mm Boyd and Ed Dunn oi Hawm Gmge combined in Ed mu Ihntout over or lh Mustangs Int night Queenl Park In Barrie Ind Dixhict Senior Saltball Lelgua While ha iwaxighfllanden silenced ii Oriliia blue sawmu hinged out nine mu In tearing tummy 140 vic tory which ambled Siewartl In move In within two points ni leg leading mm 51 way Bzyd was Vumrking hut night he didnt need any yelp fmn Hnwever Au Dunn who joined stawml III In the lawn Ind to up In two men men be re he would be gm or Oonmmen 6n kept their £11m plnyofl hope um 11 night in Barrie intermedhla Soltbnll Lelgue nation when they blinked ImpermEm mln 10 1m vnclory moved Comum 11 into fourth pllce two point Ihud Clarkion Hotel Bnt Consumer hive only one game remalnlng while Club man has Ilpgee game left STEWARTS THUMP OBILLIA The pi ng oi ildge Ind Ihe hitting of Jack Reid marked Consumers to their victory last night Madge iwirlcd Uircevhilier Ind wu never in serious trouble Reidl ï¬rst inning humer with the bases empiy proved In be the workinz margin Midge nccded Reid went on pick rn lhrcn mare singing in the game or perfect fouriot uur night at lhe pine Consumers Score 20 Intermediate Victory Charlie Dressen had some lherly advica or Dlnny McLain le Ilhlguipzucuncs Mclam look the advice Ind flayed out lrouble or the ï¬rst llmc In three weeks pilch In Inuxnhlllcr Tuesday night as Dellan Tigers delealtd Chl use While Sox 50 Anni128 Fred 75pm erler 22 the llzen nu right hander hldnl won Same Ilnce he All5nr gum uly 11 when he hurlad lhne rlecl lnnlngl the American IIUII Ilartlnz pllchcr 1mm cum wan Inflated In mm in In nlnu Ullll an named nm nvenzo uthm dropphu lag nulghl gay Drum tho Delmll manager recuperating mm In emly an hem muck phoned Mc Laln hmglny Ho mid mu quit foolinl Iround Mlh he cum hall or the ld be right back where llnmd Mclmin mld Iflcr blanking lha Whilu Sax WINE nu AME McLain Blanks White Sox 50 En you In hll mh viclary lulml uluhl damn McLlln flvl up Jul lnur llllfllfl and IL nwcd mly nno runner Io ruch mend ban newhm In ch AL mlll mm trlmmul Cleveland dllnl Calllnmin Angel 0dr New Ymk Yankees In ll nannl Mlnnrsou Twlm downni nnIlun Rad Sox Ind KIM my Alhldln nlppcd thlnmIIHScnnlm ny mcx mum Amrth hm upm Wfllvr Juan Malkiuul and MW Mannie IM gumm GM mllmhlor who badmi ltlly ll Muklfl 41 mm INK dmflrd hm am Inning mu nmlay nlfll 9M pvt who my am lll mm 1M1 Bm flu own Mamah nvnmdull Iini MNM CW llm Ma imml at door an pmm Mud OM MN Ml l7h 011 MM flzug remI 19mm an DIzuu FwyI Kmhl or In ml ham Franck mnry and la Antbu MN lilo mm hark IMO HM flare In IN MI Nuloml In um um an INI Ind FINN Mm ml Maud hnmm mm Iran Ikmrdml Mlk brim not In rim pm Giants Back On Top In National League BoydDunn Combine In NoHit Shutout klMo Mér F1 mo NpilMMlfl hr iï¬ï¬idq hymn My minim can he pIIyous He wu ent in tn relieve Boyd In 0h flnh ln nlng and the hotth pitcher in the nuns the vut few wceks was working on nperlect glme whcnconch Ell mycnn de1 clded on the witch Boyd ï¬red the ï¬rst 12 batten In hll llpt two mm Boyd dunked up shutout Victoria and tn tanrnamnnttn 01mm Mondly he pitched 25 Inning In three gums Ind gave up only Keven hm hurled Ianhitter In one of the 3mm Altar Inky ï¬ï¬‚h InnIng In whlch he gave up three wflkl Dunn toured 0mm In oxder In the In fuur InnIugs 1mm pitcher Laurie Wheel at yiddeql le mu Help Mng plenly 111mb 171m Over the tint Hz and twathlrd Inning Midge lur rendmd only two mule Ind Wheeler accounted far both of mm flnndy Lace wax It only nmer Impeda Elslmln plnyu 10 ruch Midge in Reid smuhed Wheelers ï¬rst pitch into deep left ï¬eld for his home run in the int in ning Ind thlts the my the ICONIlood until the bottom of the flxflx Midge Ind Whaelg er conlrnlled the hattgn If the mat Ir with one out Greame Wilnm drew walk Chuck FAlward allowed and bunmd down the Int bu line ImpvrlIIEul mm third baxemln Am Neal made fine play In throw Ed men ed the Baili mm mm driviru In four runs with humn nnd uncri ilu fly Thu Orinlc Jumpmi on Sum McDamli or in runs in he third inning but lhny needed Juiuunnl homzr lo Innp 55 in in in seventh Rncky Coll ivilo homered or Cicvtlnnd caught Man nm lime supported Mn buttery male with lwurun homer II Inc fourth Inning Gnu Brown hnmmd or the Tiger In the eighlh nu Schul lined Aha asl Mlckcy Manna In cenlxo 121d Ihe nth Inning and ted around the bum lor an lrulde thrpark homa run giving Call lnrnin Ill 2m victory In as one run game The Angel fled Iha game in the ninth on runacorlng lin glu by Jay Johnston and Jim Fremi DROVE IN FOUR le Prlrncclll lied the lam or Man In um tlghlh bu Jlmmle All won or Mian mm In Iho nlnlh wllh lwooul xmndilnm homrr 011 Don Mc Mnhnn Don Dcmoltr hlt run nu Sax homrr Hallo Tony OIIVI drove In In Twim rum wilh llnxla Her Cum nntrls upped Kun Cflyx mnm rnlly In lha xlh Innlng with lworuu ln Idelhepmk hnmcr Ed Chntlu had In lhe nnml Mm ha lad of IN Innan with Mn Iml mm on ITd minlmnnl error Krn McMullen knucknl In lwn Vnhlnulnn mm wilh III in ml xlmxhle Thu mm mm rm Mul dud rim hand wu MUM GmM mhml In taming um ZNDI MIT RALLY link 95 mi ma InlL in mm min Tm my mug mum Mn In ruamm Mlfld pin NA win 110 IvnIll lml lb hln Ill Mm 1w m1 Imul Mirth lmw In qunlul Ah mum mlmmm Tunh mm Ml le thw In ViiJr nuv mm mo Innum flvl ilde him Mmlul mil Jllll Innlm Ill rum MIMI IM In MIunn luii Iltwr nun Immuhl nun IIM 11er ml walk III mg In II mill mm In ML 1er NH hmt FL MM CmHA MI mean HIMa Alad mam Mm ml Milo IN MW MIA chVm min am Now Mva In Mn hm vnrï¬lmvy Stewartl mun to none In only one hula as they ynnd ed 47 hum lo the plus eight lnniuu Oduh mm John Bun couldnt ï¬nd In mike Inn and lime walks comhhnd with two emu by hll mu ra lulted in due Suwmx nlnl wllhom bl In the fin max Slswml dined ï¬lm more rum acres in the mud Ind um ï¬nished Bun Bury Cockbum cum onlin dakd and was greeted With two runs pulunl Sheme and sawm Icored dull nun In the ï¬lth and le1h Ind Idded two more In nail of lhe lev wud out It in but huenun Fred Andertan in In lump in pick When mond threw wild and the bnll rolled out hm Id ï¬eld allowing Wfl non come all the my home ImpeflllElflmln mmgcd only five bun runner in the guns Ind our of mm didnt get by In base The turn only mlmged 1n read neond Plaza Stewart Elmvale Nmnarket Orfllll Toni Mdulder Queml mm mu Nevmarid ll 3mm 330 Thmdny Pun Nam kb SAW PM Nmnu Drlllu ll 231mm Mb Borden turban We Bend hm Nuhll Benn Coer JimEnnnn nmno Gum madly Dummdur I1 Queenl Innikman kw Hymn 700 bop 11er non mm owman mam morning he Camp Borden Anod nbm vkwry in ma Amer Gm mnld My It the Do minim Canada Ml Amid won durmiomhpt soum MARCH om cm nm 1mm mum om may mmkm had own nl I0 two that mm In be MM Hm mmmdy Hm Mamu lmlnklull mllch mm by lhmflm Ifln llmm 300 Ind yank mu 1mm had 95 and 0d Jim mm at Borden to bring Lb winning and to 3m wad or dxwlm in my Ihn Mal mum Us Camp Borden Foursome Wins Irflmtry Lu Ninll 5m Smurfs 14 Orillh Future Glmeu lid1n Ihmnm any In Him I1 MI Gm nlwul and MMMnl pm ltdul III uh In Mall ml nn Frank my In an M11301 hum llh yum um 1113 ml th Ivy Rm ml nd Tartar hul Mm Yak luflvl Rwy had KNOCK OUT ImYIIMIM mmrui mmin ml mufï¬n Mm gvy IIIJIMII WIVJIm Mb Ivvlv nu birth In Don DryHA Ivv1 WI lwun Mm Ivy 1km IN1m All Gm Mbyl Illa In TN Duh In In um mama Enid in mu mm mm nmny Dam hum Idmnl mm nm Irwr in III uvmlu umwa thh AM Ital InUWIIhMNyhUIM WIN Vndl yum Aha Muml ht lulu4L Onlth ï¬ver II bl 1h um Mh mm 14 num nnyv un mm SOFTBALL NEWMAN SENIOR cnfl and eighth mm round out their tatl Jim Edwards with pm at doubiel Ran nnycnn Ind Jim mnmpson with jouble and flush e181 paced Stewutl It the plue One Mme run wn registered in the gum pitcher Dunn in the bomnn zho mm with one runner on dmrblehelder ls Icheduled Im lonlm at Queens Puk Ind bod mum Ire mnsldm ed key nmu ln the mule for tint pllcel Elmvlle Pallce Holel will lull chance 01 mm he lenders willmeal Burrla Pllu It Plnn vlctory would mini Elm v1 tom the pennant race but Stew11 Glnze with um dance will meet Newmlrke It 830 pml Plan vlclaryl and loss or Slewml would cllnch in plus for Plan thing about Brian Imdnn who Mu Wm may Saundary for the mild Mavywclgm boxinl Me that he halts boxing km 1er W9 um ho the game kindly oi In ll you as W954ime has tamed 50000 and Hm malarialfly nur Mankind Dw flay Ml will fatten his bank balance by mlnhnum 11 No mnlidm he can brat any Iry mle Lucky Mur 91 dwwn Pinning 11 Iomy busima the pay In good he lnyl lmlm In Hun lay fl Almost ï¬nd bluilt Smmmo Mn In ml him on My Ind min In wu be My will ht to do In Ind ManAM dylm man my man Ill the way HE IS OXEWI MN in Link In nm Mm 315 mm going In than Ind have Ilium mm In have mu Mu uniml via who are nmdurm an 11 dam nut mm Ihn11y rm punk TALE OF THE TAPE for light Suturday nigh between lhu world heavyweight m1 champlon Casslux Cl Ind London Hates Boxing But The Pay Is Good hmdm wmrlm box hl Lymfly llll imlm Jnrk Mqulyl1u nnlkh hruy nln Ilni Mum hh MM tu mum him mm uni ml flnl nu mm In Id my quickly301 ml Wm 3mm ERIE um fldnn prrlrnrd munu 1m nqgmyjry my ItoNDonl AP 10 THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUGUST In Mayo will begin In the In Ica Ward Soflbafl 14am to mmva at two Barrie parks In Bantam play lchedfle win nthudIMflholeudn Shear Park In the opener of Suit AM the same time at Mac Manison park Ward and Ward will meet In the Series opew at Pee Wee praydem Tuesday Ward mi Ward win Mac Momson In the second same ol the uan In Pee Wee Icahn same day Wanis Vinanard 4mflmrmklnmo non wall open their playaf Shut an llnlsday Aug 11 with InterWard Softball Playoflsi Will Get underway Thursday champion my Cooper £n he ï¬rst round In lwo later lizhu 00m 13va by day In Iha sixth round 01 their nu hdl here May min boat London each ï¬rm SEE of 1m nangmgmg One bl Londons but win was over loam WIN MathIvy night champion Willie Mano in 1958 The flux wan unwed In the ï¬lth with Im mm uflmnz badly all Im eye me name year Imdon won the British Ind min heavy wm lulu knocking out Jo HM Wnlu ln ha rim 290 mew 215 HEIGH Han 011 Com uy 61m Aug 21 mm and mlrid Jurr 1m G91 mmqu Me mm mm pdltlon In hm ml ryaam rl as rl Aug 11 an Ana In JurIVï¬V rm lm Small Box 14 Dmlc MIMI ol In mull ha mrM mlh VIMthry mm and um will tn no rm In Junior Golf Championship To Be Held In Barrie Aug 22 mm mm by mall139 NCEFS mm CM 6h Sin 34h Sin 17 in 15in ISin Ward and Ward dashins WardlmiWardzMflresnm their Fee sale the sum gay at Mhmisan Wth wonm mood good for 13 point WEN gained he mumup spot with MM follawnd ywaizaardï¬mwih 11 point an wi In the Fee We division piled up 11 points on win50111 Pass and Three point behind ma ha Ward wind win men wc tmies and five ddeaui Wlfd finde third Will mm foliowed by Ward wifli Jim Wm Named in perinmu in bah Vdivislmw In Banging London and with the Brit ish boxing board control in 1959 hen It rclused him per midon In so lo the Unich Sula and KM ll hen m4 dwmlan Ilnyd Pnummn London Wm anyway Ind 20 knockrd out in lllh round their encounter at Indianapolis Back Mme the hale mum lty mod lnndnn $1300 and flu pended him six months 1M next um In lmubia again Brinn London in London AP erephnln Charll union was bnydnl Ha way Kn idmy aver WWII DKk Nthanlwn Pnrlhclwl Wain when an rye was n1 ï¬lm mu be for mm mm Th Immuan mmmiuu lmmmfld um than will ha muhmm My 106 dim 15 In mm row Tlurre uxll ha mathn 11 flay Alrom ILma Jim wnw Ii 1191 mm nl mh tum VIN cdm miMMnm lnxluy And narm wnll mum on he pemumm mlly draw at mum inn Ml nu Rel 1m 10M ul Rel at Ml Roz Rel 835 qt 1m qt Rel 1321 Ken Io IL nu 290 at Rel ll an 225 at Ru Ru cl Rel Ru 27 qL Na Cs 0m III hlldl II lamb Amuk IMh mm MIMI RI 1m ppm uh 34 Dunlop It SUPER ONE COAT WHITE 113 In SALE PRICE 948 ansqt SALE PRICE 299 100 PURE HOUSE PAINT to SALE PRICE 845 no at SALE PRICE 280 IMO III 11 mu MARTIN SENOUR PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL FAMOUSA 100 INTENSE lATEX SCARFES FLOOR ENAMEL HOUSE PAINT SINEX AlKYD SEMIGLOSS INTERIOR SINEX FLOOR ENAMEL HARDWARE SINEX HOUSE PAINT 20 OFF SINEX VINYL LATEX INTERIOR FAMOUS KEMGLO ENAMEL FINISH 20 OFF MARTIN SENOUR MARTIN SENOUR SUPER KEMTONE SALE PRICE SAlE PRICE MODEL 533 SKIL SAW 20 OFF 20 OFF GENUINE SKIL SAW 3777 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 25 SALE PRICE 335 SALE PRICE 836 SALE PRICE 232 SALE PRICE 635 SALE PRICE 180 SALE PRICE 715 SALE PRICE 199 SALE PRICE 785 SALE PRICE 220 SALE PRICE 649 SAlE PRICE L95 2988 728243 817 257 865 285 875 285