To GOOD Harirni Viral Hepatitis liar llo Medication By losses itomhn in Dear br Molneri have trim of the liver or hepatitis dict allnunating greasy foods but the doctor said that medication would not be of mob help How long doee hepatitI last What food should be slim nntodl II than chance of having the virus more oncet win them be damage to the llvuTIl Mr Your donut periodly right Viral hepatitis liver lnlection carnal by virus cannot be cured by medication we do not have type nhiebyill attack such vim Discovery dnuza which would corrbat yi rusea the way antibiotics com bat bacon would be vastly important step forward And dont think the reward W0 arent avidly sednng ouch drugal However on dont have In sudi now lyliral hepatitis is one at dbl oolda attack may with gradual recovuy Your doctor has already given you the essential did eon nideration Go easy on lots tried loom greasy foods This is to relieve the burden on the liver which manulactures Juices which an poemsaw tor digest ing tau REPEAT ATTACKS Yeshtillermdie MD first one don not with im munity Since eadt ottan Will leave some residual damage to the liver every diort should be made to avoid further once The prindpal source at tide type nt hepatitis is from con taminated food it drink of mm polluted water Making sewage lines especially age gets into the basement can doirzy um WWI be real risk dilapidated aparbnent house uhiob had bathroom leaks dooenlor so ones of hepatitis hole out in that one building pelt him will you ave ex posed gamma dobulin can be gi and it is In allociive pie verifive However ll be given early atta exposufl It than gives little continuing protec tion and does not not like vaccine it Just boosts your re sistance or the disease It the time or exposure Dear Dr Molnar is it pos Irble at my age all to have ll Idd hot flashoell have out alien doctor only bolls me Youre getting nidMin Yes its Williecinch you have thorn But dismissing it with age an explanation iI no answu Menopause is pos nible nu mainly run at that age and in my event treatment to use tho symptom is pos sble corri potent medical examination to dbninate other possibilities Inernll Iauliiy nutï¬tlon Inade quate rust or glandular dis txdm Deunr Molner plan in tho plsydc nirgery on What age would you mmwtdl Also how can will have Iarnlly girysiciw Ind he would be the ideal person to retes you to ruitable surgeon In turn the surgeon can guide to whether fix any rem pm time would be but for you Alternatively you my medical wdety wire practice at referring to qualified dodma ol all kinds including plastic lur guns 11K Labor Union Declares War On Governments Wage Freeze LONDON EmmetForm cabinet minister Frank Omsim lender oi Britains biggest labor union declared war today on the Labor governments wage ircere lacy plank in Britains toughest amtalty squecne hi years Cousins loftrwing chld the 1500000 member Transth rind Gunual Worlotn Union de fied the and the Mutts miter Union Cow gross and said at Bristol he in tended to submit pay claim tor his members if they spurt him to the point of strike they could is Britains limping econ omy once ngniri moot Wednesday standstill Brahman braced for their turn to troll nuatnlty medicine or the ralumt today plan to drum tinny price commie norm poodL FIXING PMCFA medc Mlllrl Mioil ter Gerry Brown bold US Reiuses Viet Nam Call For Invasion WASHINGTON tAII Till United Slater bits refund to go nlnng uith Smith Vlrtnnmun lyrmlrr Nguyen Clo KyI tall for In InuIInn ol Nnrlh VM Nam II the run my to win thr wnr Our pMitlon ol not seeking Iny with war has been repul Ily mniie rim Intl remains our position US ItIto do partmrni Iprilirrmrin raid Turr ilnyi do nrd leek to thrrrtrn Iny rrglme Ilrpnrlmrni lrur olltrrr linlirvl Nrflnrtliry laniml IhIl Ilrtlrmrnt uhtin Iinlillng tlivrrl rnmmrnt on Kys rnntroverriri INHIth Hrnatn Democratic LI Id Niko erllllltl rd Monllnl rillh Itlpnrilnn bathing had tnllwl nn the Johnson Itlmlnle Italian to tllswiatr llrrll com plririy and It nnrl lrnm tho Milli Virinnmrn prrmlrrr Irrtlnn lrrmlrr Ky had pro rod In In Inlrnlw Hill It lrltllfl In turn thrm tlha Ilrrl hintst rirht nnw than in live or to yratr lie all Illflflullrl In Invasion nI Ninth VIrt Nam in Imnrli the mum rtl Iglreulon lgnlnll 5mm Vch Nam Man is llemandetl 0n Ilrson Charge Hillllll IIAY II litl thrill to Tuwlay was re NINIlNl In Ail It mm rarh rvr H000 tvrrrptrrty hill ulwn he npywnynl rm Ihlu thug rd Mann 1le rhurgu runrrn It It Ill Inmllln JohnMonti mt llltll ll Jon Iifl June it llouse that manulacturers and othm would have prices fixed by some form ol on government worried by Mll triscs caused by on in lunatime lack of conï¬dence in the strength of the British own omy and the value of the pomd sterling believes that income and prices will have to stay stable for an emcrgeney period and legislation being pm pared 0mm styled hool ogy mian um weeks ago in promt ngairul the policy at re straining waga to deflate the ailing mm linployrn notiï¬cation with IOIW policy will be dis mssed today at key meeting Mum Brown and the Crusted ration nl liritkh lndmuy May Prosecuto Pirate Stations Oil ILK Coast LONDON iAItThl British govnmmcnt todIy threatened nrlron terms and line in its campaign to Iilrnco the to pi rItI radio stations operating oll llrilIinI Ihofll The dmuo legislation pro rented to the Commnnn would mm it unIleul for any ilrit lrh Iubiect to broadcast iron the commercial Illllonl to in Its ram tor them eup ply them with tips records or materiel Ind advertise on their program lrrultier ol up to two yam lmprinnnmtni Ind Ilnu encod ing cioo mom providrd The bill Introduced Nedneo day by loatrnnlrr lrnefll nni short Ind given llI frrmIl first reading II uhIlIhed Io dry it II expect In become client by Febriilry The gevrmnwn nu loaded Into action by the llpflllm at it the return ht rIldrrI Prisoner Released lifter 23 Years KmIUIVllLE NY AN AIIN you in NM Yuk um mun mun mum ll MMINI TuIIy ttri led ml mrt rrdw Mutng ha wu not uquuriety mtth try state rourl be pierMI rally on minim mmlfl It age The dirt ordered rulanrl roleue Iul Jim in and tho gate or litrn Ilrmm netmt MRI luv Illll Twuy mun um light by hi mum in It tw In lvml firm myuulnltle surname lrrllrrl Ilwd III New You rliy who he mm Humming untold lliutflh Mold in IN alter Ate lhrulr meal In llIIwr lIiAl um Ier stolen My tron Iiillnl Ilium Till liMlIlet Vtle Aliï¬ IliONr mm Contact rum ByJAY BECKER Yultlie nelthar not moraine The bidding baa South witt North use 14 run pm of rigsyaw my what wotdd you bid now with eaobolthefollowingtwrbandal 14m or out mom no em auanu phantom or 4mm pt we on Nitten tbipe opadorlhe only bids worth outsiderlug are spadespthrea notrump and four eluln 11m notnnnp should but tbomonimtiapicture ride values than we have four club bid identiï¬er good suit since clubs have now been bid dupe timer but It same time putt limit idghcard valua Mal Partnerennnotmirngddu tine paid support slice lump rnseinrpades would have bomgirou earlirsvriiiinholding otfourspadesihehnnptofour madeeshowltbatthetlnoeolub be stanceslnuthe haudisInotrrnnptype and thorelrnopartiailrrrownto prdusuitpinthisnm gel Wmveyalbybiddmgtluu noorurrrpr Partnoraautenoarrymor minfleelifl1totthi5bifol1na MrNortbsvalmatthkpolnt arounhwwnAllweeandost our 51mm Viet Cong Military Positions Hit With New Fury In Raids SAIGON AP USl and South Vietnamese pilots struck Viet Cong positions in South Viet Nam Wednesday with new fury flying record total 826 combat aortier military spokesman reported American flym also bombed North Viet Nam despite bad weather limiting most of their 10 missions Wednwday to the southern panhandle The increase in air missions inter South Vict NIm came the Viet Cong stepped up bit Indrun attach The most significant of these assaults took place in miles lrorn Saigon whore guerrillas overrun village few hours belore dawn and drove oif the to militiamen delenders While no major fighting has been reported since Sunday US spokesman raid American combat dead more than dou bled last week presumably result at US marine losses Is the mariner launched Oper ntinn Hastings Igoirut North Vietnamese division near the the northern border July 15 The spokesman said 136 American were killed 57 wounded and 14 missing com pared with no killed but wounded and no missing In the previous seven days Total dead for the week of July 1016 climbed to com nrullwith the previous wen Communist dead rose to 1211 an increase of the spokes man raid South Vietnamese military spokesman raid the Viet Cong hit the village of Can Lou few hours before daylight and the militia platoon abandoned their post alter sulfcring moderate casualties Pleads Guilty on lraud Charge MONTREAL CF Michel llarod Horthiaurne ot llam mond Ont pleaded guilty Tuesday to defrauding the Aero port llilton hotel of $900 in United State funds by cashing counterfeit trIvclicrr cheques llerthiaume salesman was remanded in custody or sen tence July 29 by Judge Jacques ï¬asan The Ontario resident on are rested July 21 by police in sub urban Dorvnl when the hotel is situated DAILY CliOSSWOllD ACE05 MunI HILL Nodulo Scattlfll tel euro 10 Surf 12 Tbiligl donl CIN null It lInl nicknlml 15Touch Uk ll Plural will Enthullrinlk follarinrl Muil alum Choo II Thru up 11 Duound Mlly Horn Wicked It Am HIV randomly Decoy other of Irish god woum point BIilnp slowly Iiunniur river 71mm live nleuun who mm it many comporlllon llDirpItrhed ll Fellini fillgii iii $35 Eli 225mm Money for in poor 25 Moth colloq 20 Mature pmpln min horn on Yrstrrdlyl All Ancient coin Gr iiIchIil rlitb Ill 0th roilrge town to lixciunl nick nun Alriuri JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK TH GIANTS BLONDIE each or MR pong Manners BROKE uRaEcnusE more WAS ANGTHER ram THE SAME PAle wuo Wouw ncsrgov on MARRIAGE Loon A1 uranium YOURE sunnouuoro BY HER SHES steamy MORE WW 7M HIRF or was ms now any MERE Nolam ORDINARY woman mournM 7055 Youve 601 to as mom NEVER LOOKA1 ANOIHER remote all marinarago DIAN CALLO wamrzm Sou BEHEARSALB IFEETTIMG was EAEY EMWYS PLN rot serum our EOLLV WIN IS EVEWBOVY CRAWIJNQ AROUND IN THE YARD LIKE OUR BABV BOY DAGWOQMAVE mu 601 two mis VCR FMS HERES Your pwc BACK sonny 0H1 DAVJDHM AFDAID OUD ENGAGEMENT l5 DEFINITELY OFF THIS TIME LilTLE LEROV PUl WE GRASS FEW WAIT momYou BUY II or we saw monument is THE OLD HOME TOWN By Stanley JIMMY Airer you ow FELL OUT TIM TREE WIIILI GEYTM WU KITI 50 may itrsnim arr MY KITK ITS STILL UP ERG Ill AMI DOWN TDD QUICKI uy BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKEETER AW WWI llll WHOLE FINN Willi IMroulllitl MY Sun 60 NCK loll MIU MOWVII MIN gills thtr mnr Mention t5 Hummersw llFtt Dillli IALKNA Ttl IUEAOL NDA QUART MNUYE 60 coll low Ir UNTlLTHE NE PAYMENT mil It lily Monti ill AWOII IW 3001 ll WI Muimru 01 V0113 Vi iO Illhlttl