11in lï¬e current sales ba lvkn two pennant contend beggn ha Matti wgcn was Veale first game In more than Wm WLlk and the ï¬rst rmvpiete game by Viral plmm In allcmqu Vealel back lhe cause of his disap prarance 1mm be man rm Man 5111 bothch him mu Wednesday he uld Ilnllimm WI ml l1uvlaml LIlllurnin began ha Dodgers we ï¬n league lheyn BASEBALL RECORD mm Hmhrllalir 22 um um luvmm nndnnnll IWMM MML Mnlnny Mtle 17M ll Dlvldlon In Nnurhul Ind 30hr rJlWMlI ml Jnrk um M1 1H mm mm Donn nrul Mrlnner Bob Veale hu pain In the back And hes giving Doe An nie Dodgen one in ha neck bus Anglia has faced the W511 We pitdler twice mi Mlan and has colleded grand tom of one unearned run mm and walks on him In beating the Dodgm Wed nesday him Voalo struck out 11 jmt as he did When he heat than back lnMny San Frlnrhco Pllubuuh Lo Annie Phflgdelphll with xi 51 ii Mllnln 51 Ml ll Now York 47 56 15 Guam 72 All 29V IM Anuvlu mommal 1o Wilbuth mmmxI Sulhm Ml mm Ind Torborfl whom 47 Veal HM and CommDIR Pgb Clemtnla 17L Mllnll 000000 Chlcuu 0M om Johnson nml Tam llnlumnn llll Harky and unery loullm 000 0014 Phlll 001 MD on HI Zachary 5cm MI Lllmnn Dnrn 7D nml Junknnn urn Knuwlu And Dalmmle mu Hon Hmhon Aspmmonh flllcmlm lhnWhlu IN MI Fun OIIMIllll Ml WMOIGl ll mm mm md uiuir Ah 7H Gardner par at 237 IIoh Mt lllthm Tody chm Mulch II 114 ll New Yo lmhlnt 74 mllnn Innll 61 II lhll Mflrhll 1QInnlnl 11 Nt ImMum MIIMI lllmlllrr 97 II Chl mn mummm cm Iltlnnnu IN ll Kl lnulq Hmltr 1H By RON RAPOPORT Amelllcd Pm Spom Wffllr THE CANADIAN runs Ed Him due Wastem Foch Conferean Winnipeg Blue Ember surwya de als lpplltd to his helmet Pirates Drop Dodgers To Third Place In NL Filo lImu fll mu ll Naw YIka 1N 1mm mungM llnrlnmll nl lflhhuuh 1N1 gun 1qu lhlugn MMMDWMllfl PICKS OFF PASSES FOR PRIZES INWFC can lrtJlnl rm II II 0deth Badgers Hi mm as on hm Vidalin slnkeblll Ind MAI complde games hlun olnmowuu Mroll mooooooa Immnbe Illuln Wilhelm other 151 Ind ll mum redraw flurry It Winkrth Aguirre Mnuhwauua In Ind Mrnr lnnn 1m ChInnmlno III Nu nrk Humml 011an mmmo In Mn place name behind the Pirate And No 111 back of tho luzualudini San Inn dseo Glam San Frlndm look its third may from New Yuck Meta by an 111 score In other uonal Magus arm Phllndel phia Mamie boat Houston AP trot Ia Atlanta Braves blanked Cthzo 10 and Cincin mad Roda won 15451111 man ghon ave sc Loni Cardin mnddam home mn by Jim nay um and two Mo Mlnnuou Chlcuo New York Vnhlnmn Klmu Cfly Bodnn Smith Ml Oilnlil ï¬lllmln llynn mull lll and BIL mu lion0m ll Ynlmmlkl II mum ammo1n IWIN 109 lllchm llOJ llllmphnyl Hm KIIM and Cm nnva In 111 ï¬nd ï¬lm nd IHII XC flmn DHOVE TWO HOME Roberto Clamma lwanm homtr In the in mnlnz Ave Valle 11 in room he needed Chlcuo New York 48 51 J57 1W Vnhlnmn ID 02 7JVI Klmu Cfly 05 Boalnn VA mmmm Mommanu Clgvgllnd momml Inlmn ll5 nrlbender Ind nnxnnuky Slebm ll Than And Auul mu Powell 10 lower to nnblmon CloWhlukld 10 mourn Chlun MMWIl ll Delrnll MMWFI I0 Howard IMI Wllhrlm Ind anmo McNmnty In MIMI 1M and NJ mu mlBerry Northrup mmow om ï¬loltlnmyrn 1M And Glhhl Thnnro ll MM NMmlll l1 and nod 5AM mm II NY lnlllcmyn MIN IIUMlMl ll mom1 rmugmnn fluid he was Awarded for Ow WWW um Edmon ton Esldmol Nuday amt load Bud Gram laid um mam mm thlruu Cllflunll IN In unlu Inlnl pm vlnu hnu THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THII IIRVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVIVOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And on mil ll Dcllvmd Tl You llrno by CARRIER MISS YOU 48 51 ID 62 ll 7282433 mm Wm the cl tho wormM coma in St huh No In mailman running or Gotoy man he hm untied mm terDkkSlmanhfl tingle John mum rapped out four hits Ind 5111 Whiu combtllod xrmdqlummer the Phlllu nude men may pm taxman Larry Jackson won Ills lllh game ol Ihe season and the Hit natured melt 31x11 in ken Johnson 11 aMurat er at Odom cu looted both In Atlantas victory mm ntrucikoulrlo and illumd only one on an lll Jami bale dIoLI by Mn Kalle can Gay lord Petry ulna Gian runs more than he needed or his mh vic Cnlumbu 456 Rodin Toronto 59 Toledn II 536 fllchmnnd 53 005 nuflllo luchnnvfllu 49 59 450 Syrmm do 70 36 Told 101 anonlt N1 00 066 Ind Schml Chm 10 and llbwn lllu To Comer Mom Torï¬ï¬ndowukl Roch IOIMMWHM fllth MI DH 01 113 Inonhlrd Andrmn IIan Knechlm um In ï¬lm mu 11 um Mldvlrn nrltlcn Home ll ï¬nd Ollvo In Eldon ll mm nunuzhlmp Columhil MI 001 ll HIHIII mm DIll Knoth llnhufh 13 Jon Small mi hm lenl nmdrn mm Mt Inn ll 3M Him In Cnl lnrrlnllon ul nul Mullnr Hul Illmr an nmhmrr hy lmyv lmma Int1 Jlfilvllll bool II Inland 10 Ind Mon him Rldunhon Andmon l7 Dmhy ll ml Gmum mu ï¬yr Jlmmu Mflrhlrk Him Todayl hum ind bumd guy me em gag gumand id EWWW new Hymnal Klnm Cily Kim Fusion Detroit Naw York It Clevtllnd Wfï¬ï¬lnmn It Bllllmm Tnltdll ll Ifmnmu Cnlumlm II Tmnmo MmIn at Richmond flmnm Julmum um um Wu mmu wow nu roll Ina elm mar and vetlran lnlermllonnl com petltor Ha laid In an Interview Wednudly that condition an 2th mmwma 1m wlfl dellnlteb another Poem marathon laid Dr Edwards whu won gold medal in Iho aeoyard race or British Guhnn In mt Games and captured bronu medals or Canadn in the 1m Oiympics at Berlin and tha me Games He moved to Montreal In 1935 to complete his madlcalrntudics pan on In the Van couver marathon was run In the lull heat of tho day Here the runner WI 1an at 830 IJIL and temperature are expected to be 1nthelhlghann wheqtha KINGSION Jlmaha OF The men have picked Harry Jam Vincouver an favorite In on lmyardduh It the Brim Emplrl Glmel which open hem why but the same expert an quick to point om that he fawrlbs has randy won an sprint aim the Second Wodd War doert InnWm experu booty KINGSTON Jamaica GP florrlfled Vuncwverqmmalm watched on hot summer dly 11 years In mumm thon tunna Jimmy Peter vulnly tried lncrml his last lap to tha ï¬nish llne week fromloday In sim lhr hot humid selling annlher Brilllh Emplru Ind Common yvullh Game nutthan ell under wnynnd lama expert predch um helm it and lame runnm will make Peter 109k new by corpplrisan ngx quï¬d Morin IEEendl lbout 1m Haw lemme wa ds lha favor In 1962 M2 Games ll Perth but Seraphlno mm of Kenya mm mm the Vlncouver springer llthudgad lug In due lmal allu lnjunng hi Kdm Gardner was not flu vorim In 1956 but won the 100 yard MN The sane could be laid for Mike Agmtlnl Wdd dw lnx the 195 Games whoa he won Pan Poet mad nl flu CI mdinn luck and tidy tum thu lnviave sea In ZINE do may Mm me 6we Pulm Gun Tonllhk MMholder ll Quml IrmEutmm Con mmm 7001 Coon VI unk lol Iml kei aim Md Stawml Drum Sltmdli Hm Numlr 011th ll Elmh 4M6 Harden FLO MITA AGAIN LAfl VEGAN Nrb AP Amid Cnnrnrl of NIW Ymk has to pmmoln lhc Jnu Tm mHddla Collun 1th huvy 1th llll HIM IIM Ian clay lhll 10mm hrlvywellhl rlmmphn Floyd Pullman wnl mm wry Cooper In llmdon on vaI 20 lid Iultmnn Ind mnvmd mm in lmrl lnlury Iuflmd on Nov whvn hlV hmhwl nut hy mi and in Vim down the mm II he wen behu Hevalt Not Expgctéd To Bother marathonérsflt Empire Games Lnl Nlnta am mmvnlo Nu Nmnrm 5mm Fullm Gum cum in Ol mm I1 nullr4 lumllu hula no 4w MalMl II rumI um mm um nm III Hall Experts Pick Harry home 55 Favorite In IOUYd Dash NOW 2359 SOFTBALL INTERMEDIATE VIA HAMMER SENIOR flu Nmnm WI 7mm dused by hard Wildcats lplck him or the mo and why not or flu Wynn duh Edwudl laid um runnen chic trouble will beuused by the early mung hourwarn lmza to let up by 130 Im Slmflar condition will Ipply In ha 20ml walk whlch mm It um Cydhu in the mile mad nos 1an It 680 and kup going until noon but Ed ward uld theyll bo mnvlnz loo last to eel um lull eflnu olrtho hut The kids looked tired before Ihelr last workout th morning Wadnudny but mm taller than ever lem conch Tod Slmplon at Vancouver ml my hive laugh them to max Hula man Ind plny ma lul ubh tannin CALLED DEBT TIME WI the belt uld Edwndl Jammy eve nth humid and gen dz by pm Ofllnlall are Ilw llklnl fur thermmluunm to prevent All other Peter Incldznt All run nan mm to complelo the mum ln IV hm wlll be or flexed all the Luck Ind omdnl doclm following lhcv jleld have lull autharlty to slap anyone 1n abylpus dlllituluu Cauldinn lem tum ommu arent unduly won ad by weather om munwhile has drawn as No Ian In be in heat the looyard event my and modd hm 1M0 mu bh ldvlndng to the xacnnd mdthwuhh ly that Helm Tomllmon cl Vim eouver will the Advm hes ma mlny Tomï¬nson win run In flu heat was Tom Rohumn Bahama who share Lhe Game record 04 uconds Iver most of the nu will be under Idal condition ENJOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL ON TV AND THE ALI THAT IRINOI IT TO YOULABATIS 50 ALE mam man DICK comn dimmed Pm Spark Writer SECOND IN MEREDITH namely 10 mm mm tho End Sax Increased his lol mn llgmc lo 158 Koulnx wllh 110 Ihikeouts flu only pm In ma MIMI lMld ol him Hum Wednuday nw Navy York Yanm ended liveum mispln by trimhing Calkomh Angus on Mal Stowmyrel mm Clove land Indiana onmmc flu Bal Iern 0min hnmerl or vldoq our the league laden Wading Senalm med Kun ns my Adieu 1nd lmlt ILgm mu Mmelder with tillage White Sox winning tho opener More bowing Bows who hid Met 99° hing unmme In More June Boswdl ml Jor mmwm la flimlwim wen hilmoul WMDM of flu Inimal Ind Hrd kingdoms Since June lhe has won 11 12 decision Koulax Lou An gela Dodgm Mona leu hander 91 on June 1nd has been 34 um than Boewall ha won his list flx lurll Kioum hum twa of hum 01 164 is hr worm Boa wefls SM milk bu H10 Mlm meson llreballer wfll like In vjqofln my my in on It Marcel lremblay And Lula Slemenyo of Mental won the In two mm matchu Wzd nesday Candi deluled MIch In lhu 51mm Cup mccl nmung uniur emu plny 45 yen and our 1110 via Iory gives the Cuudlm lhz rilhl lo chnlenu lhl United Smu delender III cup in may in be flayed week en DullBonn Myudhn preulotu sun break up 111 mm but we yum IOIIIHIII sandy mm Boswell It ï¬nd Durw against Eamon Wednesday nimMur his month mm vidory and added Iklkeoutl to his American Lu lhld as the NM buttered Red Sox ii mm 1170 smmhy cmmum wm VFORESI lugs NYi My Daveï¬BOsWefl Hurlsg 37th Straight Victorlaf gle Ind bated homer Lube Ylnlreu but Dean amen or mm mm this mam Stdflemwn now 1w Mickey Manda 1nd Ram Marla each arm In rum mom mm Humans hide Jim Nnrflnup clhmxed Detmltu wlnnlng three mn ï¬lly In tho ninth inning ol the ï¬rst am And decided Pildl int duel between winnzr Mickey MM and the White 503 Bruce Hamid KenBuryu homer In metapdmmmhhdaven Chicago in up Mummy homer lo Bodonl Cm Yuk19mm Ind Don Demeur but wu In comm 31 En my flu Mm unwed wllh lamrun bum the hi mg Earl Bathy upping ï¬u rlljyyyhhxn tqumï¬mflfle Find timer Dick Nen rapped Iwwun daubleln the Ibflh breaking lie and mum the Senator past me Athletics Frank Human delivered Vlhe Miner two Waillnm run with third lnnlnxflnxle MI Minna missed Iverun outbum In the eighth Max AM basesloudnd tnpli and PM Wflleldl lwmn yaw leg any p93 the Odnlu Mm mud two hymen Oh by Frank Robinson and Boot Pawn and cum by Sm Bowen Rabinsonl pair muted MA leaguedeadinz tom twgnlh wï¬r pindg Em Road LIMITED QUANTITY mow muqu nonoxzn mm CORNISH PAINTS WALLPAPER Ample Fm Plrklnl rel LUCITE EXTERIOR NOW REG $1095 my am pm ROCHESTERp1um Hakimdc Wednuzjay ha down expect In be ah to play basehall tha wt Aha ma lesson The Lox Angela mull outï¬elder signed reporlnd £00300 wo year 550 anld he had missed about an Kama thlx Ieawn betauuï¬ol hnmnnhnglng ï¬nger and blockage 01 one kidney Ha ls undergoing tut here lbs Mayo Clinic was at NYEn MiG716 Soï¬a m1 na1DatmltIud $901 a2 GANAHA 7263777