wuu Puhlllhnr Ho Ch Minh ha nnnuuncedpartial mobilization of North Viet Namp re sources and his determination to light on for 20 years it necessary And mt his brightest hopes do not lie within own borders or in the prowess of his Iowa in the jungles and rice paddies South Viet Nlmi They lie with the so called peace romoim elsewhere In the world Hamilton Spedalbr point out Ho Chi Minh has admitted this He ex pect the work the opponents American intervention to do their job so well that US determination will be undermlned Ind 1L1 10m eventually withdrawn No doubt man of Du opponenls of US Intervention Viet Nam are poople who genuinely hate war and conscience prompts them to proclaim or demom mm their IenlImenm To be honest though peacuylover must denounce both sides in conflict And the odd thing about the Vim Nam war 11 that 1L1 vocal opponents in the wcytern world denounce only ono tho United States thlhnr may bu genuine ldnalxm pnufisls 14 p14 of goodwill lellnw Im vellur or Landnut Communlsu the bewme by khis Id of oncslded opposo lion no hnner lm mm but Oh Mlnhn anonymous Its old mm mil used the Vioéhnl que so did mln Ind General Frunco Th Svnnlu commlltce Hamming Ihn problem of lbs 1an look $105 mnnlh lhn pmrnt old nga nmlrlly payment 875 In tho mlnlmum urcrplnble lnvomo for Anyone who is xcllxuwnlng Health and Wllhru Minister Mad21m en cm In have mloplul Mn flgllrn hh own lho Flnandnl Im mm In lnlnlmllnuly cloudy nLIlemrm hu mnr mlllcd the government to Insuring that old ago pnmdnnm wnuld rrcoive Um ms Hm whal dam lhtu mean 11 Financial lnal kn Dan man or lmlanro thal the wrsnn whn Im Iavrd mm monoy fur old age will mrlvn lm lhan $105 mm the anvcmmnl 0r dim ll man mum guvrrnnwm nlA Mala nypm In bellow that lhln 1105 BRITISH FARM FOR BUTYERFLIEI Vanmuvnr lmvinrw Mm Muzlnn Jay chairman Hm rank rummlllou of the Conndl nl llm dun England wants the my In M1ng Mn palkl nml pen mam lv sing Ind winging thmuanvh at but rrflm nln zanaughlor of an Oxford oluay upon who wn known he Ho Chi Minh Has Allies In Peace Demonstrators Demagogues Will Be Busy 112 mirth iï¬xaminvr There In nntmng new in this 11 In MD THE 9151 RAN AWAY Wym Tug So°N THE ¢°w JUMPED ovsR THE £110on 51 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Publllhad by Cnnudlan Nownpnpm lekod 16 Bayfléld Smut Barrio Onurlo ECONOMIC NURSING HOME Mothon Manuan Edhor TUBDAY JULY 1m PM 59 Aim 535com Hcm=mu Ac mum munm $05 H1 moms 011991 SHE CAT at THE FmLE lound it useful In the closing phases of 1116 Spanish civil war Fewnpeople bother to iuqiflro Mama Ho Chi Mlnhi the entiefacedpence lovin saint painted fry the propagde mac nee or ruthless 1nd coldblooded Communist loader In the tragic and continuing situation in Viet Nam it is important to remem ber that it was not the South Vietnamese who invaded the North but viceversa Nor is it now tho South Vietnamese who terrorize the villages ofthe North but again it is viceverse Nor was it Iho South Vielnamose that undermined tho North murdered civil servants 1nd shook the government to create those condi tions of instability that would maku Communist takeover easy This again was tho Norths doing ln lhelr ch desire to label the Un llcd States over with placards Ag grcsdon the people of goodwill will over look these simple lam And many oth am too such as the bloodthirsty loch nlqum of Ho Chl Minh his merulcss secret pollce and commlmnm his liking for Trotsky terrorlm If the Unllnd Stale were to withdraw from Vlel Nam which wha Com mlmLsu overywhem naturally wan nnthlnï¬l would save unlold thousamL Soulh lclnamose Irom pilllm massacre dnnn nol in om 01th worhlu 5h0p win dows but In secrecy Wnuhl anyona lheu march wllh glacanll calllng or plly or the betrayed Iii other word would no 0M rooelvl less than 3105 month umlrr Um vnr log ponxinn Ind mmmco pmgrnmn inun IA 11ch guaranle minimum mm the mm will no mum MU So Irrnngoment which pon nllm llm umny will undmlhmlly have In he worktd nul Hnanro Mlnlmu Sharp hu romindwl hln cullnaxun llnl my In crmm will have In bu paid or and llml mum lncrmml lax Hme will he nn proloncn ml tlm public can gel mum lhlnz or nnlhlnx hln View 1mm By October MncFMhnn nml lifx millax lm nhmxld be ready will speciï¬c propom nlx Thry mml also nhow whrro In many Ix mman mm lhn punnlonm nrod Iclon nnl jun talk The omnumy nmls rarrml management no plunder lnu 10 mn vum huHerny rolmwr Mm 1le mnrmv ed Ivor In docllnc ln he mnurfly pop ula on llvvr mnmn In nflodad by him nyedallm 50m blame Inducflminnlo use of loith And In umml Id wmm dvllimï¬on Prflxapi H71 onlyrnwny In mm Mr mrvlvnl Mn Jay nugguda In butterfly mm WIIIon Oohr1 Manager Ameflcnl hnrllxa Lon by Winnd Prlu 115 Cannes mln was flagged down on he step of the Capitol What are yau going dn About Micron This the slary Micrnnesh which has nothing to do with mlcroscopn or Amnesia but has 01 Island In the Plume Melanesln Poly nmn and Indoneflu They In the Island which were the bar nul 10 and the nappingalone for Amzrlcnn prone award Jnygn in mg lutaGreunYIuh AT THE LIBRARY shed the Min Micronesia made up of three uchipeiagos the Marianas the Carolina nhd the Marshatlai The morn than 2000 islanda an mattered ova In area nivthrea mitiionaquare milu oi ocean an arcs of water lorre In Canada Mostly they are coral atolls ringo of coral enclosing irridment iagoona and nuddod with the tropical hint of South Sn romance Almost touchlnl the equator they 11 va an eqnahla maritime climata year round aurnmer And they Ire lruiliui as they ara picturesquai Thin lo how Price ducribe Ma Juro administrative lent or the iarihnlla SOUTH SEAS It Wu atrua South Sea ia iand setting The air was or lot ailk The coconut palms leaned in tha bronze Their gold enyeiiow nutl full of nourish ing food and cool drink dropped one by one to earth with heavy plunk Thu braadiruit rm pandanua papayosand mangou bent under tha weilht oihripeninz lruit was any law hundred leet rum he ocean shore with It mflm waves to the lagoon share oil which the water lay um alum THE LIGHT TOUCH TORONTOI dont knnw loo murh lhou lhc background he Llwuncu but lhcy mun ham been douzhly clnn QUEENS PARK Indtpendrnu Mu Inlelllunu leem ln Ihlna ml from lhem We now lune lwn annncu In the houu he nhmeflAHiVnP Lawnnu uhn hu Men hr mrmher for many am my And II flnI Llwrrnu uhn hnl bun lhc member or nuuell ln lb 01 uwn urn Ilncn NEW YORK AmSon mine we could do wiumt qulkflng alumna 1w In all you tummy loll by We 1h day am mmééd or hum51 Gui mo won am buy unites hair II hawand muck Manama mu Any plm durgm rxuaflcr Mr cup of mile that Isnt warm nicmL 0mm vim mm to mmmmumwn Much About mum minus exocuï¬vna whlcb knmime Inï¬n win their numgxhup wad ho dam Lhaymnn 11 n5 mun day on lhe Ht Uh hm hwmfl mungly Ammggrim Can Do Without These Thinqs Exotic Paciï¬c Islands AgeParadises Lost Today Aulhnrlml Illnml rlm mm PM Mr Dunn mml mum and laymml pom In udL Dally Sumlnyl and tummy and arryum Mlmrlplinu um ulnfli luy rnrrlrr my mvly Shula In Int lly null are 11 yuvly nllrln lll yrnr mMnr Unnde II ymr Mall mum mu Vin mm mum leA llnllsh mwliw mm yMr IRA mi mun mm yur mum in lnhmily Im hvmnln nu rm ml st Manual 501 Wul lmkr Vnnrmm pc mint UN CAMMM July anmum hmllth Awlnum Julian Imu ml Awlll mull nl HmIlAIIMI lnnnrllnn Ivm In urInmly MUIIuI uu lnr mthulIM nl All um dl IMIN In lhll Lap1 on In It at Ry momma OIlRARN Ihu Aunrlmti Im mulm and lint nu lml mmwml uwnm Lawrence Clan Must Be Doughty By HAL BOYLE Thpnativunre lrlendly and thalr brownskinned dlulhteu In topleu mu mm ahapo 1y Polynesian girls VIV then are thus Islands In mm mm Though they no fur Away and relntlveiy mall mm dots 1n theJmmenslty of tin mute It 11 not their remote neu that In clued lhlil call 59 Thu helven nqt lult Md an but lorhldden Iltenlly It LI Tnut Territory the United Nations mm the Uni leg1 Staten Ian villton In bun The land hunger and tin 1n genuiiy oi the annnese led them to develop agriculture fishing an astonishing variety of indu try and trlnsportation with nix uni lucceu the lame tima their dominatinn ol the proud to Hawaii and Austria in kind ind dream nf empira They closed tha islands to outsider and proceeded to build fortifi cations launching pad or in usion There no two tenant or lhll lecrecyl First Iecuflty tho land are military hm Sec ond colnnlnlllm Amerlu In no lnxluua to bl known 01 onial pawn And Mlcronula II In all lnlenu and purpose In Amulcnn calnny name haa been kind to Mcranuaia hlslnry has not Fixal It was Spanish and then Ger man Japan look It over In ml and had In mandala conï¬rmed by Iha League mum mall lagoon was perfect ulrcrm crrrler deep on shelter or submarines in large one In lmperlal fleet could rid Anchor nre lingo covered outcrop were nnlural strongholds Iplked with mnn made death When war came ha marlne lound Ihey could not laypm well lurking dlnxerl only reduce mam ynrd by blnod Both Cnmervnllm And lhry Illre between lhem mo dhlintflon bdrm Ihl mm minpendent member In In rank lhe PC uurm EIIOWHD EARLY me hh ury dnyl In In home In lmrrnta nhnwtd ha hd mlnd his um um um m1lllllnn In up II Hrll hero wu lhl In Eldon ha mlahl be nublldly nundhc ynunx IVy hunvhnl rum nul lhrn hl ham lo rlnl mo Ind II tum ubvlmu In In Ilncm Ila plouund Iurh Ihlnll ll puma ho llqunr llmm Mud hllrmnn Juda nohb lhmuxh levers Illllnx mum of Ilqunr llrum In Map In Gunlrnn rluh Ind Iuhlkly and up and IIHHI HH lnllrc Au nmmrlrnrnu luv yun no Ahould wllh dllwn Thri Alan uma nm Luv my lo hwy And In mm Ihnfld Ml Inufll ha nu loynl my numb Inynlly lo hlm ldnt mm In had put Mn MM ml MI nplnlnm In dup mt Iln mm him In mah mm nl nu mm Imubmlv Ind Ilvpmhnl In hnuu Rum nl lh Imulnullnn horn ml In llml IOI dlvMOd In ï¬t mum mum nl IM lvmm mnl nuial Fm iiim ll mum Irvh lhnulhl ml 1th Ihlrh IruI lilmnlullnl ml In Hm wllh pally ery Typlul Ill om ll nm In uullm 111 Mm III diurnal lhlIMl lo unlmlfly mum Ind wnmlond II HIV mum lml hm hm In Myan lelllrm In ï¬lm III ny 1a unImlly ï¬ndnu In dam ulih manna In lha um mn while Mlmi wryso Hut you can flee mm wan tmm four other bellow name morninl Mather who lat menago glaude rim their Smut doc Wan mu iry Ia mil people lhey would main Ideal marital nuts MHIUIATVJ TIIIHHHITI The mm with lurk INI la Ihll In MWIM lec mhIHV damn pt In mm lhnm 03m blwwl nu mnn with your mum rifled 01nd Mm who play mm at lhn Emitsz Any Ihere except In cave Oocyaiipaxï¬im whgm wind Pï¬ new lrflhmeflc gamiuumanmm Now was me Unlled Sulu turn to dtmnd quernlnly Pam union lhen loolholdl Wu mm to men Ince Thu hlmderl few and divided Ind Ipnklnl dozen unwritten lanxuu could not pm mt lhemlelvu unlml ponlbls madntm Jwaneu or dime or Russian Amalia boo woula lyqu bum Ind bar Inonpm num AND mums Elisa an mm Amarlu hu done with thin mm And filled to do lhh Amurlcln author npom can didly Thu vay hu men Inv hhly on law mmury Insul lnuons and mu rm the populnllnn nu henelted 11er ecuy Thuo hu Illa been del tmcllon Blklnl Ind Enlweluk Ind nunzleu Inland that div Ippured completely were atom Ic emu ground The Tm Tgrritgrywommbsioq ramm 11bit for 98 pm an of the um hnmatnmz with nude bud gl of ngder $000900 Edu utlon communlcmom lmw partauon Ind economic rth In at ummuu pmlot nourhhzd Hell freedom Ind promcu Price can allard to be frank About hh countryl hortcomtnal H3 in also world traveller and pmlessingal writa renullr contrlhular to manual Gem1pm he only writer to have vlslled the Islanda under both the American And the Japlnese occupations we cmleu Mu Hill In ll hilhfnl And In lo fmlve III on alas ml to dawn from Ill unflllllennlneu John 11 hero can ho no mace Salvalfou umfl them has has on ackmwledmx sin All have ï¬nned pd come that the Kim God am died There Ls hope The Ital Ll dedicated Then talk at apen In the territory topxivate ln veslars and tourists Apmoval Prices Illnmry evidenca ol rimming policy Testimony like hi may Congress to It can decent rent fur the mates mu nccupled Perhaps we may one day explm ourlelvu Yap and Truk and Kusia and Fauna and all lhe other until pundlsu now lost for our sins BIBLE THOUGHT DIPPITY Ill FLUSHABYES Niven creme Soup Lima 123 NUXZEMH Skin Cream COLGATE BANDMl SCHICK JOHNSON JOHNSON ALKflSELTZEII PYCflPHY RAID LAWN HflSE BAN Dunlap TQMva ul ion canal SPECIALS HOUSI GARDIN DUO KILLIR ROLLON DEODORANT DENTRAL CREAM an he mm mm Ardlc uple wn sh John Frlnklln mm mm ofï¬cer whosol podium WA 1330 mfg on JW mo IM calrum lo Lanastar Sound Ha hnd two wallowned ships Terror Ind Erobua and hid sailed ram Br uln In cl Elm you It tool yeln luran by ma madman balm It wu learned whit had happened One or lurcth was main 09pm MoCIun discovered the North wast Punn um Ipendhu the wink IMHO ll Beedwy bland Notch Devon Fruddln tollowod mu um had been mm In Britain In MMIIN Fla and Frnnldln strum mm but wn noppw bybcmnflnxdawnumodxohmd 119 ships werohdg mega from Septembg 1m Ind lgankiln died the chewing June lurvlvnn stayed 1n the Erebua IndTerrar until April Ind then decided in ry lo trgk ovum Not tingle mm mfg vmd Eskimouaw Lhanlrymxlo thelrwny over flutes 1th thaw walked the minivan for mother yeEVularned flea maï¬a wad under cairn ery PM Mfllned the history of the expediuon unvapril ma Franklin pm in extemive mining or the assault on the Arctic It included mm yanl lnmrthem ledl Including I5500mill trek ovedlhd 1mm CW3 River to Hudson Bay Am upbring um Amie can Franklin laid that he Wu mfldetl at there was North Wat Passage and strong ships would be able to as through the Ice At one 31389 MI amt Frnnldin had been lieuenarlgovemqa nl Van Dimmil Land in Tasnanll where British cunviovs were sent Whiie me he emblished wing Hobm When Frank lin Wu reported missing the colony of Tasmmia 5cm Lady Fflllku lin 1700 pounds to ï¬nance mtdl Sn went on one expeditiqn hem Ind Med In to me Am by slmu up the Fraser River It got nowhere of mu but us flopped hy huge rock now callcd Lady Frankï¬nl Rock WHEN EVENT ON JULY lmSovueign Council ï¬nd prim cl annuities nosinlish bagun Ihin In Seine cumin ona mmlen lnlquelkirk minis led by Miles Mudde all ran Sm llnd lot Red River 1hey nrrivzd at Hmbnnl Bay Sept and had to lam for flu winter lamOPE mmmmn reached Winnipeg The hm min mm For Willhm cams Waugh in March 1581 IBMArrival cl nip Flint It PM RM 80 enabled CPR la menu urvloa ammd Hm world in so day or CANADAS STORY tram ï¬lms anlierï¬ laminae was 119571 sonar l757Genual Monmlm Maud British It Lako Gentle masham ï¬nding pl UsAvI¢ecl woman fungus 1m mm vim Oanadl Mn his term 6416 naeKing 599 amid Windsor unveilad Canadim Supor lnlnlm Mnl BLADES PLASTIC STRIPS WITH EXTRA All Lives Lost 011 Franklin Trip TOOTH BRUSH mu Bldg Fina FIE DELIVERY H9 Vllm Nowborn 60 Modlum Toddler 48 149 anm Hnlr ASleng Gal L15 Value my aminome Comp Wu IMOOT Long Vllvo L6 anua ll Value HI In Value 109 Vlluo 49a anuc 7260106 209 107 133 199 59° ll7 97° 63 67°