm Into mane Mkemiilhuwaylmmnny mum areainlhe Yukon 1110 nearest Mum is Bumsh Landing an wemm mm of Oh lako TORONN 0P Oomner Elia Gaza of lvronto warned Wednesday night that drvwn Inn In flu mu Wands 1n floonq will ham this summer unless camps arq banned or KL wivrning follow the dmwnhg Saturday cl Michael mm ul Mmyhm his Both mm worn nonswim mar and were not wearing lilo Jackets when their canoes an sized Dr lax Laid comm said persons who want to rent the boats and ca noes be mqnircd Io show proof they are skilled swimmers and canoelsm and also be re quired to wear urn jackcu Amber youth dudes Roy Median16 Corner Emok Nnd we visiting rela dvaa here dmwmd June 19 in dmilar mum Coroner Seeks Ban 0n Canoes CANT GROW FOOD Jordan with population ol 2mm Imports 0000 000 wnrflu of ood year All Diamond JULY 18 AUG 13 lmpocml by the Gum Mlcronopo for Your Proiodlon fiQQVQS ANNUAL CGE MAKES MORE Canadian General Hedda Co ltd had naming of 31812000 in the first six months Ihi year Wed mlh $645600 in In imi13t 1965 mm period In an interim financial statement the company says sales mse 76 can to film 997000 mm $15086000 GETS CONTRACT contract with potential BUSINESS BRIEFS recent winner ln ha Ex amInErl Bingo Game was Mrs Travel Damn 5L By 1m CANADIAN Pnnss VJEWELLERS mm 90 wms EXAMINER BINGO pmzn value ammo hm hm awalded to the dedrmics db visim 944m Out by the ground syEGm mp of Hughes Aiman Co Fullerton 1h tanked calls In the manmaolm ol dis play panels ma wuh the naval tmiual data systems DELIST COMPANIES 112 1mm Stock Exchanso announced Wednesday the listing of three companiu Mme mam had been sus pended more than year ago Mn Tum Ihown re advertlslng salesman Harry celvinz her prhe of from Founnd Examlgcr Phuta 1183145 MISTAKES 0F AMATEURS They are Gaitwin Explorations 1m Lyndhmu Mining Co Md and Quebac Ascot Copper Corp SEEK MARKETS sevenman mission leaves Ollawa or Australia nnd New Zoahnd at midmonth to mm up markm prospeds or Cana dian generating cquipman 11w mismn will study rcquircmcnls in hydro convmuonal lhcrmal and nuclearpowor generating equipment TRY EXKMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7234414

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