WIhbï¬iy Northern Ontario was we place nr plckerel last week The lands and crests depart ment in its weekly report an Ontario angling reporth lvm nutslanding pickercl catches lbmundcr caught in Dcschones Lake in the Gugamn region and Hipounder taken from he Montreal River in the Chaplcau district Lake trunk angling Improved anally in some norlhcm dis lricls and bass were biling brl lcr lhan in previous wccks in some eastern and wcslem rc gions néï¬ons from all 22 of we de panments districts NORTH Chaplrau Pickercl fishing good in Lake Missinaihi and Mammal River where ldtp poundzr was caught last wack northern pike good in Racine Lake speckled lrnul lair In Shawmcre and Ncmcgosendn rivers GoumIIickcrcl and ninth ern pike good throughout lis irkt Tap catches l6lb pick ere taken in Drschmes Lake Ind nn lllb pickLml In Mini Iinnkwa Lake CochranpFishing air fnr spgciqs Fm mumNorthern pike and has good oh9r spcclcs Geraldlon Pickml and northern piku xcelltnl in Me Kay Wild Goose and Human Inkcs hike trout good in MN on and Klllaln lakes and prl gon Bay Weather Clear and cool Pitktrcl and norlhrrn pike InIr In Home pnync mu pour In remaindvr dislricl Spctklnd lmut good In nlrcams lickcrcl hiling well on mmnmvs at Eagle Lake pltkrrcl gmxl In Ctdnr and PN mull lakes wch large mus kcllunxc caught at Upper Ind Lowrr Mnniluu Inks on mu licinl hlIiL Inkl rnul Wm 50rmy Lake Anullnu IIOW or All poclcx nn Lake of lhe Wands and Inir in IS lish nhrr sys ltm fair in wnnnmg Illwr mu Sioux Nurrnus mm where pickml nml Inkl lrnu gnarl SUNNY CODL weather lorecast for mint Ontario and Quebec today 1m Prair Northern Ontario Tops For Pickerel Fishing By THE CANADIAN PRESS rum nuyrirkml mm in mmhun Iml good in nnrllwn Irl lklritl hrrr lluxlhlln pikr Mr Mmkrlhmgc lair ill Mnimiux nml thansmn lukn lake lroul mm In nlr In xln lrirl ry Sound Smullmnnth hm luhlnu am In icurnlnu Tlmo Today GHOST IN IE INVISIBLE BIKINI PLUS THE HOUND II 700 And 900 PM all In ulur FAMOUS PLAYERS AIR CONDITIONED THEATRE RIATINEES DAILY A1 lM FHATUIIH AT 150 In IM Bay area other species poor In remainder district except at mouth Magnouwnn River in Georgian Bay where pickerel lair PembrokeLake trout good lo excellent in most lakes of Algnnquin Park speckled trout poor bass good in district pick crcl good on Ghana and Palm mwa rivers Round and Golden lakes llluskullunge biting bet ter than last week Sioux Lonkoul Pickcrcl northern pike and bass excel lent lake trout and muskcllunge fair to good Sudlmry Lake lrnul excel lent plckcrel pond to lair buss nnll northern pike good rain bow trout poor Bus lake lrnul ï¬shing in Maniluu and Panache lakes best walleye angling in Agnew Lake and rcnch River Par air for all species Sin slr Mule Fair to pogr or all spcclcs wnsmu Norlhcm pike pickerel and bass good in Na lathewan and Elk Lake arms lake rout good in larder Luke Wealh Rainy and cool Vhlle Rlvtr Picklrcl and norlllcm pike angling Imprnw in in larger lakes vi rnninn uhcru lake lruul good specklcd trout look SOUTH Lake Slmronnuss fair and lake trout poor In Lake Simcnc plckcrul and bass air to poor in Sparrow Lake has poor in Scuuug and Couthithinn Ink Bullish poor in Lake Couchith mg EAST KrmplelIe Iickord exch Icnl In Upper IIIIIIMI and Chris lic Inkcs air In ponr In rcmaln dcr oI IIISIncI Has Iair in Lan urk Caunly lakrs poor clse where Porch good In Lake SI Francis CImrloslun nnd Unprr IlIAImu lakes lqu poor Llnduy lirkurcl poor In nir kl Kmmnhn Lnku Imsx nnll muskrllunue alr in Kimm lhn and Him lnknx Mass and punlish good pirkrrrl nml muv krllunan air In IlnllhurlnnMm drn ï¬rm hrr0 lake lrnul pnnr i5 am expected be sunfw and very warm Scattered Mm and coo woalher life FUN mySIC Tn win Nmm Tn Hil Ihe Hulls Eyr HUM rrrlninly vxplnln Hm thI II II Ilclull on PM TM he cyn 01 Irln hhnrlhnm Hull Answer To What Is It LAuéEIEH AND IIIUHUV IN AIL TIMI to fair and speckled Iron poor Lake trout poor lo air in Good erhamAApsley areas Buss nir In good ylckerel mydvmuskei lungepoor at Catchacomu and Mississagua Twech Plckcrel and bass good at Crow Sloco Beaver and Moira lakes Air on Mada waska River on live ball north ern pike air on Ruck Lake and Madawaska River Panï¬sh good in district where weather but and dry Luke ErlePlckc cl good In Lake St Clair and Clair and Lake St Clair muskcllunge good in Delrail River porch and parnï¬sh good in dislrj RANGOON Burma Reuters Canada ls supplying $15000 worth at when to Burma under the Colombo Plan his year no cording to an official announce ment Notes to this effect wen cxchanucd hclwccn Burmas foreign oflice execu live secretary Ohn Khin and Canadian Ambassador Bullet forecas hr Ihe BMW Mmm ginhe rpap in lak HuronBass fair in up per Bruce and Grey County areas poor in remainder of dis lricl plckcrcl air in Chesley Lake rainbow lroul poor and speckled rout air In dislricl SENDS WHEAT 10 BURMA CLSARE UAHOVA MARJORIE IUHD DOWN by DIluu UHHIU AIM STARTIRG AT gun JACKPOT $37000 lEGlON HALL COLLIER ST WEDNESDAY WED AUG Donn npcn PJIL EdWH Small NOW PLAYING 1100 Ind mo lEGlON BINGO WEST Afler um liiiliion Dollar Rain yesterday the weatherman is forecasting clear sunny side or Thursday Temperatures are ex pected Io warm up to seasonable normal The recorded low at The Examiner 1mm last night was chilly 46 degrees The temperature at 745 mm was 55 degrees DISTRICT WEATHER TORONTO OP ForecasLs Issued at 5mg am ynopu 113 Weather ls prcdlded for southern Ontario Thursday high prawn centre movés through the Great Lake area Tempem lures will be slightly warmer Warmer emperntures scattered cloud and Iew showers ara forecast or sections Natchern Ontario Laka St Clair Lake Erie Niagara Western Lake Ontario Lake Huron Georgian Bay Windsar ti Toronto Hamillon North Bay Sudbnry Mostly sun ny and iiiiia warmur Wind Eastun Lake Ontario Han hurlon Killaloe Sunny and little warmer ilh light yhlds Tlmagami Algoma Saun Ste Marie Mostly sunnywilh Hula change In temperatures Wind norlhwest my l5 Cochrnne Whms River Clear with law clnudy periods and scattered showers Winds wcsh erly 15 estern James Bay Sunny with few cloudy periods and few scattered showers Vnrmcr wilh winds West In southwest near 15 Sunny Warmer On Thursday BHIBKEN FRESH UTUP PORK TENDERLOINv PRIME RIB ROAST 23 JAM Pub with BAR CAKE CRACKED WHEM In Idu SALAD DRESSING 2y To Ln aIanrn nmovm 23 9c MHHIONT WM NAM Mt BREAD 5c ANN PAGE CUT 10M rmnr MIG ONLV PRICED woman Ottawa Clear and warm with ï¬ght winds Forums TampaAllure Luw lonlghl nigh Thundny 55 78 Vindsnr St Thomas 52 73 London 52 7B Kitchener 52 78 Mouanorcst 50 75 TONIGHT ONLY SHANTY BAY $53315 TFHICKEN many 11 Guam ou in SPYiNG Win GAVE Flo IlII wnoucmcxms thwymddeuchIdnmInvWW mg Mu ml MW 3089 Wlngham Hamlllnn St Calhnrines Toronln Pelerbnmugh Kingston Klllalou Musknka North Bay Sudbnry Enrllnn Sault Ste Marlo Knpusknslng White River Moosonce Tlmmlns GARDENERS ARE KEEN Japanese rockgardeners will pay up to $0000 for an clally lnleresï¬ng piccebn stone Betwetn Binla Ind ofllll Box 0m opens at Show mm al dusk Most modern DriveIn noth of Toronto CAUFORNM RED CARDINAL LARGE FULL CLUSYERS NO GRADE ï¬ï¬APEï¬ mmsmon mme MKItIWHD mum mmm OUTSPAN SEEDLESS NAVEIS man ï¬ns 60 loaxour mo 15 new In mm uunu LEG QUARTERS BREAST QUARTERS HALF CHICKEN CUTUP WHOLE CHICKEN 1N IAVEIS DOIEN PORK lIVER ï¬x SIDE SPARERIBS BEEF BOLOGNA iOIIETTI$SUE 24349 11 MONO iiKiiWooos 7m89f Wï¬iiiN€iiIu 2wm55 TEA BAGS novr m1 mm on YLAVOVHE C0 IALADA ORANGE DIKOE 7B 16 THE BAILmE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGM 196 TORONTO 0P Canadas premlnrs next year will me In New Brunswick for their an nual lalks 67 Premiers Meet To Be Held In NB Miller spore from outer space thatdevours FUR ï¬ts DARING DEADLYI DIABDLIGALLL Premiu Loni Rnbichnurl at Wmmï¬fnm lB FROIEN TUESDAY T0 FRIDAY 00M llvg rm um HAVE New Brunswick said in an Inlet vlcw he will he chairman the mnellng in Fredericton and Premier Boss Thatcher of Sas katchewan will be vicechair man mu rm pug 71c nsz Mr Rablchnud said dank have not been decided for lhe meeting SUCH GUM illll 0F FMVWR N0 GRADE lARGE SIZE 88 pignllw LAP All In In lh wuvmu nymqu lllunhy ng mm ATUM ma TEATUHIZ IICfl 159 39c 79c 59c