Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1966, p. 4

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Walls Publisher An Idea that keegs mpplng up that neopstakes would painless efficient my to raise all the money needed for new hospital construction in CamdaIt be an attraetlvg idea but in pure mrnes from Jaye Wailgér for Toronto York Centre riding Ot lamoperated dwee the press reports him as saying co pull in more than 350000000 year for Iedemthospltpl building grants Aside mm the fact that this sum wouldhe only half of what is being spent annually on hospital con structlon lfalottery could providufilat mount the mast surprised people In the world would be those who operate the Irish hospital sweeps the most success ful such undertaking ln the world After paying for prizes and expenses Io IriSh sweepstakes turns 21 per cent of its ticket money over todhe hospitals Over Sisfien period the ayment to the hospitals an averaged 4270000 an nually Even with its worldwide selling campaign the gross sales of this very neceseful sweepstakes has averaged only 320000000 year For Canadian lot ggrygpjrovide $50000000 year cry imrovide $50000000 year as Mr er uggasu the gloss sales would have to be about quarter of billion dollars year That would be mm 13 Limes the flake sales of the Irish or to put It another way we would hue to have the equivalent of an Irish Hospital SWeepsmkes Would NotBe ThéAnswer It 15 gratifying to learn that the fed nal government apparently has found way to bypass the means test for old Ige pensioners who apifly or the pro posed saoavmonm supp emenLary assist 160 VriLlng in Liberia Action publica tion of the Ontario Liberal party Health Minister McEachen hints that those who qualify for any or all of the supplement uy pension pmbably will have to lilo Income tax returns regardless of their uxablprlncomen As Mr McEachen points out the Ian an be adopted without subjecting en afldadcs to tho various tests which rightly or wronng have assumed odious connfitalions to those receiving assist mce Im degrading process can be avoided quite simply by havin the aged fill out Income tax forms other they have WAR DAYS 15 YEARS AGO arnu minor July 31 1041 Tenth annual meeting First Cooperative Pack ers of Ontario Ltd held in Barrie Presl dent llugh Bailey of Melanethon voiced pleasure at program firm General manager Morrison outlined cur rent situation loday in Canadas ngrl cultural economy he declared hogs are mramount Installation or dial telephones began in Barrie to replace manual equl ment am to am annual meeting lllle ael Chepesul lomlnlun meat impeelor outlined prlndplts hog marlin All three sons of Mr and lime Ctarles Kelly have enlisted with RCAF Charlie Donald and Delmar Pilot Officer Jack larr arrived saic ly in England 2nd Ilathllon ile Ime Grey Shncoe Forester liuxy getting really for Camp Niagara Ailer three month at Nmmnrki CnmpUSxL retiructqr Colty lrl big again on iufrnt hiHo Afioury Ma 6r warm or HQ pompanynG Is For utm nnnnurrichfideVfiflnfisflln hanv Nmmlndonml ranka to Star amt 311mm CoulxKrol If grim Slgn Bakoworxo Hook lo Corpornl llnmd Dmry lul llnrwond SmHh SnrJonnt Waller Stuangn Tom Black Sgt CLImncn Hidden Iller 17 month ovsrma homo on lun laugh heron reporting for duty In In Way To Bypass Means Tests QM PROBLEM IMPORT finndon Free Prm fldlnlnu mncern Mr former Md hn mlnnln In not conlom nnUrely on nhvl llhmlmln Legally merging Lam bla Ix ulvlng UK lmlmldallm nnd unv rrnmrnl mmnmisu nu by In oxrmtvl but lrglllmaln In on coppwpxpnfil llrllnln inmoru about hAl hor mmwr mm Zambia anner mime Chllo ll rrmly Ila doulvlul ll pflte The hlnhrr rlcv will boon UKu Impon bill by 21000000 In year don mntlur In Hmso law balance pmth illn Zlmlvia my lhn prim Inmaan will be In mm during the lumen mom 1mm ThLI lam nerd lho um rash 0000 000 month In mm 111 lcvrlnpmrnl drmand IL armor nolfllhnr lnzMlmduu Dre Anvrml and Il munl keep up gum minn Ian Smllhl VThe most recent squofl for the Idea ymes from James Wa kenliberal MP OTHER EDITOBS VIEWS Pubiilsheé by cfiffihluin NMSfifiH lelted 16 Buyfiialyifitreet Barrio Ontnl DOWN MEMORY LANE Mcthon Managing Editor SATUIIDAYr Mn 71m man swée aboug every four week It migh be argued that Canadian louery could devote less of in incoma to prizes and more to hospllnls but the he that if it were to compsta with this Irlsh lottery as ltwould have 191Lcould non ofgn mgglleg pylz Even fact that lofierje W51qu pro ducq so little revenue is not the mnsl compelling argument ainstbheir legalI inflgn It is often flutit is hypo critical to parmit ram track and vetfnrohilm other forms of gun ling fiat rohilrft other forms of gainfifinfiil ut that 10 we should pefmh forms of gamb ng swee stakes slot machines gaming tables an so on vEéwi 01 those who want legalized sweka would supppfi that gggurnent 34L The problem really is to decide on the degpee of gambling that should be allowed On that basis as well as on the basis that they are no substitute for tax ation sweepstakes serve ho gqod pur se There one Ilnal fine Lotterles have the longestvrecor of legality of any form of gambling Augustus Nero and other Roman emperors used them to finance bulldlng projects In England the first legal lottery was held In 1589 with Queen Ellzabeth as patroness In North America there were lotterie as early as the 17th century ehleflyforthe benefit of schools churches and public works But evenasllongfis there have been legal lotteries they have always been acknowledged as tax on the poor taxable income or not Then if gross lncomes from all salutes are less than the guaranteed minimum they would automatically be entitled lo supplement nfxmxmpnlss Certainly this would be the more dig nlfled approach than the means test whichforces an applicant for financial assistance from the government to dt clam his income bankbalancehnd other assets which could bring him ln revenue The income taxJorm givesthe vern mental clear picture phannpp can total Income and thus permits the elder ly to make declaration without the embarrassment of going through form Inquisition Some people who had always taken care of themselves during their working days would not take means test and thus would be do rlvcd ot muchnceded income it they dld not aPlly stmclor at RCAF Bombing and Gunnery School llngal Vllh lnllux of several thousand people to town as result of war condillons ln n51 twoiem housing and cvcry other adllty Barrla bcln put to limit Nowhere ln slraln morn ev don than at Royal Vlctorla llwpltal New nursery and new staff quarters havn been provldcd llVll with 50 beds hnn llcs mnny mnlernlly case as average 754ml hospital McClcnaghan YMCArector at RCM Camp Ilonlcn wnulrl llku to gel donation ol good used plnno nardo nnrbm Asxodallon announced nrlces Inor mlult halrculiraln lon llolh sold at age 16 and now hnvq llccnm They can hardly wall lo may ago jolnlnx RCAF Pa orlw mmth been oblalnul bysu dying ll Ilarrlo loll Club Team of Barrio hankm Jlm VlllLs Parsons Illll Gould and Hon Lowe won lllnm Walker lm lay or golf Immaomo from Orlllln anlcr Saljean and mum Todd llanl wnn Scotch doublm loun my nl Allandalo lawn Bowlan Club The Duke nl Kent wlll lour Camp Borden on S1lurdny lelllm nlr lorco lrllnlng ronlrolund nrmoum dllelon hcloro ro lurnlng lo 01qu whm ho In gum nl lho GovernorGencraL unlitan mij both pollllmlly Ind omnnmlcally 4065mm 25c Two ncl nu rlonls Ken Slmmons and Grant Knu have Iggy inkfig fixing 1053an Il cs Mm Wmtmlnslor In Intmung prnuuro agnlmt Ulo Sallnhury govrm mom and ramnn on lho fommonwoallh lo do Hkowixo Arnohl Smllh Canadian Uplonm nmv tlerUnz the necrelmal IINIAFM lhls nrrlul unlmgo lml prc vanlnl lhn maku ml Hm lmmdl moth Hnn and had art In Horn or porce ful prourmlnn In ho nlvanm of lhu Mvivau nnllmu mu 1mm In tho omlvargo rlmz Ircmlm are being lwllui Wm Gmnany and Japan In curl helr lrnrlo Mlh Modem 111 embargo an oil mandalnry UN min only to qugfl In mule or hallth olher mun Mran inn Ilhodsnln erh nppom In Mr Arnnklu aim ran only he Malan by nhorlng II ha Mishan which UN copiedth did no man mum Wilson Geriaral Mahaxer only way swim In jmplazm me mien Mail mum In II M711 In hem however Um jungle Nam nu plot tho daytoday outline cl their war In Squlll V121 Nam By GEORGE MoARmUE SMGON AP Hardly 75 mdu mm Saigon ma Somh Vld Nam with shadawy mum and pglifiml leaflets ol the Vlot bag will malw than plans viAory Their headquarters LI deep within Lm nmfled Jungle cl Tny Ninh prvvflnce fiffin Msfim moadngly they mm comma on em pmhkm flow In win dwvmicco fidnry mm major Unflcd States the Via Cmgs dkpmal arc sumo 150090 fighting men They have InllUma guerrilla army named by your war 11m cm crack th Virtua nm mulm lnfllualcd mm Hanoi And hey have cm at pen1m mhlim ho hide um gum Iyy dny Viet CongMake Own Plafls For Victory Agdinét ngSf mch hem L1 Norlh VM Nuns 500000 mm regular army which by US csflmm sending 5000 mm mm nth month srnmnour South Vltl Nam han mu lnr Anny mm 310000 mm pun 115000 Ndmll own and 115m mum emu mom who are mkidnl to luau guard dilla we are more or lbs may 1111in ovrr lmr norm mu 1M UMIod 5mm hu Ibou ammo nun ln Nam Baum Kort 15000 Amlln and New lulmd mm 1700 MAM has Immm confin evu Lndw Imllwkm mom will be lama ImMun mop llCw om Mm 7m FloI win mm and wuflymtolmtmflmm In ulmhe mm Bum mm mm Ml Mm with 01hr Furl fluxuhur mmL 0d pnymmt cl posing In um Aumiml mud um mu om D113 Duly EuMnyI ml 5mm and unvlrd nubovin mu daily hr nrmr uc wily In deL filnxln 0p Iu IY mail min as on ym yx 0mm lm ymz mMnr lhmwofl ynr MAM mull mu In your lmulnln NM Drllllh mm my lmlln mm Mlk 11 lnhrllfly An Tmm nlh rm Fl Mnulrul Wu mIr Vnnrmwr ill Jmmflsm mu muva lulth AIWIAHM Iho Idun hm ml Amm llurnu nl Cirrulnum run mainly 11qu In Hm luv lwnhlkuinn Ml III mummy In MI tr rmlblul la ur Awth Wm ur mum and aIn nun lml um mhlmwl lhuum ITS KWONDERFUL WORLD WE LIVE IN Rh 1500 aidilz and comblt man not counting toml hundred men planes mm the unimmdfrvmbasmhml am From Guam bubb cu Wage me to Illea MN dafly on South Vie Nam Fm north to 509th us and 5mm Vlemamesu one wry lml um vital arth thu have vast Ind of mama and ores and floodcd paddy land mder mm Wu am year ago the Via Conn was cigaqu on tha wax 11 In VM Nam 10 Mt had bled and Muted Hm Vicknamcse army to 111m MOVED 10 RATTLE Despiln ho mourning lnflux American mops ho guerrilla confidme started mm what they can th three lho openballle climax whan the dam of Mn lzelunx Commmul party duirman nl Mm say will md urcth war vlcwdomiy mm Mdmo Um the via Cong strategist are suck My 1150 odxllne dglpugh Thu mum named by Mao and mum by lnmla Gen Va Nguyen GL poud lrunendmu MW pr 10m 1m ma nmmu fly 1me ma Vlim mum In My min bagufilcld ddfih mm 5an and when weapon the mrlltu huh dmod WM nilh ha to MM km all amflllm am hfth dam Jamu Hum mlm kind Mar 111 AL BOYLE NEW YORK AN Nah km on on Im Mm enuunmm Wm mate you ho hrgl MIMI hmde THE LIGHT TOUCH um um mMIl be MM Idli Iml Iml yidlnliuk 111 um Hm hr ha mnmwm an In an rw mm mm 14 mzdny Mm rm to III DENIM morl In mm um mum Ma uh mm at Jlmmy SIM Gary hwy and WY IA 11ml Em Inn mnun My nu My who MI MN wanton um pith My mm um in my an Linkmml tlnlfmy m1 mmunn 544 In vmhnq um IIM llvun In erf Mm hmnml can an Mn mlly 11m uanu hmy In fimlmlrl um mm pm mum Ir m4 mu Inn Juma mMIlrr ml ha hr Mly muh lur Juy yml hm mm the M151 Imman Tn mumm 11v Viki Wni II ml MM bunn NM Ego Unimpotrant ITo James Coburn wa cmmnmse Reubezvous SPAQSI mm the MM Imomfla mm lino lor remote units The guard field om re quires It least 150000 poumh glee dafly lmdlfgm offices in Saigon have ten aware In he gun rilla leadme was 311mm to slip seasoned 1an Inlu new balm lions The Aim 9onunulnx PLAN WIT CAIU For aJ malor operations mi of many um um qulle small Vic Cong military leader by AB on limemnmmlnz um my study but am with Mmmu me They hide rm and mm In ndvme 111 lrpu thing luqumfly loam ha Vld Ooh expmed to npolllnx openliom un lcam by the Anndun pnlinulnx In 12¢ men ice And guru mum in mm ma hm Lm Amencam can be caught dl balance and dramatic victory bamqu ol uzufar Nékhwéi Com The Ham mu min in they average ham 500 men or 509 mm 5m via Nam um no puma so mam haunnmu mung N930 vm modem wmpnm Drpmdinl on where My mad hem mks win hedoinod by lac mm mm In mm mudfic whkh htm In Imam Mr mm mndim an eh mm Mile utmtlm nix tum Gm FA Th Amdcmlmlm nl Ml Ind IHflI Wml In mm In bu mm mm muc Wm Mill mi Div Ynu in tho Win M11 Jlm nu MM mm llo huh MI mil minim AM mwnllw My mum Km mm lhln vhn mum 1M mkfllly Mull lulha Mn mnhln um uniloa kiwiind Km why not hi for you It Jlm high JW Army bah JWM In Mm mm 11ml VIII mlnl lflnlluvlnl N1 hi Mllilll Hide 4mm VM 1m mu um Um perI my va In In mm mm ll IMIM rl mman In Muirkw Ind 1n um Imi ml WIN In mind Mum mum and rmllmmr ml pm mud mumn It hr II mil mm an nulm In Mm mp him my Mum ml IrI uny Mnl mle prnimy hr ma mu WM Ibo bum ol avoid hygreyer mlmuyllul Hwy mm WM nhkn mmplnlm lb5x Havenden Wilkar uued romNantaxm wilh lam mill my lore cmmi Canada Thu Lord Slmcao Raul In Tomi II mlmm 51mm II though perhaps most Inlean ol all the nmmamvmmu Upper 0mm when he named Irorn maxms was rum lord was mm Slmcoo in Canada but to be Hum enml ulnar he Ielzh Ind wooded nu Duku ol Wellnflun minuteer Brit forte In 1mm Ho died before ha MSW mum member of the mambo want ed Io mm In Irmamy InUwgr but munberl would bu hwn from mm when sealing there um um llndownm baker Ind possibly leading mudam may walk by dvcn mu In In Upper Gunter ol thu lefhlim am lines of an Hausa but In Britin Their title would be hereditary mmdmumdwmmmmmuummmym Mr wwm rm to Indxffiwmr puma from the um 01 MR work bldManmndn CANADAS STORY flu Hm lbw Simcoo did um becoming external 101mm of Upper Oanada to Irqu flu capital from Newark bnlhc M38 Pam mmmr We ha renamed York He WM ham llked lo have mum the capital at the pram Alta llama mm but me was not ume build suit mdl Shim was convinced um marew he Inde Ill ylgb In pmqu gum Ind 1w mum lo lha nale mtg odonddmndllmllwilllulwmmmd bean demfln land on My 301793 During the early Ihtmmmuflyheuflhhlmlbllvedlnahuxe mt Whambenmmmydwmalnoonkflwhdficcx plurer who had aln undated Wellss armada up the St Lawrence forum uttch KW imtzpéwantéd Titles 31 for Upper Canédiaxls mm mm 0N JULY aux mosgumyh hglgcdfimns debut Iroquois pumam Point mmmumxmmm AT THE LIBRARY Chnlca Wenpm by Gar mu Ls WP story mmM imaginative and yet quid mo path mm mm in fed James Bankink ragmzs hl NW aapé Tom My Knnu My than or band Bmwna mdlsdblined Mal diatribe Mnnchlld In Thu Promlstd Lind Gordon Parka has ruched the mp Sum 15 phuwnphnr wrilnr compas eramluamnncamhlrd The snuggle om around and madn dne obstacla owm ra cfal reprmwn hasnt really end ed Success win no mm black skin raduce Inddum or opgn sfmegaled The long tortuous climb beam or Park at 13 when his mum dizd Fear and dual havu dog nod hls Imislcps ever mm The monra dlmuy and persever wee based on firm mlilJoLu oonvicdm gave the young man enough security and Nth In hlm ml to permae Gordon lea Kansas md travelled to the pov my and hatred nl Ohlcago Harlem Imam md Wash inglon fime lo flay ullvo la lo sduool Ind to nuln Iomu mmmm mmuy ndn mnIuuuu Um equally hard mad lmmd flu hay mm mm and hungry um them wu no room evm am his own kind Wm dennx In load ind tcr Ind mwlloynm durinl In quudon led In tum la mum jnll And the usual nab Hand metL pool mu widl KI MW and hi cm mly My waan ha mm boom lamlhnr hunk am firm the day Pub m1 warm at Adv No Wu Mum Ind 11m but ha mm mud You cant um um flu wr ul 36ml Imm mlm you man Ilay Walt And you cant aw mm ll youu boa all night writing or looking for wk Km beauty Puh book 15m in in manual under Color Pioblem Stressed By Personal Expexiences PROGRAMS LETTERHEADS BROCHURES OINVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS OBILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES IHAND BILLS WEDDING STATIONERY 16 BAYFIELD ST BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINHNG By BOB WAN OFFICE STATIONERY Wont Mm Ln me cl tho Mu dams thLI man Ros enwdd Falpmhip wmer mm mm unktarm hi5 murky awn dash otfidll rum Hand and pullbd within minI ulea ol sallinu am his unit he pmvm his my flu with are kddat so light yet firm that tbs reader fool the woke raz or that hm mu pencil Pholagnphar Plrkl for reu nns unexplllned probth in explicafle could not be assign edtooovcrmeflmwiatdnlt home group serving amseaa 11d book is smxmarly me munching am the 10850 is there it scwplty hough companion M1 to others whim of Sada ll Ls good book ml book tribute to Ls authors skill and Warm quali no story Slflh by Sylvia Whlllheld is story nl lflmdsflp Marxism in mile ol all bankn b8wa an Mrlcan and Emma in SouLh Mrkm with XL blur racial hams IthwlloryuldieWfiw bead amuy Sylvia Eric nnd their two young daumxn who seeking now lilo have But hnd in with In South Mrica lntulfinl mako per mm hum Sylvia NW3 pman in her own H911 and bcmm the two strange and umdorlul mind ulna4m Mops 5m loch nun dimly an my pofiramd by Mn 1m Macmawllnwlhm plain lack mnmgcqqm lgu Fur lhll God In our God over um um ho will In our uldl tun unto us nlmI IN Lon Hm dividudn rum In his mm In mm wllh haw toulllh not In ulm nl lhln Mimi midi BIBLE THOUGHT OGUMMED LABELS DRAW TICKETS BROCHURES 7266537

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