Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1966, p. 1

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AND GRONIVKO 50le lem Mlnlllrr Gnmykn rhnrsrd Iowlny that ha UniInl Mal mlxM um We Nmn pram cmlrrmw In rlnnk mum nuvmlnn Illwlnm haw mmmw udd that any null or mnlmnrp 91mm mm mm Nth Virl mu Jvhnvn 4qu VI Zhiaylnflg Anlim mm mly Imh mez pmmmu llw mum ml 1hr mum mmlllmd In mrrl ml Mm nl hi mm mu nflirp 11m wn Lwlmlwn hm invmmm mm mm unmt nu mm Null lcnl Johnson look over the uln lm mike nagollauom today and told both side he want lhem to road Amenml lhmuxh collecflvn bargalnlnu Afler Whlle Hausa mecllnl wlIh Johnna 11 men lrnm lhl mamzement Ildn Ind mm In union Ildc went inlo Inuian MICE mare 101ml Yoar 176 SecrLtuy sum Dean zivec beauty welcoma up fish Prime Minis Har iidWflmn arflad PEBSONALITIES IN THE NEWS LBJ Urges Airlines To Settle Differences WASHINGTON AP Presl Whlle llnuu Pm Semtnry Barrie In crash on Highway 11 lllf JOHNSON The Hometowh Dally Newspaper For Birth andlnlstflct RUSK WELCOMES PRIME MINISTER WILSON UN flrvlarv mtal 11ml mnrnnl Mull Snlrl WmuhIM In lrwnhl uman lmhy lm Mm Nil Hm Inlllu HM mtrfl Nntluw Tm urw uamvy MM lhl mnlvng uu maIlnl Ivy nanny ulmnrywu IuHhrr lrlzll IIII KM Ivu mo mu Ivy Tn oym rcporlvdy that collective bnrxalnlng Ix the free democratic wny ol xenllng the dlflcrencc yuu have 1h mombug Ihat lhul better my lhnn logixlnung the hmklnx Ilnke at ugure at ngquldgnpal Hug Bill Mayan and Johnson scl nq igndllxgg an actinn Mayer Iflld Jnhnsnn In Um cnmlnucd pmlongtd nego llutlnns now In no mm hkcly Io bring about ulllcmcnglhnn Inlcnslfled concenlmlcd bar gaming 5mm Mom on rim wow nIHonnl Mclmlmn alnm From leak mm in mm GENERALIMIMO FRANCO mrnlwhm Fruncllco Frnnon In or Innunl Mummr my In nnrlhmn Spain And mum Inr IN mlon on In plm mnuml mac Appear l0h1u 1m mm mm England Mr conferma today with Prui dent Johmn mg dismmiom expeded to foam on LEON IIIUZIILN Ehvflarrin Examiner hm autumn mmwnuma wmumsmn MW An mmlmq Wairrnn uyl llmn all Imllcntimu Hun In Mhm 111ch or Mnnnlnl Mum Ulu mnle Hm r1 lmmu wuvluul Hunhmm who IA Ind In Wnllrr llrul Anny mum lnr what numbed maln why mrAWA ull Th Md mud avwllln Irdmu Undhl lAlM MIly Ami wadum In my IHHINM human lMlIflm polle Inlay MHJNWHNH Avmulm MW Whila lfinrn 1min MM room In Gnlmx nunum MM ludny wmkmrn Imam In may palm mm In mm 75 Iwu Hu Mr In In mm 11w man lmrmfl 0n yum Mow1L lJlik leawl lMl nr unity Mallivnwg nhym I4 flllhil mwr urn In 1an an mil plum Inlmvl In cum vam MI rm And lurk Mar 0M mindth 1mm mm anflUlV Amen Ml man thplnmul nlmdvvi lo Poklnxa arbmy 1n Drunmcm Syria 1w WNW nml MkM ha Amman mimmy Ihml kt poliUonl Alylu diplomatic Imm lr swim mplud mm Inlay It appears Mayer snid lhal the difluencu between labor and management have been narrowed to someming lcn uun $25000000 He Md comm Jo have bran altering Iboul 0000000 Ibova mien pay and bandit mm And the unions havo mme dawn an thall demand to $80000000 or bl more Hum Smflw uw us run Imwnlur In human m1de Wma Irrm Minn do Nun All mm on the nu And Inld all Wmmnflm mm hm In mrm Wmh anjnz In on In ncgulinlinm with summons calling the partch In the Whlle llouse Jnlmmn heal lho US Cangrm lo the punch an an alien to dump lhe dlspulo lnlo his lnp Johnsnnl mm mm xollnum talked lnlo lhe curly manlan nl lho lnlmr llnpnrl mm which nnnnunm sum progress but no lentnllvo cun llm Ixracmanl between lha um and the In grounded nlr nu There was no dkMIun how 1th would allot KM Illon In Cnngrm the crunch kn Mnyon mint Chinese Diplomat Defects In Syria Eisenhdwers Illness Not Alarming Roport Stock Accelerates tainl economic troubles and possible mm in her over seu military mnmiimenu AP WWW Prince Charles Loaves Australia British Soccer Star Injured LATE NEWS no lmmtdlnlu ln Iohnsanl Va lho mnIusrd Illu Inlnrmnnu mid Thumhly My member 01 tho House Cum monl Ital have bccn lnld ha Imlalllo during lho Mo Augmt Ind urly September pcrlod or brie medal maian mm nlmady have hccn lnr lnrmnl dhcusslun amunx Inn unlnn mm nlmu Mllan jolnl Ilrlku dcndline Innmd lha ml nl Auiuxl Ono rink lllK mlod hnl been Mint Buy Sept hm 1mman tnmpuhnry ulllrmenl on Ihn unlnm wuulvl pryrnl Iran Igrlkn lrllnn llowavrr unlnn mun may if he 1erth mm Invnlml we no nrceplnMn runny nl lhrlr mrmlwn would Iupmn Mldcnl wllkaul LONDON CPD Storm 513 ML and harsh prediction flew an all lidos tnday the Social lst gavemmnnt publishu pm you or united national ef on designed In cure Briuln chronic economic ills Parts of flu government plan or payandprlces lreeze cnnslderubly more strict than had been envisaged week ago wue regarded as unworkable nnd passiny unacceptable by leaders nl Industry and trade unions reports said The new powers Would give the government aulhorily la re vene umln payandprlce in cream where they have been lmplemenlcd ince July 20 Pay rakes agreed to before then but not yet lmplemenltd could be dclcrred or up to slx monlhs lrom lhe data they wan due to lake ellecL Wax mcrzency union Plrllnmrnl next monlh lo pnu leghlallon nxnlnx munnnl mlway Ilrlka being qulplly nrgnpurd by lth vcmpun Although lho gnvrrnmrnl pearl lo lm dclnrmlmd Hm rallwny llbup will not ottur our dlllcunl unlnn group an mmrinu for Ilrlko uctlnn enlnm wnn dcnmnrl government document set ting out the conirnvcrsial new policy was ksqu indny Stalin that the administration plans reek powers to enforce lem porary wageamprica freeze ii vnilrnury curb did noiwork MAY TAKE TIME Nmuauom or new amaz munu my lake plum during the rm this year uccurdinx lo the naw pollcics but must not laka effect More Jan Thu mm said the new powers In be Incorpumed In Report Govt Making Plans To Avertflail Strike Action Storm Signals Fly Over UK WageFreeze OTTAWA CPIPlum at =u STAGE Buirh0nhrlo mm Endy July 29 19 urJhraW IANAMA ITV AWFl Aumhw Admit rmmq Klan umbfil Invlny Inf lulullylnn mnnmluunra plnu mt nmlmnlly flu wllh In Illnl nnwnlrlnul all mnlnhlllnn mum mm Flzm MA unHl Il unlhnl Inmuhuo mm Innnm Thumlny mnmin mm Huh dnlu Ln nlr mu hm m1 uhu Ilmlmmlfl uh um rmlfln minInn Invnnvrmnummwfl Tim mm llt mm II III MHmAINI Ml flu Nuns ml an haule by midallernmn wageandprica restraint legis lation already going Ihmugh Parliament were only tampo rary and would lapse alter 12 months Annlhcr pmxihlhly Ix llml ha unimu would launch vmrkln mla campaign Ilnwlng lrnfllc lo crawl Early his mnnlh concilia linn board proposed wnzn ln crease 18 per cam Iprrnd aver two year nr two union mum rtpruenllng abqu 000 nmmparnllnx rallwny war This would work on Io be lwren Ia and an In hnur or lha Vnriaus cnlcznricl In valved The sixmnnlh mndslfll an wage rise will be allowed by urther IIx month of levere WV The Examiner $3 US Searches For Missing UZ Plane MODEL CAUSES TRAFFIC CHAOS Maulfists Insped and slammed on their brakes two cm collided third swerved of if mad and tram Jammd in both dl Iccdlms modd Julle Shaw ll landed In Hm mbidn wearing only lurid TUNBEIDGE LL Enghmd mmA neur nuda blonde modal caused name chaos ham when she leaped through We no busy himway while pos mg as leopard 511 mm1 m1ka MumH MomID 1v 0an mum4 Wumnnl Ann Landonl my Nan3 lulHMill ll nmInl erlh ID7 He TODAY Illh LIpl llnlml nl Alumni rnulrnlm Mk MANY INVOLVED MONTREAL CWA unim Illy prululor man dishwashcr buxlncssmrn mop Hm lmnacom dump mam restraint when only special In crease will be Allowed under the new measures Existing prnvisinn to give ad vanca warning of plans to in crease rice also will be ex tended cover wider rungs of items The wages mere would nut Ipply to genuinely increased nutput or promotion Lhaugh employer are pmhlblied lrom rocinsslfying employees cancnaicd arm at wage in CICDSCS Thu new restraints wlll lmv meditater hlt 6000000 workers about In quarter ha coun trys total labor JameMm have wage clukns or hours cuu Already under nuzauntlon Th govemmnnl document laid the new power would last only year whlle Brilaln takes brcnlhing space in whlrh productivity can catch up wllh the excessive Incrcaus In In hlch have been laklns Oh yes Indeed Evnrybody nme my Come up on in Infllh trump She was rclnflnx 1h honuly olhghafea vayune Andwn lhm nnylhinu lo remind you dear old Chlc ngnlj ha nskod Volunteers Aid Quebec Hospitals New wk lnlic haul all ymml Nam Inman mm yum muted Ia HERES ONE NEW YORK DEMONSTRATOR gmmn AWAY wach mete to genuinely or pramollq the piled on unuld deck Hm The trnuhl began in the lawn or Obcokuta mm 50 mllu from Lagos during the night and then spread the Informant said plnl lo mcrlhraw the gov emrnem Gm John on Agulyxironsi who himself oak power altar Lump In January was un an rth ed and lays Ist toms mnved In to disarm tho dissidents Fighting broke out between he loyalist troops and dlssl dnnls and first report suld several were kllled and many wounded nxolhalx he alory at how vol unlcus have been helping Que bec hospitals hit by mlko of uses nonmcdlcnl workers Were had 100 or more vul unlccn In here every day nnIdJA npokumm lnr hr flaynl Vlclurla Hospital in Manlrcnl one honpilnls lfltcled by he warkslnppnzn LAGOS Nigeria Reuters Loyal and dissident ngerhan Army troops batllcdtodny for command Lagos airport 9L lowing the discovery 01 plot to averlhmw ngezin military gnvernmenl Reliable sources said detach menu of the army on of me bestdrilled In Mrlca mulhded and lack over the airport Later he trouble spread to two barracks at min on the oulskim of Lagos near air port Thu warm mm mnnly knovm normally has moo pnucnu llul even hclme lhu wnrkcrn Minn leaving lhrir July July 15 he llan We and nhnr lmlllullnn llkely ln be In vnlval dlxthnrml pallrnu nut nn lhu nrlou llsl People In Law Anxiously walled rcpom which wnuld In mm mm mm In Mu in mm mnllnx munm mum at lanllyvlun mum Mmmuymliu Us Vlnlenu mum uh WM urwmmn Plot To Overthrow Govt Sparks Battle In Lagos No Morn Than 10 Fir Copy Page sunny Hm wind 4an am sfideznu Him tomor mw an degrees For lull num mary plmejmrnw pain Thu mums said fighting was iiinilcd lo Iha dissidan and lay nlisl groups In he nrmy NI xcrian polka More not involud nnd lhcre wort no reparu nl clvllhns pnrllripnlmg In the ex rhnnm of fire Aguyl lman 0L who vml Army chitI look om power In Nlncrla In January Hm my organized by his unlnr alums Md overlhrnwn the cl villnn nvernmunt He was re pnrlrd today to be In Ibndnn nboul 100 milm narlh Manx mnnnllnz an nmrnllon lo cun lrnl Um Imuuny nprrnllnm In Lam were he lng conlmllrd by lhu army chm nu Gen oxum dim megs hEd succeech Innkeep In the mutiny In an isolated outbreak Fears were Ihnl mizhl unread lo other mm the country Usually reliable mums mld lhe powerful ngcrlan police who played key pm ln lan uarya goupylld not appear Ia be lntcrvcnlng gicale thlhnr Agujy Irqnall Dissidan lrmpl um then rewrtcd In ham luken over um lirwrl Anyalist troops wore sun In In alran and lighting broke out GEN AGUlYlIRONSI PAGE Two

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