Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1966, p. 2

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Humane Society manaw Tom Hugnu Friday condemned Enr rles munIcSpaI do pound 11th ind dfllwiduad 1nd nixed Inlmals housed than CM 00de Mad Monday to duer Mr Huzhu wim kw finaHK In connection wlth the lnddehl Mi Imam lb locintyl 0n tnrio mnnuer and claw Imp tor called Ihn pound one of flu mmhadoveueen mduld would be closed Mayor Cooke wn lull nant um um Imhorltlu could enter Burl Ind ell ally doparhnenuwhat to do Ho culled it mama ammpla at tho nosion mtmlclpll mar However in may conduct ed The Examiner nmday lbs emerum was that Mr Hughu wax lusufied hb film like pound wan bid ha iald INQUIRING REPORTER RSKS Cllhy Dewayne Anlen Mflls it was In bad condition like they say should remain clos ed think thu clly Ihnuld have looked Into the xllualian be ou ma Humane Society clly phnncr vredlcled hmdly am the leo Simme Ibomline will become one lhe mm callnxn Alum Arm in in within 20 yeln William momsan dlreclar of planning or Kitchener urged xerlous rcxlarul thought to prevrnl development an wmfld tulle camp Ilum Official of cxvnrv Ammo ed today Hut Um Barrie uh Mon nation will be urmnl About 20 Pmm weak min pmgrnnmlnx slnrthx 5611 To brain 11 All colm pro gram on IKVIlTV will he re wind run In CBC but plan underway tn Lunch Iocnl mIor arixlmnnm by and ol lma ymr The nld lodny In incil lulu W1 he rmdyrlo mlor mum to 110211 mu qume ni if Mimi WINm Lx nnw My In hund Mum Um 100 dukim mm hymn hnllmhun Hum Imnmln mm Wu llurh ml cylllnuwm rumm fur rlhhnnl Ind lhu lnm why In lemmlnz Irrrll Imm Tmth ln Jlxnkvr Ind In um mm In yrnL 1h SJflllf Smim 1mm Mk lha Mm lmvhy In Iho Mll drml Aquatic MM lwhl Hi ma Im In mm Sanby jnn Had 1mer my MINIMUM ilk1h vaVe to fourth lmrdl It mm yupyuan fimfiwv Im In dildnn In ml min II pwhn MMN lur ym In Vlllhfll mm any PM Iilriilrivm In vulum pvrnn Inle mm tmptvy uhmlnt lry It Lam am Mm mu mm Ivy Sum nim mu lhlhm In lw nwnnlfll In IIVIVnl lull maul nml Ilvlnl Mw wlvynmn ln ll nmln Th puinll MM kw hquy uwt lullnu Sees Lake Simcoe Area As Future Cottage Slum Wm pm haql 57 Ready For Color Telecasts Program To Start Sept TumIr hr mm mm llalrhu INnmls mm In hlumrh Wleall Wadi Stayner Entries Top Swim Meet numwmm mum Humane SOCietYOIfi¢r fRightzTo Close City hand Morley Cannon Wellington SL have law pen and think 015 Inlpmor did he right ISM to shut it down the 51 werent being muted Ember Dunlap SL East They did right to shut It dawn becausa animal Ihauid be treated as well human being Any person whn would hurt delcmlau animal wwuld He dclcribed leu Simeon the summer back ymi play ground of mm pmanl In ma mg served by fluecauncil lurpuslni even than on Lulu Onurlo Ind len Erie He spokl lcmlmr Iha Ccnml Ruional Dnvzlopmen Cauncll can he mumm lo Calm mum vmwm Included in Uw unllm color Ichndule um nu ma Bonanza R1 Sullivan Canadian Mhlll 141mm and National whey WWJMH 6d Shw The Man mm UNGJI Front Im Qualitnse an 5mm m1 llonnnl Hemem Mmm 00ml Dunne allde now have m1 ml NM 7er hwy Ilumr lwd race Mn ughy hymn mtg9195 Mm uh Mnme Tue 01 Sun lmrwdl Bum Almn lllflmrr Fm mic horn Imquugiym man lm mfwmw mmhml llm Inkvb Wu NHL served the council Pemm It be reserved HERTZ 7266474 CAR 43 Em Road RENI Phone on on Mn lenl Gnu 130 St Vflncenl 8L Alter what hemd Ind read about din common at lhl pound agree um Lhu In Ipzclur did right to don it up and an the doll away Andeunu 26 Mary SL naver uw the pound but agree that proper cars was not being lakm the animal there H1on hava been clos ed down Tho Inspector must hats good reason In elm for rhc regionl people Ind nu or lndlvldunl 11nd buons The round was armed our month no and mnde up rcpmenlluval of he coumlui IHIHDH Peel York Ind 0n nr Mr Thomson urged the coun dl to hlra vluuunK Illfl Ind drag Irale plu Coluxé renéwnl will lxknly mflw rye yyu MGM Mos munchpIHUes ha and mum dul with them duvcl mintnu lndlvldullly Huey an only he hmdlrd through urgin om Inch lho mnncll nld plum or ruler lunaporlulon facilillu now being dulled will hran clmer lha mnlhlllly mequmlflln wmkcn Hvinz permanently on mamm 01 Luke Simeon BATH TOWELS an wl Man Imp gm plain mm Hall Bathroom Scale umunm mum mdu MNTMI 3mm Mn Rlchlrdlnn 184 fllfln St Im tn Invor al wayl keeping the pound in good condlllon Im very much against cruelly to anlmah becausa have mm my own 21yurold Hillsdale wo man wu churned wllh falling slop allowing twocu crash yummy morning In which dunAm In enumltcd It $100 Poul Anne Tornnln The Inspector who closed the pound should not be charged because as government lnspeclor he should lnve dz rim to conduct an Inspection anywhere and any lime dog pound is not operated properly by all mean ll should be closed Gurzed ll Mmlyn MI ply 21 other ur Involvtd WBI opcnlcd by John Gnome Cam mm 41 35 Eugenil Streak nmle who wu tnvemng well on Codrlnnlon Ippralth in Mulcmer sl Mum the colllslon occurrch Conl Doug Ja nlrrle my Police said the woman was pmtccdln nDILI on Multulcr Tho mlrhlp occurred ll 935 EliEmil mum bfinkfng Inu moviu Woman Charged After Accident BIIE PUNCH TIC VMnV Jopanm 313 Mm 79¢ VAL 59°l Family Puckugo Wriling Pud KODACOLOR lmmsm WIN Cur Wedge Seals 77 SPECIAL FILM 32966 $129 manna mm WEDNESDAY mu ms thar cruh nelr the HIghwny 2521 junction 1m nigh mulled In Injuriu in live and damn exflmnted wu Mmln Kenned pm enxu in cut riven by her huihlnd Tommy 42 at 211 Rebeca SL 0kvll1ewu re ported in utisllclnry condition thin morning She xuslnlned tucked ribs Shindy Kennedy 15 wu Also Myoan In min wry condition xnfledng figured thigh The were Idmllled to Ron Vls Wu other vehible Involved in the callhlon Wu operated by Ern ut Mulen 64 mm Belly Ann Main 20 lamted nose and Mary Muzzln 55 cut upper lip wm 1mm And released mm RVH Barrla youth wal chimed lueldly undnr the Onhda Tel ephone Act with mlkinz In cena telephone cull Dec Sgt negmld Mammy who nude the Arrest ma the youll will appear in mm Mlzlsuatel 0mm Aug Pom magma Dan Byies veaugaled the mishlp which occurred at 150 pm lhll ls he first chm llld rlnca Bell Telephone promised cnckdown two week ago Slnce then seven obscene all have been reported lo the Bell Telephone Camplny and thn oily pollen depmmem Pixie Are Injured In $2000 Crash IL Nelson Bell mlnnxer uld lhl Innoylnce 111 mixture of lhmlenlng culls obscene culls Ind ull tram outright pnnkslm Ire receiv ed once or twice dny by city Tandems He said that while there hu been recent increase or An noyance null there in no aged to panic mere hu not been huge upsurge but we feel It time we Look ml drive to put stop to ha nld LOCAL GENERAL Simcoe County Farmers Ull ion members plan man pm St 111in at DmVaIe 16 nlghL Mmtulmro mlnhur Vinlam Stewart and county re prcsmlafim in ma lexislawre have been invited to answer the questions 01 local Iannon RECEITION CENTRE Iakohnd wrist lnfonmfion centre at Barrie mart 3800 pmpls in 950 parUes nomad by at the mrkcnd Inquiries ware Charge Youth With Misuse Telephone heaficr than on the My weekend and man numerous than Ihosc year ago WATERWO RECEITIUN Watcrlno Unimsly Cullen will hold umrgasbord dinner and dance Thursday or the Univmkys mmmcr school at Grillia The dinner will be held Confluenml Inn at MSG pm At Mirnmar Ganimm ROTARY GUEST up Emma the Mlml Innns ml be gum speaker at us regular mm the Mnry Club Msdxy 1216 uh pluju quvinchl GOLIATH JLJ PROTEST RALLY Comb REOJIJO FIVI ASSORTED REG REO Slmcne County Fnrmen ac ed will helvylossu mm hck of mu welcomcd new am they my gut renal byvthe weekend The crew of shawenlwu considered hopeful Ilzn but hrmen stressed that nudy lwuday rain is needed to bring cmpl buck to norm Euly potato vnrlelias Ire now hex coming me pomues cord in to growers who blamed luck at lufllcicnl rain Our losses could be Ierlous wedaltt get ald Willnd Cole Alllslon ml potato farmer Besides 9w km vunhhlu and ulna ll so Ire ullecled Rupbenks Ire dried out on bushel In various pm ot lho county and ruin now would be on In to do muchgood The first My crop which hu been mostly cut was good but pm pccu or me second crop Ira poor unlcu there conslder 1th mm nln Well on Inna In urlnul Ir us Kbllim 10w Ind the water levels on miller like have dcrlined WELIS LOW nle wulher office In Inn cast scammi showers or the western mm of the pmvlnce thlx weekend and farmers hope Simcoc Counl will bu Ivnmfl Anythlng help bu we need real drenching nld Mr Cole Fafméxé Face LOSSES But Relief In Sight Va had good min In the middle nl June and that helped immensely but present dmught continucs the all mp yield will be down said Mr 600 He Wlnltd out however Hut this has hrcn he hm haying 5mm in many years fiTIlATEGV TING Suptrim Auto Sonics will hold mcclim nl hinily Parish Hall Walnudny ln nu rmm in um threatened pure war Wescntnlivn prmrincia and 01ch Kovcmmu hzm been ilul Im my yinld wn nbove 39 55°l SEVERAL INJURED IN TWOCAR CRASH NAME BRAND WHITE 0W1 Dutch Masters Innalollns Hme Lords Inlmcllns La Paloma DIplomnl Slmons Panalcllnx TONI HOME PERM REG $100 BEACH 1005 54 DUNLOP averaze this year and the qual ity was good became the arm had mum to harvest Lhehl mop without rain He said IN was onool the ngast dry Spelli onrmni It mm and banner ln divlduufly depending on Iha skill ol the farmer and the In of arming he does Mr Soon said the coin crop is helinnlng to shww um arm of ha heal 00m needs lot of sun put XtAILso magnum He the gram very sham um year It hasnt fill out because ma lack of uln he Laid Many Sim Counly arm ers have uld mi milk ymdx have dropped cmxiderahiy aim the dry spell began Many 01 he pmum are burned up Ind dont contain smug bray or Mvnm Vomcnl Chlldrcnn AIR CANADA FOR RESERVAZFIOVNS AND TICKETS CALL Travel Service In Dunlap mm Wund Wm Avll cu mm mm Amnnmnu THE NEW DC9 Every Day to CalgaIy from Toronto Hamilton 0K Johnson 33° takes of faster INVINCIDLE PANATELLA IIppMLMIId Rm for 85¢ CREST the animals Mr Scull polnled fhnndcrlhnwm are forecast for today In the northwest In dgdlng lhg Lakeheld SouKhwestem ram Sarnla to London received llghl rainlnll Tuesday nnd mow my exygcggd loday Fawn however no lama cnnugh to be consid ered mountable1m lth 01 Inches 77 Generally unsettled Mealher acres the provlnu mly pro duce mm Ihownrx ln olher areas Some frulu Ind vegetables Ira comm to be In Ihort upply and therefore higher priced by Ill producm Inld nxeadnx fivrday lorecasl predch Increasing raln by the weekcnd Southern Ontario Ll expected In receive lo ens jnch of Im SPECIAL 5354

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