Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Aug 1966, p. 4

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RULES FOR HOSTSAND GUESTS Christian Science Monitor The uproar over King Faisnla visit to New York was comedy of errors that hhould never have happened Nobody comes out of it with crediteven it it is pnmble to explain why they spoke and acted mt they lid The United States in great pnwer It Lt appropriate that it move With majesty and mmmnnd re spect King Fnlsaia hosts in Washington conducted themselves with that in mind it remains to he run whether the henct icent ettoct nt their hospitalin has been undone by what subsequently happened NonAmericans may all to prom Hu lorrmr pollllml prowlrcs HM oprr air In Now ank Cll And may mar non lo be rrmlndwf that the Iuwisl pnpulntlnn lhn rily rougth cqulv alenl In lhal 01 the enUre mu Israel lo stale lhis dons no noccmdly hnply approval what Mayor lmlsay nr inv rrnnr lhwkrhllcr am whrn llmlr doing mum 1mm in nutklrlrrs mnh In hmd of stnlo In va mk whlln mu Hm onlan Hurst he Unilrd Slam Gov crnmvnl BOOM DIVIDEND FDR IUND tnllam Himm Amnnu in many avlranlagu the cur rcnl hnnm has mlnml lhr llepIM mrnl Insurance luml mlvoney The Immlwr pcnple nm work ml our 19 or hcnrms ha xlocmml Ind In mull llw llnvl had over vaOflOMOO II rmlil al llw rm Frbnmyuan lmrrm wr rent nver lhe name pmm year no The loasnn to luran from Ill tth that Anwrtrnnn at cvrry Irch must tn some measure Alan tn INOIVE upnn tlunwlvm thvI rupnmlblllly Ind tho Irnulltvlty which thnir Inml Ind lhrlr gnvrrnnwnl havo bran rallml upon to manllrst ln thr world that has rmorgrtl frnm World War llt lltc Unllctl Stntrs malt mm aml ran ruunl MI MN holnu only Inn no It rltlmu Amt ltu nv trnmonl romaln trtllratml to than film Iple rmhrlnnl In Foundan oru mum 111m lmply almvr All rlu lhn rurmtl nt jtlllllt nml the purglnx talmlt that cnrrmln the human race Kev Club of Barrie Collegiate cap tured third place award for national achievement during international ton vention at llliaml Beach Douglas Slewafl Torn Taciuk James Lakmg and Ted Clarke attended from Barrie Sunnidale Townshlp voted against Sun day sports by large majority Wilh loyal Canadian Regimen Band stationed at Pelawawa ls Iromhonisl Allan Percy of Barrie Harry Couse of Cnokrtown won battlng Ulla of South Simcoe Soft Barrie Examiner July 30 1051 Rob bers made all with $4200 cash in dur ing broad daylight holdup from Brad ford bank OPP Constable Reg Wilson traded shots with three masked gunmen who got away Later two suspects were arrested in Toronto by young officer Bayview Memorial Park in oro Township officially opened on Lake Simcoe Reeve Smith Campbell was chairman Speaker Included ClerkTreasurer Wesley Ild hope on Ernest Drury Rev Hugh Shannon and George Kirkpatrick who donated land or park Mr Drury at Oro park opening suggested government inquiry he held into decrease of rural population in Ontario ln largest peacetime parade of active forces at Camp Borden salute was taken by Lt General Guy Simonds CB 03E D50 Chie or Canadian Army General Stall Not long from now Hutchison reminds us the nation will live under different leaders Can sensible Canadian su pose that the arrival of Sha He yer or Winters RabatLs oblin or flees will solve anything important Nevertheless that seems to be an almost unanimvus assumption among people more mesmerized than the Russians and Chinese by thecult of personality Canad is assumed that any lead er no matter who he is will be better than those we have now Anyone will do provided that he is untested and his capacities unknown Ours is new the Senator Crerar rams farewell speech before retiring from the Upper Chamber joined in expressing what seems to be widelyheld opinion that Parliament will never work satisiactorily untilMr Pear son and Mr Diefenbaker have left it That appeared to clinch the matter since Senator Crerar has been regarded as one ol oursagest of senior statesmen How ever there is another factor to be consid ered notes the Charlottetown Guardian It is factor which we all tend easily to forgetand it has been pithily set forlh in his newspaper column by that ablest of Liberal commentators Bruce Hutchison 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN WAIII mush There Is No Solution For Problems Of VCanadal 111 mm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publiéhed 13y Dannalanfilowspiperl Llrfiltad 16 deiiuld Strut Bdrm Omarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE MnPhgraan Mapaglng Editor was August mines mem Vlmltor 51m The Unlml Slam In grnMng nhnrt nl Mlnr lflmula IN lrnUml walrr mnrvM In the lnllml tnlu hour drwrlnMng thenry lhal walnr In row Unonlal rrmumt mmrlhlnu llulshnuld he plum Ivy Iho lwo mumnu fun uflans tnuhl In nmru nympalhnlic In III theory hslnry uhnwed my lnrllmllnn on Ihe part the Us In ruganl Iny nlhnr natural lmunly In ronllmnlal nu lmlnl Any lhrory In mamcl 11mm nlnng only when ll of obv1mu ml vamale In one IMI Cnllm Ir1 louu dude rnnchm span Mlh rim nflm Innumrrnhln 01101 anlnalrly or mu who want In make simple Ihmv LI way out Farmers my man summer hoan Ipln encouragwl In do so by the Us drpnrlmlnl aurimlmm Minf un der Un apple tron link on lhn ml Im nhlo the creek Ind Or to ride mum 17mm Mme Othm Mlh ore Azhl nrl lhlnktnu My bad holler mm lhrIr own plans Mm mm lravnl 0pm nbw vacallon poudhilllm The whoic imrid beckons todays vac lion pinnntri The girl in your niiica any Iiiu is flying in pnn inr her lhreo weeks The young man with Mic Ind two small thiidrin going In pack them all in his nirmmiiiinncd mr nnd uhnw iiwm Coinrmin Ymir carcervmman urnmimoihbr revels in iour iiinraiuro anti mni lociiie wiwlher in are lllc Kim its otGrrrcn and the ilniv Land or vicw lim midnight mm in Scandinavia Chrisflan Science Monitor Choosing vacation hip in the old days was simple mnuor The railroad olfmd oxcurslons and you mixed tho chance to ace Niagara Falls the Mom molh Cave or nome other wonder of the geography books 0r you mm car you look for chi or lake you could vlsfl on your brief ollday Only lha woallhy toured filmpc That took morn um IndAmonoy Ihan most ollm had We lock bad With touch noslaigil ll this llmo Admplo lhlnadvonlurws dedsinnnl ll dillcrcnl now ball League with Jack Hughes of Fen nells second Churchill ball club al though finishing fourth in final standing featured pitching of two young Japanese brother pitchers Takashi and Yoshihita Yamamotto Russ Cross opened new Sunoco service station on Bradford St Gilbert Webb former proprietor of American Hotel dled suddenlyx Mr and lllrs Allen Fisher of SunnidaleRoad have had as guests for July two charm ing girls from hlontmagny Quebec Pauline and Michele Bernatchez As part of the student exchange plan Sylvia and Joan fisher twin daughters of the Barrie couple will spend August with the Bernatchez famil in Quebec Sis fer met sister in the ces Cup handicapl final at Barrie Golf Club and Mrs Harry Jane Youngdefeated Mrs Roy Bar bara Smith Barrie Flyers with Bill Hagan pitching threehit ball slaughter ed Orillia Terriers 152 in North Simmn baseball Catcher Paul blegcr Jimmy Straehan and Danny Poland were leading batters for Barrie club coached by Roy Emms John Rogers general man ager Central Vermont Railway retired and will lake residence in Barrie lie was for severe years CNll su Nintendo ent Allandale division anxeruua curves will be taken out of Highway No 11 south of Barrie George Johnston Minesing MPP for Simcoe Centre stated Looking for llilelans for lnslant sal vation on the earlargues Hutchlson we put our pmhlems backwards What this country needs we all agree is greater excellence in all aspects of lile but it wont come from the gaudy magic of the state where the witch doctors be hind their paint and feathers are puzzled and frightened men like the rest of us Such excellence will come if it ever comes from the bottom not the top from the ordinazy Canadian household and daily behavior of the private citizen not from the cabinet chamber and the brains trust This Canadlan voSdoolsm reaches lta logical climax when poor lunatic tries to blow up Parliament and replace it wlth aLeader natlve Fuehrer but only managex to blow himself upa parable well worth thinking about Many tions more sldeul with bombs have blown themselves up by the same method anyn the same valrlhope ory of politics the cult of impersonami The fact that the nation has been unab 19 come to terms with 1L political stEm Ls OnlyY part oi larger actthat has been unable tocome to terms with itself Many of us have develoged fine patri otigfirenflzy inudodginglth lssug VARIETY VACATIONS Wllnon Oenaral leet SUSPICT THEORY Thu Wu ll mlllunlly up mod lo Witter Gordml my nomlc pond hkh it ran nlruu hcln Ilmerl uhhvlnu nnnnuly nullnnn 1m Cnnldlnn emnomy Ihrl Ilnd behlnd Mxh IMIH ulll And erlnl lhn budlynmhd Unllrd 5mm rapiul lnr duvel The Wall ml ImIl nprn munlry no rnlrrprln Mr Thatcher has called prrllmlnnry maeling of leer aln lmm he three prairle yrnv Inca la xnlher ln Sukaloon Aug Now KC lerrlll have de ll th may nllnnd Illo There or Iwn day 1M deleglu will hluwrinl fed eral Llhernl Milty lor Ihr Wtsl In llcl ll Mll Include xuldelinu Mhlch lhauld he sludird carb lully by my mlluul puny Ihlch hopes lo Illrm lupport ln 0h Wul yum ILUNDEM Olllul m1 to undanlnnd whl Hus Wm med and tmu lhrre hll betn mm plrle hrenkdtmn Hnlxon ho uwn Llhmll In In Wu Ind mell Mm mm Snelllnl In Premlrr Thu cher tnnrluded Ihnl Ihu led enl Llhfllll mvc blundtnd in H1 Infill mmmmmmxw anme snlid Western tonMgent least too deleum will came to crillclxe with unanimity and wilh cowboy lunknesl Ihe luck 01 Illenlion and nulslance which the West but received rum OllIWI in recent yun Their maul vigorous ipukw man will be Premler Ros Thalcher or Snskelchewln he Ilrongeu Liberal premier In Canada today and Indeed per hlpl lhe mosl elleclive luvem menl leader on lhe Canadian Irene lgday DTIAWAWhen the national Liberal party holds Ill canlerv ence Ofluwa In October the Western delexalu will com thundering into mm all fired up la cxprbsl their distust nun Ottawa mu OTTAWA REPORT Uh lurk fle Tho anmlinn rm ll urIuley mmM In UM Inc or rmlhlluurm III new dlmulchn In WI Rpm rmhlwl or Aundmd Im or hullm an ulna lh IMII llwl FlNHhM lhuvln Aullwlml INnflll rlnu null Im Olino Mun mm 01qu and Int li pmlm in cm Dully MudI and Mlhlluy ltllyl mud beflpllm ulrl dnlly hv um at Mrkly In to urly Elnlln rrvp In 10 Hy mull ml you 0mm Oln ur mnlnr Ihrnwofl Ill yw Mall mum mu yur Ilnirh M41 flrfllxh INIFMI um mr Infill HIM ynr OHM us lnlvmny Trvrrmln Mn 0le ml sl Mnnlunl M1 11 erl Irntlor Vunrmm Mumle of Amulun mu Nuuplr yummy Auncimm mm mm mum rm and mm Hum irrqullMI By PATRICK NICHOLSON Liberals Of West Will Bring Bests ANTS AT THE PICNIC hm r4 ra mun land Hm in If IN lit rm lh Hahn kallu whoml flu Fnflmvl Ill fiwflml Im litlull MI Od In 1M1 lllnl rcle In my um mm In nil NH um um II mm 1mm mu may lJIMy ml mm up ml muw II It up nu mm m1 vay wn null mm mum ml In um um 1m 11 pH mm 11 mwy GN rmn month lib the run Mind Mm um Nmmll HM rum1 Wham an ra um loyal Guwum MI M1 and mph tho Omumn flnl In Iho In Jm an Mr cum MM he in rmd In bu mm mm ml In QM ElmM II he 0mm umh an II 0mm and mm ml ovary nminrv an In Ilw rm rm be him Judi may In Hm up dwmunn my mum 0mm chm flu th mm lmvindnl flnl Nrm Saw Imam rm Ind 54 Arulrrwn Cum tr Mr in MI in mi 14 dwnily IPIMP Hit IllI n1 Enflml lh wl Mm dwk ml tmwy mm Um and IN hf an rmIMA mull ImiMvmk in by mm mm to my all hudlinrd Cnnndvm nu Ind Illned by Gus Imdou Omann In uhtth ho mu mu Me raking unwavle flu hlu ml al derle mi Enxbm Man mmmn min Um flu Banana M1 what Mm hmllm if Mu mm in MM mm Thm If umvn Mum rimmien And mm luring hi mmrm which mAy xvi mu In all rightly mm 11 part Nu In uhtth urn rm CANADIAN FLAG Dmr Sir lard the prelent leftward marching Lihnrni party driving ta main recond ID ciniist party when even the present one il one more Ihnn the prairies want sasimtrhe wen rays Thatcher stagnated through 20 years of locilist tovornment which ereted an Industrial Mindstill retarded development oppressive lan lion and major depnpuialion 20 yean experiment which Premier ihltcher ch arxel were damage igii mind ecgnnmic limo We who must Iell heir mm In open world cum pelmnn me lo Import their reflulramenu through lull wnl They nnurally leek lhu broadest pmlblo rec Ind Iiluallon Equally Wcslcrnm rugged and lellraullldent Ind vldunllsts recoil lrnm ho anu hemn my lMIAlisl doctrine luth flu rtcenlly pm pounded by Health Mlnhlen Alan MuEnthen The reluns work llill hu right to flun clll luppofl undrr Cnmdan puhll mmnnu plum Ian hp run demonstrala hil need or lha linlnclnl hip pm jig mung 79995 quot part ASK UNIWINATMN UNITY NATIUNS Ml JMIIM ml Mull mhmivlwl lunlmlnn ThmMv In hm lhv Iniml Nullnnu Sammy lmxmll rnmlmm Imul July lntk rm Sym Th mnlullnn WM llllvflmllvl In mum mm lwl nllrr mull wher In UnHMl Flnlrl mum null rmm mum 09 mm an muM mm Wm Imv 4Ier lmIdm Hut lml Mlmld Gym Rn 75 am mm lhmnflwymmulcn Um Mr an our mm In my bun ran Alan rflng ha 34mm ulurw mum IN Md Jnrk ltMlmbnmIlW Cuwh but will Ill hrmlflhmflv 11ml ullrr nu vlulnm Ind unnh min MI MM HI mmml AM urvlaullnl MM nml um um ImlinL Thy mull ll nub nllm him but Gtxl the an xilnyrd Mum in in ms an mm nym MIA r4 1mm low lrvynhy that Mw HI mu ml mu mid Ialny Ml hr m4 nu 1m aumn 1mm AM um In Ind mm by and find IMO nu rm Illl mmh awed mm 1m Ind hbnfi lhey not been nmuM Ind WM firiunic Ne smadmi In Mr marl in museum here umld hm Mn no janndym mm gn of my Adm harnme 11 rank have been different for Man lndnlrfilnh 11h Mr Gut ta nnd MW ml mm hm 3m ml 11 mh Murd halfiw noiwnin Equally the West opposrd In reslrlnlomon lh lmmlxrm Hon us cupiml In denL oping munlxy ldcqulle damn capilal Just In nnl aullahle nnd ccnmry Izo Mr Thal cher reminded me thy Us wu deman wllh Mnneyl bar rowed lrnm Brilain Thu ha hm chit heels nmmm other Imer nnes which lhe Wed ulll brinl In Ihal mtnwnxonhrenu tbs lecrnl parly Tha West has reached the ltage of industrial and re lourca development long no enjoyed by central Canada Thu Want now scents in Its nostrils the heady odor at developlnl aoctwlnduslrial empire in its nonh So the Wat need van tura capital to tirethls devel opmcnl Thu It havagely op posed to tor Instance the lug gcslcd tax on ca ital gains which would dam the rink cap Ital the Pralrtes need Lush cgntrgl Canada enjaygd de velopnfin In an era at llxtiee capital Kama now la Ihe Iurn oLlhe Wet and Ihe Marl Ilmu and they ahnuld enjoy the same attraction BIBLE THOUGHT ANDREW MUMHSON man BURN BABY BURN By Jtrry Cohen ud WWIn Murphy MM people wen killcd 1m mum and HDMILDW mpmpefly damage in he Lou Anzelu nou August 1935 be hunnn storm mat swcpt the WmDL9fidl Nam mm Aulhn are We hum In phm aim min 311 lhc Milnr mmm mind uhh onn whit 1h boy the rtshflmm Church mm to do Mudme min In your my Mm Prize or local reporting or coverage IM mm Murphy and men have noi 1mm lhelr imesulaunn in Mr own ohmum Ind rec ollodxons ln alldilim lbey have sought out 1mm nrd par lldpanu rhecked and mm dzechd mm and mm manic the km and may od the ptrsmal eworima hm Inmivedemm lh pol am who mm Ill manion They muman lhe eauw mum Ind omdusim this tragedy aims battle charm mln baby hm onc nm in lmlmr and Mum TIIE GALWIING GOSPEL By Ann ll Mltluu Cannotn prairies mo um Ml mw plum pamiry Ind ht Mltml mm mm Mm me hesi and Man the menu and flu audy mm can denm IN wry ymnl the 107 Amish mod mm him Ibo WNW ml min ht mur film book are new and in taulnz and the Baxlie Pub lie Library 1m have not much ch in man No are by ifmea Ifildl mp lidsm ono but mm mummimmu in mm bang on mm mm helped no bring mm Confederation had greed lam delegglg n1mrcanrarcla could Mend wunw wum illum me Mandi Emimnmme mauled Chirlottflowu ah Septurber DAmy M061 and Sanitard Fleming knew um Mmumm had poor opinion Upper Canadian Ind lei um Kmflhdpumniohwwem omerbelurhefmm coulereme Mom And Fleming amner or the Boyd lradein Saint John and mm In hold reeepflm im touring group from Canndni men they persumerl Ibom 100 politician Ind nem papemn to mlku the trip fliey had do travel 1mm Momma in MIN mine nlminc up 111 nimgmere were alumna in em MEIIDHHI Imam he minmp Wm L4LAJ my mm munmug am Ipllkl War the forest 11m tho way Spirits wen dampened 50x11qu In the morning when an deieulu hadlomit In 0pm wind in the rain or me boat mm him John It wu Intel 11m when the delegalagot on boardflme wunt mum WallaI and many ol than Bibs may in In Imus mm the overnight voyua ta SIM 1M Mr lasted until August and 1pm of receptth will MLMM in mune storm nle lmpomm mm wu mt McGaennd Fleming adnieved their ablative mm Wm reeling lrlandmip between Mummers Canadian Mm 9h Charlwetuwn conference began WEEK EVEN 0N AUGUST 109 Brpedillm under June Smnn mm 1336 me mlm um mm for Britain Pluue of locusts dmlroyed Crops Selkirk newer I1 Red River Maekenfle issued Declaration lbs Rfiomen one at the early elem towards lhe rebellion III1337 British Columbil given name and governmmt by lmpflil ml George Brown and Antoine Danon fanned government that Ilsed only two days and was upset by Macdanalde Madame View 30 lmupornud Truly Number concluded with Names lrdllm ll Lower Fort Gerry Grand lnmk Railway warken lot 15 per cent lmreue Iltu mlke One day general urlke In Canada it WW MWMWL Amadoam what when by mm Mn ed wiJI the Danudian dilemma my and yuslmiay One Halon three an Lu AT THE LIBRARY iCANADAfS STORY 01hr limit Exuxnmrn 16 BAYFIELD ST POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY PROGRAMS LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOlCES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS Canadian Delegates Madecoodwnl Tour dJ New Books On The Shelves7 Have Not Much In Common First ahlfilolg oi 11ml 070741 Qu men M1 5911 Wu BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINTING GUMMED ABELS OFFICE STATIONERY nm mum grim AM it II And Mn Lhrmzh he nu ma chlldun eh TRY EXAMINER WANT PHONE 728 MM hl Mumrim rider jflmni msm Wm mat Wyfiéfl myWNW Iv uwkx Jean IrMnlm hnl mm And dogr 0d ukiment ol Mmqu irnndmrro Mlolnnlln um mermu lnfl la lhrir Mly Mung L1H mu u1¢hyminx lim ll not my Ia dud1x Nnt everwne uul lit it comes with wmmmdalnry pro lace hy himmd Wilsm mg divq Emim gum manuel baby in leaky we the lab dfld for it 1mm la grape or nniuah and the book mvcnl his flat rm Am him on www am livmx nd dud madawy or Lhaniy Akmdwl nnd Ihe hard intu lnkes KI to Main mm out Mu mum and mm Who Number Sevenkhan nnly by amid 101qu Wn 157 my iv In 1mm mum he use and main am his Gaelic mmmm Mummme W5mebmu mummm h°WhWM8°olhi p8 2333 and men wwmm whom he had shued hut mm men than the broad flat SEASON IN THE LIFE 01 EMMANUEL HulaEmu 51 m5 ugpor mQO he Enrd novd Mugwdmdmm xe Med WWIM 7266537

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